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tuber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
aging Editor,.
orial Director
)late Editor
)clate Editor
)clate Editor
)ciate Editor
)late Editor
)eate Editor
k Editor
nen's Editor
ts Editor.
of Editors
Robert D. Mitchell
. Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kliman
* . . Robert Perlman
. Earl Gilman
William Elvin
* . .Joseph Freedman
* . . .Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin
Radio City Music Hall, Viola Philo soprano,
Jan Peerce, Erno Rapee conductor. Wagnerian
excerpts from Tristan and Tannhaeuser. 12-1,
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl conductor, 12-
12:30, WWJ.
Milton Katims violist, Milton Kaye pianist,
in Bloch's Suite for Viola and Piano. 1-1:30,
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Guila
Bustabo violinist, John Barbirolli conductor.
Five German Dances for Strings by Schubert,
excerpts from Debussy's Pelleas and Melisande,
Sibelius' Violin Concerto in D minor, Overture
to Tannhaeuser (Wagner). 3-5, WJR.
New Friends of Music, Budapest String Quar-
tet, plus violinist Roman Totenberg, in Bach
and Haydn rarities. 6-7, WJZ.
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein direc-
tor. Part V of the Christmas Oratorio, 7-7:30
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Georges Enesco
violinist, Fritz Reiner conductor. Beethoven's
Prometheus Overture, Kamarinskaia (Glinka),
and bagatelles. 9-10, WJR.
Curtis Instiute of Music, Victor Gottlieb cell-
ist, William Harms pianist. Music of Brahms,
Liszt, Haydn, Poulenc, Ibert. 3-4, WADC.
WOR Symphony, Eric Delamarter conductor.
9:30-10, CKLW.
Cincinnati Symphony Young 1People's Concert,
Eugene Goosens, conductor. 3:30-4:30, WJR.
Choral Union Concert, Josef Hoffman pianist.
Handel's Harmonious Blacksmith", Pastorale e
Capriccio (Scarlatti), "Moonlight" Sonata (Bee-
thoven), Schumann's Carneval, Op. 9, pieces by
Chopin and Liszt. 8:30, Hill Auditorium.
Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian Sevitsky con-
ductor. Roman Carnival Overture (Berlioz), Two
Preludes by Frances McCollin, Sibelius' Fifth
Symphony in E flat, The Sorcerer's Apprentice
(Dukas). 3-4, WGAR, WADC.
Rochester Philharmonic, Jose Iturbi conductor,
8:30-9:30, WXYZ, WOWO.
Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Howard Bar-
low conductor. Two Sonati da camera by Corelli,
Capricio (Vitali), Aria (Tenagli-Stossel), Mozart
Sinfonietta in D. 3:30-4, WJR.
New York Philharmonic Young People's Con-
cert, Guida Bustabo violinist, Ernest Schelling
conductor. Music by Mendelssohn and Beethoven.
11-12:30, WJR.
Metropolitan Opera Company in Mozart's
Don Giovanni. Brownlee, Rethberg, Cordon,
Crooks, Jessner, Ettore Panizza conductor. 2,
NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini conductor.
Berlioz' "Harold in Italy" Symphony, Psyche
(Franck), Tableaux I and 4 from Petrouchka
(Stravinsky). 10-11:30, KDKA, WXYZ.
(Continued from Page 3) I
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this s
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the nature
of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, may be obtained at the
office of the Department, and fur-
ther inquiries may be addressed to
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Tuesdays
and Thursdays at 9 and by appoint-
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
uages and Literatures, History, Ec-
nomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts, Business Admin-
Choral Union Concert. Josef Hof-
mann, pianist, will give a concert in
the Choral Union Series, uesday eve-
ning, Jan. 10, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill
Auditorium, at which time he will
play compositions by Handel, Scar-
latti, Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt.
The public is requested to be seated
on time, as the doors will be closed
during numbers. Concertgoers who
leave the Auditorium at intermission
time or otherwise, and who desire
to re-enter, must obtain from the
doorman special door-checks.
Publication in the Luletin is cOnstructive notice to aii members of the
University. Copy received at the offie of the Aaslstant ti the Ptmesdent
until 3 :30; 11 :00 a m. on1 Sat rday.
