TUESDAY, S TTIP MICIGAN DAILY 1 11 11 a a....1 V 11 1aa V r a 1 2a.- .' . 1La !M MICHIGAN DAILY ,--A ,a- rdited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Pubishea every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to 1t or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. itl = ghts of republication of all other matters herein also Sreserved. AEtered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 VPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO SOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor . Robert D. Mitchell Editorial Director . . . . . Albert P. Mayio City Editor . . . . . . Horace W. Gilmore Associate Editor . Robert I. Fitzhenry Associate Editor . . . . . . S. R. Kleiman Associate Editor . . . . . Robert Perlman Associate Editor ...... William Elvin Associate Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman Associate Editor ...... Earl Gilman Book Editor . . . . . Joseph Gies Women's Editor . . Dorothea Staebler Sports Editor . . . .. .. . ud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily . staff and represent the views of the writers only. welcome Frosh.. I With this issue of the Daily, the staff extends greetings to the incoming class of 1942. In this edition, the editors have tried to sum up for your information all the many activities that may interest you during your college years, thereby helping you quickly to become acclimated to this n,0enyirOnment that.you haye now entered. We hope that somewhere in these pages you will find the outside activity that will season the heavier work of the classroom with the spice of campus life. For it is outside of the classroom that the student makes his most lasting friend- ships and acquires those memories that will brighten all his reminiscences in after years. That the University considers this true is evi- denced by the many activities that are fostered by its administrators. The athletic teams, whether intercollegiate or intramural, the concerts, the social societies, the debating teams, the com- mittees and affairs sponsored by the Union and the League, the theatricals, and last but not least, the publications, all are supported by Uni- versity approval and funds. Here is a list of in- teresting activities that has never before been surpassed for any generation of students. Be- cause you are not given a personal invitation to take up some special activity, do not become de- terred from entering it. It is difficult for the great majority of students to offer themselves for a position or tryout, but if you will just re- member that every one who has made good before you has had to face the same obstacles, you will undoubtedly be less over-awed by taking the first step. And, too, you can't imagine how the upper- classmen are envying you at this point. We must in a few months go out and face a cool and skeptical world. You are entering the last long four years of a relatively carefree and irrespon- sible existence. Granted that studies and mid- years promise. bad moments ahead, you will be .surprised at the many times the professors give you the benefit of the doubts you are feeling. And if you do now and then find the going hard, you will still be safe under the benevolent care of your alma mater and the meal ticket provid- ed by your father. We who will be pounding the pavements next year in an effort to find the road to success, envy you your future, which is still so long before you, as a student at the University of Michigan.. And possibly that is the crux of this editorial- that we envy you your life in Ann Arbor as a Michigan student. Michigan is one of the oldest and most important state universities, and as such has acquired a tremendous background of scholarly research and equipment in all the fields of education offered in its curriculum. As an institution it is vitally concerned with the advancement, well-being and happiness of its students. The town is built by and around the' University, and the students hold a welcome from the townspeople. And the freshmen are accorded a place of a privileged younger member of the family, a pest at times it is true, but holding the hopes of the older members to carry on to greater heights the traditions and activities that have occupied each one in turn. (C1as of 1942. w tn ndn toyo on friendliest Welcome Frosh... II We couldn't remember the exact words of the welcoming editorial when we were freshmen, but we're sure they ran something like this: "In behalf of the University, students and faculty members we welcome you to Michigan . . . You'll have important decisions to make in this, your freshman year-whether you will pledge a fraternity or not, whether you will participate in sports or extra-curricular activities, and so on . . .You'll love Michigan . . . Remember you will get out of school just what you put into it It was a nice formula, harmless, easily handled and well-used, but its emptiness palls on us