THE MICHIGAN DAILY Holidays Bring Announements Of Weddings AndEntagementst Persian- The holidays brought forth a de- luge of news in the wedding and en- gagement line. Among the students: to be married who are still on cam- pus are Elizabeth Ronal, '38 to Fred- eick G. Buesser, 40L. Miss Ronal is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ronal of Monroe while Mr. Buesser is the son of Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Buesser of Detroit. Miss Ronal is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and played a prominent part in Panhellenic ac- tivities while an undergraduate. Mr. Buesser is affiliated with Delta Tau Delta fraternity and is also a mem- ber of Phi Delta Phi law fraternity. The couple will reside in Ann Arbort for the remainder of the year. Alice Brigham Married Another couple who were married during the holidays is Alice B. Brigh- am, '37, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. G. B. Brigham of Ann Arbor to Arnold H. Price,' '37, son of Prof. and Mrs. H. T. Price also of Ann Arbor. At present, both are attending Medical School. Dean and Mrs. Allen S. Whitney of Ann Arbor have announced the engagement of their daughter Joan Elizabeth, '38, to Bruce T. Tellfer, -'42L, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tellfer of Chicago. While on campus Miss Whitney was affiliated with Col- legiate Sorosis, and Mr. Tellfer is a member of Theta Delta Chi frater- nity. Wedding Date Is Set The wedding date of Adeline Singleton, '38, to Chris Everhardus, '3'1, was announced by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Singleton of Detroit for Jan. 14. Miss Single- ton was president of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority her senior year and Mr. Everhardus is a member of Del- ta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and, comes from ]Kalamazoo. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jacobson of Scarsdale, N.Y., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, '39, to Harry Block, '39, of New York City. Miss Jacobson is affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi while Mr. Block is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. Viriginia Hunt Engaged The engagement of Carolyn Bel- tramini, '38, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Beltramini of St. Petersburg, Fla. Miss Beltramini will wed Robert L. Caldwell, '38, of Detroit. Miss Beltramini is a mem- ber of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Ormond E. Hunt an- nounced the engagement of their aughter, Virginia, to Reeve R. Hast- ings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Hastings of Detroit at an open house during the holidays. Miss Hunt at- tended Kingswood School, Cran- brook and Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, Canada. She was in the University School of Music and was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. Hastings is a graduate of the engineering school. Nancy Stonington Weds The wedding of Frances Lauretta Van Antwerp, daughter of Maj. and Mrs. Eugene L. Van Antwerp, and Julius A. Jaeger, '39, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Jaeger, of Detroit, also took place during the holidays. Mr. Jaeger is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Stonington of Darien, Conn., have announced the marriage of their daughter, Nancy Virginia, to Stanley C. Cox, son of Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Cox of Hol- yoke, Mass. Miss Stonington, '40A, is a member of Alpha Phi, and Mr. Cox is a member of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. Michigan Dames To Meet The Michigan Dames wail hold a general meeting at 8 p.m today in the amphitheatre on the third floor of the Rackham Building. The Charm Group will be in charge. Dr. Inez R. Wisdom will speak on "Marital Rela- tions and Birth Control." Lamb Fe atured ' VI7 Moping On The Mall By Meandering Minnie Back to the grind, Minnie cries, clutching her sparse forelock by one claw, and taking up her typewriter in the other. It always takes about a week for the old wheels to get under way again, but the usual crop of committee meetings and women's athletic endeavors seems to be taking its r" .-usual toll. Come the-end of the week, the first two rounds of the W.A.A. bowling singles tournyment is supposed. to be played off. Those throwing their little muscles, into play for the event are Marion Weiss, Cecily Forrest, Mary Loughborough, Helen Nutting, Mary Van Welde, Elinor Helpert, Laya Wainger, Norm'a Curtis, Roberta Meyer. Margaret Meyer, Ellen Mac-' Donald, Elizabeth Gross, Pauline Froh, Nancy Sur- genor and Doris Ann Hendricks. Pause for a breath. To resume, carry on, and so forth. Barbara Johnson, Rosebeth Lebster, Janet Hiatt, Kay Glad.' ding, Madeline Umstead, Barbara Suffrin, Betty Stiglitz, Florence Gfant, Doris Cranmore, Jeanne Noyes, Jane Campbell, Thelma Weber, Maxine Nelson, Jean Johnson,. Jeanne Gomon and Mildred Curtis. To Carry On With The owrers... En garde-there ees more! Lucile Swift, Neva Dilley, Lenore Johnson, Sally Corcoran, Marjorie Kern and Dorothy Maul. Finis. Basketball games are being played. Chi Omega and Alpha Epsilon Phi played last night. Helen Tucker and Yvonne Westrate, not to mention