! In tory of ti as v negi Peac serve Czec Ar wher trou thou and park were mfy 1 in tlh nlous ment *hic of c 'safe men. TTHHE MICHIGAN DAILY W at 4:15 p.m., Room 103 Romance Friday af'tedoonfoisriefmeetig A LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Language Building. Mr. Marc Denk- concerning their dutiesat the tea. Idt O f British D uring Recent Crisis Bull" DA e ti CF IiEIL. .o L E.T.ger willspeakon"'Portsd e France," ' hdel dua , Wome stu H er f rtih D o R c n C iiscmatM nte evid atiscMe xot oaimmerorw! Tickets for the whole series of lee-j dents: Individual skill tests will b -uverat7y, opy received at the *Mae of the Asitstat to the PrFesldet e tmo h teE hin 3:30;: 1-oo a.m. on 6aturday tures may be procured from the See- given as follows: ice skating, every a letter to members of the his- relates, wrote to the English press-------retary of the Romance Language De- Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 to 4:30 atC f faculty, Prof, Preston Slosson, thatshe had been travelling in Vir- (Continued from Page 4) i partment (Room 112. Romance Lan- the Coliseum.(rsbritmy ginia and that even though the 0th- ------- --- -.-- neanm te mixd tbaminon club guage Building) or at the door at Swimming, every Tuesday and se in anItatevn hoghth oh- h time of the lecture. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. at the Union pool. Ci~rrici1 he deprtment and now r er 47 states do not come to the aid of rHayden on "A Report of the Pre-nwimethinmWatdrmanhd isiting professor under the Car- England, Virgia wi! liminary Survey of What Should be Ion, Friday afternoon, Jan. Another section of Professor Slos- Done to Modernize State Govern- tnight it 7:30. itarmeeting will be held 13, 3 to 5 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. e, tells of the situation he ob s letter described the differences ment. today, 4:30 p.m. in the Small ., .Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Michigan tendent of F d in England during the recent he ha sn AmernceAedt t ackam Bldg. bWome t Fencing Club: There will Union. At this time, there will be an Skiers: There will be a meeting of speak on "Pr hoslovkian crisish universities and the University of Allme ma:eing tis evening at 7:30.initiation of new members, and all the newly-organized Ski Club on riculum Prog riving at Plymouth Sept. 27, Bristol, where he lectured. "There1 Phi Eta Sigma initiation ceremonyI mr ktheold members are requested to be Thursday, Jan. 12 at 5:15 p.m., in Lindquist, dii n tBie ltcome of the Sudeten as qnly a handful of places in Britain will be held at the Michigan Union The M chigan Dames Bridge Grou prompt in attendance. Room 302 of the Michigan Uion. School, will bles w still in doubt, Professor where any American history is today at 5:30 p.m. Banquet at 7 will me in the Michigan Lague to Men and women are both vited to Curriculum C on W id that many people taught," he writes, "but Bristol is p.m. Initiates will please bring large night at 8 p.m. An invitation is ex- The Suomi Club will hold a meet- joat 12:50 pm ight wa, had been declared. He one of them" white handkerchiefs. tended t> all Dames and their friends. ing Friday, Jan. 13 at 8 o'clock in Six roundt his family saw trenches in all the Britih Schools Different Lane Hall. Dr. Soivio of Helsinki The Graduate Outing Club: Mem- helbet s, for air-raid hideouts; guns bers desiring to attend the basket- d ween Graduate Lullnspak. Rerathm12s noone-ball game Saturday, Jan. 13, will cussions on 1 in place for defense against ene- English students, Professor Slos- Graduate Luncheon at 12 noon servled. RtuentseohmFnishwi debl aeStraJn 3 ilcsin n lafes; eas mask drills were held son found, usually take three or four today in the Russian Tea Room, Com ing A' n served. All students of Finnish de- meet at the corner of State and Pack- elementarys e s;s courses in one departnent with a Michigan League. Cafeteria Style. Psychological Journal Club: Meet- tare codially vited.ad promptly at 6:45 p.m. Following psychology of Sees No Excitement single elective in aiother; they con- Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Re- ing Thursday, Jan. 12, at 8 p.m. in the game they will return to the high school centrate far earlier than our col- ligious Education, will speak inform- the Sm Amphitheatre of the Graduate Student Council members ," heates. " te mdosts- leges permi However he adds that ally on "Counseling Services in the ham Bld . Prof. N.R.F. Maier will dis- are urged to attend the informal open-house. lems In the t "uI oite "ws the dver'tises' their work is,in content, not a whit University." All Graduate Studentb cuss "EYperimentally Produced Neu Graduate Coffee Hour to be held Fri- On Sunday, Jan,. 