now. We don't like its smugness, its flaccid moralizing, its tacit acknowledgement of a self-contain world, bounded by State Streeet and Washte- naw. We are 'sure that three years hence you will feel that 'most of the decisions you faced your freshman year were not vitally important, that most of the crises that worried you were foolish, that the sports, and extra-curricular activties which consumed your time were not of major significance. You will realize then, if not before, that you are not leaving one rather distasteful world and entering another one, distinct, pleas- ant and isolated from the former. If Ann Arbor is a pleasant town to you, it is because of the unpleasant fact that in Ann Arbor are left be- hind the sons and daughters of the poorer classes who couldn't scrape together the dollars and cents to get a higher education, because left behind are the slums and the unemployed, vice and corruption. But whether you remember them or not, they exist, and their existence affects you closely, whether you perceive it or not. It will af- fect you even more closely when you leave this pleasant little world of comfortable students and faculty men after four years . . . if yoi stay here four years. Campus Or Drill-Ground We say "if," for there's every likelihood that very soon now we will all be taking part in drills in olive-drab on this beautiful campus of ours, this sweet isolated spot which seems so far away fom all that we've left behind and which we will find is not so isolated as we, at first, sup- posed. We will find to' our sorrow and to our parents' sorrow that the generation that died in 1917, before many of us were born, died futilely, and that we shall die futilely unless . . . Unless what? Unless we make every attempt to fight against this next war, unless we fight against race prejudice and intolerance, unless we try to fight against depression and poverty, corruption and injustice, unless we equip our- selves with the education Michigan can and will give if we are willing to fight this fight. Unless, in short, we never forget that we are a part of the millions in schools and colleges whose re- sponsibility and destiny it is to lead tle nation in later life. And by leadership we do not mean the few of us who will be in the top offices in government, but the mass of us who will never have a government position, those of us who, though occupied in a thousand different ways of making a living will be responsible for making intelligent use of the ballot and ultimately the decisions as to foreign policy, laws regulating business, national income, the slums, rackets, the farm problem, the navy, taxes and so on, which confront our national life. The immediate obli- gation, then, which we have to discharge is - equipping ourselves for this duty of leadership. Education Of Supreme Import, And the chief part of that equipment is an education, the attainment of which should ever be the one thing that is uppermost in our minds, all the other activities which exhaust our ener- gies being absolutely worthless except as they zontribute to our eduation. There are great obstacles which must be over- come constantly in the struggle for education. First, there is the handicap of the prejudices and biases of the home environment, second, there is the handicap of four years of faulty high school preparation.'Then there is the handi- cap of poor instructors and sloppily taught courses. And then the seeming conspiracy of the University and its minions to prevent you from reading outside of your text-books by piling up the work on you. Not least is the call bf all the numberless organizations and activities. which compete with each other to make you think school is the least pleasant and hence least im- portant extra-curricular activity in which one can participate. Equally important in blocking your attempt at education is the lack of time and energy for keeping up with world events, think- ing about them and discussing them. University Cannot Guide These are the main obstacles in your way, and unfortunately the University does not, perhaps because it cannot, guide you around these traps and lead you to its only important gift-a liberal education. If you don't care about an education, your path will be much easier, and you may while away your time in any of the pleasant littleleddies that dot University life. You may or may not be unhappy in this case, but one thing is certain you will be without' conscience and without intelligence if you use up four years here of your parents' and the state's money in this fashion. If you are interested in getting an education, there are many students around who have the same goal and who can help you by their experience, and many faculty members who have not been content to regard their duty as teachers with indifference. These can and will give you guidance. If you are really interested in making the investment which you represent valuable, nothing will stop you, but the way is difficult and at times depressing. The main task you will have is keeping your perspective clear, weighing the things you want to do with a Ji feentr ibo le Heywood Broun This is to introduce myself to readers of theE Michigan Daily.