Weather Rain, sleet or snow probable today. OF Sitr igan ttl Editorial National Defense And South America VOL. XLIX. No. 7 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Premier Builds Cabinet' For Japan On Fasc stie Lines Movement Behind Scenes Forces Prince Konoye's Removal For Hiranuma Strong Army Group Stands Behind Shift TOKYO, Jan. 5 -(')-(Thursday)- - Baron Kilchiro Hiranuma, fascist-in- clined president of the Privy Council( and premier-designate succeeding the compartively liberal Prince FuimaroI Konoye, today completed his cabinett with three new ministers. Ishi Watari, minister of finance;r Chuji Machida, minister of agricul- ture, and Yonezo Maeda, minister ofr railways, were the only new members of the government in the list pre- pared by the 73-year-old Japanesea Nationalist whose powerful, behind- the-scenes backers yesterday thrust( aside the retiring premier for a more authoritarian form of governmentI Premier A Nationalist t Hiranuma, 73, is one of Japan'st outstanding Nationalists. Prince Fum-r imaro Konoye, retiring Premier, wasl thrust aside by a powerful movement,t mostly behind the scenes, for anI even more authoritaria government.t This movement represented ele- ments within the army, inside andr outside the government of the com-I paratively liberal Konoye and withinI ultra-patriotic groups. Among its demands were more rigidt control of economic life, new policies' to consolidate conquests in China and the fusion of all political parties into? a single nationalist group. Gets Konoye Support Konoye, whose 19-month tenure started a month before tie outbreak of the undeclared war with China, said in resigning that it was "urgent- ly necessary to enhance the confi- dence of the nation by formulating new policies under a new cabinet." The time had come, he added, "when the government must concen- trate its efforts on construction of a new order to)aintain lasting peace in East Asia."* Because feeling in some quarters was intense, fear was expressed for" the personal safety of some retiingt ministers, especially Seihin Ikeda, elderly finance minister. He had angered extremists by blocking army demands for Government control ofE corporation capital, dividends and in- vestments.l WPA To Adopt Merit System! New Order Will Apply To 35,000_Employes WASHINGTON, Jan 4-(RP) Aid a storm of charges of politics in re- lief, Administration officials an-E nounced today that 35,000 adminis- trative enployes of WPA would be. placed under civil service Feb. 1.- Col V. C. Harrington, new Relief Administrator, said the move would involve all administrative personnel, in Washington and the field, with the exception of a "small number of policy-making positions" He said the step was mandatory under a Presidential order approved" last June 24, and that he heartily1 endorsed it. It was announced that non-competitive examinations were being given the employes. Senator Byrnes (Dem), chairman' of a special Senate Committee on Relief, said that civil service provi- sions prohibiting political activity by federal employes would apply by WPA employes as soon as they were installed under civil service. 'Sinister Six' Sponsors Beauty Queen Election "The Sinister Six," sponsors of the second annual University Ice Carni- val to be held Friday, Jan. 13, will be- gin the distribution of ballots for the election of a "beauty queen" to rep- resent the carnival today, The bal- lots will be given out by ticket sales-. men on the campus. The Carnival, which will be held in the Coliseum, will feature a pre- sentation of a figure skating exhibi- tion by the Olympic Skating Club of Detroit. There will be a number of n-h ,fa...rc ininai r rnpnt Factors Causing Agrarian ProblemsToday Analyzed Writer Asserts Modern Industrial City Is Indebted To Rural Communities, Despite Influence It Wields Politically And Economically Over Nation (Editor's Noe: This is the first in a series of articles in which the writer w-ill investigaite the history and the nature of the present problems co- frcnting American agriculture, and the various proposals for their solution.) By ELLIOTT MARANISS The dominant factor in American social history during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is generally recognized as being the growth of large cities. The process of urbanization, an in- evitable outgrowth of expanding in- dustry and commerce, is undoubted- ly dominant in our civilization, and the problems attendant to this growth have naturally attracted the major part of our attention. But if industrial urbanization is the domi- nant factor in our society, it owes its position to, and exercises its econ- omic, political and cultural domin- ance over a