' THE MICTIGAN DAILY Professionalism, Subsidization Denounced In Board's Report (Continued from Page 1) difficulties, it has already become increasingly evident that the former group is not finding it desirable to schedule games with those of the lat- ter. Let the professional and semi- professional teams play among them- selves, and when mythical champion- ships are being awarded and ratings made, those college teams made of "scholarship" holders and the like shoud be grouped with the Giants, Redskins, Lions, Bears, etc., instead of being listed with those teams made up of bona fide college students to whom athletic participation must be secondary. It would turn the spot light upon those professionals, too, if they were declared ineligible for competition like that on the Olympic teams and in the meets sponsored by National Collegiate Athletic Asso- ciation. Same Goes For Football The board here recommends that a similar institution be set tip for football, and adds that "the stigma attaching to an institution that did not belong to such national group could not long be endured, as has been well demonstrated in many related fields." The repdrt continues: "Michigan athletic teams are made up of regular- ly enrolled college students, who not only have had to comply with the University's rigid requirements for admission, but who have demonstrat- ed their capacities for doing college work by completing one full year of clear college work. It must be re- membered, also, that members of the so-called Western Conference, must have no delinquencies in studies out- standing against them, and a student at Michigan at least is deemed to be delinquent in his studies if his record is below that which if continued on the same plane would lead to gradua- tion. Few Scholarships "Practically no members of Michi- gan teams enjoy scholarships of any character, and they pay their tuitions FROSH BOXING All members of freshman box- ing squad, including football play- ers who have recently reported, re- port today at 4 p.m. at Waterman Gym. Vern Larsen, Coach. just the same as other students do. It is true that a considerable per- centage of our athletes are, in part at least, self-supporting, but their jobs are prosaic indeed. They are typified by waiting on table, washing dishes, etc., for which they receive compensation at the same rate paid to Phi Beta Kappas." The financial aspects of the report may be summed up as follows: "The football income for'/the fall of 1938 is approximately $90,000 larger than during the fall of 1937. One hundred bonds, totaling $50,000 have already' been drawn for payment, and of course the $30,000 in notes owing the banks has also been paid" . "against a net reduction in indebted- ness of about $14,000 during 1937-38, there will be a reduction of at least $80,000 during 1938-39" . . . Gross receipts derived from home football games amounted to $297,265.03 as compared with $252,927.11 in 1937 and $703,078.50 in 1927, the all time high . . . Lowest return was in 1934 when only $128,660.92 was made . . Only Football Pays Football was the only sport in which receipts exceeded disburse- ments, the difference being $120,534.13 (year ended June 30, 1938) . . . Of $205,607.62 of receipts $192,618.10 came from football . . . Attendance for -the 1938 season was 392,583 as compared with 283,767 in 1937 (in- cludes all eight games) . . . Despite 'the fact that receipts had increased $20,000, the operating profit shrank from $81,297.50 in 1936-37 to $57,- 540.27 in 1937;38 . . . Reason: drop in broadcasting receipts of $8,000, wage increases, increase in traveling expenses, and due to the fact that for part of the year two coaching staffs were on the payroll. Van Mungo Is Hold-Out PAGELAND, S.C., Jan. 9.-(P)--- Van Lingle Mungo, the Brooklyn Dodgers' speedball pitcher, said here tonight he was a holdout for the 1939 season. Mungo said he had returned his contract a few days ago. The con- tract, he said, offered him less than he received last season. BIG TEN BASKETBALL Indiana 29, Illinois 28 Chicago 28, Wisconsin 18 Minnesota 36, Iowa 29 Cagers Paced By Center Rae. To 37-28 Win' Defeat Of Northwestern Gives Team .500 Mark In Big Ten Race (Continued from Page I) free throws by Harman and Butherus but Beebe lifted a basket from the side, run Michigan's lead to 27 to 16. Koble connected with a basket from near the foul line but Rae countered with a basket from close in and Thomas added a free throw to widen the gap 30 to 18. Koble scored with a one handed shot and Butherus added a free throw' for the Wildcats. Harman made a free throw but Vance scored a field goal from far out and Melchoir made a free throw to run the score to 31 to 24. Sofiak made a one-pointer and Davis countered with a basket. In the closing minutes both teams were guilty of numerous fouls, Michigan scoring three straight points on free throws and Northwestern making two. Beebe scored a basket just be- fore the gun to make the final score 37 to 28. FIMSport71 Michigan (i3 Pink, f ..... Harmon, JI Smick, f,.. Rae, c Beebe, g Thomas, g Thi. Look.sBetter, a~7) G F TP ,......1 2 4 ........6 2 14 . 