- First of all, I was born in Brooklyn. That isn't precisely notable but combined with other cir- cumstances, it helps out. You see, I moved to NewI York at the age of eleven months and five days.1 It was a wise decision and I have remained there ever since. That practically makes me eligible for membership in the small band of New York- ers who were actually born there. Notoriously New York draws many aggressive and able citizens from other parts of the coun- try, and in order to make room for them, the natives have to move out. These folk from the far-flung kingdoms take the island from the New Yorkers just as the Dutch bargained it away from the Indians. I would never have been al- lowed to remain but for the fact that they said, "After all, he's only a Brooklynite." In presenting my credentials it will be possible to skip all the early harrowing years of infancy and adolescence. I'm saving that up for a novel. Upon leaving school I went to Harvard and re- mained four years but I was not graduated at the end of the period. The trouble was elemen- tary French and it has not yet been conquered in spite of a year spent with the A.E.F. as a war correspondent. Call He Uncle Heywood For two summers before getting out of college I worked on New York newspapers during the summer.- This makes me a veteran of more than twenty years and the youngsters around the office call me Uncle Heywood. In the beginning it was my intention to leave some doubt about my age in the hope that through the confusion I might get a break. But having said so much I might go through in order to quiet the rumor that I am fifty. I was born in 1888, but unfortunately late in the year. If anybody bobs up to ask why all these dull details should be given in an introductory column for The Daily I can only say that "It Seems To Me" is by design a personal column. The opin- ions about men and affairs which will be ven- tured from time to time are wholly my own, Nobody else should be blamed. I purpose to say what I think. Of course, I could be wrong. That has happened. From Diamond To Drama After college I was a baseball writer for several seasons which led naturally enough to my being made dramatic critic for The New York Tribune. Ethel Barrymore, who was playing at the time, remarked in commenting on a somewhat adverse review, "All the critics liked me except one who I understand is a baseball reporter. Baseballis our national game and I like it, but after all there is a good deal of difference between the diamond and the drama, is there not?" That was the first and most useful publicity I ever received. Sporting editors around the coun- try came to my rescue and asserted that base- ball writers were much more proficient and im- portant than dramatics. I became almost the symbol of an oppressed people and I felt like Dreyfus or Dred Scott. I left the drama to be a war correspondent. Reporters have many advantages in war. Because of the uniform prescribed for us, we looked like major generals at a distance and we had the fastest automobiles in the Expeditionary Force. And if we ever got in a spot where the Germans were shooting at us, it was always possible to remember that it was close to press time back home and that we had to leave the front and file a story. General Pershing, himself, spoke to me once. He said, "How did you get so much mud on your uniform?" A Blueprint If Germany invades Czechoslovakia, just how will she go about it? A very good guess is contained in a statement of Colonel Conrad of the German army, which has just won a prize" contest of the German Military Acad- emy. Colonel Conrad's plan, translat- ed in a recent issue of The Living Age, is known to follow closely Hit- ler's own ideas.1 Conrad's plan is based on a light- ning attack on Czechoslovakia and the assumption that the Czech army would be destroyed within fourteen days. He proposes no declaration of war. S.A. and S.S. troops would sneak across the border from Germany and join the Sudeten Deutsch in an up- rising. German airplanes would sud- denly bomb Prague and other Czech cities in order to break the morale of the civilian population. Two German armies, headed by tank corps, would come down from the north and up from the south (from what was for- merly Austria) and meet, cutting Czechoslovakia in two. They would then capture Prague and go beyond it, this being essential to the plan as the author conceives it. Britain Would Look Away Colonel Conrad, writing shortly be- fore May 21, was absolutely certain that Great Britain would not inter- fere with such a project. In his article, he assumes that France and Soviet Russia would be allies of Czechoslo- vakia. Poland