15, tliere will be arts, and CUr couno h odn'ie'better, but is usually far better writ- invited.rtcBhvo n as"wt im day, Jan. 13th from 4 to 6 p~m, Each a hike and outdoor skating fwahrmnsrto hhad literally scores of offers te.eir tiesayand themes are vied rotic Behavior in Rats," with a film. i mei eltc~t mt ieadotorsaig if weather ministration t Sla sc o e member is requested to bring at least permits. The group will meet at the Eight rouni ountry places which would be - one guest. frm 'raids' for rent to towns- ap ob hno aeilbtvr ..EgnesacA- aka uliga ~.adr-hl ewe a to b i n material but very Junior A.A.U.W. dinner meeting to- Architects and Engneers are in-s fromRackam uildng p hed bewee' air aids -fr ret t tows- a 3 : an rn DNESDAY, iors Sat CC TO zlum Per hued from Public Ins ogress of t ram," and rector oft discuss "I !hanges,"a Saturday able confer 9 and 11 the constr school cur child,.dev curriculum lolescence, caching of rent studi of physica dtable disc 11 a.m. at I..Uot urda Consider 'oblenis Page ) truction, will he State Cur- Dr. Rudolph the Cranbook Some Needed at a luncheon in the Union. rences will be a.m., with dis- uction of the xriculum, the elopment, the n, the mental special prob- the industrial es in the ad- l education. cussions to be and 12:4 5pm. Yet he noticed no excitement in the streets, tlen or later. On the eve-ning of his rrival, news of the Chamberlair -Hitler agreement was broadcast. "The reli-f felt at the peace was great," Profiessor Slosson reports, "and Cha mbrlain could have won as big a victorv at the polls, if he had tried, as D aeli could have won im- medi',tely a r the Congress of Ber- lin. "' Attitude Divided In speaking of the attitude of the English people after the war crisis, Professor Siusson finds that England is about equa lly divided as to wheth- er war with Germany, with Italy or with both ca -be avoided. The Enghsh, he says, are very much pleased by 'Roosevelt's recent words axnd acts and are "more pro- American tlan I have ever seen them, and this is my fourth visit to Eng- land." Professor !losson attempted to con- vince the English they are counting; too much on positive American aidl and to var- them that Congress is not the Presideit and does not al-I ways support the President. One; foolish and ,xcited correspondent, he "Classes are much more. casual," Professor Slosson says. If a profes- sor 'bolts' nobody cares; if a student cuts a class it is even more a matter of indifference. I am myself taking off weeks to talk at Sheffield, Birm-' ingham and Aberystwyth (in Wales) and it does not seem to dislocate the nght, 6:15 p.m., Michigan Union; to adjourn at 8 to Amphitheatre, Rack- ham Bldg., for the second in year's series of talks on "Exploring Today." Prof. Lewis N. Holland will talk about Television, with slides and demon- stration. Lecture is open to the pub- lic. ii work at anl. The University of Michigan Flying To Professor Slosson, however, the Club will hold an important meeting use of lectures, seminars and coedu- in Room 1042 of the East Engineering cation makes Bristol seem more like Building at 7:30 this evening. The an Anierican institution than Ox- Civil Aeronautics Authority plan for ford and Cambridge-in spite of the student flight training will be dis- black gowns worn. cussed. ___ght__raningw____bedis-_ Spa s S cit Mixed Badminton Club: Becauseo ,To Hear Lecture Margaret Moye, '22, speaking on I "Spain Before the Present Revolu- tion" will feature the second in this year's series of lectures sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica, to be given at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 2$1 An- gell Hall. The lecture will be il- lustrated with lantern slides. Miss Moye will speak in Spanish, ( '9 but will give a brief, resume of her talk in English at the beginning of' the lecture period. (C A vited to an illustrated lecture on Lighting Equipment, Friday, Jan. 13 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 246 West En- gineering Building by Mr. Allen J. Martin, one of our graduates broad- ly experienced in illumination en- gineering and research in lighting. He will treat the features which- should be considered in selection of lighting equipment, with emphasis on those which are important to the in- staller as well as the user. This' is a special session of the class in E.E. 74 but should be significant and interest- ing to others, and all interested are invited. 