THiE 1IVICH IGA I-DULY PA Lp' _ ! hi r S(ta Smy o_ V CTr RSL',(CA ,{ lt er Or Aw Iaf1PJR o ~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press 'the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON *'LOs ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Managing Edito Editorial Direc City Editor Associate Edito Associate Edito Associate Edito Associate Edito Associate Edito7 Associate Editoj Book Editor - WoMen's Editor Sports Editor Board of Ed ar . tor . r r . r , r . r B s Business Depar tors Robert D. Mitchell. . Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert 1. Fitihenry . S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman SEarl Gilman * William Elvin . Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler * Bud Benjamin tment . Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman William L. Newnan rHelen Jean Dean * Marian A. Baxter Business Manager Credit Manager Advertising Manager. . Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JACK C. SULLIVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Jim Crow: Modern Slavery - - - JIM CROWISM, the practice of segre- gating and humiliating Negroes de spite the constitutionality of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War Amendments, came to light Monday when the United State Supreme Court ruled that Missouri must either admit Negroes to the law course at the state university or must establish such a course at a Negro school within the state. Although the majority of four continued to up- hold the propriety of separate schools, the deci- sion stated that Missouri's offer to pay a Negro's tuition to a law school in a neighboring state was a denial of the "equal protection of the laws." Of course, Justices McReynolds and Butler maintained their unblemished record. They di- sented on the ground of states rights and their usual legal gymnastics this time included the' statement that Missouri "may break down settled practice concerning separate schools and there- by, as indicated by experience, damnify both races." The boys certainly are consistent An informed and militant public should give real meaning to the majority decision by forcing southern states to provide equal education op- portunities for all instead o the present dis- gustingly inadequate facilities for the education of Negroes. The Supreme Court may soon have before it another Negro discrimination case involving Representative Arthur W. Mitchell, sole colored member of Congress, who was forced to ride i th :Jim Crow car from Memphis to Hot Springs, Arkansas, although he was willing to pay for first-class accommodations. By a 6-5 decision the Interstate Commerce Commission ruled that the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company does not have to furnish even a member of Congress Pullman service in or through a state with Jim Crow laws. At present many of the battles, as in Rep. Mit- chell's case, involve only the question of whether public institutions and utilities can be compelled to furnish to Negroes services "substantially similar" to those enjoyed by white persons, even if those services are furnished through separate facilities. The matter of joint use of public and semi-public property is not even discussed. Cr, tainly the ICC and the courts should not con- tribute to discrimination by allowing the railroad to segregate Negroes in poorly equipped cars without paying the cost of decent facilities. But the fight on the educational and legal fronts is only part of the whole battle for equality for this country's colored population. That battle is now raging in polling places in the South, in labor unions, in employment offices of American business firms . . . and on this campus. Progress will come as a result of convincing the public of the community of interest that exists aniong all racial, religious and color groups. The problem goes deep into America's economic and social structure. We cannot righteously con- demn the ghetto plans for German Jews and at the same time smugly ignore the treatment of 'Negroes in this country. The stand taken by the CIO at its recent convention, where a guar- antee of complete equality was written into th* constitution, must be expanded to encompass - ifeo hc i.n The Editor Gets Told... We Are Befuddlement, Too To the Editor: I write this hoping that someone will answer it and perhaps give me an explanation for my befuddlement. For three years, now, I have been readin short stories and poems that have been written supposedly by students on this campus, then published in certain literary magazines. And I confess that my coming to Michigan University has brought me in contact with a very differe type of writing from that to which I was previ-I ously accustomed. In the period marking my pre- Michigan years, the stories that I had read were characterized mainly by the following qualities: 1. Lucidity, 2. Content, 3. Form, 4. Rhythm, i. Readability. Although this is a broad statement, it strikes me that these five features are lacking in the greater portions of our literary maga- zines. I have long ago become convinced that our up-and-coming young writers did not have any- thing to say. Yet I can excuse that. They are very young, and that fault will, I hope, be out- grown. However, eliminating Content does not also eliminate the other four. It seems that they fight for Lucidity, with an abundance of super- fluous adjectives and