would be neutral or might even invade Czech territory. Hungary would also attack. Jugoslav- ia would remain aloof.tRumania is "helpless." He is contemptuous o Soviet Russia's military strength. Her infantry cannot come through Poland, and cannot arrive in time if it comes through Rumania. Soviet airplanes are more important, but can be driv- en off. The Colonel dismisses France abou as lightly. He thinks French mobili- zation would be so slow that th Czechs would be crushed before France had an army in the field. In the meantime, a few troops occupy ing the German fortifications in the west could easily hold off her ad- vance guard. Colonel Conrad be- lieves France is half-hearted abou her support of Czechoslovakia and could readily be frightened into stay ing out. He advocates no aggressiv move toward France, in order to pre vent creating a war psycholog among her people. He gives the sam advice about England. Discounts Czech Resistance This military man thinks Czechos lovakia herself is of no importanc in a military sense. He counts on divi sion within the Czech army, with th German, Magyar and Slovak soldier refusing to fight. The Czechs them selves, he 'says, are not a military people, and their morale may go t pieces at the first blow. For this rea son, a policy of frightfulness is t be pursued, with a sudden swift at tack, bombing cities, and so on. The Czechs having been destroye in fourteen days, a large part of th German troops will be rushed bac to the west and assembled along th French frontier, as a precautio which the author does not take ver seriously. His emphasis on speed i not because of military dangers fro a longer war but because, as he say bluntly, Germany does not posses the raw materials necessary for a extended struggle. This is a terrifying document fo more than one reason. It is stampe all over with the distortions and ig norance implanted in the author b five years of rigid censorship. Eve a colonel in the German army doe not know that air raids have faile to break civilian morale in'Spaino" in China. He believes that a war coul be fought and ended before Franc could mobilize. He assumes that So iet Russia is negligible in a militar sense. He badly underrates the fight ing qualities of the Czechs as the are reported by independent observ ers with no axe to grind. He leave out Great Britain. Repeating Errors Of 1914 Colonel Conrad repeats the tw( huge errors of the German plan attack in 1914. Then it was thoug that France could be beaten tohe: knees in a few weeks, before Russi could mobilize, and the armies coul thereafter be rushed from the Wes. tern front to the East. Both the French and the Russian armies were underestimated, and there was a ger eral opinion that all non-German are cowards and weaklings who wil turn and run if you make menacinj .faces at them. All these assumption were wrong in 1914; they are wror today. From time to time we hav, heard that the German general sta: is realistic in its thinking and be lieves Germany would be defeated b any war waged now. Even if thisi BOOKS itane Zugsmith Portrays A 1938 Summer Soldier THE SUMMER SOLDIER, by significance. Why he is in the book Leave Zugsmith. Random House, New at all only Miss Zugsmith knows. York. $2.50. 'No Agitators Down Here' By JOSEPH GIES When the committee nears its des- One hundred and fifty or so years tination it receives a telegram from ago, when the going got tough in one of the leaders who has preceded the American Revolution, Tom Paine it not to get off at Chew, but at an- addressed those engaged in the other town, one stop previous to struggle for liberty with these famous Chew. There they art greeted in suc- words: "These are the times that try cession by a newspaper article ("Sher- men's souls. The summer soldier and iff "ears Violence To Reds") of the the sus.Te patriot wlli ri, ntypical sort, by a refusal of hotel the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, accomodations which forces them to shrink from the servic of their coon- take lodgings' at. a dirty road-house- try; but he that stands it now de- tk ognsa it odhue serves the love and thanks of man and inn alive with lice and rats, and by woman." Leane Zugsmith's parallel an enforced visit to the police station, is the sharpening crisis beginning to where the police chief has their bag- appear in our democracy in the form gage searched and informs them that of fascistic tendencies among certain he cannot guarantee to protect them industrialists. Chew County, in which against "a certain element around MisZugsmith's novel is laid, is an here . . . They won't tolerate your Miss Zgmt'nve sadsanstirring up the niggers and agitating obvious fictional version of Harlan, the working people down here." where the mine operators whose ac- tivities shocked the nation when ex- 100% Americans--90 Proof posed by the LaFollette Committee a That night the hundred per cent year ago have recently signed