Weather Cloudy and colder, possible snow. Yi t e Lie igani~ Abr :43 at t to Editorial IDo You Want The Truth?. Required Reading For Congressmen . . VOL. XLIX. No. 73 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fr ankfurter, Noed Liberal, Named To Fill Court Yaea'ney Senate Apparently Certain To Confirm Selection, Praising Legal Abilities Murphy's Chances Called Favorable WASHINGTON, Jan. 5-AP)-Har- vard's noted liberal, Prof. Felix Frankfurter, outspoken champion of the view that the Constitution is an elastic document framed to meet the changing needs of a changing society, was appointed to the Supreme Court today by President Roosevelt. The Senate immediately made it unmistakably apparent that it would confirm the nomination. With some exceptions, senators of all political *nd economic faiths applauded the appointment and praised the little professor for his legal and scholarly attainments. The exeptions were principally membeirs of the Democratic bloc which defeated the President's ef- fort to reorgapize the Supreme Court in 1937. Acknowledging Frankfurter's ability, they nevertheless declined for the moment to cdmmit them- selves to his support. It was obvious to many who dis- cussed the question with them that they wanted to talk it over among themselves before coming to a deci- sion. Since the battle of 1937, their first disposition is to examine with the utmost care any proposition af- fecting the courts. But even among this group there were notable defections, such as Sena- tor Burke (D-Neb), an outstanding leader pf the fight against the court bill and one whose philosophy of government obviously differs from that of Frankfurter. He said that Frankfurter had "every qualification for a Supreme Court justice" and that he would vote for confirmation. Murphy's Chances Googd WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 -()-- Democratic and Republican senators joined today in predicting prompt confirmation of Frank Murphy as Attorney-General-but only after a complete airing of the former Michi- gan governor's views on sitdown strikes. A poll of the committee of seven7 senators appointed to report on Mur- phy's nomination disclosed that four+ of them were ready to vote approval+ even before public hearings. , Senators Assail' TVA Removal New Board A pointmentR Recalls Morgan Case + WASHINGTON, Jan, 5.-(P)- The President's right to oust an executive officer of a governmental agency be- came an issue before the Senate to- day with the appointment of James P. Pope, former Idaho Senator, as a member of the TVA board. Senate critics of the TVA, soon after President Roosevelt had named1 Pope to succeed Dr. Arthur E. Mor- gan, announced that they would at- tempt to block the appointment on the grounds that there is no vacancy on the board. Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.) said he was assembling data to show that the President had no right to remove: Doctor Morgan last'year. On the other hand, Senator Norris (Ind.-Neb.) asserted there could be no question as to the legality of the President's appointment of Pope, de- spite the fact that a TVA salary claim case has been brought in the courts by the ousted board member. Haulaway Drivers On Strike In Flinti FLINT, Jan. 5.-(/P)-Transpor- tation by truck of new automobiles from the Buick Motor Division plant here was halted at 3 p.m. today when drivers for two haulaway companiesI went on strike. The concerns involved were thel Routel1 rivewav (C.anr tha ntnr Dean Bates Lauds Frankfurter Nomination To Supreme Court Bahck Fromi Spaifl Roosevelt Seeks Budget 'Is Thorougly Faailiar With Our Legal System,' Faculty Member Holds Prof. Felix Frankfurter of Harvard University, nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday by the President, was praised by Henry M. Bates, Dean of the Law School, who was an associate of Frankfurter's at Harvard, as "a man of exceptionally high ability, and a true liberal-a believer in order and American in- stitutions, not a fanatic or radical." "lrofessor Frankfurter is thor- China Of Today Will Be Topic Of Judd's Talks Speaker Directed Hospital In Present War Zone Before Return To U.S,. Dr. Walter H. Judd, who has re- cently returned from North China where he was head of a large hospital within the present war zone, will give three addresses on the Chinese War Wednesday in Ann Arbor.