l t Children Assist JGP Groups In Producing I ToMeetToday Ginny Frey and Esther Baker battling against Zelda Davis and her whirling A.E. Phi's. Tri Delt and Mosher were supposed to have played 4 too, but one of %the duo lost by a default. Certain parties failed to appear, we might say. Marge Kern, Helen Brown and Clara Louise Fulke piled up a big. score foi' Trn Delt in a practice game. Jane Griswold, Agnes Landers and Martha Tilman also participated in same. Children Theatre's "Ugly Duckling" comes off this week-end,barring accidents and catastrophes. Hear tell that there is a swan whose wheels fall off. Fee Menefee and Betty Spooner have been sewing like madwomen in the inner recesses of the League all week. Sub-Younger Set To Take Part . UglyDuckling' The mysteries of the missing axe and the missing yellow tights-"the duck's britches" as one of the cast put it-are only the beginning of the entertainment behind the scenes of the Children's Theatre produc- tions. Sixty children ranging from junior high school age down, light- ing, sets, props and costumes add to the staff's interests. The "children are selected from those who responded to a note on the last program inviting them to take part in "The Ugly Duckling" this Friday and Saturday: very serious about their .dramatic careers, having, a lot of fun and being very helpfull according to the oldsters who should know. They have spent hours sew- ing on hooks and eyes, putting feath- ers on costumes and keeping the I dressing rooms meticulously. Costumes Display Detail They respond carefully to direc- tions, the three blind mice-5 to 7 years old-going into deep consulta- tion to decide on how a live mouse sounds when it squeals. They carry tin cups and appear in long black woolen Dr. Denton-like outfits with green tails and wear dark glasses over which they peer judiciously now and then. Costumes in general are symbolic of the different animals depending on the imagination of the children in the audience for their effective- ness. A trailing rope tail tied with a bow for Mrs. Cow and huge ears on the donkey suggest the charac- ters without the use of masks. The pig eating apples is an appealing fig- ure in his beribboned straw hat, an exaggerated red tie, shorts, spats and striped socks. Lights Are Important Striking in contrast is the ballet of the swans: 20 girls in sparkling white ballet costumes dancing ap- <)"=>o<"""">oo<=-->o<==o<=o* V PRE-INVENTORY ( SAL E 0 of ^ FALL and WINTER HATS !1 1/2 former price U w. HELEN POLHEMUS 613 EAST WILLIAMS Four Doors off State o J WVomen Urged To Obtain Health Rechecks Early There will be a meetii ng of the central committee of Junior Girls' Play at 4:30 p.m. today in the Under- graduate office of the League, Kath- erine Maclvor, '40, publicity chair- man, announced yesterday. The dance committee of JGP will meet in the Undergraduate office of the League at 4 p.m. today. All junioP women parti('-ating in JGP are requested to bvinig their eligibility cards to the first meeting of their committees. A health recheck, available at the Health Service at any time, must also be obtained by all women ex- pecting to take part in the produc- tion or to work on a committee. The slips must be signed by Pattie Hai- slip, '40, assistant chairman. Junior women are urged to take advantage of this service immediately in order to avoid the last minute rush. Every student participating in JGP is requested to pay one dollar, which sum will be used to cover ex- penses until the receipts from the box office are available. The only qualifications for membership on a committee are the eligibility slip, parently among trees. The effect is obtained by use of trees painted in perspective on a material similar to cheesecloth which becomes transpar- ent when lighted from behind. Col- ored lights will lend changing hues to the white of the dancers' dresses. Odd bits of information that come from a visit backstage concern the snow storm produced by lighting ef- fects-an advantage because it leaves nothing to sweep up they say-grate- fully; a cellophane feathered swan drawn by six human ponies and carrying six people and an egg con- structed from a barrel out of which the Ugly Duckling himself hatches. BEAUTY ... BEGINS 1 i ._"WITH I THE HANDS... Groomwell presents LACTOL A scientific nail normalizing treatment. For important occasions and various social events in general, this version of the dress coat is ideal. In ever - popular black, it features Persian lamb as its trimming. The soft, curly fur forms stunning sleeves and flatter- ing collar. ,___- k. . _ a . e .: All of A Quantities of Ann Arbor's sub-younger set is taking part. Said production is the last one of the year, and is the annual operetta. Happy - landings, girls. A2 was quite the place over vacation. One of the choicer tales concerns the young man who spent the evening Dec. 31 being pushed all over the League floor in a packing box. Not to for- get, too, the sub-debs and escorts who squatted around the ballroom boards shooting craps. And that seems to be that for this week. When J.G.P. gets on the ball, soon, we trust, and Ruthven Teas again hold the floor on Wednesday p.m.'s, the column will have more zip, and we do mean-well, nuts, what do we