con- Americans, patriotically liquored up tracts with the United Mine Workers, and obviously "acting with orders, run apparently conceding defeat in their the group out of town. The episode is fight against unionization. brief, dramatic and disgusting. Miss Zugsmith is not primarily con- The reactions of Pettee, the profes- cerned with social conditions per se, sor, and Shoemaker, the minister, are however, and the significance of the the only ones of deep interest. The book is not affected by current events two leaders naturally are determined in the real Harlan. The author's pur- to come back and fight. The two pose is to draw a picture of the faint- women are naturally determined to hearted liberal confronted by realis- get back to civilization 'on the first tic fascism in action. For the title train. I forget what the southern his- role she has selected a college pro- torian does. But for Pettee and Shoe- fessor who has gained a reputation maker the experience is the decisive in left-wing intellectual circles. Tom event of their lives. Shoemaker goes Pettee is a man of slight physical into the fight with his eyes open; a stature whose experience in the war message from his wife that his salary made him a pacifist and whose study- has been held up does not deter him. ing has made him a radical. He is Pettee, on the other hand, though comparatively well-off, rather self- sympathetic to Shoemaker and the satisfied but still materially ambitious. >thers, isn't taking any more chances Professor Versus Pastor himself. He reflects that although he He is placed in juxtaposition to a is free from the threat of such pres- liberal minister, Walter Shoemaker, a sure as that put on the minister, he man of deep convictions and un- has possibly been jeopadiing his shakeable faith in the principles of takes refuge in the thought that "the e his religion. Shoemaker has been told t s hei es h.g.t.It th e r - by trustees of his church that they South is hopeless . .. If there is ever do not care about his private oplniorls a revolution the South won't take t but that he has no business going out prt in it Wend take it over." Hown d of his way to tell the congregation ever, he doesn't fool Carol Gllma.n - his economic views, and his reply is the divorcee - the woman-of-the- e printed in italics: "I must go out of world who doesn't care a damn for - my way to tell my people about Jesus' anything except her own comfort, but . eah thesohuman salvatin. I mut who is sickened by the professorial Christian religion. Don't you see?" attitude with which he covers up his Christian religio Don't you, se" cowardice. You're going to capture They do not see of course for, as he the South, aren''t you," she says sar- is aware, "his opponents were econ- teSuh rntyu h assr - omically situated so that they could castically, "in your living room with e not agree with him." a bunch ofestudentsand stay-at- These two men serve on a civil home professors hanging on your Le _L .,a.. . ..sa. x .x ...,.. a. civila, words?" - erte omte ntge ont liberties committee that goes down to s Chew County to investigate conditions - and, if possible publicize them. There are five other people on the commit- 0 tee; two of them are the leaders of - the party, hardened radicals wholly ° devoted to their cause, resolute and - obstinate. There are two women; one a social worker of honest convictions d but of pardonably weak nerves, the e other a divorcee-adventuress who has k taken up labor as one of the tempor- e ary hobbies to which she resorts as a n diversion. The other committee ,mem- y ber, a historian who has been taken s along because he is a southerner, n serves absolutely no purpose in the s book (as far as I can see); we do >s not learn enough of his character to n form any opinion of him, and his actions appear to be totally devoid of r d true, if it is also fair to assume that - Colonel Conrad is typical of the ruling Y German mentality today-and there n is every reason to believe that he Is s -it means that the lessons of the d World War were all useless, even in r the narrowest sense of military stra- d tegy. The Germans have shut them- e selves up in a dream world from - which truth is excluded; and their y dreams are the ones that ruined them - before.1 y -The New Republie1 He Plans His Future Professor Pettee conveniently finds her insinuations beneath his dignity. He thinks of an essay he might Write: ". . he knew now that he had not been on the right tack . . . With the world dividing into two camps, Pas- cist and Conununist (not a bad open- ing; polish it, of course), with ideol- ogies that have much in common, the artist must exercise all his vigi- lance to preserve his liberty as an artist. He took out his note book and jotted down the sentence he had just formulated. 'There must be fno re- st'raints on the artist,' he added. 