adverbs. It makes the stuff very difficult to read. After the hapless reader has received the impressions from those too, too clever metaphores and similes he has forgotten just exactly what the central theme was. I am inclined to think that its effect is the same one as a stageful of protagonists all delivering solilo- quies on the same dramatic platform. Concerning form, perhaps I am mid-victorian or something else, but I like to feel that I am get- ting somewhere when I read a story, or has climax been eliminated from contemporary writ- ing? It is a bit painful to read something Michi- gan-contemporary, and then to have to say ab- stractly to one's self, "So what?" Rhythm, I guess is an intangibility which I alone cannot judge. But I do know that my writing colleagues do not display it. There are no gentle nuances of tone from word arrangement that give one subtle impressionistic digs, as tones in music. Then this matter of Readability probably arises from my own squeamish tastes. But I grew up thinking that "Thou shalt not take the name bf the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." Now, I might compromise and tolerate "God-damn, God-damn, God-damn," from my friends and vulgar speaking world-at-large, but I refuse to read literature that is characterized by its presence. Perhaps I am narrow-minder but I can see no reason for dragging the garbage- can into the parlor just because a garbage-can exists. Now, I sincerely hope that no one has been offended by what I have written here, but the "Michigan Daily," dropped on my doorstep Sun- day morning, is something representative of what Michigan students are writing. I feel that as a "Daily" subscriber I have the privilege to give a well-meaning opinion. , -P. '. Reader Answers Reader To the Editor: The program of spiritual rearmament as sug- gested by J. P., T. to solve our economic prob- lems during this trying era is highly fantastic and if materialized by even fifty nations would prove detrimental to their existence. Most people whether they live on German, Japanese, Italian, Russian or Armenian soil are peace-loving and adhere to Christ's teachings directly or indirectly. Many of them already possess spiritual rearmament, however, we are in-\ clined to believe the contrary because some # the leaders of these nations have demonstrated themselves to be untrustworthy and ruthless. Molders of public opinion like Father Coughlin, Hitler, Chamberlain, and Mussolini are the mei6 in great need of spiritual and moral revolution rather than their followers. The enactment of the spiritual revolutionists' doctrines would necessitate the reduction of economic tariffs and national defense. Such a policy would bring favorable tidings from Adolph. For our own generosity our ports would be adorned with German made products and as a tribute Hitler would send for our pleasure wasps of planes so that the path between the earth and heaven may be shortened. The very philosophy that the spirited revolu- tionists preach would cause their downfall. A program of such a nation could become success- ful only if adopted by most of the powerful nations. But because it is not feasible at pres- ent, we should not stop hoping and working for one, yet we should always be aware of the practical considerations that engulf us. -C. Y. Piecevitz Nazis And Me mel Adolf Hitler has won another victory, this time in the Diet elections in Memel, the area within Lithuania upon which he has long cast covetous eyes. Nazi methods of agitation and terror played a part in the vote, and the growing power of the Reich also helped make the outcome a foregone conclusion. The whole troubled situation, how- ever, goes back to one of the weak-kneed com- promises made by the victorious Powers after the war, when Lithuania was given sovereignty over a predominantly German region, while autonomy was bestowed upon the area itself. One of the first agitations launched by Hitler nftr hisrise o nnopi waireeteda rainst Umhf_ Ji fe emri Heywood Broun John Nance Garner is a little older than the average run of Presidential candidates, but he remains hale and heartyand still looks a slightly weather-beaten Kewpie Doll. Between sessions of Con- gress he fishes and shoots deer which he drapes around his neck for the benefit of the photographers. As far as his health goes, there is no reason why the Democrats should not name him in their convention in 1940. In various polls his name stands near the top of possible selections. And yet I believe that Vice President Garner is among the longest of long shots. Indeed, I assume that he has no actual ambitions to become the standard bearer. John Nance Garner is a shrewd and practical politi- cian, and while his glands are excellent, geo- graphically he is all wrong for the Democrats. One of the considerable factors in Roosevelt's huge plurality in the 1936 election lay in his great success in winning the Negro vote away from the Republicans. Not only is this vote con- siderable, but it happens to be centered in the pivotal States. Grist For The Repubicans It may well mean the difference between vic- tory an defeat in New York, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The Congressional election of this year showed that some of the Negro vote was going back to the Republicans. It is possible that Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself might com- mand a smaller perbentage of this