THE MlflIGAN DAILY lIGAN DAILY JL 1J .: . wl G i n W _,orsV F JT Y --cR* AMHA5O-N .. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. cHICAGO -'BOSTON * Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor Editorial Director. City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor - Women's Editor Sports Editor . Editors Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May10 Horace W.PGilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman D.rJoseph Gies Dorothea Staebler * . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan ?Women's Business Manager . . Helen JeanDean Women's Service Manager . . . Maian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS PLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. National Defense And South America ,. , T HE QUESTION of national defense . I.will undoubtedly be one of primary consideration at the present session of Congress. The threat to the Monroe Doctrine represented by fascist penetration in South America de- serves the closest attention the national gov- ernment can bestow on it. Unfortunately, it appears that certain important, even possibly fatal errors of judgmeipt are likely to be made. National defense is always a problem of the greatest delicacy. It 'would not be far from wrong to say that it has never yet been properly handled by an American government. The war of 1812 was begun with the defense forces in a weakened and disorganized condition. When the Civil War broke out the government was virtu- ally without armed forces on land or sea. In 1898 .and in 1917 wars were begun with the army and war department unprepared. The lessons of these instances and the dangers of today make army and navy officers and congressmen anxious to avoid any possibility of repetition by pre- paring for "any eventuality" (i.e., war) immedi- ately. Of course, everyone hopes there will be no necessity to fight a war. The national defense enthusiasts say that a strong army, navy and air corps will help the cause of peace by discourag- ing aggressors. There is without question a great deal of truth in this statement, but it is too simple to cover adequately all the facts of the present case. In order to make the threat of armed pre- paredness a force for peace, we must know our- selves and let it be clearly understood by others what we are going to fight for. Has the United States sufficiently important interests in South America, is the Monroe Doctrine a sufficiently vital element in our national security, to deem them worth going to war for? Similarly, are our interests in China and the principle of the Open Door worth a war to preserve? In our opinion none of these things are worth the cost of war, but this is only a small part of the question. Suppose it is granted that fascist infiltration in' South America is not a casus belli for the United States: the dangerous con- sequences of such an event are not altered. The last thing we want in South America is Euro- pean fascism, and its presence there may easily, in fact probably would, involve us in a war we did not seek. The obvious course, it seems to us, is to keep fascism from gaining a foothold in South America., The South American nations are nearly all Spanish-speaking, with backgrounds of Spanish culture. The exception is Portuguese-descended Brazil, already in the grip of a semi-fascist dic- tatorship. All, including Brazil, are subject to pressure from Italian and German fascism, and what is of thehmost immediate and inescapable importance, that pressure will vary almost directly with the military fortunes of fascism in the Spanish war. If Franco wins in Spain the difficulty of keeping fascism out of South America will be multiplied to a virtual impossibility. South America is drifting toward the Hitler orbit, and no amount of Lima Conferences, Washington pleas or American armaments will stop the drift if the career of fascist conquest in Europe is crowned with victory in Catalonia. embargo on Germany. The State Department is certainly not influenced by respect for German opinion; an embargo could hardly be a more overt expression of American anti-Nazi feeling than the diplomatic exchanges of December. We have al*.ady gone on record in unmistakable opposition to the German government; we have merely limited ourselves to empty phrase-making and name-calling. Action is going to be neces- sary; what we must decide is whether it is to take the sterile form of preparation for disaster or the constructive one of an effort to forestall it. Building armaments is a dangerous business at best. The exigencies of national defense re- quire that the present military, naval and air forces at least be maintained and be kept mech- anically and technically up to date. Whether' more units are needed, and the nature of possible additions is a question for experts to decide. What is up to Congress, the President and the people is determining the purpose of the defense forces, as specifically as possible, and taking intelligent steps to render the necessity for using them as remote as possible. -Joseph Gies ii fems o M Heywood Broun In his selection of two new Cabinet members Franklin Roosevelt has played politics. That, of course, is a time-honored American tradition, and, within certain limits, it seems to be a good one. It is not Senatorial custom to re- fuse confirmation even in cases where an appointment may be disliked by a con- siderable majority. Bennett Champ Clark has already been quoted as saying that Cabinet appointments are "the President's business." It so happens that Senator Clark and Governor Murphy are close personal friends, although not aligned with the same wing of the Democratic party. But even Burke, of Nebraska, who has been almost consistently anti-administration of late, has expressed approval of Murphy as Attorney General, and