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January 04, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-04

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Of Coughluin "Sp"eeces'. .
T HE PROMPT re;,ctiou on tb~c partof
numerous Catholic .laymen and
c:lergy during the past month ag ,ainst the widely -
dliscussed radio broadcasts of Father Coughlin

. . ..


BY, See 'Terry

u1bilicat oion I ut ulletiiix!i m.rirti, r cnoic'rto all iuemberg of tile
17niversity, ('rCop rec dAt. the f fi3c of thie Amistant itobtle President
until 3;30; 11 .00 ay.oi 3atu dlay.


,4 ,

Nov. 20 and 27 was particularly welcome in view

pl:z; ..


,Rdited andimanaged 1byvstudentb of the Uniivcrsity of
Mfrehlin undter the autthorit~y r1,the1 Boaryd. ill Control of
Stutdent Publications.
Published ever'y mnzilii cEpt Mouday dutrinth11
University-year and Summr tSessionJ.
Member of the Associated Press
'I'icAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
uise for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwisec credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein al ;o
Entered at the ]host Office ant Ann Arbor, Mfich.-ia, as
Second class mlail mattel'.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by rakil, $41.50.
"E4'FESENTED FOR N.!TorNAlL Ary71-14NO. NY ,..
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College'PIublishers Refir senta~i'c
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Managing Editor
haltorial Director.
City Editor
Associate Editor
Assocate Editor
Associate Editor
As, ociate Editor
Associate Editor
Assoctate Editor
}3ook Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor. ,


*Robert D. Mitchiell
Albert P. Maylo
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert 1. pitzhllry
S. R. Kleinan
* . Robert Penm~aln
* . earl Oilman
Wiijimun -Elvin
Joseph Freedmranj
.Joseph itGes
Dorothea Sta~ebler
r Burl Benjamin

Business Department
bu~iness Manager. . Philip W. Buchen
trdit Manxagr , .. enaP. Sletlinan
ditising Manager . William L. Newnan
Wcnenx's B3usiness Manager Helen Jean Dean
=Ien's Service Manager. Marian A. Paxter
The editorials published in The Michian
j;Daily are written by members of the Dily
staff and represent the views of the writers
A New Era
I n TrP J s - i ca'I A PPO IN tXM EN T of ~or H r Go v.
u.."" . xPrankeMurphy to ;the offie of
SAttorniey, General QO ns as a lifitti9 tribte to a
man who, for his honesty, idealism and com-
vpetency. deserves the very best from the nation
lie has served so well.
Such a man is needed in public life perhaps in
nio position as much as in the Department. of Jus-
tice. For this department of the cabinet, in the
function of "trust-busting," has assumed a task
the outcome of which will be Wore thank mean-
ingful as to the very nature of our economy
The poblem which it has set itself to answer is,
simply put, "is it possible to achieve a competi-
tive economy, to, break up mnenopoly, to-make
4fexible a rigid Price structure- so that America's
productiye ctlpacity Gan be fully utilized.?"
T "oo many of uts have been prone to raise our
oeye-brows when we argue the efficacy of trust-
busting, Its failures from Theodore Roosevelt's
:timge to the present are held self-evident truths,
~We have been too ready to look at the inflexible
-prices, the unused capacity, and Lthe oipiation
-of industry by big semi -monlopolist c corpora-
lions as prima fadie evidence that "trust-busting"
'is doomed, now and fmever, to silent and pre-
destined failures as a method of reform.
But perhaps it would be better to listen oice
again. to a "trust-buster," Thurmani Arnold,
aissistant attorney-general. In his report included
in the annual report of the Attorney-General
to Congress, released Dec. 31, Arnold ealiestly
urges that "trust-busting" has never been really
tried, that, the, failure of anti-trust prosecution
and legal administration in the peast has not been
-due to the weakness ocf trust-busting in itself;
iibut to the lack of -personnel and funds to carry
it on thoroughly and effectively.
One need only read that the Department of
-Justice must handle legal proceedings connected
" ith more than 30 major acts of Congress, that
it has 9'7 lawyers to carry on ts .work which con-
~cerns every industry in the country as compared
for example to -a, personnel, of over 1,200 in th
$ecurities and Exchange GCommission and 1 t30
in the Civil Aeronautics Authority, to realize that
'there must be somte weight to Arnold's argument.
'T'he total appropriation of the Art-Tmst divi-
;sion is $780,060 out of which sums it is now
,.arrying ivfive majranP-ritist ces, concud-
ing two others and preparing to institute at least
four new ones besides enforcing 30 oather acts
What is- more startling -is Aold's explanation
for the failure of trust-busting 'in the first
iRoosevlt's term of office, Five lawyers and four
"stenographers conducted tihat anti-trust crusade!
:7rhis was the entire personnel of the Anti-Trust
If trust-busting-is to su.cceed~ if it i to make
effective the rules of theeompetitive game which
shave been justified, apologized for, worshipped
its inviolable, and violated as impractical and
dangerous, then it must have the right men to
Ydirect it, enough men to carry it and enough
money to finance it. Thie capable dlirectors we
-have in Attorney-General Murphy and Thurman
Arnold, but they will be powerless, ,ad "trust-
busting" will be written off ;as- an ignominious
arid dubious asset of this Administration, unless
rol , *c *~v , 'r~ w* rz 41101' xIc~ I

