THE MICHIGAN DAULY S 600t tudents, Faculty Donate $125 To Spain Laborite Dr. Summerskill, Jay. Allen, Service And Cummins Decribe War (Continued from Page 1) Soviet Russia" and she believes that in following this resolution -he has not only injured the cause of de- mocracy," but the interests of the monied classes in Great Britain," whom he is so intent on defending. Conservatives in Great Britain like Winston Churchill and Duff Cooper who oppose his foreign policy she said, "realize that British capitalism can only exist if the Empire is main- tained." Dr. Summerskill, who is a physician specializing in child health and the mother of two children, made a sur- vey of civilian conditions in Gov- ernment Spain last summer. Making a plea for material aid to the women and children of Spain, she listed a few of the needs she observed when in Spain. "There are children," she said, "who have not seen milk for two years. There is no sugar, no but- ter, little fresh meat and fish. An egg is worth a dollar or two. Welcomb Food Ship "When the food ship arrived the people thonged the streets crying, "A food ship! The Americans have re- membered us!" Mothers and fathers went to the schools to see their chil- dren fed decently for the first time in months. , "But there is no slackening of the will to resist. Remember that 70 per cent of the population of Spain is in Government 'Spain despite the fact thateFranco controls two-thirds of the country geograplhically. "They suscribe to the cry of La Passionaria 'It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"' Allen, who is preparing an article{ for Foreign Affairs Quarterly on the origin of the war in Spain, sought in his talk to disprove the charges that+ the Spanish government is either Communistic or anti-Catholie. He, pointed out that the present Govern-, ment was legally elected' in 1936 and, declared that the charge in fascist+ propaganda that the Republicans did not win the election does not hold when it is carefully examined. "All spring after the election," he said, "the conservative leaders of in- dustry and of the church accepted the elected government and made their peace with it. The only danger in which the church stood was the danger of a rebirth, of a revitaliza- tion.": Woman Laborite Attacks Chamberlain New Extension op. u Co arse Bulletin To Be Issued Classes Will Be Conducted In Nearby Cities; Cover Wide Variety Of Fields The bulletin of courses to be offered next semester by the University Ex- tension Service will be issued about Jan. 20, Dr. Charles A. Fisher, direc- tor of the Service, announced yester- day. Courses will be conducted in De- troit, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Saginaw and Sault Ste. Marie. The greatest number of courses, 43, will be offered in De- troit. Credit and non-credit extension courses are intended for persons who have positions and desire further -Daily Photo by Sheeline training. The students usually do not nt of my country," Dr. Edith Sum- carry more than two hours of work a tbor Party member of the British semester and the majority take non- s and faculty members who crowded credit work. IAnn Arbor students may choose e spoke on "Spain: 1939" and the from 16 courses, 12 of which are non- n Government. With her is Prof. credit. The courses include: Badmin- artment, chairman of the meeting. ton, conducted by Mr. A. A. James; Children's Dancing and The Modern " Dance, Miss Ruth Bloomer: three cists Contribute courses in Golf, Mrs. Violet K. Han- ley and Walter Weber: Freehand fe nd W ltr W be; Fre an Drawing and Painting, Prof. Myron Sound-Prooing "B. Chapin. Others will be two courses in Ger- . ch ' man, under Philip Diamond and Otto is sound charted. That is, the prin- G. Graf; Italian, Dr. Vincent A. cipal natural vibration frequencies Scanio; Shakespeare's Comedies, and the places of maximum vibra-prof. Paul Mueschke; Sociology, Prof, tion on each .panel are investigated Richard C. Fuller: Swimming, Mr. by means of microphones connected Matthew Mann; Tennis. John John- to sound-level meters, frequency met-(stone. ers, and oscillographs. With thisdata "Contemporary Problems and the in his possession, the sound techni- Cooperative Movement" is the title of cian can compute the most effective a course to be offered for the first location for the deadening materials, time. It will include a series of eight The choice of a suitable deadener; lectures *describing the cooperative Wage-Hour Bill Is Threatened By MichiganNewsboy's Suit F DAILY OFFICIA L BULLETIN By LEONARD SCHLEIDER A potential challenge to the con-1 stitutionality of the New Deal5s Wages and Hours Law arose last weekr when a 13-year-old Michigan boy'sr