_ _ _AIG N AIY_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY S= _ .,N -- r 11.- R _.,, 7a I r. pDlI 4AJ4~ #,," An_. Edited and managed by students of the University cf Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.. Published every' morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all othertmatters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mail, $4.50.t REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BYs National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVEAGNEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON'LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor. . Editorial Director . . City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor. SportsEditor . Editors . Robert D. Mitchell * . Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry * . S. R. Kleiman Robert Perman Earl Gilman * . William Elvin Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business D Business Manager. . Credit Manager . . Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager . Department Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman * William L. Newnan . . Helen Jean Dean . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Iiranumna And The Anti-Communist Pact T HE APPOINTMENT of Baron Kiir- T, cho Hiranumna as head of the Jap- anese ministry furnishes an indication that Japan will lean even more toward fascist ideology than she has formerly. Hiranumna is a member of the Nationalist party seeking the creation of a uni-party state and a more authoritarian government. Now that he holds an important position in the state, the solidarity of Italy, Germany and Japan, as symbolized by the anti- Communist Pact, is likely to be strengthened. Modern Japan has of course always been sympathetic to the policies of the other two signers of the pact. The ultra-patriotic military element has admired the emphasis on armed might, the hatred of Communism and the coa ercive methods used to insure "national unity" in the Nazi and Fascist states. And although talk of a "Jewish menace" in Japan is obviously ridiculous, Foreign Minister Hirota, to add an- other tie to Rome and Berlin, has declared him- self to be cognizant of the danger of "Jewish thought." , Nipponese culture up to the present has not permitted the complete emulation of fascist tac- tics. There is no one all-powerful party dominat- ing mass thought and action; the government had no need of emotional propaganda to insure the loyalty of its citizenry. Paternalism is the keynote of Japanese authoritarianism. The old idea of obedience and loyalty to the family has pervaded both military and industrial life. The Chinese campaign, however, has increased the need for a renewed faith on the part of the people in the ruling class. There are strong economic ties between Ger- many and Japan. Germany has been granted certain trade privileges and is obtaining a steadily increasing market there. Although Japan, in recent years, has reduced her imports from other countries by nearly 45 per cent, the purchase of German goods continues unim- paired. During the first- part of the Sino-Japanese conflict, Germany, because of commercial in- terests in China, sent military aid to both sides and maintained a military mission in China. Dur- ing the Spring of 1938, however, Hitler declared himself definitely on the side of Japan and re- called the mission, cutting down the sale of munitions to China. With the ideological and economic ties be- tween the three countries so strong and with the new regime in Japan, it is more than likely that the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis will play an increasingly important part in world politics. Especially since the military might of Japan provides an ever-present threat that forces the Soviet Union to split her armed strength. -June Harris TN EATRE By HARVEY SWADOS The Art Cinema League finished up the first You of NOTES and FOOTNOTES By Sec Terry THERE'S something of H. T. Webster's "Timid Soul" in all of us, and lurking somewhere within that timidity is an impish urge to discard dignity, release suppressed impulses and indulge for a few glorious moments in a hooligan's holi- day. Like arising in the midst of a baleful, sleep- inducing lecture, announcing with stentorian conviction the incompatibility of hard benches and verbal anaesthesia, and then walking proudly out of the hall. The best off-hand illustration we know was Charles Laughton's magnificent "bit" in a picture called "If I Had A Million." An insignificant clerk with a caspar milquetoast soul, Laughton suddenly and unexpectedly falls heir to a million dollars. Upon receipt of news of his good fortune, he carefully places his desk in order, picks up his coat and hat, and with an unchanged, expressionless mien, walks through a labryinth of offices until he reaches the sanctum sanctorum of his employer. He enters without knocking, and greets his livid-faced boss with the most, magnificent razzberry we have ever seen or heard. It was an inspiring sight, and the little bespectacled gent seated between us and a large woman on his right was almost ousted from the theater for standing and applauding at length Mr. Laughton's delicious Bronx farewell. All of this leads us merely to the story which Ken McCarran insists actually happened in Judge Tuttle's courtroom in Detroit, and so we pass it on, hoping to catch something of the humor contained in Ken's illustrated version of it. It seems that a lawyer was on trial for dealing in spurious stocks, and requested permission to argue his own case, which was granted. He faced the empty witness chair, in the traditional ques- tion-answer manner, and asked: Q-What is your name?