non-urban, agricultural group that comprises 25 per cent of our population. This outline of the economic and political background of the agricul- tural problems confronting the na- tion will necessarily only cover the more important ones. It is useless, as Secretary Wallace has said, to set the problem against an imaginary background of conditions as they used to be and will probably never be again, but it is essential that the real past conditions and forces that have shaped our present agrarian problem be understood. To arrive at this understanding of the extent and character of the cur- rent maladjustment, and to let the reader himself draw from it a basis for judgment of the various programs offered for agricultural re-adjust- ment, is the task we have set before us in this series. Before proceeding to the specific economic and political aspects of the problem, it is pertinent at this point to make one observation, a matter for sociologists and other surveyors of our culture. Out of .the depression and its concomitants has come a new back-to-the-land movement, a new regionalism centering about agrarian communities in the Middle-West, the South-west and the far North-west. It is, ofcourse, mainly an economic con- dition, but it is of great importance to our national life. Grant Wood sees in it the basis of a really indigenous culture and art; Richard Neuberger feels that the regionalism of the North-west embodies all the attri- butes of the old frontier, with im- portant bearings on our future eco- nomic and political development. It is certainly a trend in contemporary American life, the implications of whichmust be further studied. Its relation to our particular problem is apparent. By the end of tie Civil War the American farmers had lost, irrevoc- ably, their central position in the nation's :political life. The political control they had possessed in the Jacksonian era ended with Appoma- tox, and in the ensuing years they were forced to fight strenuously for (Continued on Page 2)1 Spanish Rebels Claim Captuire f Key Town Government Denies Fall Of Artesa; 40 Perish In Tarragona Air Raid HIENDAYE, France-(At the Span- ish Frontier)--Jan. 4 -(A)- TheI Spanish Insurgent command tonights officially announced the capture of Artesa, "Gateway to Catalonia" 651 miles northwest of Barcelona., Fall of the oity was claimed by In- surgent dispatches from Burgos, In- surgent military headquarters, 24 hours before, but was flatly contra- dicted today by thte Government comm and. Insurgents did not reiterate the claim until tonight, when the offi- cial communique asserted the textile1 town fell before attacks of two In- surgent columns which crossed the Segre River on pontoons and waded' through fields flooded by diversion of water from the Urgel Canal. BARCELONA, Jan. 4-(M-At least{ 40 persons were killed and 30 wound- ed in Tarragona today when Insur- gent planes rained heavy bombs on two passenger trains loaded with refugees from the fr6nt line areas. While rescuers worked at the wrecked train and dug at debris in the city's port area as well as 25 more Insurgent planes circled over the city, 60 miles southeast of Barcelona, for several hours, dropping bomb after bomb. It was one of the war's worst at- tacks on a behind-the-lines city, and the extent of casualties still was not fully known. Famed Pianist To Play Here Next Tuesday' Virtuoso Josef Hofmann, To Give Recital in Fifth Of Choral Union Series Josef Hofmann, who last year cele- brated the 50th anniversary of his debut in this country as a concert pi- anist, will give a recital here Tues- day, Jan. 10, in the fifth Choral Union presentation of the year. Born in Cracow, Poland, 60 years ago of a mother who was an operatic soprano and a father who was a con-' ductor, pianist and composer, Hof- mann began playing the piano at three, making his professional debut in Warsaw at five.' Shortly there- after, he toured Europe and was in- troduced to American audiences in 1887, at the age of 10. New York concert-goers were amazed a n d thrilled at the slight Polish youth's rendition of the Beethoven Piano Concert No. 1, and, steadily, since that time, his 'fame' has grown and 'he now is accepted as one of the fin- est piano virtuosos of the day. Present Ensian Price To Increase Saturday Only two days remain during which to take advantage of the prevailing Michiganensian price of $4 according to Charles L. Kettler, '39E, business manager of the yearbook. Students planning to subscribe to the book at the present price are urged to contact the 'Ensian salesmen on campus or at the 'Ensian office in the Student Publications Building today or tomorrow, Damage High In Fraternity House Blaze