following than was his in 1936. But if the Democrats were to choose a man from Texas, or any other Southern of Southwestern State, the Republicans would be home again in their old spot of being able to say again successfully, "You certainly should go along with the party of Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator." Moreover, there is no reason to believe thatj Vice President Garner would be a vote-getter in the large industrial centers. All this he knows, and yet it is likely that he will do nothing to withdraw his name from the competition before the convention. Garner may very well be in the position of having a veto power on the choice. He is a good trader, and already he has made tentative alliances. Washington commentators are probably right in assuming that the political rift between the President and the Vice President is deep and not to be bridged in any way. And yet this impression depends upon hints rather than overt declaration. Damon And Pythias Whether it is play acting or not, Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Garner put on a very good performance in public and give every indication of being bosom cronies. Even on those points of New Deal policy where it seems obvious that Garner would be in revolt he has stuck to party discipline enough to make no direct statement of opposition. Strange things can happen in the give-and- take of convention strife. It is not beyond possi- bility that Garner might go along as a supporter of a third term for Roosevelt, but that is hardly the way to bet. Probably the best guess is that Garner will hold his own bloc together right up till the convention and through a few roll calls. It also seems to be in the cards that at the proper moment he will put his strength behind Bennett Champ Clark. But let it not be forgot- ten that Garner is not a leader of lost causes. He will fight Roosevelt only if he thinks there is an excellent chance to defeat him. Wallace Setback Secretary Wallace's crop-control policy suf- fered a severe reversal in the election Saturday. Growers of rice and flue-cured tobacco declined emphatically to give marketing control the nec- essary two-thirds majority, less than half the rice growers favoring the scheme. Although cotton farmers voted to contintge. acreage restrictions, the majority fell from 92' per cent last year to 84 per cent. It is conceivable like Iowa and Kansas, crop control would have like Iowa and aKnsas, crop control would have much tougher sledding there. Direct crop control, as distinguished from the indirect control embraced in the soil conserva- tion subsidies, appears destined to be limited to cotton. Mr. Wallace was ready to order a vote on marketing controls for the corn belt last August, but took the advice of his agents in the field that the proposal would be beaten and called the election off. In the corn and wheat belts, senti- ment is reported to be veering sharply away from such palliatives as crop control in favor of relief through tariff reform. The fact that the rice farmers are confident they can do better to wave aside Mr: Wallace's subsidies and take their chances on planting as large an acreage as they wish and competing in the world market is of deep significance: A gener- ation or so ago, the country's rice farmers de- manded and received a tariff. But not content to possess the domestic rice market, they im- proved their technique until they could raise rice cheaper than it could be produced in other lands. So they no longer need the tariff, and will not accept acreage limitations which would in- crease their production costs and tend to leave the world market for rice growers in other coun- tries. In the long run, would not a similar independ- ence be the best reliance for the cotton farmers? As it is, acreage restrictions are raising their costs and causing them to lose out in competition with newly rclonnr'd Cllaon- rnrctnltsi n, :11*vo I il The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath Basketball's The Stuff.. . IF SOMEONE with a yen for mak- ing surveys on various topics were to go inquiring to find out which sport most satisfies the crowd that watches it being played, or the fans, if you insist, he would probably not get the correct answer nine times out of ten. I do not pretend to know what sat- isfies people about a sports event, how much they are satisfied or whether they are satisfied, in the strict sense of the word, at all. I maintain that most sports fans would misconstrue the 'question: "What sport satisfies you most?" with "What sport do you like best?" They aren't the same question. Polls taken on the latter query usually favor baseball or football. Some people really mean it; others simply fail to go beyond choosing be- tween the two most ballyhooed games, hence, the two that pop into their minds first. The element of satisfac- tion seldom enters into the consider- ation. . Football and baseball may or may not satisfy the average spectator. In my book neither of them come up to basketball. Grandstand Coaching... Basketball contains an element of which few, if any, other sports can boast. That element is "crowd par-~, ticipation." "Crowd participation" boils down to the players heeding the advice of the spectators or those persons who are referred to during the grid season as "Grandstand Quar- terbacks." There never was a spectator with soul so dead that he never had the perfectly natural