- (He then jumped into the witness chair quickly and answered). A-Joe Moutpeece. (He resumed the interrogator's posi- tion). Q-How old are you? A- 45. (Back on the floor as inquisitor). Q--What is your occupation? (Seated as a witness again). A-I'm a lawyer. (Now he was on his feet). Q-Now what about these stocks or' bonds that I understand you're supposed to be mixed up with? (The lawyer-witness jumped into the chair, and with a surprised look on his face, answered). Ar-Wl o, me? At this juncture, Judge Tuttle clamped a-five- day sentence on the ingenious lawyer. He spent' Christmas contemplating behind bars the urge that impelled him to mock a time-honored courtroom procedure. THE TITLE of this paragraph should be: "How to Gauge a Dictator's Next Move," or "Who's Next." At any rate, tipsters cataloguing every sign for advance information have found a new one. When Col. Josef Beck, the Polish foreig minister, visited the German dictator at Berch- tesgaden the other day, they watched Hitler come to the foot of the front stairs to greet him, and then noted closely when the meeting was over that Der Fuehrer accompanied his guesi back to the front porch again. Remembering Kurt Schuschnigg's call at the same joint last Febru- ary, when Hitler bade him what must have been a \stony guten tag at the door of the very room in which they talked, and the Austrian chancel- lor left with his country's death sentence, the European touts immediately divined that Beck now bears the torch for the Reich, his affections for the Soviets having pffft. OFF THE CUFF: California's new governor and, senator, Culbert Olson and Sheridan Downey respectively, are members of Michigan's huge family of alumni . . . Larry Allen reports the pathetic plight of two students who struggled for an hour with a new I-M locker before they discovered the numbers they had been using referred to the date and not the combination . Carlton Peterson holds no brief for John Stein- beck's beautiful Salinas valley, which was the locale of "Of Mice and Men," among others, for he spent part of the recent holiday in a Salinas' clink for exceeding the speed limits in a car. which already had almost been demolished in a wreck . . . Vic Heyliger was in town Saturday, with two black eyes, suffered in one of those, ungentle melees of amateur hockey in Detroit . . the ex-Michigan ace plays for the Holz- baugh-Ford six, and got smacked across the bridge of his nose in a game against Niagara Falls, an outfit led by Smack Allen, the fiery redhead who provoked considerable anguish among Michigan opponents last season everybody on earth learned to love everybody else. This is very fine; the only trick is to teach Morgan, Krupp, Vickers and all their touts the meaning of love. The soldiers helped to end the World War by refusing to fight in a number of countries. This is a fairly sensible solution which is not mentioned in The Four Horsemen. The four horsemen are conquest, war, pesti- lence and death. They are represented by four gruesome fiends riding around on horseback, and are pretty effective. Valentino is quite good mainly because he is almost too handsome to be real; however, the women didn't swoon Sun- day the way they used to fifteen years ago. Valentino is a rich slacker, but finally decides to help end the war by going to fight for France. If this is anti-war stuff, I am a Prussian officer. However, the picture was made a few years sftpr the wa. nei f, Amnn.-raa- - -1,- , A Liberal Manifesto (Editor's Note: This is the third of three articles on Liberalism by a member of the Daily staff.) By JACK CANAVAN IS NOT MAN justified in giving up his liberty if by so doing he achieves security? Any affirmative answer to this question rests upon a false premise. This fallacy, the second great threat to Liberalism, holds that man may pur- chase economic security by bartering away his freedom. In Europe, this was the great hope, born of despair, which swept the dictators into powere. But the Terror which engulfed the totalitarian regimes demonstrated that the individual sacri- ficed his freedom on the altar of promised secur- ity, only to find that the security of a full stom- ach, when and if attained, had been offset by the insecurity of life itself. The GPU and the Ges- tapo, the firing squad and the concentration camp, the Blood Purge and massacres consti- tuted a greater threat to security than the de- pression. The greed for wealth and power into which the governing "self interest" of capitalist economy sometimes deteriorates appears to run rampant in collectivist societies. The classless society visioned by Marx has failed to materialize. An aristocracy of power has replaced the aristocracy of wealth in the planned economy, for someone must direct the plan. And because the new aristo- crats are as greedy as the old, because collectiv- ism can impose no legal restraint on its masters, because they are not gifted with infallible judg- ment nor divine omniscience, which overhead planning of a machine economy demands, they have brought neither security nor plenty to the masses. So Liberalism, although its promise has failed to materialize, is still the lesser evil in the world today. A rebirth of Liberalism demands, however, that it be more than simply the lesser evil in a world of evils. As long as misery and economic insecurity accompany liberty, the task of Liberal- ism is an unfinished one. And all reforms com- patible with individual freedom and sound econ- omy policy are in order. The question naturally arises as to what con- stitutes sound economic policy in a society as complex as ours. This is a problem which eco- nomists have yet to solve, but the weight of authority points toward removal of obstacles which are jamming the automatic controls of price, profits and competition-a movement away from monopoly an privilege toward true laissez-faire. For true laisez-faire, the economic foundation of Liberalism, has yet to be given a fair trial in America. It is not, as many have misconceived it, a policy of "devil take the hindmost," nor, as practiced, a system under which the government grants legal privileges to one group