Early Morning Fire Razes Phi Kappa Tau; Losses Estimated At $26,000 Spread Of flames Perils Occupants Twenty-six thousand dollars in damages were left in the wake of early morning flames which raked the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity at 1023 Oakland Ave. yesterday. The estimate of the loss was advanced by the fraternity treasurer, Richard Jay, '39E. The blaze, of undetermined origin, was discovered by Robert Jackson, '41E, when he was awakened at 4:10c a.m. to find his room filled with smoke. The third floor hallway at the north end of the house was a mass of flame as the fourteen men in the house at the time of the fire1 escaped down fire-escapes and back stairs. The building was a wooden frame house which burned rapidly. The exterior of the house is not un- duly scarred, but the inside was al- most completely gutted by flame andt the water employed to check the conflagration. Outside rooms on the second floor were the only ones from which occupants were able to rescue£ a few personal belongings. Most private possessions werel abandoned as the fraternity members fled the building clad only in pajamas, few having overcoats and shoes. They took refuge in adjoining sororityt and league houses as the fire depart-E ment, summoned hastily to the scene1 fought the blaze until shortly after 7 a.m. when it was brought underc control. Surrounding sororities were untouched by the fiercely' burning fire due to the segregated location of the house and the lack of wind to1 carry sparks. Mrs. Helen Gukor of 849 Tappant St. reported that the house went up so rapidly that it was miracWous the occupants on th 4hird floor dorm-j itory were able to escape. Fortunately the flames missed a particular room on the southeast sideI of the building, directly under the] dormitory. The men in -that room, Frank Carstens, '39E, and Jay, make a hobby of collecting shells and rifles.7 Had the explosion of this miniature arsenal occurred, serious loss of life might have resulted Seats Contested In Legorislature Opening Day Of Session Faces Usual Uproar LANSING. Jan. 4-(API--The 60th Michigan Legislature convened6to- day, precipitating a fight over the seating of 13 members elected to the House of Representatives. Cloakroom rumor said two Senators also would face a contest for their seats. The lawmakers, with Republicans firmly in the saddle, devoted most of the opening hours to routine formali- ties. Governor Fitzgerald will deliver personally to a joint session of the two chambers tomorrow afternoon his message outlining the Administra- tion's legislative program. Victor H. Meier, acuing as a "Detroit taxpayer," filed with the House of Representatives a challenge of the qualifications of 11 Democratic mem- bers elected from Wayne County. He contended the defeated Republican candidates should have the seats, be- cause the 11 members held minor county positions that disqualified them as nominees. Under the consti- tution the House of Representatives is the sole judge of the qualifications of its members. HAlma Mater Will Sue Hewitt On $200 Debt Paris, London Senator Pittman President Will To Deal With Predicts Be Free Fascists Speaks Tomorrow Europe Observes Shift In Neutrality LONDON, Jan. 4-(01)-Great Bri- tain and France tonight officially welcomed what they considered Presi- dent Roosevelt's veiled threat of eco- nomic sanctions against aggressors. Britain quickly rebroadcast in Ger- man and Italian pointed passages of his address to Congress. The speech was heard clearly in England from semi-official British Broadcasting Corporation facilities. Thousands stopped in the rain to lis- ten at open shop doors. Newspapers displayed the address prominently. The Italian press said the new con- gressional session opened in an atmos- phere of "scandals and charged United States officials with using relief money for political purposes." Though there was general agree- ment on all of the President's observa- tions about aggressors, both Britain and France gratefully noted the two passages on neutrality legislation. One of these statements was ac- cepted here as a prelude to a modi- fied, new neutrality act. The other was taken as a threat of economic sanctions against first, Japan, then1 perhaps Insurgent Spain and- finally against any major aggressor in Eur- ope. WASHINGTON, Jars. 4 -(AP)- A prediction that Congress would give the administration freedom to pursue a stiffer policy toward dictators came today from Chairman Pittman (Dem-' Nev) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. After hearing President Roosevelt's message to Congress, the Senator ex- pressed the opinion that the Chief Executive had decided "moral, finan- cial