so it may seem unlikely that there will be any organized fight by con- servative Democrats against the two NewDeal- ers who have been added to the Cabinet. Wash- ington reporters who have been extremely accur, ate in recent predictions unite in saying that both nominees will be confirmed after some little discussion. The fight will be carried on largely by Re- publicans, and it will be a sham battle having practically no relationship-to the year 1939. The debate will constitute the opening skirmish of the Presidential campaign of 1940. It is quite evi- dent that Mr. Roosevelt took much counsel and gave a good deal of thought to the problem be- fore he chose the battle ground. He had the strategic advantage of selecting the terrain for the combat. Superficially it might seem as if he had left his flanks exposed and even furnished ammunition to the enemy. I doubt that it will work out that way. It seems to me as if Franklin Roosevelt, in spite of some reverses, is still a far more able field marshal than any leader in the opposition. Why, then, didn't he select two middle of the rdad nonentities concerning whom no controversy could be created? I think the answer is that the President feels it advantageous, as far as '1940 goes, to have the fight start now. The name of Harry Hopkins raises the WPA issue, and inevit- ably Murphy's nomination leaves a wide opening for an attack on the C.I.O. and on the sitdown strikes which occurred in the automobile indus- try. But since both these issues were certain to come into side political discussion, it may prove excellent strategy to have the debate start now. This particular timing discourages Democratic criticism and foments it among Republicans. In other words, party lines are tightened. With feT exceptions, conservatives who beat the "purge" will say little or nothing, since any violent tirades from this group would lend support to the charge that their loyalties went with the Republicans rather than with their own party. An open rebuke to Roosevelt now would almost amount to hand- ing the 1940 national election to the G.O.P. in advance. No such barrier exists in the path of Republican oratory. But if the leaders of the opposition party make the discussion of Hopkins and of Murphy a long-drawn-out and knock- down fight I think they will fall into a carefully prepared trap. They will expend all their ammu- nition before the major conflict begins. By the time 1940 rolls around the average voter may be inclined to say, "Oh, I heard all about that in 1938. It's old stuff now." As in the case of eggs, new laid issues are more palatable than those which are taken out of cold storage. If the Republicans are smart their criti- cisms will be sharp but brief and left upon the Record with the nomination, "To be continued in our next." But I don't think the Republicans are smart. It is my guess that the fight over confirmation will be more bitter than the Wash- ington prophets anticipate. And I make the un- qualified prediction that Holto, from the Demo- cratic side, will speak at least ten hours in op- position to the New Deal. In other words, I think the President's strategy will work superbly and that the line between pro- gressives and conservatives in both parties will be drawn as sharply as that which was marked with a knife upon the hard floor of the Alamo. Bad Omen For Hitler Has Adolf Hitler's star reached its zenith, with a decline due in the next few months? His selec- tion as Time's "Man of the Year" for 1938 sug- gests that this happy turn of affairs may be in nmosiect. Jndain frmm the fao f thniP mwhn The Editor Gets Told Scholarships For Refugees To the Editor: Many eastern colleges are providing scholar- ships for those students who of late have found it impossible to continue study in their native lands. Would it not be an appropriate and democratic gesture for us of Michigan to provide funds for refugee students? In any case, there are enough Jewish students here who should be thankful enough of their own good fortune to undertake such a project even without the help of others who may be interested. It would be especially fitting to present the scholarships in the names of those faculty mem- bers and alumni of Jewish extraction who have helped to raise Michigan to its present stature. Sincerely yours Seymour S. Horowitz, Grad. Why Women Hate Me Gentle Reader: Please don't think my article an attempt to "put on the dog." Far be it from me to aim at headlines or popularity. Netiher is it a defense for the well-known male sex, in retort to an article which appeared in this paper some time before Christmas vacation, written by one. of those mild detesters of us gentlemen. For we gentlemen don't have to put up a defense; if we all went into hibernation, the women would be clambering at our doorsteps-which even now they do. Nor is it an apology-so to proceed! My own person, a mere lad of some twenty odd years, consists of one who has spent a great deal of his life studying female personalities. To wit-it behooves me to think that my studies have achieved success. Namely, give the gentler sex what they want and they do not want it. However, it is not my intention to cast "bokays." So-o, to proceed:i Women do not like many things which we men admire. They, as last month's author so aptly described in her way, detest a braggart. Well, we all flare up once in a while, when out with our gal friends, and overstep our bounds. So what? Don't they all? , We have all done our share of sopping up beer and kicking the gong around. Again, so what? Women, as a rule can't hold their liquor and never were meant to. There's a little proverb to be cited in this regard: Lips that touch liquor shall never touh my liquor! (big joke) Every woman does want to get married-be- lieve it or not-although many have been dis- appointed