mean? GOODYEAR'S COLLEGE SHOP Winter Shoe Sale L\ 298 398 498 New Year's Eve Brings Noisy Crowds To New York Streets Ten o'clock and all's not well. Two ! Year, only watches and clocks did hours till the infant New Year comes not agree for people are shouting GROOM-WELL BEAUTY SHOPPES 615 East Liberty Phone 3773 1205 S. University Phone 4818 Formerly 5.00 to 7.50 a pair Smart designs, quality leathers, excellent workmanship ,distinguish these shoes. . . making this a timely oppor- tunity you won't want to miss.. Suede, buck, calf and kidskins . . . some with alligator or lizard trim. Popular, flattering designs for street and dress wear . . . spectator pumps, opera pumps, straps, ties, a few white satin sandals for evening. K I . _ _ _ 7 7 Rust Brown Blue Black GOODYEAR'S COLLEGE SHOP 713 NORTH UNIVERSITY in and "Little Old New York" is going strong. In St. James Theatre, Mau- rice Evans, as "Hamlet" speaks inj mental bewilderment, "To be, or not to be-." Ophelia's singing is drowned out by echoes as a noisy mob tears I along or their way to Times Square. On every street corner and all along the way one finds vendors sell- ing tin horns, wooden horns, red horns, blue horns ... ! A wizened old man throws a yellow Hawaiian lei around your neck and whines for a dime. Everyone Seems Happy Crowds are streaming down from blocks above 53rd Street, East and West. They tear across the street against the light-brakes screech, Then everyone smiles and says, "Happy New Year," only 45 minutes too early-and so it goes. Two blocks down and a vicious fight is in progress. Dark skin and white skin mix in a glory of wild slugging.... Then a sudden "Happy New Year" rents the air as the patrol! wagon hoves in sight and "Peace on earth, good will towards men" pre- vails. Greetings Ring Loudly A mad dash for Times Square to see the formal greeting of the New Plans For Engineers' Ball Dropped This Semester Plans for the annual Engineers' Ball, scheduled for Jan. 13, have been dropped due to difficulty in obtaining a suitable orchestra, Wesley Warren, '3$E, president of the Engineering Council, announced yesterday. Rather than have an inferiorl band, the committeedecided not to hold the Engineers' Ball this semes- ter, Warren said. There is a pos- sibility that it will be held in the spring in addition to the regular Slide Rule dance, he added. "Happy New Year" from 11:45 on, and on, and on, and on. A disgust- ed policeman and his bewildered steed try to keep a Swiss yodler from climbing up the horse's back-from the back. People split their throats blowing horns, shouting, laughing and some are crying (with joy, we think.). Fighting toward uptown is a real struggle. One respectable hotel frowned in amazement as two happy souls went round and round in its swinging doors! More noise as a few strong men, from some meandering circus, turn over a taxi . . . a Happy New Year to you, too! Prof. Earl Moore Addresses Meeting Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music discussed carillons and bell music at a meeting of the, Ann Ar- bor Women's Club held Tuesday, Jan. 3 in the League ballroom. Moore gave the history and the technique of making and playing carillons. The theme of Professor Moore's talk was the importance of bell music in life, He believes that the beauty of bell music lies in "bridging the time between daylight and dark- ness" rather than in formal bell con- certs. The speaker said that the bells in the Netherlands date back to the 16th century and are associat- ed with the town government rath- er than with the church. Professor Moore discussed the beauty peculiar to bells as resulting from thebcombination of overtones in each bell. He stated that bells cast in the late 15th century have re- tained their beautiful tone. Mrs. William C. Hoad, chairman of the music appreciation divisior, in- troduced the speaker. January, CLEAR ANCE DRESSES' 4 Regularly to $10.95.....$4 Better Dresses .. . .$8, $12 and $15 Finer Fur-Trimmed A New Year's Special A BRAND NEW PEN of a unique design and of wonderful qualities. The 'CHILTON pen. This pen has the largest ink capacity of any make on the market. Comes in any color or style and is fully guaranteed by us. Regular $7.50 value. DRESS and SPORT COATS $26 $46f$75 6 Values to $79.30! $3:25 Furred SI' SPECIAL PRICE . . port (Regularly $29.95!) All Standard Brands of PENS and PENCILS PENS...............$1.00 to $10.00 Coats. .. . . . . ..f..$12 versibles .... 25% off Sport Coats, .e Three-Piece Suits......33 1/3 off PENCILS .............. STATIONERY... tic to $5.00 Chilton gw r'g Pen s We are offering a new stock of embossed MICHIGAN SEAL STATIONERY at the spe- cial reduced price of 49c for 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. This is an unusually fine grade of stationery, formerly selling at 89c. NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS and BEST WISHES to our o Patrons . past, present and future. Most of you have had splendid home-cooked meals during the holidays . . . and how good they tasted. We, too, have fine home-cooking with luncheons at 40c (Mlan-tailoreds and Tweeds) Jackets and Skirts.........25% off Blouses .........25% and 50% off (No exchanges, refunds or approvals) Two-Piece Suits ...:.......25% off II 11