of the increasing tendency of many of the Royal
Oak priest's listeners to regard his expressions of
opinion, as those of the Catholic Church, The
most imiportant source of direct denial of church
sanction for the Couglin broadcasts was Card-
inal Mundelein of Chicago, recently retuned
from a visit to the Vatican, while the most
pi'olninent Catholic layman to protest the talks
was Frank Hogan, president of the American
Bar Association. Perhaps the mnost Ithoroug-'
going refutation, however, was ,contained in an
article by John A. Ryan in the Dec. 30 issue of
the Catholic publication CominonweaL
Ini this article Mr. Ryan begins by tracing the
statistics Father Couglin employed in attempt-
inag to establish a connection between te Con-
munist International and" world Jewry to their
originlal source. Father Coughlin had quoted a
book by the Reverend Denis Fahey entitled "The
Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern -World."
Father Fahey had drawn upon an anti-Semitic
London weekly, "The Patriot," which in turn
had quoted a French periodical, "Documentation
Catholique," (nrot a church publication) of
March 68, 920. This obscure journal had given
as its own source a report of the Anerican Secret
Service to a French government official which,
it asserted, contained the statistics in question,
to the effect that 24 out of 25 high Bolshevik
leaders in 1917 had been Jews. Chief Wilson, head
of the U.S. Secret Service, has denied tie exist-.
ence of such document, and said that it is quite
certain no such report was ever made. Father
Coughlin's other source for the figure, the
"British White Paper," did not include such a
statem ent, according to the British Library of
Information in New York.
Mr. Ryan, found that the other figure used
by Father Coughlin, that of 56 of 59 members of
the Communist Party Central Committee in 1933
were Jews, had event less basis. The priest had
given as reference page 90 of the Vaey book,
but the statement was not to be found on page
90 or any other page.
Other fabrications and distortions of fact
which Mr,- Ryan found in his examination in-
eluded the assertion that American Jewish bank-
ers financed the Russian Revolution. As a mat-
ter of fact, Mr. Ryan found that the bankers in
question lent money to the Kerensky republican
government, which supplanted the regime of the
Czar and was itself ovrthown by the Bolshevik
revolution in October of 1917. A deliberate mis-
quotation of a, editorial i "The Americai
Hebrew" which the t)Aiest(1ot'd as refrrmug to
"Thle RussianJewih Revoluloi" was, in M'.
1"lyaifs piolLtie wrt offences, -
(On Dec. 4 FatherCoghn declared -a.state=~
nment made to the press by Henry Ford deploring
the persecutions grad been inadequately reported,
and asserted that Ford .had said there was "little
or no persecution in Germany." Harry Bennett,
Ford's personnel director and right-hand man,
immediately went on the air to deny the priest's
allegation and confirm, the original report of
Ford's statenment--
"Why did Father Coughlin think it necessary
to drag into his address of Dec. 4 the Ford
statement?" Mr. Ryan asks. "The only adequate
answer is that Father Coughlin s,eager,. or at
least willing, to promote ati-Semitism. in the
United Sates. Thle same inference reasonably
emerges from the other two addresses..
'11t has been urged -that Catholics hi partiular
ought to refrain fromr encouraging this cam-
paign of an-ti-Semitism from fear that the same
methods and the saie psychology will be used
against thenm when the next anti-Catholic move-
ment gets under way,"
Anti-Semitism is undoubtedly the most im-
portant- and overt manifestation of fascism in
note-fascist countries and par ticularly the United
States. S. K. Padover in the January Forum
C"Unsex' Amerika") states that 98 per cent of all
Nazi propaganda in tile United States is anti-
Semitic, and quotes Coinfloss, chief of foreign
propaganda for Hitler, as saying that "anti-
Semitism in America is a vital necessity for