'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes'
The Editor
Gets Told
Business Department
Business Manager. . , Philip W. Buchen
credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily arb written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Fourth Front
W HILE HISTORIANS predict the direc-
tion and outcome of'German expan-
sion,i the uniformed big-wigs of Germany pore
over large, colored maps of Europe and the
Drang nach Osten goes on relentlessly.
,The picture looks black as the German orbit
grows larger day by day. England and France
refuse to oppose Hitler. The United States hasn't
yet emerged far enough from her cocoon of
lsolatiori to do any more than offer veiled diplo-
inatic rebukes. Russia is seemingly Hitler's only
potential antagonist. There is even a possibility
that Russia and Germany may overlook ideo-
logical differences, settle minor territorial diffi-
culties and join hands in an undisputed domina-
tion of Europe, a possibility which, though re-
mote, is nevertheless present.
It is very possible, however, that the answer
to the problem of Hitler will come from within
Germany itself.
The intolerable economic and- social condi-
tions under which the ordifiary German lives,
and the atrocities inflicted on those deemed
enemies of the realm, should be well known
Ito everyone.
Why, then, many of us ask, are the people
calm, ostensibly pro-Hitler? Why is tlere no
opposition? The answer, we think, can be found
In a New York Times dispatch: "If the question
Is asked whether Germans generally like this
kird of a life, the answer is no, but as yet it
doesn't matter much for the German people are
not running Germany.
The German people are not running Germany
-as yet, but there is ample evidence that the
people, or at least the liberal elements with the
interests of the people at heart, are striving to
re-organize against the Hitler regime.
The actual accomplishments are as yet in-
significant. They are not yet the handwriting on
the wall for Hitler, however impressive and stir-
ring the efforts are of the anti-fascists who work
for political ideals under the constant threat of
Imprisonment, death and torture.
But the very thing that is preventing the
success of this clandestine movement-the huge
army of secret police-is strong evidence that
there is reason for anticipating internal oppo-
sition to Hitler, and in case of war, revolution.
Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the Gestapo, said
Last September in a speech at a secret meeting
of the Army General Staff in Berlin, "During
wartime we will have fronts not only on land, at
sea, and in the air, but we shall have a fourth
Theatre of War Operations,-the hinterland."
There are 90,000 uniformed police, Himmler
revealed, plus the 25,000 concentration camp
guards called the Death's Head Battalions and
the Landsturm (second reserve) of unrevealed
numbers. Himmer then outlined a complete
plan of action in case of war. From 15,000 to
20,000 policemen at most could be relinquished
to the army, but would have to be replaced by
equal numbers of men not as physically desir-
The routine supervision of munition factories,
railroad crossings, etc., could be solved by this
emergency unit of older men, Himmler said,
but he would need his choicest troops for fight-
rnn tho vnia nnan A *A rnnwa..,.. 1l EI%...
To the Editor:
While travelling through France in August, I
happened to meet two interesting people in the
same compartment: an Austrian refugee and a
French veteran of the World War-now a con-
vinced pacifist. When I mentioned my interest
in anti-war films they told me that the best
Peace film ever made is Jean Renoir's "Grand
This film is unique in not having any battle
scenes; the plot concerns the fate of officers
in a German prison camp. It is playing in De-
troit at the CINEMA, 52 E. Columbia St. until
Jan. 15th and students can enter at a reduced
The National Board of Review has termed
"Grand Illusion" the best film of the year-from
any country. At the annual International Film
Exhibition in Venice, "Grand Illusion" won the
prize (which did not prevent monstrous Mussolini
from forbidding its presentation in Italian
theatres.)--This film was running in Vienna at
the time of Hitler's entry and was then sup-
Personally I consider "All Quiet on the Wes-
tern Front" and "Broken Lullaby" more effective
as Peace mediums; but readers who can go to
Detroit should consider viewing "Grand Illusion."
Francis S. Onderdonk
Director of Peace Films Caravan
(Editor's Note: This is the second of three articles
on Liberalism by a member of the Daily staff.)
BY THE END of the nineteenth century it had
become apparent that a variety of
converging forces were at work which would
eventually undermine Liberalism in America.