and commercial sanctions" were necessary to bring treaty violators to terms, Seven peace organizations said in a joint statement tonight that the President's message "must come as a heavy disappointment to all Ameri- cans who desire to see this country lead in the present world struggle for the abolition of war." t "In a time of international hysteria where is there evidence in his mes- sage of a sense of the responsibility of .this country torreestablish calm and reason in world affairs?" the statement asked. BERLIN, Jan. 4 -()- President Roosevelt's message to Congress to- day in which he referred to "storms from abroad" as a challenge to Ameri- can democracy was "what was ex- pected." This was the first German reaction appearing in the morning edition of the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger, The news- paper's comment was headed, "in the tracks of Wilson." DR. EDITH SUMMERSKILL ~Spain In 1939' Will Be Theme Of Talks Here Nelson Named Chairman Of Program Featuring Member Of Parliament Prof. Norman Nelson of the Eng- lish department will be chairman of the meeting at 4 P.m. tomorrow in the Union Ballroom to discuss "Spain: 1939" at which Dr. Edith Summer- skill, member of the British Parlia- ment, Jay Allen, war correspondent, and Robert Cummins, '3', and Elman Service, '39, who have .iust returnedf from 15 months of active service for the Loyalists in Spain, will speak, it was announced yesterday. Dr. Summerskill, who was elected to the House of Commons last sum- mer in the first by-election after the resignation of Anthony Eden, has been working, since a recent visit to Spain, to aid homeless child-refugees and war orphans in a scheme for "Children's Cities" in Government Spain. As a member of the Labor Party, her election from a county with a long Tory tradition, West Fulham, provided the first expression of British public opinion in opposition to the Chamberlain foreign policy of "appeasement." She is the moth- er of two children and as a physician has specialized in child health. Jay Allen, former correspondent of the Chicago Tribune in Spain, was barred from Rebel territory after sending from Elvas, Portugal the bloody story of the Badajoz mas- sacres in which four thousand men and women were killed. Eighteen hundred of them were mowed down in 12 hours in the bull ring and Al- len reported that "after the first night the blood was supposed to be palm deep on the far side of the lane." The meeting is being sponsored by a number of organizations including the American Student Union and the Ann Arbor Committee to Aid Spain. Asks Congress To Perfect New Deal Acts Without Impairing Usefulness Spending To Go On Until Income Rises WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.--(/P)-With Adolf Hitler's chief envoy, Dr. Hans Thomsen, an impassive listener in the gallery, President Roosevelt today warned that America would resist "strident ambition and brute force" in world affairs. Addressing a dramatic joint session of Congress in the House of Repre- sentatives, the chief executive, with slow and deliberate emphasis, asked that that resistance be bulwarked by increased military preparedness. And equally necessary, he said, was the elimination of class prejudices and internal dissensions through the abolition of social abuses so that a Nation united in spirit might combat all threats of "military and econom- ic" aggression from abroad. Hints Immediate Steps Moreover, Mr. Roosevelt hinted ghat immediate steps might be under ,onsideration. He asserted that "there are many methods short of war of cringing home to aggressor govern- :nents the aggregate sentiments of >ur own people." Linking domestic problems with foreign policy through his plea for national unity, Mr. Roosevelt an- nounced that the period of New Deal Social and economic innovations had reached at least a pause, if not an end. He applauded the accomplishments 4f the six years he has been in pow- 3r and asserted the tipie had arrived, Zor Congress "to improve the new nachinery (which we have perman- .ntly installed, provided that in the >rocess the social usefulness of the nachinery is not destroyed or im- paired." 