THE MICHIGAN DAILY Po k -k Tells 0 NaziParty, ~t iteSuccess runeA from Page 1) Professor >Alock said. Hundreds of years in te making and often de- scribed as ne of the "pillars of the Natrnn.-" xcial ist State, it was in- herited re: ly-made by the Nazis in 1933. The hul of civil servants were retained," Professor Pollock said, much to th disgust of "deserving Na- tional oci 'ists" who were later tak- en cart of i the expanded party or- gani atn. Civil service in Germany owes n nch of its efficiency to life tenure su ject of course to disci- plinary ac Ion), high compensation increased added social insurance, and a strict merit system. Only the ablest candidates stand a chance of being adnm ted to public service, he said. Devo ion to the airs of the state and p1rty acceptability are now additional prerequisites. Porsecu~ion of Jews in Germany, a manifest result of the Nazi pro- grain of racial unity, is more an in- strument' ol propaganda and a "per- sonal devil ' than an end in itself, Professor Pllock feels. Thus it is doubtful if Jewish persecution will be pushed to the point of absolute liqui- dation. Thc're are still about 700,000 Jews in Grater Germany despite the exodus of i)early 180,000. SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS College of Engineering, Jan. 28 to Feb. 8, 1939 NOTE-For courses having both ,lectures and quizzes, the Time of xerci is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exami- nation period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned examina- tion' pcriods should be reported for adjustment to Professor D. W. McCready, Room 3209 East Engineering Building, before January 25. To avoid misunderstanding and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appear- ance in each course during the period January 28 to February 8. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examinations No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. Speaks Here Tororrow Tiie of Exercise at at at MONDAY at at at at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3. 8' 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time of Examination Monday, Feb. 6 .... ... Friday, Feb. 3.......... Wednesday, Feb. 1....... Monday, Jan. 30 ......... Tuesday, Feb. 7 .. , ........ Monday, Jan. 30 ............ Tuesday, Feb. 7 .......... Monday, Feb. 68......... . Tuesclay, Jan. 31...... . . Wednesday, Feb. 1 ....... Tuesday, Jan. 31........... Wednesday, Feb. 8 ...... Friday, Feb. 3 ..... . Thursday, Feb. 2.... . .. * 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 2-6 2-6 8-12 2-6 2-6 2-6 8-12 8-12 2-6 8-12 TUESDAY at at at at at at at Lo yf.d Troops Mdse For Couter - Move HENDAY , France (At the Span- ish Fronti . Jan. 9-(/P)-Spanish Gqvermni..rn forces tonight were re- ported to e massing for a large- scale co m a-onffesive against the Insurge the northernmost flank of e onian Front. The repov followed announcement by the I:;u.rgents that they had cap- tured U e ra junction town of Mol- leruzsa, 1inmg them to within 75 miles of Bac'elona. . Bordi' d.:patches said an almosta contnuo s train of Government' troops, tanV: and artillery was mov- ing throi gh, -u'gcerda toward the Seo de Urge ' Or, about 2 miles south of the F en h Frontier. E.M. 1,2; C.E. 2; German, Spanish *Saturday, Feb. 4 ..........8-12 Surv. 1, 2, 4; French *Saturday, Jan. 28..... . 2-6 M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2 *Thursday, Feb. 2.........2-6 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 "Saturday, Feb. 4...... . 2-6 Economics *Thursday, Feb. 2 .......... 8-12 Drawing 3 *Friday, Feb. 3.............2-6 Dr. Walter H. Judd, who !has been a medical missionary in China and head of Missions Hospital in Fenchow, China, until that area was taken over by the Japanese, will speak here at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ballroom DAILY OF FWIAL I BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) may be obtained from Mr. Mercado, 203 R.L, or at the door before the lect re. Mathematics Club will meet Wed- nesday, Jan. 11 (instead of Tuesday because of concert), at 8 p.m., in the West Ct nference Room of the Rack- ham Budiding. Dr. R. C. F. Bartels will spea k on, "Boundary Value Prob- lems in the Theory of Elasticity." Ssmiinar in Physical Chemistry will meet in (oom 122 Chemistry Bldg. at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 11. Mr. Adolf Voigt will speak on "Ap- plicatior s of Ultrasonics to Chemis- try:" "The Significance of the Present' Struggle in the Far East," Dr. Walter' H. Judd, American Doctor from China. 4:15. p.m. Michigan Jnion, Wednesday, 'Jan.' 11. Phi Sigma meeting Wednesdayj evening, Jan. 11, 8.p.m. in Ithe Assembly Room of the Rackhair Building. There will be an Initiation of new members and of Drs. Elizabeth Cros- by and Reuben Kahn as Honorary Members. Dr. C. W. Edmunds will speak on "The Patenting of Medicinal Sub- stances." Refreshments will be served. Student Book Exchange: Meeting for Book-Exchange applicants at 5 p.m. Wednesday in Room 319-23, Michigan Union. All applicants are .expected to be present. The xilawatna Club will hold an im- portant business meeting in the Union, Wednesday at 8 p.m. All members are urged to be present. The next lecture in the Public Af- fairs Series, sponsored by the AAUW under the direction of Professor Pol- lock, will be given by Professor J. R. Hayden on "A Report of the Pre- liminary Survey of What Should be Done to Modernize State Govern- ment," Wednesday, Jan. 11, 4:30, in the Small Auditorium of the Rack- ham Building. Fraternity Presidents: Attention is called to the special meeting of all house presidents Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 7:15. Phi Eta Sigma initiation ceremony will be held at the Union on Wed- nesday, Jan. 11 at 5:30 p.m. Banquet at 7 p.m. Initiates will please bring large white handkerchiefs. Graduate Luncheon Wednesday, Jan. 11, 12 noon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Cafeteria Style. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Re- ligious Education, will speak inform- ally on "Counseling Services in the University." All Graduate Students invited. All Mechanical Engineers are in- vited to attend the next regular meet- ing of the A.S.M.E. at which Mr. James W. Parker, who is a vice-presi- dent and the chief engineer of The, Detroit Edison Company, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Present Limitations in, Steam Generation Practice." This meeting of 'thel A.S.M.E. will, be held Wednesday, Jan. ,11, at 7:30 o'clock in the Michi- gan Union. Men 'Varsity Debaters, Attention! There will be an organization meet- ing of all men interested in second California's Olson Arn d owney Are Both Former Michigan Men Governor Was Lawyer; J railroad brakeman and telegraph op- Senator Kerator. Finally he depided upon the Se'ftntor Is now journalistic profession and became For 'iam & Eggs' Plan a Washington correspondent and, next, a Congressional secretary. An By STAN M. SWINTON California's destinies may rest in the hands of fate but two former Michigan students are going to have a good deal to say about things. Gov. Culbert L. Olson, '99-'OOL, the man who pardoned Tom Mooney Sat- urday is the first Democrat to win 1 1 i 16 ardent Democrat, he practiced law for 19 years in Salt Lake City and was elected to the Utah State Senate in 1916. In 1920 his national political career blossomed forth with an appointment as delegate to the Democratic Na- tional Convention and soon after that he moved )to California, where he became a recognized leader in po- litical life. Senator Downey, once called a ltrue liberal" by President Roosevelt, is de- scribed by Time Magazine as a "man who wants results more than office." A native of Laramie, Wyo., he be- gan the practice of law immediately after, his graduation in Ann Arbor. Even in those days he was shown as a reformer, it is said. His hobby, the study of economics, led him to be- come friendly with Dr. Townsend and for a time he was attorney for the Townsend Plan. Reportedly, how- ever, he is not too warm an adherent of the "Ham and Eggs" scheme and was forcedtosupport it because of political factors. Tax Anlyses Are I Law Review Articles on the windfall and pro- cessing taxes, teacher's tenure legis- lation and securities legislation are featured in the January issue of the Michigan Law Review which came out last week. Keith Bondurant, who graduated from the law school last June and is now practicing in Chicago, wrote the analysis of "The Windfall Tax and Processing -Tax Refund Provi- sions of the Revenue Act of 1936." The article on the constitutionality of teacher's tenure -pgislation was written by Bertram Leibeis. Elbridge Phelps, who graduated in 1937 and is now an instructor of business law at the University of Illinois, has print- ed his graduate thesis on "The Widow's Right of Election In the Estate of Her Husband." E.E. 2a; Physics 46 *Tuesday, Feb. 7 ............ 8-12 *This may be used as ain irregular period provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. Denkinger Will Lecture James Parker To Speak To French Club Thursday To E gineers Ton orrow Prof. Marc Denkinger of the French James W. Parker, newly elected department will lecture on the "Ports vice-president of the American So- de France" at ,4:15 p.m. Thursday in ciety of Mechanical Engineers. will speak at a meeting of the society at Room 103 -Romance LangutageBldg 7:30 at the Union. The lecture is third in a series spon- Mr. Parker, who is also vice-preK- sored by the Cercle Frandcis. dent and chief engineer of the -De- Tickets for the remaining programs trait Edison Co., will speak on "Pres- may be obtained in oom 1-12, Ro- ent Limitations in Steam Generation mance Language Bl'dg'. or at tlhe- Practice of Large Steam Power door at the;time of the lecture. Plants." His talk' will be illustrated. l SEN. SHERIDAN DQWNEY the Sacramento gubernatorial chair this century. And Sheridan Downey, '07L, is an old friend of Dr. Townsend, famous for his "$30 every Thursday" and- "Ham and Eggs" plans. Both Michi- gan men were at one time associated with Upton Sinclair's EPIC move- ment. Governor Olson had a long, versa- tile and distinguished career before his climatic November victory. A one time native of Utah, he worked on a farm herded cattle, worked on construction jobs and toiled as a= semester varsity debate in Room 4203 Angell Hall at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11.. University of Michigan Flying Club: Important meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wed-. nesday evening in Room 1042 of the East Engineering Building. :: I I P~ I CI' I a F N F F wj~ r J t, Volunteer in the Czech army is Li Ban (above), son of Chinese gen- eral, Li Hong Wongs. Li Ban has joined the Czech army in Prague to complete his military training. Old (ory and Italy's flags waved at Buenos Aires, Argentina, when the U.S. cruiser Phoenix (rear) arrived at the same time as the Duca d'Aosta and Eugenio di Savoia (left), Italian ships touching South American ports on a "world prestige" tour. Mrs. Florence S. Kerr (above) in Washington began her new duties as assistant WPA administrator in charge of women's and the profes- sional division, On their way after hearing the President address Congress, these cabinet "babies," so called because of their recent appointments, paused to chat. Left to right: Frank Murphy, former Michigan governor who lost the November election but won appointment as U.S. Attorney General; Harry Hopkins, former WPA administrator who's new Secre- tary of Commerce. 0 0 L A N CZECHS BATTLE s A HUNGARIANS HERE .4Cko % AU° f 2C ® 4: 0AlA :: ;t , ;. :.. _: ,I I