One of these was the rising tide of naturalism
which swept over the land, destroying faith in
the old orthodox religion and the concept of a
beneficient creator or paternalistic God guiding
the destiny of man. This same naturalism, based
on the Darwinian concept of evolution, replaced
the old doctrine of free will with that of pessi-
mistic determinism in many quarters. The re-
sult was a growing disillusion, skepticism, and
pessimism concerning the ability of man to
better his state in a world ruled by impersonal
fate. But the more immediate cause was the
growing feeling of insecurity in a changing in-
dustrial order. There was a feeling that man in
making the transition to the Machine Age had
unleashed forces which he could not control
save by drastic action. Unemployment and violent
industrial crises made their appearance in
America for the first time, and the frontier no
longer beckoned with free land and equal oppor-;
tunity for all.
Further intensified by the war, these forces
reached their climax in the despair and suffer-
ing of the great depression. In Russia and Italy
the war alone had been sufficient to precipitate
the breakdown of embryo economic liberalism.
(Free enterprise had characterized the Tsarist
regime). German liberalism crumbled before the
onslaught of depression in 1930. In America
where economic resources were more plentiful
and liberal tradition more firm, these forces have
not yet engulfed the nation in a totalitarian tide,
but the unprecedented powers delegated to the
executive arm were evidence of an unmistakable
trend away from liberalism to a paternalistic
government. The trend of subsequent legislation,
inspired by economists of the Veblen school, was
undoubtedly away from individualism and toward
gradual collectivism.
The question naturally arises: Are not men'
justified in spurning liberalism for collectiv-
ism if by so doing they achieve economic wellj
quate defense for liberalism today. Few people
it seems, prefer death to loss of freedom. The
defense of liberalism rests rather on a refuta-
tion of the other "isms" which challenge it. And
the refutation in turn, rests on exposure of'
the fallacies which obscure the nature of col-
lectivism in popular conception These popular
misconceptions, founded on naive assumptions,
constitute the real threat to Liberalism in
What are these misconceptions which threat-
en Liberalism? The first is the assurance ad-
vanced by leftists that man can sacrifice eco-
nomic liberalism as represented by free private
enterprise and yet retain political liberalism in
the form of democratic government. Yet a
realistic analysis leads to the inevitable con-
clusion that political democracy and "planned
economy" are incompatible.
The very nature of a collectivist regime,, as
Walter Lippman has indicated, implies a pyra-
mid of power with one man at the top wielding
absolute and arbitrary authority. For if the
economic "plan" is to succeed, there must be no
dissenters and no sudden shifts of policy. If
the thousands of complex decisions regarding
alternative allocation of resources, efficient pro-
duction, and just distribution are to be removed
from the automatic mechanism of "price, profits
and competition" and turned over to a central
planning board or a paternal despot, then these
decisions must achieve a unity or result in chaos.
The dislike of a single workman for his job, the
disinclination of a single minor official to carry
out his part of the plan, the desire of a consumer
to eat jam rather than butter on his bread-
none of these must be allowed to sabotage thy
plan. The state must wield power of life and
death over the individual's every thought and
action to force him to carry 'out his assigned role
in the plan.
Nor can the plan be responsive to the chang-
ing desires of the people as to what they wish to
produce or consume. To do so would mean the
incessant scrapping of the previous plan for a
new one, and, of course, chaos. And since the
thousands of interelated decisions must be made
quickly and achieve some sort of unity, the.
final choice must rest in the hands of one
Being a reviewer merely upon occa-
sion, I did not go to the movies during
1938 with the fiendish regularity of
a Frank Nugent or a Howard Barnes.
But I did see a lot of pictures,' the
new year is here, and it is time for
an appraisal of the good things the
cinema gave us in 1938.
The three best pictures of the year
for me were Professor Mamlock,
Grand Illusion and Algiers. Mamlock
was made in the Soviet Union by a
group of German refugees. Adapted
from the play of Friedrich Wolf, it
is the story of a Jewish surgeon who
attempts to ignore Hitler's rise to
power, but who, after he has been
degradedandhhumiliated and after
his son has been imprisoned by the
Nazis, becomes a militant anti-fascist
and dies exhorting a crowd to free
themselves. Despite deficiencies in
continuity, Professor Mamlock, be-
cause of its brilliant acting, the beauty
of individual scenes, and its shock-
ingly powerful indictment of Nazi bar-
barism, is one of the best films ever
made by the Germans, and one of
the best films ever to come out of
a Soviet studio.