3 1 7 .. . . 1 3 5 .. . . 1 1 3- ......,0 0 0 .13 11 37 London To Test Undefeated Ice SextetTonight Wolverines Seek Revenge' For Last Year's Loss To Visiting Canadians (Continued from Page 1) Sofiak, g, ......... Sukup, g....... . . Totals....... Northwestern (28) Butherus, f ....... Harman, f ........ Davis, f.......... Koble, f ............ Melchoir, f....... Feaman, f........ Shepard, o....... Coulter, g........ Loss Of Swimming Superiority Is Refuted By Michigan Coach 1 1 K t f t G F ..0 3 ..2 1 ..1 1 ..3 0 ..0 1 .0. 0 ..2 1 ..0 0 Tp 31 5 3 6 0 5 0 3 2E . .i.. .. Voigts, g . . . . ... .. . Vance, g ........... Totals ........... .......1 .......1 1 0 .10 8 28 I-M Director Earl Riskey set Thurs- day as the date for finals in fratern- ity swimming, water polo, and pro- fessional fraternities' volleyball. Psi Upsilon meets Sigma Alpha Epsilon in the swimming contest, and battles Trigon for the polo title. Alpha Ome- ga comes up against Delta Sigma Del- ta in the semi-final volleyball match, ith the winner meeting the Chinese Students for final top honors. Tonight Hillel plays the Wolverines in the Independent Handball semi- finals. In a quarter-final tussle, the Badgers meet. the Senators, the win- ner to play Robert Owen in the semi- finals. The fraternity volleyball comes to a head on :Friday, with Psi Upsilon playing Pi Lambda^ Phi, the winner { meeting the Sigma Nu team for the championship. Halftime score: Michigan 20, North- western 12. Free Throws Missed-Pink, Rae; Davis, Shepard, Vance, Koble, Har- man 2. Referee-Carl Johnson (Illinois); Umpire-Glenn Adams (DePauw). Officials Are Picked. For Boxing Show, Congress, independent men's or- ganization, yesterday announced the list of officials for the boxing show, to be held in Yost Field House on Jan. 17. Johnny Johnstone of the Intra- mural Department will act as referee, Marty Levandowski, I-M boxing in- structor has been chosen as time- keeper, while Matt Mann, jovial swimming coach will perform the duties of announcer. Vern Larsen, freshman ring coach is collaborat- ing with Lewandowski as promoter and matchmaker. Judges will be picked later in the week. Price of tickets is 25 and 75 cents and they may be obtained at the Union, the League, Wahr's Book Store, Moe's Sport Shop, the Pretzel Bell, Preketes Sugar Bowl, and Ul- rich's Book Store. They may also be procured from members of the Con- gress executive committee. There will be 10 bouts in all and proceeds of the show will go towards establishing a scholarship fund for independent men. tempted to high stick his way through the Wolverine defense. He failed in his effort but before being stopped I he had removed two teeth from Lar- ry Calvert's mouth. Despite this mishap Calvert fin- ished the game and will be on hand with Capt. Les Hillberg for 60 minutes of playing in the two defense posts. In the goal will be "Spike" James who in last Saturday's contest turned in a performance which will be hard to match by any other goalie who plays in the Coliseum. As usual the starting Michigan line will have Ev Doran at center, and George Cooke and Al Chadwick at the wings. The reserve line will be composed, of Burt Stodden, Jim Lovett, and Charley Ross. Although this latter combination has found it difficult to make a tally, the opposing teams have1 had an equally hard time in scoring against this sophomore forward line. Fred Bibbings will be in the goal for the London squad while Hodgson, and Sane take over the starting de- fense posts. Sapthorne, Legg, and McFadden compose the remaining opening sextet. Backing up this team the visiting. players will have an equally power-, ful secondary team. Barrett and Foskett take over the two back posts while Lane, Shaw and Butler fill in on the forward line. Saturday night the Wolverines will meet Illinois at Champaign for their first Conference game of the season. STARTING LINEUPS London A.C. Pos. Michigan Bibbings ........G .........James' Hodgson .......D.... .....Calvert Sane ... .. . .D . . .. Hillberg Sapthorne..... C .........Doran Legg ......... . W ............Cooke McFadden...... W . ....Chadwick London spares: Barret, Foskett, Butler, Lane, Shaw, Males and Faulk- ner. Michigan spares: Ross, Stodden, Lovett, Tobin and Samuelson. Game time: 8 p.m. By MEL FINEBERG There is a newspaper clipping hang- ing up on the bulletin board of the I-M swimming pool with the head- line "United States Losing Grip On Swimming Superiority." The story goes on. with the information admit- tedly coming from a well known east- ern swimming coach, to paint dark tinted pictures for