0f French Lecture: Thursday, Jan. 12, The Executive Committee of the, Graduate Student Council will meet at 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13, to formu- late plans for the second semester. Ann Arbor Independent Women will' have a meeting in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League at 4:30, Thursday afternoon. Final ar- rangements and plans for the Friend-: ship dinner will, be announced. Everyone is expected at the meeting. Committees for the Undergraduate Tea. All those who signed up to be on the committee are to be in the Council Room of the League at 3:301 turn there for supper All graduate students are cordially invited. Congregational Fellowship. Infor- mal party Saturday night after the basketball game. Stags of both sexes encouraged. Those wishing to at- tend the game in a group, meet at Pilgrim Hall at 6:30. The Book Group of the Michigan Dames will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Building. The room will be posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. The program will con- sist of the reviewing of three out- standing books. 1___ Waam. 12.'! I will include discussions of the teach- ing of literature in the elementary school, the philosophy of education,. the administration of secondary schools, the secondary education cur- riculum, a seminar in the guidance and mental hygiene of the adolescent, special problems in the teaching of English, problems in the organization of high school music, and methods of supervision and instruction of physical education. h All the roundtable conferences will be conducted by members of the edu- cation school faculty. Arrangements are being made by a faculty commit- tee, under the chairmanship of Dean Edmonson. Council Room of the League at 3:30 T 7/4 C'13sslned Directory Ali t Aix 1 -. Qfn f EI x ' Y Y ?=S F "All i i FOR RENT' FOR REN--Choice front double room for men at 929 Church street. Continuous hot water, and shower. 285 FOR RItA -N c ,ly fuinished suite, wi h b:th :or 3 men. 928 Forest. FOR RLNT- -Rooms for University men-Gentiles, Large, double, new fu.nit:re, inner spring mattresses, 3 showers, recreation room. 807 S. State. Tel 4844. 288 FOR RENT- -Clean and comfortable rooms for boys. Come and see for yourselt Doubles $3.00 and $3.50, singles $4. 0. 933 Forest. 281 FOR RI.:NT---Cozy single room for. girl in gr.d iatc house. Ideal loca- tion. 222 8 nalls, opposite Mich. League. 284 FOR RNT -Two room furnished apartmn. Convenient to campus. hinuire Viifke. 209 S. State St. 282 1,V'NTED - TYPING TYPrNG-E-xperienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416.!79 TYPING- Reasonable rates. L. M. I[eYyod, 114 M aaynard St., phone 5689. 271 TYPING a t reasonable rates. Mrs. Howard,. 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176 LOsT and FOUND LOST--- Sxrday afternoon. SeniorI proof pi ;,s from Dey Studio for, 'En1an.. If found please return to D. Stat bler. IPhone 5940 or 2-3241. MISCELLANEOUS WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap- able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181 SECOND SEMESTER of Evening School begins Jan. 16. New courses offered are: Contract Bridge, Land- scape Gardening, Current Events, and a Scout Leader Training Course. Groups continued are: Typ- ing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Eng- lish, Public Speaking, Mathemat- i c s, Languages, Woodworking, Stagecraft, Cooking, Sewing, Home Nursing, Painting, Drawing, Metal- craft, Mechanical Drawing, Piano, Gym Classes, Photography, Inter- ior Decorating, and Community Orchesti-a. For further information call 5797. 287 TU fOR--W. E, Roth,. experienced German tutor. Translations a specialty, 704 Hill. Phone 9778. 93 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low* prices. 9 SILVER LAUNDRY 907 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries P icle List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts ............14 Undershirts r.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .04 Shorts . ........ . . . . ....... .04 Pajama Suits .........,-..,.. 10 Socks, pair ... . .....,.... .03 Handkerchiefs ..............02 Bath Towelt . ... . ..... .... .03 All Work Guaranteed klso special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. Corytight 1939,txicETT & MYRns TOBACCO Co. °. HIGH QUALITY LOW PRICE . . 'Th1e ICHIGNANENSIAN ON CAMPUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY , S $4-4.00 BUY YOURS NOW . . . . . .4AND SAVE!