Grand Illusion is the French film
that has been voted the best of the
year by several critics' groups. They
are just about right. It was made by
Jean Renoir, who did The Lower
Depths, which played here a while
back. I think it is much better than
The Lower Depths. Mr. Raskin of
the Art Cinema League informs me
that Grand Illusion will be shown at
the Lydia Mendelssohn in about a
month, so I will withhold further
comment until then. But be sure to
see it.
My third choice may need more
justification than the first ' two.
Algiers was made in Hollywood and
was supposed to be a love plus, adven-
ture plus glamour story. That's how
most of the critics saw it, probably
because of the presence of luscious
Hedy La Marr, but I think theywere
wrong. I submit in all seriousness that
Algiers is universal in theme and con-
tains some profound philosophical
implications. Charles Boyer, you will
remember, is an expatriate French
thief who is living in the native
quarter of Algiers. Hedy comes along,
they fall in love at once, for she
represents Paris, the Rue Montmartre,
the Place Blanche, to Boyer. He tries
desperately to return to France, fails,
and is killed. The film seemed to me
to be cast in the form of the Greek
tragedy, from the slow and fateful
prologue straight through to the
necessary death of the protagonist.
#lgiers, minus the exotic hokum
(which everybody, including the writ-
er, likes), was the tragedy of man
trapped, striving impotently but
rragnificently to escape. The photog-
raphy was beautiful, the direction was
superb, and the acting was breath-
taking. I'll stick to Algiers as the best
film Hollywood did in 1938.
There are a few other items to note
for 1938. I for one do not think that
The Citadel is as good as the critics
would have you believe. The first ten
minutes were very fine, and after that
it was just a question of sitting and
watching Robert Donat, who is all
right. In fact, several pictures about
doctors which have come out since
have been better than The Citadel
A couple of months ago I caught
a British film down at the Wuerth
called To The Victor. It was the story
of a nasty, stingy old Scotch dog
breeder (played by the famous Will
Fyffe), and it was a swell little pic-
And see if you can Angels With
Dirty Faces because it is James Cag-
ney's picture from start to finish and
because Cagney outdoes himself in
this one. It is a sharp, complete, and
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture: A national exhibition of Rep-
resentative Buildings of the Post-
War Period, selected by the Commit-
tee on Education of the American In-
stitute of Architects and circulated
by the American Federation of Arts,
is being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun-
day, through Jan. 18. The public is
French Lecture: The third lecture
on the Cercle Francais program will
take place Thursday, Jan. 12, at
4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Lan-
guauge Building. Mr. Marc Denkin-
ger will speak on, "Ports de France."
Tickets for the whole series of
lectures may be procured from the
Secretary of the Romance Language
Department (Room 112, Romance
Language Building) or at the door
at the time of the lecture.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal today
has been set ahead from 4:30 to 4:00.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief infor-
,maltalk by Professor John W. Eaton
on "Der Staat und der Individualimus
in Deutschland."
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, Jan. 9, 1939, 7-9 p.m., Room 319
r West Medical Building.
I"Inorganic Elements, Copper and
Zinc" will be discussed. All interest-
ed are invited.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Monday, Jan. 9, 1939 at 7:30
o'clock in the West Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building. Mrs. Lila Parg-
ment will speak on "Characteristic
Features of Russian Literature." Miss
'Barbara Tinker will speak on ""Ad-
ventures of a Scientific Collector in
Mechanical Engineers and others
with whom appointments have al-.
ready been made: Mr. Oldham of
the Firestone Tire and Rubber Com-
pany will address a group meeting in.
Room B Haven Hall at 10 o'clock
Monday, Jan. 9. This meeting is
open to any senior Mechanical En-
gineers who are interested in em-
ployment with the company. Appoint-
ments for individual interviews may
be made by calling the Bureau, 4121-
Extension 371.-
Mathematics Club will meet Wed-
nesday, Jan. 11 (instead of Tuesday
because of concert), at 8 p.m., in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Dr. R. C. F. Bartels
will speak on "Boundary Value Prob-
lems in the Theory of Elasticity."