and looked to other fields. About necking-it's vulgar; simply horrid. About smoking-what are a few ashes on the rug, more or less. There may be an ash tray around, but perhaps they are out of our reach and a rug is just as good. Love-what's love? Ask a woman-she's all emotions anyhow-she certainly can tell you. And about telling stories which are a bit to the leeward-Men can always find girls to tell one too, but it's best to avoid that kind. And, about being hungry all the time, as we men are supposed to be-well, what good is a girl if she can't cook? A burlesque show-tsk, tsk! It's part of a man's education to enjoy one now and again. My policy, since my study of women, is from hence forward, to be a one-woman man. But that woman-where is she? Well, anyhow, let's forget the past, bury the hatchet, and carry on. -F. R. who took the honors. Ever since that time, she has been an embittered exile from the land over which she hoped to rule as Queen. Chiang Kai-shek was the "Man of 1937." Now Chiang's army has been driven back into the interior of China, and the Generalissimo, dis- coureyoer bythefAirp of pn to s 4.rr-u fi- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the tliversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1939 I ation to qualify for position on the VOL. XLIX. No. 72 "Preferred Substitute List." Salary range: $2,200 to $4,600. Student Loans. The Committee on All candidates must file an appli- Student Loans will meet on Jan. 9 in cation blank and a notice of inten- Room 2, University Hall to consider tion to take the examination with applications for loans for the second Mr. Stanley H. Rolfe, Superintendent semester, of Schools, Board of Education, Ad- Appointments must be arranged in ministration Building. 31 Green St., advance. Newark, New Jersey, before Thurs- day, March 16, 1939. The examina- You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath Merry Christmas With my mind still pleasantly be- fogged by the memories of an alto- gether satisfactory vacation, during which I plunged into the business of relaxing with a zeal approaching reli- gious fanaticism, I hauled myself out of the hay yesterday morning and went downstairs to investigate the morning mail. That was a mistake. I should have suspected something when I noticed that there were ten envelopes bearing my name. Pleasant mornings spent ripping open stacks of Christmas cards with their uni- form good wishes had lulled me into a false security. I inserted a finger in the first envelope and tore it open. Suddenly I realized that I was back at Michigan, that it was the first of the month, that the spirit of Christ- mas generosity is a fragile and pass- ing thing. Charge accounts are great things before Christmas but most annoying after. It will be several months before my financial standing will regain a "standing" position again. That esti- mate of how long it will take me to recover from Christmas does not take into account several birthdays and a J-Hop which are due to Odd'their bit to my total indebtedness. But then it was fun while it lasted. Merry Christmas . . . Whew. Saline To Ann Arbor ABILENE, KAN. The town which once boasted such hardy characters as Wild Bill Hickok, Billy The Kid, and Bill Cody produced a pale and bleary eyed individual to catch the last ' train to Kansas University at Lawrence. He struggled aboard the clanking, puffing local which was to convey him back to the daily grind. Visibly afflicted by a visitation of the little men, he first took a long drink of the luke warm water in the train's "cooler," then selected a seat and sat holding his quaking head in his trembling hands. A quarter of a mile past the outskirts of the town, he suddenly, if unsteadily, leaped to his feet and pulled the emergency cord. As the train ground to a stop he opened a door, tossed off his grip and followed it to the ground personally. Picking himself and his bag up, he shouted at the conductor who was on the verge of an apoplectic fit', "Sorry buddy, I'd never make it . . . you know how it is . . . Sorry." With that he headed for home on the zig- zag course recommended for battle- ships trying to dodge torpedoes. KANSAS CITY, MO. The colored proprietor of the Union Station shoe shine stand who can furnish you with a graphic account of every inci- dent of note to occur in the cavern- ous depot for years past, including the names and numbers of all the partici- pants in the notorious "Union Station Massacre," volunteered the informa- tion that roisteringrmobs had made a shambles of the usually orderly station. According to my informant, tele- phones were ripped off the wall, directing signs were pulled down from the track entrances and worn as capes, fights cropped up by the dozens which caused a nice upswing in the ambulance and patrol wagon industries, and many of the station shops had their shining plate glass windows knocked out in a spirit of good fellowship. The amiable shoe shiner, who looks and talks like Eddie Anderson of "Rochester" fame summed up: "Man, they was nullin' muari if rnth+ir. All Students: Registration for sec- ond semester. Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, College of Architecture. Students should call for second semester material at Room 4 University Hall at once. The Col- lege of Architecture will post an an- nouncement in the near future giving time of conference with your classi- fier. Please wait for this notice be- fore seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, Colleges of L.S.