- Dr. Judd's main address will be given at 4:15 p.m. in the Union ball- room. The title of his talk will be "The Significance of the Present Struggle in the Far East." He will speak from first hand information since his hospital, The Mission Ho'- pita! in Fenchow, Shansi province, was in the territory recently taken over by the Japanese armies. He will also speak on "The Coun- try Doctor in China" before students of the Medical School at 10 a.m. and on "The Background of the Struggle in China" at a luncheon of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club at noon in the Union. Dr. Judd spoke in Ann Ai'bor on Nov. 8 at the Congregational church. His topic was "China Today." Dr. Judd objected strongly to the strong ,upport Japan is receiving from the neutral nations and warned of the folly of this nation rearming against Japan at the samet time it contributes most of the necessities in Japan's re- armament program. Defective Wiring Blamed For Fire Flames which razed the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity house Wednesday morning sprang from defective wir- ing in the front parlor ceiling, ac-; cording to Fire Chief Charles J. An- drews. The flooring on the second story directly over the spot where, the blaze is suspected of having originated is the most heavily damaged, having been eaten away in a strip four feet long and two feet wide. The fire spread upward through the upper three storys from the parlor at the north end of the building and de- stroyed the roof. An official estimate of the damages wrought will be a task, of approximately three days dura- tion, he said. Store Damaged By Fire Fire of unknown origin broke out late yesterday in the basement of a shoe repair store on William St., be- tween State and Maynard. It was soon brought under control by the fire department, and little damage was done. ouglily familiar with our legal sys- 1cem," said Dan Bates, "especially with phases now very much in the fore in constitutional and adminis- trative law. He profoundly believes in government according to law, but thinks of law as a living, therefore changing, institution, which must be kept in adjustment with contempor- ary life." The appointment of Frankfurter increases the representation of the East, making two men on the High Court from Massachusetts. However, the understanding is, according to Dean Bates, that Brandeis, the other justice from Massachusetts, is to re- tire at the end of this term, leaving no reasonable objection, in his opin- ion, to the second man. "Frankfurter is broadminded enough to be fully cognizant of Wes- tern and Southern institutions and will be entirely sympathetic and fair about them," Dean Bates stated. Frankfurter has made a profound study of the Supreme Court, print- ing several articles and books on that subject. "In that respect, there isn't i4 better qualified man in the United States," Dean Bates said. Franco Suffers Heavy Losses I n Southwest Loyalist Dispatches Report Rebel Forces In Retreat With Thousands Killed HENDAYE, France (At The Span- ish Frontier), Jan. 5,-(IP)-.Success in a surprise offensive in southwes- tern Spain was reported by Govern- ment troops tonight after the two- week-old Insurgent campaign in the northeast rolled through Borjas Blancas, the second important Insur- gent goal to fall in two days. Dispatches from Valencia and Ma- drid -said Insurgent forces were in ,full retreat in the Balsequillo sector of Estremadura and had lost thou- sands of dead and prisoners in a bat- tle that began shortly after dawn, at almost the same time that the Insur- gents were conquering Borjas Blan- cas, the southern key to the Govern- ment defense lines in Catalonia. The Madrid and Valencia reports said that'the entire Noria chain of mountains had been captured and that the railroad line from Cabeza del Buey, 140 miles southwest of Ma- drid, to Belmar had been cut. In- surgent resistance in the Noria moun- tains had collapsed, te Government reported, when militiamen captured strategic Papuido after six hours of hand-to-hand fighting. The Government attack in the southwest, designed to offset Gen- eralissimo Francisco Franco's gains in the east, hit the Insurgents on one of their weakest fronts, from which it had been reported Franco had withdrawn large numbers of troops for the offensive against Cata- lonia and Barcelona. The tactics were a repetition of those by which the Government halt- ed Franco's drive on Valencia late last summer. Then, an equally sur- prising Government attack on Gan- desa forced Franco to abandon a cam- paign against Valencia to clean out a pocket on the Ebro river. The Insurgent command reported that it had followed up the occupa- tion yesterday of Artesa, 65 miles northwest of the Government capital Barcelona and heart of a highway network, with the conquest of Bor- jas Blancas. Of Nine Billion; Defense Figure