All Mechanical Engineers are in-
vited to attend the next regular meet-
ing of the A.S.M.E. at which Mr.
James W. Parker, who is a vice-presi-
dent and the chief engineer of The
Detroit Edison Company, will give an
illustrated lecture on "The Present
Limitations in Steam Generation
Practice." This meeting of . the
A.S.M.E. will be held Wednesday,
Jan. 11, at 7:30 o'clock in the Michi-
gan Union.
House Presidents: There will be a
meeting of all house presidents, Wed-
at 4:30 p.m. All, representatives
should be present at this time.
Sigma Alpha Iota will have a busi-
ness meeting Monday, Jan. 9 at 7:15
at the Michigan League. The officers
will report on their work of this year.
The Book Shelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 2:45 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Frank A. Mickle,
1053 Olivia Ave. Mrs. Roy X. Mc-
Alpine is assisting hostess.
Bibliophiles will meet on Tuesday,
Jan. 9, at 2:30 p.m. at the home of
Dr. Wilma Sacks, 611 South Forest.
Monday Evening Dramatic Club of
the Faculty Womens Club at 7:30
Monday evening at the Michigan
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, 9:30 Church School.
9:45, Students Class, Guild House.
10:45 Worship. Dr. John Mason
Wells of Hillsdale College will preach
on "The Hope of the World." 6:15
p.m. Students Guild. Speaker, Rev.
C. W. Carpenter, pastor of the Sec-
ond Baptist Church for the past
eight years, who will use the topic,
"Worms that Destroy" in touching
racial conditions.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 . Division St. SGunday morning
service at 10:30. Subject, "Sacra-
ment." Golden Text: John 6 :33.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church. Cor-
ner of State and William Streets.
Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr.
.10:45 a.m. Service of Worship. The
subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be
"The Worship of False Ideas."
6 p.m. Student Fellowship Meet-
ing. Supper willbe served, after
which Mr. Kenneth 'Morgan' will
speak to i the group on the subject
of "Mysticism and Religion."
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will meet at 5 o'clock on Sun-
day in the Michigan League. Please
consult the bulletin board there for
the room. A special inVitation is ex-
tended to all students, especially to
those who enjoyed the Christmas in-
formal of the group, to join them for
the worship and praise of this hour.
Students of Calvinistic persuaion
are invited to attend services held in
the Michigan League Chapel at 10:30
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Hery
Radius of Flint will conduct both
services. The evening worship will
include a song service.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, 'minister.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Eldon Hamm will pre-
sent the most significant events of
1938 in the United States and Don-
ald K. Anderson will speak on the
most important events of the other
nations as a background for a gen-
eral discussion on this subject.
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brasharv will preach on "When the
Old Fails" at 10:40 a.m.
Stalker Hall. Student Class under
the leadership of Dr. Blakeman in
the Parlor~ at Stalker Hall at '9:45-
a.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6
p.m. in the Church. Dr. T. T: Brum-
baugh, Director of the- Wesley Foun-
dation of Japan, will be the speaker.
Fellowship Hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 am.,
Morning Worship. Sermon "Invita-
tion To Reality," Dr. W. P. Lemon.
The Westminster Guild, student
group, begins their program at 5
o'clock with interest groups wich
last until 6 o'clock when a supper and
fellowship hour is held. At the 7
o'clock meeting the following speak-
ers will lead the informal discussion
groups on: (1) RacialrProblems, "An
Anthropologist Looks at Race," Prof.
Miscah Titiev, (2) Community Prob-
lems, "Juvenile Delinquency," Mr.
Gilbert Anderson, (3) "The Psycho-
logical Value of Worship," Miss Eliza-
beth Leinbach, (4) Church and State,
"The Church in Times of Revolu-
tion," Prof. Benjamin B. Wheeler,
(5) Ethics Symposium will continue
their work.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship and student meet-
ings on Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Com-
munion; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church
Epiphany Candle Light Service; 11
a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Hen-
ry Lewis; 7 p.m. Student meeting,
Harris Hall, speaker, Dr. Raphael
Trtnify Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Church wor-
ship services at 10:30 with sermon by
Henry O. Yoder on "A Scholar Comes
to Jesus."
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Washing-