1 ressed I Roosevelt arns Dictators L.S. May Adopt Sanctions; Democrats Approve While the augmented Republican .anks of Congress listened silently ind a roar of apprQval arose from se Democratic side of the crowded louse chamber, he made it amply ;lean 'that government spending could continue, in the expectation ;hat it would increase national in- :ome to a point at which the budget :ould be balanced. Turning to what might be done xithout war, the President said that At least the United States could and ;hould avoid any action or 'lack adf ction, which would "encourage, as- :st or build up" an aggressor. "We have learned," he said, "that vhen we deliberately try to legis- ate neutrality, our neutrality laws nay operate unevenly and unfairly- nay actually give aid to an aggres- ,,or and deny it to the victim. The in- tinct of self-preservation should varn us that we ought not to let that dappen any mores" Suggests Revision He suggested revision of the So- Aial Security Act, and the Wagner tabor Relations Act-to end both "factional" disputes within the ranks A labor and disputes between em- ployer and employe. He renewed his aid appeal for reorganization of the government, and added a call for legislation on the railroads. To achieve a balanced budget, Mr. Roosevelt said, a national income of $80,000,000,000 is necessary, and moreover can be attained "within he framework of our traditional profit system." And he called "'Fed- eral investment" a necessity to achieve such an income. Advance Of Democracy Sought By Delegates At ASU Convention Letter Fro Franco Prsisoner Dimis ElopesOf Neafus' Safety Hopes of his friends here that we both came from the University of Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, is still alive Michigan (although I was at Ann Ar- in one of Franco's jails or prison hos- bor, of course, long before he). Ralph pitals were dimmed yesterday by the was a swell soldier and the finest of disclosure of a letter received by a friends; his service both as political friend from Sam Romer, former Michigan student. who fought with Neafus in Spain and was captured on the same day. Romer, who recently returned to the United States after being re- leased in an exchange of prisoners, said that he was inclined to believe that Neafus was killed after his cap- ture, "since we were given to nder- stand that all 'international' prison- ers were sent to the jail at San Pedro" and Neafus was not there. Neafus, who came from Las Vegas, delegate of the headquarters staff and as Battalion Observer showed him as a man who knew neither fear nor hesitation in doing his duty. "All I know of him since his cap- ture, however, is the following: "When we saw Carney on June 10, one of the questions he was most in- terested in was whether we had seen behind Fascist lines either Ralph, Babsky or Tyser, all three of whom were seen by Carney when captured and who later disappeared. The same interest was displayed by the U.S. Upholding its reputation as a simon-pure educational institution, the University brought suit yester- day against William E. Hewitt, '31, former Varsity gridiron star and now a professionai football player. This reversali of the usual pro- cedure was occasioned by a scholar- ship loan of $200 to Hewitt payable in 1936. Hewitt claims he would re- pay the loan gladly-if his financial condition permitted. By JUNE HARRIS Peace, education, human rights, and political action were discussedi and debated by almost 1,000 college and high school students when theI American Student Union met for its1 fourth annual national conventionI in New York City during the Christ- mas holidays. With "Keep Democracy Working By Keeping It Moving Forward" as the theme of the conference, dele- gates from all over the country as- sembled to hear the views of such men as Mayor Fiorello La Guardia,; of New York City, Max Lerner, Ord- way Tead, chairman of the Board of Higher Education in New York and Roger Baldwin, director of the Civil Liberties Union and to formulate the policies of the ASU for the coming year. Declaring itself to be "vitally con- and the steps taken by the United States at Lima to strengthen de- mocracy in the Western hemisphere were approved. The recall of our am- bassador from Germany was sup- ported as well as the action taken by, the government in connection with Secretary Ickes' anti-Nazi speech. In regard to national defense, the convention believes that the main weapon of the United States should be its foreign policy, but feels in the present circumstances that it is un- wise to urge unilateral disarmament for American democracy. In this connection the national executive committee of the Student Union in cooperation with other student groups is to undertake a study of the defense needs, of the United States. A chapter referendum on their findings and on the student pilot program recently announced by r Conference Planned On' Job Information A Guidance and Occupational In- formation Conference, to be spon- sored by the Union, League and Bureau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information to aid students in selecting their vocation will be held here March 8 to 11, it was announced last night by Don Tread-