Soars To Record ROBERT CUM'MINS '37 Local Recruits Talk On Spain At Union Today Two Michigan Students And British Legislator Present 'SpainI: 1939' By S. R. KILEIMAN Two Michigan students who have just returned from 15 months of active service in the International Brigade in Spain will join with a member of the Briti'sh Parliament and a former war correspondent in Spain in a symposium on "Spain: 1939" at 4 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. Robert Cummins, '37, and Elman Service, '39, who went to Spain in June, 1937, returned to Ann Arbor during Christmas vacation. The other two speakers are Dr. Edith Summer- skill, Laborite, who was elected to the House of Commons from the tra- ditionally Tory county of West Ful- ham last Summer; and Jay Allen, who was for twelve years a corres- pondent of the Chicago Tribune and covered Rebel Spain until forced to leave after reporting the massacres at Badajoz. Cummins, who was an associate editor of the Daily in his senior year and lives in Ann Arbor, left the lines on Sept. 23 after the decision of the Spanish Govmnment to send home all its foreign volunteers as a chal- lenge to Mussolini to withdraw his soldiers from the Rebel ranks. Service, at the time, lay wounded in a Loyalist hospital, having been shot through the left lung in the Ebro River offensive that blocked the Rebel attempt to capture Valencia last Summere. When he heard that the Brigade was being sent home, the Daily learned yesterday, Service walked out of the hospital, although (Continued on Page 2) CioIt Replaces Miss Flagstad In Cloral List Six years ago, Beniamino Gigli, re- nowned Italian tenor, was the lead- ing performer of the Metropolitan Opera House, succeeding to the roles of the late Enrico Caruso. He now returns to America from European; musical centers, where he has been acclaimed as having reached the zen- ith of his career, and will be heard in a Choral Union concert here on Thursday, Jan. 19. Mr. Gigli, who was not regularly scheduled as a performer this sea- son, has been secured to replace Kir- sten Flagstad on the program after the Wagnerian soprano and Metro- politan star was forced to cancel her appearance because of severe illness. Madame Flagstad's engagements for the remainder of the season are such as to prevent her filling the post- poned date. The return of Mr. Gigli to American stages has been hailed as the "most exciting event of the musical sea- son." Impressarios have endeavored to bring about an American tour for many years, but, because of Mr. Gigli's popularity in Europe, they were unable to make the necessary arrangements. The BudapestUniversity Chorus, scheduled to appear here on JIan. 25, has cancelled its American tour be- cause of poltical conditions on the Continent, it was recently announced by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music. The famous English piano team of Bartlett and Robertson have been secured to re- place this cancellation. Price Of Michiganensian W11 -,T T_. r7 Expansion Of Air Force Is Outlined In Program To Meet Developments' Detailed Message Is Due Next Week WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.- (P) - President Roosevelt shaped detailed proposals for a vast expansion of the nation's air power today after giving Congress the outlines of a record new $1,609,558,000 armaments program to meet "grave and unsettling develop- ments" abroad. With a dozen high Army, Navy and diplomatic officials, the Chief Ex- ecutive went over the recommenda- tions to be presented in a special na- tional defense message next week. Submitting his annual budget esti- mates, Mr. Roosevelt told Congress he would ask then for a $500,000,000 supplementary appropriation to re- inforce land, sea and air defenses. Military officials expect it to de- tail proposals for thousands of new warplanes, more bases, munitions supplies and manufacturing facili- ties, and mass training of pilots and mechanics. "Because of the conditions of mod- ern warfare, we must perform in ad- vance tasks that formerly could be postponed until war had become im- minent," Mr. Roosevelt told Congress. He estimated that altogether na- tional defense outlays for the 1940 fiscal year opening July 1 would total $1,319,558,000. This would be the largest- Ameri- can arms budget in 19 years, and ant increase of about 30 per cent over the current year's Army and Navy} expenditures for strictly military purposes. Hitler ToC ive Liberal Offe:r Edaitor Believes i Pays .To Watch Technique1 Of Fuehrer At Present I Time, German Writes BERLIN, Jan. 5.