the 1940 Olympics. The writer asserts that the United States can claim superiority in only one event, the backstroke, and that the American swim squad could look only for seconds or worse in 1940. Matt Disagrees The clippings roused Matt Mann's ire. "It gets me good and mad," he said. "They might just as well send out obituary notices about our swim- ming chances. After all, we've got thbe pools, we've got the coaches and we've got the swimmers with the will to win. If the coaches can't do any- thing about combining these factors Matmen. Meet Indiana Friday Three Weights Undecided For Hoosier Match Michigan's wrestling team, Big Ten title-holders, entered its last week of practice yesterday before the opening meet of the year with.the high-flying Indiana Hoosiers this Friday night. The Wolverines' representatives in three weight classes still remain in doubt and further tryouts will be stage'd in the next two days to deter- mine who will get the call to fight it out with the invading Hoosiers. Tom Weidig and Chuck Reinsch, sophomores, and Don Rivette, a jun- ior, are all ;aspiring to start at 121 pounds and thus far Weidig, who has shown himself to be a'real fighter, has an edge on his rivals. The situation at 155 pounds /still leaves the starter an unknown quant- ity. Ralph Turner, Ann Arbor sopho- more, and Rex Lardner, a senior, have emerged as the most likely looking al their weight. Lardner has shown E disappointing lack of aggressiveness in. recent practices, but yesterda3 found himself and nearly pinned Tur- ner in a lively eight-minute match, r 1. 1 The two.boys will be re-matched to- day or tomorrow in a regulation en- counter. At 165 pounds,. Frank Morgan, "Knobby" Knobloch and Art Bennett have been fighting it out with the veteran Morgan showing the way. Knobloch and Bennett will be matched this week and the winner must beat out Frank to get the nod. A knee injury to Dick Tasch, two- letter man who could fill in ably at either 165 or 175 pounds, has slowed him down in his efforts to challenge at the two weights, but if he comes around .by meet time he may be a surprise starter for the Wolverines. Forrest "Butch" Jordan, heavy- weight, Don' Nichols, 175-pounder, Capt. Harold Nichols at 145, Jim Mericka at 136, and Andy Sawyer at 128; ally stand ready to meet the on- slaughts of the Indiana crew in the Wolverines' biggest wrestling match then they shouldn't bewail their lack of material." The article went on to rank the leading intercollegiate swimmers for 1939 with Wolverines Tomski, Haynie, Haigh, Benham and Ferstenfeld all well mentioned. But the international rankings for the coming year listed only Kalsey of the Wolverines plus only a few other Americans. Dozen Possibilities Here "Here we've got 18 months in which to build up a team and some of them are quitting before they start," con- tinued Matt. "They ought to do their figuring on water instead of on paper. "Why right here at Michigan we've got nearly a dozen possibilities for the Olympic squad. Who are they? Well, there's Ed Kirar, Jack Kasley, Jim Welsh, the two Sharemets. Oh yes, there's Tom Haynie. Why he's practically a cinch for the team. Hal Benham is going to be right up there. You've got to figure Walt Tom- ski and Ed Hutchens. We're almost sure to have four, maybe six going to Finland next year." "And incidently, all of these kids except Kasley will be swimming in the State A.A.U. meet here Friday. ff there are any of our coaches who want to whine ahead of time about 1940, why don't they drop around Friday and see some typical material. Then maybe they'll stop their sob- bing and start building. "Yes sir, it makes me good and Smad ." i 1 . _ _.. II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __________________________________________ III ,.t Perh aps I am fussy ... YES, PERHAPS I AM FUSSY. I am one of those fellows that likes the little , things.to be right. Take for i nstance my laundry. There's nothing I get a big- ger kick out of than putting on a freshly laundered shirt. I happen to be one of those fellows that appreciates a perfectly laundered collar, and I know it's going to be that way if it comes from the laundry The Laundry picks my soiled clothes up and delivers them. That saves me the trouble of taking my laundry to the post office and saves mother trouble too. That's another thing I enjoy. Well, perhaps I am fussy but I like my clothes laundered the LAUNDRY way. Price perib. . . lOc Minimum Student Bundle 50c Shirts Extra . 12c. (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) Sox Extra, per pair ... 4c I/ Sample Student Bundle 3 6 3 3 3 Shirts Handkerchiefs Pairs of Socks Suits of Underwear Bath Towels Pair Pajamas Finished Rough Dry Handkerchiefs, Extra ... 2c Approximate Cost.. $1.10 KYER LAUNDRY VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 4185 Phone 23-1-23 1 11 I 11