WASHINGTON, Dec. 21--Boti Seato-
Wheeler:and Neville Miller, head of the National
Association of Broadcasters, are right-thai is,
each is .talking.,about different aspec.ts of the
#same problem-when they discuss the latest con-
troversy over censorship of radio stations which
permit speeches inciting raca or religiou
The Montana Senator doesn't ant aybody
to .st hi mself up a, a censor for any group of
radio stations,, and Mr. Miller would 1e the last,
Ino doubt, to ecssay such a role,
What the National Association of Broadasters
did in their recent meeting was to discuss ways
and means o' avoidilng seehes that icite rlig-
ious and, racial hatreds. Associations of editors
often discuss what they think is good or .bad for
newspapers. They have at times discussed wheth-
cir crime news: is a help or hindrance to social
progress. They; have discussed what to do about
news of commercial sports and thc like.
No t egd Censorhip
So now, when the Trade Association of Broad-
casters-takes up what to do about speeches that
promote religious or racial hatreds, it doesn't
mean that radio has imposed a legal censorship
It means that each and every radio staton niay
do as it pleases, but that customs will arise
among- radio stations, just as they do among
newspapers, to avoid issues that tend to involve
thetain unnecessary controversies and sometimes
in litigation.
Radio stations, like newspapers, do not like
to spend their time and energies answering com-
plaints and engaging in lawsuits and, if some of
the radio stations, ating individually, decide
that some - addresses end to abuse freedom of
speechl, they will-withhold them, .just as do news-
papers, which exercise their own judgme ti
what they publish or omit.
The important thing from a legal standpoint
is that the National Association of :Broadcasters
does not have any authority to promulgate rules
for its members and that its recommendations
can at best be only advisory. Any tendency to
conspire together- to prevent any .particular group
from using the air would probably cause the
radio .stations to run afoul of federal or state
statutes. Yert, back in the days of the World Wr,
a general conspiracy of silent tretmernt was be-
hoeved to have been invokd by someit of IiheIress
with respcet to the ant i-1.V' spfNclW5 Inte
late Senator La Follette of Wtisconsie-
Public Opinion Will Guide
The fact that radio stations get their :licnses
from the Government is of ten cited as a rea sn
for urging Federal Governent .supervision of
°what is or is-not contained in radio, progras.
There is, however, no basis in constitutioal law
for the assumption of such a power. The1 Federal
Government's power to issue licenses ielates sole-
ly to the mechranical allocation- of-wave lengths.
It has to do with theproper distribution of facili-
ties and not to -what s said on the air. The
phrase, "the public interest, convenience and
necessity', has in- recent years been defined by
various -would-be censors in- Government as giv-
ing -Congress the right to order supervision of
Programs by the Federal Communcatiois Coi-
mission1 but the Supreme Court of the United
States has never passed on that partiular rioit;
indeed, orne decision, rather points :to the use of
that; gutted clause- , dfining the duty of Con-
gress solely with reference to the-alloation~ of
ph ysicat facilities. Riadio is developing, like tie
press, into an ineedn nttuin elu o
its editing privile s and alert to pr vent any
contingency which=,wll reriin4 thwgovernment to
say what can or cannot be spoken on the air.