--(P)-A usuallyt well-informed German editor consid-t ers press broadsides against thej Roosevelt Administration, as repre- sented today in reaction to the Presi- dent's message to Congress, as the possible prelude to a "generous offer of appeasement" by Reichsfuehrert Hitler.f "It pays to watch our Fuehrer's technique when great events are in the offing," he said. "Few people, for instance, could understand why Hitler in his Saar- bruecken speech of Oct. 9 made no generous gesture of appeasement to- ward France but on the contrary spoke of increasing western fortifi- cations. "We who understand him felt cer- tain that his uncompromising lan- guage was but the forerunner to a most generous action. "That action became manifest, when on Dec. 6 Von Ribbentrop (Ger- man Foreign Minister) signed the French-German Accord in Paris wherein all claims to Alsace-Lorraine are renounced for all time. "Just be patient-you will see something wonderful emerge after these weeks of violent language." Carillon Bell Rings Out Ot1] Year -115 Times Exactly 115 souls were "cheered, encouraged and uplifted" soon after 11 p.m. yesterday when the 12 ,ton bell in the Burton Tower went on strike and kept on striking for some 11,1 minutes before the mediation measures of a watchman settled its clock. It was at the dedication of' the Baird Carillon that President Ruth- ven expressed his hope that "each time the bells sound some soul will be cheered, encouraged and uplifted." Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of the buildings and grounds depart- ment, said last night that the insis- tant tolling was caused by probably " some slip in the mechanism, such as a frozen bearing. They don't make these things every day," he com- mented, "there's bound to be bugs in them." " Jap Premier To Defy U.S. in China Polley New Fascist Government Installed In Ceremony By Emperor Hirohito TOKYO, Jan. 6--(Friday)--0P)_- Reliable sources believed today that the new government under fascistic Baron Kiichiro, Hiranuma probably would be more outspoken than its predecessor in resisting United States contentions against Japan's policy in China. The 73-year-old bachelor premier and his cabinet were installed in of- f ice last night by Emperor Hirohito in a palace ceremony. Prince Fumi- maro Konoye, whose cabinet resigned Wednesday, became minister without portfolio and also was installed as president of the Privy Council. One of the most pressing problems before the new government is the issue between Japan and the United States over the "new order" in China The new premier himself last night in his first interview side-stepped in- ternational questions except to say that "the immutable poliy" previous- ly drawn up would be followed. (The "new order"' announced by Japan for the first time last Nov. 2 divisions the welding of Japan, Man- choukuo and China into a political, economic and cultural bloc. The premier in a post-installation statement expressed determination to solve "a situation of unprecedented difficulties" through complete na- tional unity. Society Editor Wrong: It Happened Last Week Bonth Williams, former Daily col- umnist now haunting the halls of the Law School, dropped in at the Publications Building last night very embarrassed by the statement on the Daily society page that he was to be married sometime soon. He already is married. Bonth, listed in the enrollment files as Fred Buesser, '40L, and Betty Ronal, '38, (one of Michigan's 10 most beautiful-Gargoyle, 1936-37) were married last week in Chicago. Year's Spending Will Lift Public Debt To Peak Of $44,458,040,000 Farm Subsidies To Be Increased WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 -(P)- President Roosevelt today proposed Another year of large-scale Federal spending which he estimated would lift the gross public debt to an all- time high of $44458,00Q,000. This indebtedness, which he pre- dicted would be reached unless "mod- lrate" tax increases were imposed to pay for the enlarged armament pro-r, gram and farm subsidies which Con- Tress authorized last year, would be within about half a billion dollars if the limit allowed by present law. It was expected generally that Mr. Roosevelt would ask Congress later to raise this limitation on the ;rounds that the Government should be free to meet any unforeseen emer- ,ency. Anathema To Byrd The $8,995,000,000 budget which he President submitted to the legis 'ators for the next fiscal year con- .ained much that was pleasing to idvocates of increased armament and to the "spending-for-recovery" school :f economic thought. Its forecast that the Government would go $3,326,000,000' farther into the red during the year was