desire to shout a piece of advice to the men doing the work. Every person in every crowd that ever packed an arena, field house or bowl has some ideas on how things should go on the field of action. What's more, nothing is so satisfying as to have advice, whether it be good or bad, heeded. In basketball, the occasions which call for the player with the ball to take a shot are numerous. The situ- ations in which the player could take a shot with a fair chance of hitting are even more numerous. Therefore, the fan has the constant opportunity of seeing a player in action taking advantage of his well-thought out counsel. Everybody Happy?... The spectator sees a man take a pass and get set at an advantageous spot on the floor. The affecinado bawls "Shoot!", the boy shoots. The shot is good, Barber College collects two points and everyone is happy and happiest of all is the voice in the stands, who saw opportunity be- fore him, acted in a cool headed fashion and in consequence scored a goal pratically single-handed. Multi- ply that reaction by the number of persons that Yelled "Shoot" at the last basketball gane you went to and you have a pleased crowd, win, loose or draw. The fact that the player who flipped the ball at the rim as soon as he got the word from the crowd probably didn't even hear his row 10 advisors and the words had no more effect on him than a cartoon on Roosevelt, makes no difference. The fact that he shot proves that the advice was good. If he didnt shoot, it doesn't make any difference. Someone will sooner or later.. Besides the chances for a spectator getting his own personal shot in, there are also countless opportunities for him to plug for a pass. This ad- vice is also apparently heeded with satisfying regularity. Add to that the chance the Grandstand Oosterbaan has of talking an opposing player into deliberately throwing the ball away on an impossible long shot and you have "Crowd participation" in the highest degree. The football fan hasn't a chance in a million of his advice even get- ting to the player involved and Te knows it. Thp field is too far away' and besides, the man in the cheap; seats isn't just sue what he would do. He can yell "Fight," "Rah, rah" or "Kill that g t" but there is al- ways the vague thought that it is just so much wasted wind. Baseball moves in sudden flurries or not at all, unless you want to count the pitcher playing catch with the catcher. The most ardent devotee of "the national sport" cannot cite more than one or two occasions when he yelled for a home run and a home run occurred immediately after. The baseball fan, like the brother of the grid-iron, is also too far removed from the scene of action for his shout- ed advice or encouragement to have any real effect. But basketball--basketball gives a man something he can sink his teeth into, something he can get a hold on and really do some good work in the line of having his say about how (Continued from Page 2) a concert in the Choral Union Se- ries Thursday evening, Jan. 19, re- placing Kirsten Flagstad, who is unable to fill her engagement this season. Bartlett and Robertson, distin- guished two-piano virtuosi, will be heard in recital on Jan. 25, replac- ing the Budapest University Chorus, whose American tour has been can- called for political reasons.# Concert patrons will please use coupon No. 4, reading "Kirsten Flag- stad," for the Gigli concert; and cou- pon No. 7, reading "Budapest Chor- us," for the Bartlett-Robertson con- cert. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: A collection of etchings and litho- graphs by prominent American ar- tists, shown through the courtesy of Professor Walter J. Gores. Corridor cases, ground floor, Architecture Building. Open daily except Sunday through Jan. 2. The public is invit- ed. Ann Arbor Artists' Mart: Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al- so an Exhibition of Prints from the Chicago Artists Group. Alumni Mem- orial Hall, North and South Galleries; afternoons from 2 to 5; eve)ings 7 to 10; Sundays, 2 to 5. Through Dec. Ea15. Exhibition of Japanese Prints: uThe exhibition of Japanese prints under the auspices of the International Center which opened the past week in the West Gallery, 4431, of the Rackham Building, will be open through the coming week, closing Friday afternoon, Dec. 16. The hours will be as during the past week, 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily except Sunday. The prints, which are the collection of Miss Toyoko Nagashima, a student in the Gradu- ate School, are representative of the very greatest artists in the field of Japanese art. Lectures College of Architecture: An il- lustrated lec'ture on the architec- ture of the Far East, India, Burma, Siam, and Indo-China, will be given by Mrs. D'Arcy Sneath, traveller and landscape architect, today at 4:15, in the ground floor lecture room, College of Architecture. Those in- terested are cordially invited to at- tend. Events Today Varsity Glee Club report at stage door entrance, Hill Auditorium, at ยข:15 p.m. today. Freshmen Glee Club report at stage door entrance, Hill Auditorium, at 4:15 o'clock today. Varsity Glee Club: For the banquet tonight meet in the club room at 7:15 p.m. Cerele Francais: There will be a meeting today at 8 p.m. at the Michi- gan League. There will be a special program and refreshments. The Graduate History Club will meet in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building today at 8 p.m. J. W. Stanton of the History Department will speak on "The Pres- ent Situation in the Far East." Dis- cussion afterwards. All graduate history students welcome. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar. Mr. Brymer Wil- liams will be the speaker at the Sem- inar today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is: "Physi- cal Properties and Phase Equilibria of Hydrocarbon Mixtures." Association Fireside: Dr. Reuben Cahn will discuss "The Social Sig- nificance of Blood Tests" at the'As- sociation Fireside, Lane Hall, today, 8 p.m. Phi Sigma meeting this afternoon at 8 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Room in the Rackham Building Prof. J. H. Muyskens will speak oan "The Correction of Dificulties in Speech." Refreshments. Research Club will meet this af- ternoon at 8 p.m. in the Amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building Program: Professor A. F. Shull wil -speak on "Aphid Wings a Key to the Mechanism of Developmental Control"; Professor D. L. Dumond will speak on "American Negro Slav- ery." The Council will meet at 7:15 p.m. in the Assembly Hall. Chemistry Colloquium will meet this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room 300 Chemistry Building. Dr. J. W Cole will speak on "The Principle o Vinylogy." A.S.C.E. There will be a banquet it j t the Michigan Union at 6:30 today cussion of current events. uate students invited. University Girls' Glee Club: All members interested' in going ot carolingthis evening are asked to re- port at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall; following a brief rehearsal the Glee Club 040 the Freshman Girls' Glee Club will go caroling. Freshmen Boys Glee Club: Report to Lane Hall, 8-p.m., today for carol- mg procession with Freshmen Girls Glee Club. Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Rehear- sal tonight at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall; after a brief rehearsal the Glee Club and the University Girls' Glee Club will go out caroling. Freshman girls have permission from the Office of the Dean of Women to remain out af- ter 8 p.m., provided you inform your house director that you are caroling with the Glee Club. The Political Science Roundtable will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Deutscher Verein: The Verein will hold its Christmas party this eve- ning at p.m. in the Michi- gan League. There will be Christ- mas songs and dramatic readings 9n the program. Refreshments will be served, Everybody interested is in- vited to attend. All participants are requested to bring a small 10-cent gift. Dormitory Board meeting today in the League, 5 o'clock. It will -be a short meeting. The A.S.M.E. roast will be held to- day at 6:15 p.m. at the Union. There will be nomination speeches by the Spoofuncup contestants for C.C. (craneo-capacity) rating. Tickets may be purchased from Hugh Keeler, roastmaster, or repre- sentative who can be found at the main M.E. bulletin board. Scandinavian Club will hold its Christmas Party this evening at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall (downstairs) for all students of Scandinavian descent, There will be unusual group games and group songs from different coun- tries. Odin Anderson and Mary Domokos will sing native Christmas songs of Norway and Hungary re- spectively. Arne Ericksen in charge of the eve- ning's program asks that each one bring a 10 cent gift. Refreshments will be served. Christmas Come Across: There will be a meeting of the Central Commit- tee in the League today at 5 pm The Current Problems class will meet with Dr. Rabinowitz at 7:30. The subject is "The Economic status of the American Jew." Stalker Hall: Tea and Open H # use for students from 4 to 5:30 o'clock. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited, The Garden Section of the F'aculty Women's Club will meet today at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Ges- sell,'3 Ridgeway Drive. The Michigan Dames Bridge Group will meet at the League today at 8 p.m. All Dames -are invited. Coming Events German Journal Club: Will 'meet Thursday, Dec. 15 at 4 p.m. in Room 304 Michigan Union. Professor J. W. Eaton will read a paper on "Au- thority versus the Individual." The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday afternoon, Dec. 15, in the Observatory lecture room. Mr. Stewart Tylor will speak "On a Numerical Method in the Re- stricteq Pi'oblem of Three Bodies." Tea will be served at 4 p.m. The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Conference Room on the third floor qf the Horace H. Rackham Bldg. . The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Charles W. Brashares and his topic promises to be of great interest. Every member is urged to be pres- ent, International Center Vacation Pro- - gram: Foreign students who remain " in town during vacation and Ameri- I can and Canadian students interest- ed in the Center will wish to know l that the Center will be open all I through the holidays. The following - program of events is announced: 5 Wednesday, Dec. 21, trip to the Ford factory. Thursday, Dec. 22, Christmas party at the Center. Tuesday, Dec. 27, Intramural Night, an evening of sports at the Intramur- f al Bldg. Wednesday, Dec. 28, trip to the Toledo Art Museum. n Friday, Dec. 30, trip to the Jack- , ei ,.u e All grad-- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 1