you may write iW hieroglyphic, WEDNE SDAY; JAN14. 4, 19:,9 icMr Weavr on or before .Jan, 9.
talk of mnany things terrific, VOL1. Xl'1X. No, 71 01Cc _iphoursm: IO-t1. MWF, 2213 A.
storm nthe orient-al plainis NwithglenI i Memb's of the 1UniversityN-
h i kh raro: lean er unciil: Ther-e will be a meetid i 1ebl-uaI.yCandidate~;fi' thMe Teach-
hitch o r sar. Inale aldel, cr" 'ti :tiiac<te: The C (ompr ehcensive
to the wiihim s of caesn ar ide,, of the Unliv ersity Council onl Mvonday, ExIsamillatio~n in Education wail? bi
watch the mnagna carta wrenched Jan. 9, at 4:15 1)-n-, iln Roomi 1009 Vgiven onl SMturday,, Jan. 7. from 9 to
from tyrant .john., Angell Hall.- 12 o'clock (and also fron t 5
ro AMI ~lltevutdlk l tuct:Rgsrto o e-ioCc) in te auditorium o~ the
youma Npllth vaune' lac ! llti~ttleat Rcisatitlfo sct 'Uiversity High liSchool. Students
with colurmbus, cabot, drake, havsing Sa t~nday zor znng classes
whire nations fight l'or' fcrtl(Wia nd41semester. Each student should may take the ,examnination in, the
the cast; plan to register for Jhiself during afernoon Printed informiation re-
sit t01,011,01 an iage mnedieoval; the appointed hours. Reg istrations garngw the examnination maiy be se-
with the church ill iece upheaval, E by proxy will not, be acccepted(_, cured in the School of 14du1.catio
as feudal lords enjoy a sump~tuous Robert 1'. Williams, airice.
feastC. Assistant Rtegistrar. ___

Ic' YC ay J11Ooin in Jrevolution,'
and appjrove our constitution;
applaud v ellington's defeat of hoit-I
pa<tr te;
l witnvss blue 'and gray destfruct-ian,
then the gradual reconstruction
of a nascent niation almost torn apart.
help dewe~y take manila,
! ride with schemting pancho villa,-
watch teddy make the meni of mionecy

Arcb'Iecture. Students should call
for second semester malterial at. Room1
4 University Hall at, once. The Col-
lege of Arichitecture will post anl an-
nou13n1centinl thle nealr future 11'vin
time of conference with yourI classi-
fier. Please wait for t0is notice be,-
fore seing your ('lassifier.-
Robert L,. WilIias,
Assistant Registrar.
L.S. rtillmaterial, colleges o(
T S zA., Education, Mlusic. Stul-
dents should call for second semes-
ter l'egistl'atioil material at Room 4,
Unriyersity aall as $soon as possible.
Please see your adviser and secure all

ND. why not. No thin*g in the hlal- ' ' "'-b AA.3
A iRobe rtL. WilliaiKms-,
lowed past 1'ie signs so doleful, Aissiumt Recgistrar. Checmical and Metllutrgitcal En-t
alarming and prophetic of daisaster as ____I ginevringt; Seminar. Mr, James W.
did 1938. Nor- indeed did the rchives Students Concentrating ill Econl- Freemnz will be the speaker at the
yield up such aimusing human foiblest omics: Cards have been mailed rC Seminar for gradtuate students in
as5 spr'ang inTto pl'om2iin e £ un' the lgairding second semeister clasi fi" C hemoical , and Met(al lurgVical Enl-
tion. If you are unable to()lmeat, your neering today '0, 4 p~m. in Rtoomn
late, iuni'uented twelve-month. Yet, acivi. -Cr at thie time assoned.t yo 3201 E. Eim-.Bldg.1-.Us subject is:
there-(,!is hope iln awoirld which pro- o uthaese tcards, or if' no c('arti has , "Diifi isiontof' Aluminimm) into Iron,"
duc(Ad ' Cost er-Musica and a Corn - 'cchd yu laeset e t
ga!, &a world in which demecracy ment Secretary at onc)e for aniother ! dlienGle lub; T.1hre will be
crin'ges wit-hin its;ferdii anld-tciie bll llOltLltameinat415odyilheMh-
conmplex and permits a giant; of t()t-di- ~--giiU-in

1Dircted Teaching, Qualifying UE4x-
i amim l itin: A ll studients expectig to
dco dlil-ected tea"ching next semester
t<are r'equired to pass a qualif'yibg cx-
anmilaiion in the, subjct wlch thley
expect to teach. This ecxamination
will be held onl SatuIrdlay, Jami. 7, at
I p.mn. Students will meet in the
auditorium of' the University High
iSchlool. The e xamination vit], con-
unme about fbour hours time; proinpt-
tiess is therefore essenitial.
Events Todayr
Chmemistry Colloquium will meet to-
day- at, 4 pm. in Room 303 Chein-
istr'y Building._ Mr. John Chemer~da
will speak on "Synthesis orf cancer-