&.A., Education, Music. Stu- dents should call' for second semes- ter registration material at Room 4, University Hall as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Students Concentrating in Econ- omics: Cards have been mailed re- garding second semester classifica- tion. If you are unable to meet your adviser at the time assigned to you on these cards, or if no card has reached you, please see the Depart- ment Secretary at once for another appointment. R.O.T.C. Advanced course commu- tation checks issued at Headquarters today from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The Rochdale Cooperative House, located at 640 Oxford Road, is ac- cepting applications for next semes- ter from undergraduate students. In- formation concerning membership and membership blanks can be ob- tained at the Dean of Students Of- fice, Room 2, University Hall or at the Rochdale Cooperative House. Spain, 1939 is the subject of talks by two Michigan students, just re- turned from two years' fighting in the Spanish Republican Army, at a meeting Friday, Jan. 6 at 4 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Bernard Friedman The Guiding Committee of the United Committee to Aid China will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the League. Bernard Friedman. The Bureau of Appointments has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is given in each case. Michigan Civil Service. Extension Librarian. Salary range $150-190. Jan. 20. (Residence in Michigan not required). Order and Catalogue Librarian. Salary range $200-240. Jan. 20. (Resi- dence in Michigan not required). Cooking classes. Salary range $95- 160. Jan. 7. Institution Maintenance Machin- ist. Salary range $140-160. Jan. 5. Orthopedic Public Health Nurse. Salary range $250-310. Jan.-12. (Resi- dence in Michigan not required). Housemaid. Salary range $75-90. Jan. 5. Detroit Civil Service. Junior Transportation , Schedule Maker. Salary $2,520. Jan. 11. Junior Matron (House of Coiec- tion). Salary $1100 and full main- tenance. Jan. 10. Open to residents of Wayne Coun- ty. Senior Building' Operating En- gineer. Salary $2580. Jan. 13. Principal Building Operating En- gineer. Salary $3000. Jan. 13. Piano Accompanist (Female) Part time, 2 to 5 periods per week at S2 a period. Jan. 16. Milwaukee City Service. Assistant Chief in Charge of Sani- tary Inspection. (Legal residence in Milwaukee for 3 years required) Sal- ary $2400. Jan. 5. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Inl'fr- mation, 201 Mason Hall; Office houw's 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The Bureau of Appointments has received a notice concerning the fol- lowing Newark, New Jersey teaching examinations. Secondary Schools- (1) Art (Drawing and Design), (2) Music-Vocal, (3) Music-Instru- mental, (4) Physical Training (Men and Women), (5) English, (6) His- tory, and (7) Mathematics. Elemen- tary Schools- Home Economics. Re- quirements: Eligibility for a New Jer- sey state certificate, college degree, two years teaching experience, U.S. nii.r +chinn mct'hnnprn A . + lnf of English 190. Junior Honors. All students wishing to elect Junior Honors for the coming term should see Mr. Weaver on or before Jan. 9. Office hours: 10-11, MWF, 2218 A.H. February Candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate: The Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given on: Saturday, Jan. 7from 9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium o- the University High School. Students having Saturday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Printed information re- garding the examination may be se- cured in the School of Education office. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amnaition in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, Jan. 7, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. Events Today Zoology Seminar: There will be no meeting of the Zoology Seminar to- night. Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting of the Cercle Francais to- night at 7:30 p.m. in Room 408, Ro- mance Languages Bldg. La Sociedad Hispanica: There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the League. The pro- gram will consist of a short talk, poems, a game and songs. All mem- bers are requested to attend. University Girls' Glee Club: Re- hearsal tonight at 7:15 in the game room of the League. Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehear- sal tonight at 7:30 p.m. Zeta Phi Eta: All actives, pledges, and alumnae are reminded of the regular meeting tonight 'at 7:15 p.m. in the Portia room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Please be on time. Publicity Committee meeting will be held at 5 pim. today in the League. Attendance is required. League Social Committee meeting today at 4 o'clock in the League. All members must attend, and if they are not excused by the chairman, they will be dropped from the list of membership. Seniors of the Merit System com- mittee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the Undergraduate office of the League. Michigan Dames General Meeting tonight at 8- p.m. in the ampitheatre of the Rackham Building (Graduate School). Dr. Inez Wisdom, guest speaker for the Charm Group, will talk. Members who have not re- ceived their handbooks may get them from Mrs. Schick Thursday evening. The Interior Decoration Group of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at three o'clock today, Jan. 5, in the Michigan League. Professor Walter Gores, authority on furniture, will give an illustrated lecture on "Period Furniture." Avukah meeting at the Hillel Foun- dation tonight at 7:30 p.m. There will be a meeting at the Foundation at 7:30 tonight of all those interested in the Hillel choral group. The class in elementary Hebrew at the Hillel Foundation will meet today at 4:15 p.m. The class in advanced Hebrew will not meet this week. Coming Events Tn. Rno i. T%- L no m..,. tions will be held Wednesday, April 12, 1939 at 9 a.m. in Newark, New Jersey. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Anthropology of Culture". Be Thursday, Jan. 157: "The Evolution prepared for t quiz 5.