suit to retain his newspaper delivery route was upheld in the Gratiot-Clin- ton Circuit Court. The suit, started Dec. 10 by Mac Myers of Ithaca who delivered the Lansing State Journal to sixty-five customers after school hours, pro-* tested the cancellation of his carrier; contract by the newspaper in order to comply with the child labor provi- sions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The boy was represented before Judge Kelly S. Searl by his father, John W. Myers, an Ithaca lawyer. Nicholas E. Allen, attorney for the Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor, attended the hearing but did not take part. Questioning the constitutionality of the law, Judge Searl ruled that the act did not apply in the Myers case. He granted an injunction restraining, the newspaper from breaking the car- 'rier contract and formally establish- ing the status of young Myers as an "independent contractor" not subject to the provisions of the act. The Lan- sing Journal had ended the boy's con- tract because he was under the 14- year age limit for employees speci- fied in the Wages and Hours Law. Duce, Fuehrer To Move Jews Discussing the constitutionality of the act, Judge Searl wrote: "The child labor section of this act attempts to delegate arbitrary powers to the chief of the Children's Bureau of the De- partment of Labor. This delegation of power, without any provision for re- view by the courts, probably renders the statute unconstitutional." "If the utterly fallacious ana un- sound theories of well-meaning re- formers, which find expression in this act, are adopted," Judge Searl added, "it will result in the filling by the coming generations, of the reforma- tory institutions and prisons beyond their capacity." "The failure," he concluded, "of parents to teach and compel children to perform reasonable and proper labor while yet young is the prime cause of the wave of crime. in this country, and such failure should not be encouraged by any law." SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1939 VOL. XI1X. No. 74 Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to faculty members and residents of Ann Arbor Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the faculty will be held Monday noon, Jan. 9, at the Michigan Union. A full attendance is urged as a num- ber of important announcements will be made. Student Loans. The Committee on Student Loans will meet on Jan. 9 in Room 2, University Hall to consider applications for loans for the second semester. Appointments must be arranged in advance. Student Book Exchange: These wishing to apply for work in the Student Book Exchange, which will "I am ashamed of the Governme] rnerskill (above), newly elected La House of Commons, told 600 students the Union Ballroom yesterday. She foreign policy of the Chamberlai Norman Nelson of the English depa StateMone Misuse function to Resell students' used texts Money isuse from Feb. 9 to Feb. 19, may secure LaId To Democrats application blan,, at either Room 2 University Hall, or from 3-5 the Michigan Union Sident Offices. University Physi4 To Automnobile Ay KARL KESSLER Research work on masomoniles con- ducted by Michigai physicists has contributed much to the transforma- tion of the "boiler factories" of a few years ago intorthose smooth-running '39 models, Dr. P. H. Geiger of the physics department pointed out yes- terday. The silencing of cars is today a hi rhly develon ed science; it is a far l DETROIT, Jan. 6-UP)-The Detroit Free Press said that Harry S. Kelley, Secretary of State, announced to- night that two former employes of the Department's main branch in Detroit admitted $8,110 figuring in an alleged discrepancy in the office's books was used for Democratic cam- paign purposes. The paper quotes Kelly as saying that Hoyt Morris, branch manager, and his assistant, Joseph Wasserman, who both resigned Oct. 10, said the money was used in the political cam- paign under instructions from superi- ors and that neither profited person- ally.' The two resigned when Leon D. Case, then Secretary of State, revealed he was investigating an' alleged dis- crepancy in the branch's records. i Both men and women students will be employed. Pay will be 40 cents per tiour for booksellers, and 45 cents (Continueed on Page 4) Law Men Lead Meeting Prof. William W. Blume and Prof. John P% Dawson of the Law School will have charge of round tables at a meeting of the Association of Ameri- can Law Schools to be held in the near future at Chicago. H. W. CLARK English Boot and Shoe Maker Our new repair department, the best in the city. Prices are right. 