Nazi plans." With tbjis fat oat 1)and, it is quite
clear that the ;fiht for raciad religious tol-
erance is, an immmediate pa,,.rt of the fight to keep
democracy in America.
-4Josieph (ies

tarianl bullies to take homne the
marbles by default, a world that coun-
tenances H-itler as its "mail of the
year" and displays no more than
passing interest in the outcome of
the case of Tom Mooney, "Anmeica's
Dreyfuss," who spent 22 years in jail
despite indisputable proof that evi-
dence used to convict him was per-
jured-, Let the Fascists cast e etus
eyes aloug the Danube and Ebro
ace>S thes le Mdi to-i-i'il Ja'J1 ald" c"v'-
the Atlanitic .:[et Ui ,e Ei:twa) ce "
poi s race aacross the counlcil chambers
with blueprint-s for a neCw generation.
If. these things worry you unduly,
forget it! Lloyd's of Loidon (not 'to
be confused withT7yrone Powe) kae
quoted 32 to one odds that Chanber.
lain diplomacy will avoid war in 1939.
HOW they decided upon such ai bi-
trafy ratio as 32 to one is a dainty
mystery which surely would spoil in
the telling. Maybe (just as a hint,
mind you-) they consulted the oracles
in Whitehall and found just how far
the British will go; or still in the coa-.
jectural vein, maybe they searl ed
the heavens and caught Mars wink-
ing. At any r'ata*, Lloyd's have spoke.
And there won't be any war, So t here!
No better epitaph for 1938 could
have been written, we believe, than
the last w ords of ,"Arseic Ana
Marie Hahn, who was recently elc-
trocuted for doing away with several
gentleman friends. She wrote in her
cn lfess clt::
"1 low ndvw that when I put
that- Poison io the iystrs 7
w asn1't/b),my 'nofrmtal ntIihid; no
one could do a ting ike ~btm "
FROM the Chicago 'ribuie "Voice
ofthe People"" column of Dc. 20,
postmlar'ked Ann Aibor, Mich. Dc.
"S01e in of Our schools ught
to form a Blass of' the truth in
world affairs ;fnd "hlistory and
oo ttpi'l alla editors and editorial
Wities to atte~d it, A shlar likec
Father Cougtlhflin shoo be ap-
pointed, to give the lac ures. 'Then
pe*rh aps.our lres, cud eaimh out
of the gutter Of lies aid nsrepr-
1 entation they =are wallowing tin"
Signed Walter Ruffig
jAiui'r-a 'sca wontei'fiii ounm-y -
Th. i"1la CUIf''l :A few per al
lr-u iAcis --Grover iWaen, New
Y'or's Worlds'Fai' director-, will vie,
with l"J. a-,rnd fiuler for ua'litty
of vubltcaty in the enuing n-onrtis
- Mra Paul CuicannoD will reas-
.sure Wastnesaw Republicas
An English} celebrity will visit the
U.S., be feted by thie gusinmg auxil-
iarieS and them anniounce that what
lie liked most illUotham was 'the
plumnbing... Michigan's wayward
troupe of tutors will be introduced
to Michigan's football team . .-
Hedy La marrs next picture will add-
tenors to the Alimony Row choirs--
A Daily reporter will allude to hock
beer~ and Arboretum swais w enI
March makes her lambish exit --
"'Miss Hlallelulj ah Brown" will displace
"Mr. F D.R. Jones" in the public's un-
certain affections, and what the Gal-
lup Poll will ascertain therefrom is
beyond us at this point.,,.
Strike Tis Up SiPPI"g