anathe- na, however, to most Republicans and conservative Democrats who, like Senator Byrd (D-Va) contend the New Deal's fiscal policies are leading ;he country toward chaos, A storm of :riticism broke from this quarter. Senator Taft (R-Ohio) said the bud- ;et was shot through with the "false idea of pump-priming," and Senator Bailey (-NC) declared continued aeavy spending meant more and more axes., Assures Business Mr. Roosevelt asked by far the argest sum for nationaldefense in ;he nation's peace-time history- X1,609,558,000, of which he said fl,319,558,000 actually would be spent luring the year--to build a vast fleet f war planes, continue the naval construction program, increase naval personnel and finance the Army and Wavy generally. At the same time he urged "assur- mce" to the country's business men, armers and workers that the big' works program undertaken last sum- 'ner in the midst of the business lump would not be curtailed "arbi- trarily or violently." Buying Power Needed Referring to work relief and simi- ar expenditures, he said: "A violent contraction, before the iatural expansion of private indus- 'ry is ready to take 'up the slack, would mean, not only human misery, )ut a disruptive withdrawal from American industry of a volume of >urchasing power which business 'eeds at this time." The goal he announced yesterday n another message to the country- i national income of $80,000,000,000 >r more-was brought into the dis- >ussion by a table indicating that wvith such a countrywide income the 'rovernment's revenue from existing taxes would be $8,000,000,000 instead >f the $5,669,000,000 predicted for he next fiscal year. As to the kind of taxes to be en- icted, he left that up to consultation >etween Congressional and Treasury eaders, except for his advice against levies "repressive" upon purchasing power. it was believed widely, however, that Mr. Roosevelt considered taxes upon goods which the general public buys to be repressive while not so regarding inheritance and estate levies. Chamberlain Acclaims Presidential Message LONDON, Jan. 5 -(P)- Prime MincfprNai a r iami rnm U.S. Farm Problem Is Umsiique As Result Of Poor Marketing (E~ditor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles in which the writer will investigate the history and the nature of the present problems con- fronting American agrictuire, and the various proposals for their solution.) By ELLIOTT MARANISS I The United States, almost unique- ly among the nations of the world, possesses farm -*roduction power greatly exceeding the purchasing pow- er, and with some crops the needs of the domestic population. The nature of our agricultural maladjustments then, differs pro- foundly from those of deficit-agri- cultural countries, whose first neces- sity is an adequate food supply. The problem here is economic more than technical; it is, as is .generally recog- nized, essentially a problem of mar- ketina rather than that of deficient arising out of the present state of our internal economy and the world market. The problem formerly was to expand the agricultural output steadily to meet a steadily increasing demand at home and abroad. Even as recently as 1933 many people believed that only an emergency farm pro- grai was necessary; they believed the elimination of the surpluses that existed then would clear the way for a return to the old system of un- limited production. Today it is evi- dent that we face a more or less permanent problem in agricultural adjustment. The process of post-war rehabilita- tion uncovered profound change in our national life: the rate of growth declined in the domestic population; immigration ceased; the cities be- Award Will Be Given Student Who Writes Best Radio Script An award of $25, donated by a Inot only appeal to Michigan Alumni prominent alumnus, will be given to the student submitting the most sat- isfactory 45-minute radio program for the celebration of National Michi- gan Day to be broadcast nationwide March 18 over the Columbia Broad- casting System. The scripts must be submitted on or before Friday, Jan. 20, at Morris Hall. While the prize will be awarded for the best program submitted, the program broadcast may be a combi- noin o iaao nr er ,f aaia but also to the general public as well. The program, featuring the Uni- versity Band, University Glee Club and the Carillon, may be either uni- fied or in the form of skits intro- ducing the most popular of typical Michigan songs and selections, he said. Dramatic incidents in the de- velopment of the history of the Uni- versity may be used for these skits, al- though the historical aspect need not