'The artist may live in an economic world, but he must not be of it. (Not influ- enced by economics, better?)' He pocketed his notebook. That wasn't it, precisely; but it was a start." This is the sixth of Miss Zugsmith's novels. It is pretty certainly her best. Adequate character delineation is de- rived , entirely from the words and actions of the people themselves. The structure of the work is excellent; it moves -smoothly in spite of frequent changes of location from a natural opening to a logical conclusion. The book is short as novels go (290 pages), ,but it says everything it has to say, makes its points without didacticism, and concludes gracefully. Go Ahead G-Men Attorney-General Cummings now denies that the Department of Justice has stopped its inquiry into conditions in New Jersey, or that it has found no evidence that civil rights have been violated there. The denial is most welcome. Let's be charitable and assume that the depart- ment officials who gave out a statement to that effect simply got their wires crossed. There is, of course, also a strategy of sending out trial balloons-issuing statements, observing the puk lic's response, then making a quick denial if the effect is unfavorable. The public response on this occasion was distinctly disapproving, the notori- ous conditions in Boss Hague's domain being com- mon knowledge. However, it's pleasanter to as- sume that Mr. Cummings didn't use this strategy, but that his agents are still pushing the inquiry with might and main, and that some underling merely spoke out of turn in saying they were through with the job. For if the inquiry is indeed being pursued with vigor, it should be readily perceived, by the study of events and the record, that free speech has become a limited privilege of the chosen few in the Hague principality. If the department finds out that fact and publishes it, the ugly suspicion will be downed that Boss Hague is to receive a whitewash because of his prestige and vote- getting ability in the Democratic party. -The St. Louis Post-Dispatch When is a strike not a strike, and when is it a demonstration? That is the question that both- ered University of Minnesota peace rally-ers re- cently, and they found the answer to be some- thing like this: "A strike is a demonstration when the university administration calls th names." So, with great hurry and bustle, rally planners scurried about the campus to change all signs advertising the affair from "strike' to "demonstration." DAILY OFFICAL BULLETIN Puhiication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all meinbers of the University. Copy received at the oMe of the Assistant to the Pr.14dent untl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. L t 1 P r TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1938 VOL. XLVIV. No. 1 To Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: The attention of users of The Daily Official Bulletin is respectfully called to the following: (1) Notice submitted for publica- tion must be typewritten and must be signed. (2) Ordinarily notices are pub- lished but once. Repetition is at the Editor's discretion. (3) Notices must be handed to the Assistant to the President, as Editor of the Daily Official Bulletin, Room 1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m., (11:00, Saturdays). LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: No new applications for these scholar- ships, can be accepted for considera- tion after the end of this week, Sept. 24. Frank E. Robbins. Eligibility for Public Activities: The attention of all those participating in public activities is called to the following ruling. Certificate Of Eligibility.-At the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any student or students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participa- tion above), the chairman or man- ager of such activity shall (a) require each applicant to present a certifi- cate of eligibility, (b) sign his in- itials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have pre- sented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all oth- ers from participation. University Directory, 1938-39: All University Directory cards2were due in the Editorial Office, 221 Angell Hall, on September 17. The cards received on that date are now in the hands of the printer. In order to ensure early publication of the Direc- tory this year, departments that have not reported should do so at once. Ira 1. Smith, Registrar. Astronomy 101 and 201 (Dr. Max- well).. These classes will hold their first meetings on Tuesday, Oct. 4th. There are five tests of the evidence of education-correctness and preci- sion in the use of the mother tongue; refined and gentle manners, the re- sult of fixed habits of thought and action; sound standards of apprecia- tion of beauty and of worth, and a character based on those standards; power and habit of reflection; effici- ency or the power to do.--Nicholas Murray Butler. At last the fair ones who proudly displayed the fraternity pins of their