Th'le Burteau of Appointments hias'
received notice of the following Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for
filing application is given in each
M4ichigan Civil Service.
hExt elliion Librlarianr. SaIlatry range;
$150-190, ,Jan. . iidenlfc in,
Michigan not 1 rquired).
Order and Cataf lo(g lie L ibrar lian.L!u
Salary range $'200-20 a.20. ei-
deuice in i tchligan no : ic1t required.
Cooking classes,.x;1alary rax-ige.r$J)5-
160. Jan, 7.
Ins-titutioui Maintclin 1cC E c~
ist, Salary range . $140-160. Jan.2 5.
Omthopedic Public Hel~alth Nutrse.
Salary range $250-210, Jan,_ 12. (Resi-
dence in Michigan not required).
Housemaid, Salary range $75-9N.
Jan. 5.
Detroit Civil Service.
Junior . Transportation Schedule
Maker. Salary $2,520,.TJan. 11.
Junior Mat fron (House of Cuorle-
tio t). Sala1ry $1100 and rkfull m-ini-
tenance. Jan10 1.
Openl to residetl f of Walyne (ioull-
Seior Bling Opera 1 ting F-
giner. Slary~260. Jan13
Princiial BtnlIding Opera-t iwg Iun-
Piano Accompianist emIdFr
time, 2 to 5 periods ocr wekat.1 2 a
period. Jan, 16.
Ais~lta1if(nt Cie(f illCI Chargef Sam
tary Inspection. (Legal re )idence in
Milwaukee for 3 years required)i Sal-
ary $2400, Jan. 5.
Complete annlotuncements are on
file at the Universi ty Bureau olfit)p-
pointments AndI Ocupatifional~l In ' '-
ruatioi, 201 Man Ha IDll;-IOffie ho sl~
~9-12 : and2-4.
Untiv(rsity Burevan oy Apoininien ts
and Occupational Inform1ailo.
A cademirn cNtis
Anth ropology ,157:, "The Evu~ilta n
of Culture". TBe pl-epared for J (11hZ
Thursdaiy, Jan. 5.
Eavg lh WQ, Jun ior loi ors- All:
students wishin1g to electfor he u nlo~
HooIn tcornw. er s4a"ci
U.S. D0kmai.L044a1i
LIMA1, Per'u, . 13.-- 1(IPiI -nited (
Staltes dliplomiats inl six South Amerlri-
cant countries Conferred todlayonl
mneans of ,streng;thening " our diiplo_-
at 1ic lines; of defense in Soul-h4tf
AnieO ica through a discuss8ion of 1the'
problems confronting uts."-
Washing ton State Department'si Di- 1
vision of American Republics, said
the."agenda includes everything con-
cerning the political, economic and
social phases of our relations wIth


Counici l of, the Studenit Re-
Asociation will, meet Wed-
eveinxg, 7:15, Lane Hall.

!W 1, 1.4.: l ,ViiU.(''.A-U UUL ,tL (.(1 "j
mutation checks issuecd at -Heacd-'4Freslnneni Girls Glee Club mneeting
quarters Janz. 5 fr-om 1:30 to 4:30 at 7:15 t2onight - in the game room
p~m.- of the Leag ue.

Cla4sses at the Ilillel Founltdation:.
The cClass in Current Jewish Prob-
lems will tmeet at the roundation to-
night, at 7:30 p~lm. The c;lass in ele-
tuent-ary HIebr ew will meet on Thurs-
oay at 4:15, The ,claiss iniadvanced
Hebhrewv will not meet, this week.
Sc" adiaian C lub. Scia 1llenin
tonight:at(,Lane Hlall, 8 palm.
All lnelllber-' andie studenlts _of
Scandinlavian decen I~ are invited.
Congres:"11'hrc will be a +combined
niet~fi1? of the('F:-xecutilve Courncil
and Vi ldistrict council todray at 8
pm in tie Congrs ss office.

'Barry's Here Come TheClwns'
I s Thought-Provoking Dran' a

Philip Barry, in his "Here Conte The Clowns"
playing at the St. James Theatre in New- York,
has written a modlern morality play,,, a propa-
ganda play -canll it tihiat you will, it is the most
stimulatirwgiand tthwught''provokin c nteintlpol-
anry drama iin town.
Mr. Barry is in the ageless search for _l uth
and Ultimate Good. If God is good, why is- there
so much ev.il in the world- Why the persecu-
tion? W4'hy the wars? -
Clancy, former stage-hand at the old vaude-
ville house and missing for two years, has: re-
turned and interrupted a Saturday evening turn
in the theatre. He is looking for Someone amid
apparently expects to ,find Himt in the theatre.
The performers lead him off and bring- him to
t'he back room of Ma Speedy's cafe. There he
meets his old vaudeville friends: Major Arm-
strong, the midget; the ventriloquist and his
lesbian wife; the caustic press agent; a,, dancing
team (Cooper +& Farrel) ; and Prof. Max Pabst,
In this eerie back-room saloon, Pabst suggests
that what Clancy is seeking is perhaps not God,
but Tri,~th and that his quest is .ended for he,
the Professor, Illusionist and not Magician, will
show himi Truth. He calls on the various members
of the troupe to reveal the truth of their lives