438 South State and Factory on South Forest Avenue. Roosevelt Gets In Lenience Support Plea 111g1y i,1 l. now presents a problem in itself.I cry from the days when the only Deadeners are of two general types: sound-proofing was a wad of chewing the fibre type, which resemble a door gum the mechanic stuck on the hood mat is either glued or clamped on; of the old car. the other type is the more recently Most unwanted noises in a car, developed sprayed-on deadener. originate in vibrations set up by any When the results of these various of a number of sources. These vari- experiments are integrated and ap- ous vibrations' are transmitted to the plied to the design of the finished car, door and body panels, which act as the result will be a sharp decline in amplifiers. the number of headaches among next The bothersome sounds in a car season's tourists. are attacked from three angles: first,, an attempt is made to choke them at their source; then cushions are placed Psychologist Cures between the metallic joints as a bar- rier to the transmission of those vi- brations that are not eliminated af, h ue c the source; finally, deadeners are out I elCe applied to the body and door panels to hush the vibrations that sneak past It is possible to relieve asthma and the insulation. other troubling allergic diseases by Most of the research work being { psychoanalysis, Felix Deutsch, psy- carried on here by. Dr. Geiger is now j chologist, who left Vienna three years, directed at deadening the body and ago to do research work at the Har- door panels. The problem is to find vard Medical School, told a physi- the most effective and economical cians meeting in Manhattan last way to keep the door panels from week. amplifying the vibrations and also to Dr. Deutsch described how he had make the car sourd less "tinny" when relieved 100 cases of asthma which struck. To accomplish this each panel had not responded to routine medical movement in its various phases and evaluating the solutions the movement offers to social and economic prob- lems today. The first address of the series will be given Jan. 24 by Professor Fuller. Subsequent lectures will be' tbibert R. Horner, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, Prof. George B. Brigham, Jr., Prof. Mentor L. Williams, Prof. Robert C. Angell, Prof. Nathan Sinaai and Mr. Albert K. Stevens. "Recent Developments in World Affairs," a series of eight lectiies andf discussions conducted by Prof. How- ard B. Calderwood of the political science department, will deal with the problems of international importance which have developed in Europe and Asia since the crisis of Sept., 1938. iSnoeh DPe t vat LONDON, Jan. 6.-(P)-Reliable sources reported tonight that Pre- mier Mussolini had agreed on a re- quest from President Roosevelt to ask Chancellor Hitler's aid in get- ting Jews out of Germany. It was understood that Mussolini, after seeing United States Ambas- sador William Phillips on Jan. 3, telephoned Hitler at Berchtesgaden. Hitler's reaction was not disclosed. Prime Minister Chamberlain was said to have given his support to President Roosevelt's proposals and to have offered to give whatever as- sistance he could during his visit with Mussolinilnext week. The Brit- ish Premier, it was said, would take full details of the proposals with him on his Jan. 11-14 Italian trip. Ambassador Phillips was said to 'have asked that Mussolini support more lenient terms for the emigra- tion of Jews from Germany. ::v Anarchy Was Planned He said that the conspirators who precipitated - the revolt deliberately attempted to provoke a state of an- archy by systematic violence and re- ferred to the authorizedautobiogra- phy of Francisco Franco and the biography of General Mola, who was killed early in the rebellion, to prove his statement. He contrasted the present attitudes of the Loyalist and Rebel govern- ments. "The Loyalists," he said, "have proposed terms of peace which include a total amnesty to be followed by a plebiscite to determine the govern- ment of Spain. They guarantee relig- ious freedom and in fact the churches in Loyaist Spain are ready to be opened right now as soon as the Vati- can says the word. "In contrast there is the recent expression of General Franco who said that there are 2,000,000 'crimi- nals' who will be made to pay for the war if he is victorious and has laid plans for a fascist dictatorship." He characterized the non-Interven- tion agreement as a connivance on the part of the British and French governments with Hitler and Musso- lini to hand Spain to Franco out of a bogus fear of Communism, when in reaity the Communist threat was so great that as late as 1935 'a Com- munist demonstration in Madrid re- quired police protection. Michigan' Cooperatives to Meet Here Jan. 