which are denied to another. It is rather, as Adam Smith phrased it, the theory that the individual (or business unit) must be free to pursue his wel- fare in his own way "as long as he does not violate the laws of justice." It held that out of the clash- ing interests of primitive society, man's natural sense of justice, fortified by law, could produce a harmony of interests. That these principles have been violated by the very force designed to uphold them is evident in the role which government has intermittently played in the American scene since 1870. The ideology of Liberalism, then, is not "rugged individualism" but the Golden Rule. As such, it presupposes a social conscience and combined sacrifice to feed, cloth, house and educate victims of shifts which are bound to occur in a progressing economy. Freedom must mean more than the freedom to starve. But Lib- eralism holds that in the end the welfare of the group can be achieved not through a paternal state, but only through the justice, reason and tolerance of free individuals. If America is to strengthen and defend this Liberal heritage against the totalitarian threat, it must obviously wield other weapons than the sword. Rearmament may repel the threat from abroad, but it can hardly repel the threat from within. And decay can kill as surely as the sword +1-.----. r . .A ,+ . r. 'Neutrality' TUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. '76 Social Welfare .......... Miscellaneous .......... 4 37 .8 3 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ofce of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday. 100 100 The foregoing classifications repre- sent a grouping of what the National Industrial Conference Board has put into eight classes. For the year 1929, the Conference Board has classified government expenses under general government, protection, education, highways, public utilities, economic development, social welfare and mis- cellaneous. It seemed to this writer that highways, public utilities such as rivers and harbor improvements come properly under the general heading of "economic development," where such items as reclamation and agricultural expenses already had been placed. The item "protection." as the Con- ference Board used it for 1929, was applied to all national defense and veterans' expenses, and all interest on war debt; in fact, all items grow- ing out of past wars or elated to peparation for future wars. It will be seen from the above that the biggest item nowadays in the federal budget is not national defense or "protection," but "social welfare," even after one has included under the "protection" function such items as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the new national defense appropria- tions. But the largest classification - social welfare-takes in items which were not even talked of in 1929, such as social security, which by itself amounts to about one-third of the social welfare category or nearly 12 per cent of the total burget. The five major totals in the 1940 budget, when one includes the interest on public debt under "protection," line up as follows: General Government . . $1,018,253,900 Protection ............3,193,625,900 Economic Development 1,279,543,000 Social Welfare3.......3,396,726,400 Miscellaneous including debt retirement) .......207,514,000 $9,295,663,200 Under general government are grouped such items as the expenses of the legislative and executive agen- cies and the regular supplemental appropriation. Under protection are army and navy,veterans' benefits, civilian con- servation corps and thie expense in carrying the public debt, which last item is about the same now as in 1929 due to the fact that higher interest rates and large debt retirements were the rule at that time. County Medical Society TODAY in WASH INGTON -by David Lawrence WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 - When President Roosevelt transmitted to Congress the other day a $9,000,000,- 000 budget, few people realized indeedI the figures were not classified to show, just how the federal government divides up its expenses as compared with a pre-depression year like 1929. The total budget is, of course. larger, but the proportions allocated to different government functions show a decided change in character. Here is a table worked out from the official figures by this correspondent which shows what the new budget is to be spent for, on a percentage basis, as compared with the same classifi- cation for the fiscal year 1929: 1929 1940 General Government .... 16.9 11 Protection .............. 60.7 35 Economic Development .. 17.6 14 Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeimg in Marcn, 1927, au- thorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apperatus by one de- partment to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of the department from which the apparatus is transferred. Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the ap- paratus to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry store on consignment and if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to them- selves and to the University in avail- ing themselves of this opportunity. Shirley W. Smith.. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Committee on Stu- dent Loans in Room 2, University Hall on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 17 at which time loans will be consid- ered for the second semester. Ap- pointments should be made in ad- vance. Notice to Men Students: For the information of men students living in approved rooming houses, the first semester shall end on Thursday, Feo. ( 9, and the second semester shall be- gin on the same day. Students living in approved room- ing houses, who intend to move to different quarters for the second semester, should give notice in writ- ing to the Dean of Students before 4:30 on Thursday, Jan. 19, 1939. Per- mission to move will be given only to students complying with this re- quirement. Women students who wish to change their residence at the end of the present semester must notify their househeads by Monday noon, Jan. 16. Seniors: College of L.S. and A., School of Education, School of For- estryand Conservation, and School of Music; Tenative lists of seniors have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4, U.Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter cerk. Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union in good standing will be given admission tickets for1 the Josef Hofmann concert Tuesday, Jan. 10, between the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the Recorder's Office, School of Music. After 47 o'clock no tickets will be given out. Members are required to call in per- son. The Robert Owen Cooperative House is accepting applications for mem- bership. Membership blanks can be obtained at the Dean of Students Office, Room 2, University Hall or at the Robert Owen Cooperative House at 922 S. State St.3 Academic Notices Junior and Senior Engineers: Those of you who attend General Harris' lecture on War Times Industrial Or- ganization will be excused from class, 1 to 2 p.m., Wednesday Jan. 11. Alfred H. Lovell, Ass't Dean. Political Science 52. Makeup exam- inations will begiven in 2037 Angell Hall Tuesday and Wednesday after- noons, Jan. 10 and 11, at 2 p.m. Tabulating Practice 103: The 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock sections will meet with the 4 o'clock section in Lecture Room No. 1 Rackham Bldg. There will be a sound motion pic- ture on Tabulating Machines. Notice to Students Planning to do" Directed Teaching: Students expect- ing to do dircted teaching the second semester are requested to secure as- signments in Room 2442 University Elementary School on Thursday, Jan. 12, according to the following schedule: 9:00, Latin, Mathematics; French, German. 10:00, Science, fine arts, commer- cilsubjects. 11:00, English, Speech. 1:30, Social Studies. Assignments are made in the order of application. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1938-39, are informed requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and fur- ther inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 and by appoint- ment). This announcement applies only to candidates in the following 'depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- uages and Literatures, History, Ec- nomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour- ialism, Fine Arts, Business Admin- stration. Concerts Choral Union Concert. Josef Hof- mann, pianist, will give a concert in the Choral Union series, Tuesday eve- ning, Jan. 10. at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium, at which time he will play compositions by Handel, Scar- latti, Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt. The public is requested to be seated on time, as the doors will be closed during numbers. Concertgoers who leave the Auditorium at intermission tame or otherwise, and who desire to re-enter, must obtain from the doormanspecial door-checks, Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architec- ture: A national exhibition of Rep- resentative Buildings of the Post- War Period, selected by the Commit- tee on Education of the American In- stitute of Architects and circulated by the American Federation of Arts, is being shown in the third floor ex- hibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun- day, through Jan. 18. The public is invited. Museum of Classical Archaeology: Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae- co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods -from Seleucia on the Tigris and from Roman Italy. In addition, a special exhibit has been arranged of' a portion of a recent acquisition of Roman antiquities presented by Esther Boise Van Deman. Events Today Botanical Journal Club meeting today. Papers by: Beatrice Sheer, William C. Sher~man, Mary Mooney, Robert Ashe, and James Merry. Pro- fessor C. D. LaRue is chairman. Association Book Group: Professor Preston James will review Carleton Beals' "The Coming Struggle for Power in Latin America" this after- noon at four o'clock, Lane Hall. Christian Science Organza4ion: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Assembly Board meeting will be held today in the League. Omega Upsilon: There will be an important business meeting for the actives, at 5 o'clock at the League. All members please attend. Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu- lar dinner meeting tonight at 6:15. Prof. Earl S. Wolaver of the Business Administration School will speak on business law. The Book Shelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank A. Mickle, 1053 Olivia Ave. Mrs. Roy K. McAlpine is as- sisting hostess. Bibliophiles will meet today at k:30 p.m. at the home of Dr. Wilma Sacks, 611 South Forest. Coming Events International Center: Tuesday, Jan. 10. 7 p.m. Speech Clinic. Wednesday, Jan. 11. 4:15 p.m. Dr. Walter H. Judd, for years the head of a large hospital in Fenchow, Shansi, China, will speak on"'h Significance of the Present Struggle in the Far East." 8 p.m. Dr. Judd will be in the Center to meet Chinese students and all others interested to talk with him personally. Thursday, Jan. 12. 4 p.m. Tea. 7 p.m. Speech Clinic. Friday, Jan. 13. Recreation Night. Sunday, Jan. 15. 6 p.m. Supper. 7 p.m. Final program of the semes- ter. The English Journal Club will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 12, at eight o'clock, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Dr. F. G. Cassidy will speak on "Aims and Methods of Linguistics." Graduate students and faculty members are in- vited to attend. Actuarial Students. Professor J. W. Glover will speak on "The History of Actuarial Science" at 8 p.m. Wed- nesday in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Those who hna annlicain blanks fr , i A a