an inordinlate lia'te for migt.PbtIllusion-
ist, Truth seeker, God, Satan, forces the dancer
and thelie midget to r'ecognize some relationsh-ip
betwec ihni
And (lA',cy, dazed, good -n ati red'. c lgiqu ,
Irish Cancy, Clancy who has had every lnnsfor_
tune conwcivable befallen on hin , Clancy who7
has had only one thing in life whom he could
call hisi own?, is made to see that even that lhanii
nesns did not rightfully belong to hini
If, f.hecn, Truth is what Chancy is seeki g and
did not _know, if Truth is the end-all, if things
mzust be ;sthey are, then 'I'ruth is not the end-
all andtAbe be-all of life.
iMr. aRifry's people are all fundament.f'i1vhh (_0 i.u
people atid Honest, as most men are. Why fthf
must they endure evil over which they have no
control? Why must there be evil, suffering, her~-
secution? Mr. Barry does not answer it satisfac-
torily f-or a twentieth-centtury audiience. He is
too inmbedded in the philosophy ofth medieval-
ists, inl (hf. self-salne attemlpt, to explain advei's-
ity in a ulniverse ruled by a loving GOod.
But Mr. B3arry heas wvrit ten a superb dra ia
He knows- the craftsmanship of playwrighting
and he builds- his plot to grand "heights. He
knows what goes on inside his people, he looks
deep and he reports with an -Inspired hand,
And if Mir. Barrwrtites i ' a t11ir dhan)

SA.E. Meieting tonight at the
Union at 7:30. On this occasion'-
Sound. Films will be shown thr t the
courtesy of the F'ord Motor Comi-
panry, This is an open meeting and
everyone is ilivited to attend].
1L The Mak .tug. ofr Safety Glass.
Talisf ilm ,how 1-lihre completfe steps
Ildx maiuftur .it'g modern safety
2. Yelo lotne Nationtal Park .
lTeIHarve~st of the Years, This
fAin hows how tHie new ears and
trucks atre descigntel and devjeloped
anl shouj~lld be of special inerest ;o
all c~ { ci', -
C"omi ngEvents-
Zoology Seminru: There will be no
iiieetiiig of the Zoology Seminar on
T1 ur1sdaty-v enting, Janl, 5.
Cerele Franc ais: Ihere will lbe a
meec't ing of thle Cercle' Francais on
Thu idi y, Jan). F5 at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 408, Romance Languages Bldg.
La Sociedtad Ilispanica: There will'
be a mreeting Thutrsdaty evening at
7::i(1~m in t he League. Th'1e pro-
grm ill con~tsit of" a{.shlort talk,
poemsl ! , ,.game ai1l songsi. All mem-_
bJ(rs aeruetdto r attt.
ln11-t 1i'iiintl (;Cj~etr:'I.f'esday, Jan.
I hill_+1 y . n. 54 p in. Usual
I' l I;ly{1" Janlt, 3.Rec reatlon Night.
7 i.n.1171u-trat d Italk by Prof.
l mil L f_;;1(1of.the1ch lool of Archi*-
teetre 0c11 "A1rchitet lure ill flteU.S.
I andt its Soul-ce",
? 8 to) 8:30 p.m."Sn"
Zeta Ph11ioEta: Memberws of Lambda
chiap i' of Zeta Phi Eta are remind-
ed~ of the firstreuametn of the
yeair tomorrow, Jan. 5, at 7:15 'p-m.
in ( the)Portia rooillonthe flc Ourti floor
01of Ail il Hall. It ,is imperative rhat
tall c y - ledges, and alumnae
plan on being,,precsenlt for this in-
pecrtant meeting.
Polish Engineering Society : There
will be a 'very important meeting,
1:kn. (; ;0, 7-311t)mn. 0,I ho-u. Wfi,-.i,,

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