15 The Ann Arbor Cooperative Society, Inc., will be host to representatives of 20 cooperative groups, constituting the council of the Eastern Michigan Trade Area, Jan.' 15 in Lane Hall, Mr. A. K. Stevens, of the English department and chairman of the council, announced yesterday. treatment. One of the main factors which causes asthma, he said, is a psychological shock. When this fact is explained to the patient, the asth- ma often disappears. Worley Talks In Detroit Prof. John S. Worley of the College of Engineering addressed the staff of the Detroit News last night in De- troit. His subject was "Motor Trans- portation in the U.S. Army." pi The suggestion was understood to To Sponsor Comtest have called for modifications of a C __Jewish emigration plan attributed to The second intra-departmental Dr. HIjalmar Schacht, president of speech contest of the semester will the Reichsbank, and Mussolini was take place Jan. 19 in Natural Science described as sympathetic. auditorium. In the preliminaries Jan. 17, six LibraryReviews 193$ students will be chosen from a groupr yR e 1 representing each of the Speech 31 An exhibit of 1938 in review is on classes who will compete in the finals. display in the Legal Research Library. Winners in the contest held Nov. Miss Esther M. Betz, assistant librar- 10 were Edward Stern, '39, who spoke ian, has arranged the review consist- on "Thoughts on Coming of Age" ing of newspaper clippings and pic- and Louis Poplinger, '39, who chose tuxes depicting outstanding world "A Lingering Reconstruction" as his events in the fields of politics, litera- topif. ture, aviation and foreign affairs. 4 I E A On Our Stage- FAVORITE OF THE AIRWAYS and star vocalist with Paul Whiteman's original concert orchestra TODAY ONLY! Attend Matinees 2000 SEATS 25c Classified Directory FOR RENT FOR RENT-3 rooms and bath with use of kitchen in fine home one miles from campus. Garage avail- able. Call 2-2102. 278 Legislature Begins Civil Service Probe LANSING, Jan. 6-{P)--The State Legislature adjourned today until Tuesday after getting under way a joint investigation by the House and Senate of Michigan's ,year-old Civil Service System. Eight members from the two houses met upon adjournment, elected as chairman Senator Elmer R. Porter, Republican, Blissfield, who sponsored the investigation, and announced they would convene again Monday to begin their labors. Porter said the commission, aided by an assistant attorney general, would delve into all phases of the merit system, including questions of unionization of state employes re- ports of political coercion in the last election campaign, and the cost of administering the system. The committee planned to call as witnesses Personnel Director William Brownrigg, members of the present Civil Service Commission, the re- signed member, Stuart H. Perry of Adrian, and- Joseph Kowalski, legis- lative representative of the Michigan State Employes Union (AFL). FOR RENT-Five room furnished apartment. Electrically equipped. Oil heated. 209 N. Ingalls. Phone 3403. 275 FOR RENT-Two apartments, each with private bath and private en- trance. Very close to campus, reas- onable rent. 1326 N. University. Ph~one 6833.- 273 WANTED-One or two men to share apartment with two brothers. Con- venient, comfortable, economical. 1326 N. University. Phone 6833. 274 FOR RENT-Clean and comfortable rooms for boys. Come and see for yourself. Doubles $3.00 and $3.50, singles $4.00. 933 Forest. 281 FOR RENT-Cozy single room for girl in graduate house. Ideal loca- tion. 222 S. Ingalls, opposite Mich. League. 284 FOR RENT-Two room furnished apartment. Convenient to campus. Inquire Hafke, 209 S. State St. 282 WANTED - TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,; 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 79 TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone Wikel's drug store Wednesday. Re- ward. Call 4782. 279 LOST-Man's gold ring with green setting on State St. during vaca- tion. Reward. Call 2-3236. 283 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Pri e List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts ...................... .14 Undershirts.................04 Shorts .................... .04 Pajama Suits ............... .10 Socks, pair .................. .03 Handkerchiefs ...............02 Bath Towels ........... .....03 All Work Guaranteed Also special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Lodge's History of the Nations, new, 26 volumes, very reasonably priced. Call 7725. 280 FOR SALE-Fine large home near campus, excellent for fraternity. Call Mrs. William Giefel, 2-2571 or 2-2102 Brooks Newton Realty, Inc. 277 MISCELLANEOUS I- I I I R -0% U tW .-wld