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December 13, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-13

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann ArborMichigaa, as
Second class mail matter.
Submriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative"
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor.
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

_, _

Robert D. Mitchell.
. Albert P. Maylo
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
. Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
. William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
.Joseph Gies
. DorotheasStaebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department

Business Manager
Credit Manager . .
Advertising Manager-.
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
Helen Jean Dean
Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
What About The
Other 364 Days?.
and we all can relax, content with
our annual contribution to charity. That the
nickel or quarter we gave for the Goodfellow
)aily yesterday may have been only part of
the dollar that we give annually to Galens, the
Fresh Air Camp and the American Legion, doesn't
matter. The real point is that we should never
forget why we're giving this money, and why
we're called upon to give it.
Campus salesmanship,,.generosity or just plain
conscience are good enough answers to the first
question; it's the second, why we're called upon
to give, that is important.
Isidore Lubin, Commissioner of Labor Statis-
tics, gave the answer two weeks ago before the
Temporary National Committee popularly called
the "Monopoly Hearing" in Washington. It was
an answer that is by no means new. Its import-
ance lies in the fact that it emphasizes, for those
who are willing to hear, something which The
Brookings Institution a few years ago reported
in unequivocal words: That the basic cause of
the depression and of all depressions is the
prodigious inequality of incomes and the small-
ness of mass purchasing power.
"American industry geared to large-scale pro-
duction and markets capable of consuming the
output of mass production methods, cannot prof-
itably maintain itself," Mr. Lubin said, "from
the proceeds of sales to that section of our
families which has incomes of more than
$5,000. That segment of our population numbers
but 807,000 families and constitutes 2.7 per cent
of the total families of the nation.
"Nor, indeed, can American industry maintain
itself on the sales in the income group that
receives $2,500 or more. These comprise less
than 13 per cent of all our families, and in
numbers, constitute a population equal to that
of the State of New York."
Fifty-four per cent of our families are getting
less than $1,250.
Because of the inability of industry to main-
tain itself from the incomes of the upper half
of our population, economically speaking, the
last nine years cost us an estimated $132 billions
in goods that were never produced, though the
factories and the man-power and the materials
were ready and willing
But it is not enough to explain depression and
insecurity in descriptive terms. The important
thing is to find ways and means of raising that
mass purchasing power which is absolutely
needed to maintain our economy.
Think of that the next time you, grudgingly
or otherwise, drop a dime in the tin pail.
-Albert Mayio
Another Orchid
To University Band .. .
Michigan High School Band Associ-
ation Clinic in Hill Auditorium Saturday, Prof.
William D. Revelli and the University Concert

incident to the appearance made in the east at
the Yale° Bowl this year. The Times declared,
"The Michigan Band presented one of the finest
performances of playing and marching as has
been seen in this section in the last ten years."
Ted Husing, well-known sports broadcaster has
frequently characterized the marching band as
"the cream of America's college bands."
However, in addition to being a fine unit in
itself, the band has not been content to remain a
"good band." It has sponsored and fostered a
wider dissemination of classical music through-
out the secondary schools of the state and na-
tion. The recent Band Clinic was a function vol-
untarily undertaken on the part of the band and
was designed to assist the association in a better
selection of contest numbers of the approaching
competition. This clinic is but one of the services
the band has performed for groups outside the
It inaugurated the Outdoor Band Festival
which attracted 9,000 people to Ferry Field this
past August. It sponsored a Study Clinic for
High School students from eight states this sum-
mer and arranged a program of professional ap-
pearances and high quality instruction for the
young musicians unsurpassed by any of its kind,
according to Victor J. Grabel, conductor of the
Chicago Lad Festival, who appeared as guest
conductor of the clinic. Many appearances at
society' functions and club meetings are filled
annually by the band in addition to the regular
performances and concerts presented on the
University Campus.
For its wide-reaching activity and its high
quality performances, it is only appropriate that
these words be said in appreciation of the band's
-Ben Marino
he E'ditor
Gets Told
To the Editor:
In a letter I wrote to you recently, I stated
what I believed to be a real,,positive solution of
the world's problems and needs today: an ever
growing number of'consecrated people dedicated
to God's will and seeking through daily Christian
living in their own spheres to accomplish a moral
rearmament and spiritual revolution on a mass
scale. I stated how I believed it could be at-
tained with a little reference to what is actually
being accomplished in that direction today. I
would like to present more specific factual evi-
dence of this positive force which is spread-
ing slowly throughout this universe and is now
represented in more than fifty nations. In con-
nection with this, I would like to further elabor-
ate the position I was taking in the criticism of
the type ,of news which reaches your column:
that the letters are somewhat trivial and lack-
ing in constructive solution for the problems
'Isms' Not Enough
What I mean is just as definite as this. There
are undoubtedly many in the silent majority
on the campus who sincerely believe that Fas-
cism, Comnunism, Reformed Capitalism or other
economic panaceas are not the only solutions to
be offered for the tremendous world problems to-
day. Christ gave another answer that has never
been tried by very many people in spite of the
large number of churches and so-called Chris-
tian nations. I believe that there is much positive
news along these lines that should be called to
the attention of our campus. I do not mean only
such generalization as to the Spiritual front
which is being created throughout the world in
over fifty countries, mobilizing people of differ-
ent religious beliefs, different races and has the
personal interest and cooperation of such out-
standing and influential leaders in Europe as
the former president of the Swiss Republic; Mr.
C. J. Hambro, President of the Norwegian Parlia-
ment; the Right Honorable J. R.Nowinkel, for-
mer Minister of Norway; Mr. Valdimar Hvidt,
Danish Supreme Court Advocate; and Lord Bald-
win, former Premier of Britain.

-However, I do submit that it is the type of posi-
tive news that should be a challenge to our honest
thinking-when Lord Baldwin on Sept, tenth, 1938,,
in a letter to he London Times said, "The world
cannot 'forever continue plunging from crisis to
crisis. We must act before crisis ends in catas-
trophe . . . The real need of the day is therefore
moral and spiritual rearmament. A growing
body of people in this and other countries are
making it their aim. . . . Were we together with
our fellow men everywhere, to put the energy
and resourcefulness into this task that we now
find ourselves obliged to expend on national de-
fence, the peace of the world would be' assured.
..God's Living Spirit calls each nation, each
individual . . . 'Thy will be done on earth' is not
only a prayer for guidance, but a call to action."
This letter was signed by about twenty promin-
ent British members of Parliament representing
different parties.
British Sportsmen Agree
On Oct. 10, 1938, Queen Wilhelmina of the
Netherlands issued a similar letter to her people,
emphasizing the need of a moral and spiritual
rearmament in Holland.
In a letter to the British Press dated Nov.
2, 1938, thirty-four prominent sport leaders in
England headed by Captain George Eyston,
holder of the World Land Record, show how
they are committed to this program. "Sportsmen
morally rearmed will have influence reaching
far beyond the nation's boundaries on the natur-
al meeting ground that sport provides. They
can create between all peoples, irrespective of
class, creed and nationality, bonds of unbreak-
able spiritual quality. . . . Britain's true great-
ness lies in the creation of a new chivalry, and
a spirit of unselfishness among the peoples of the

You ofM
By Sec Terry
(Editor's Note: with pardonable pride this de-
partment wishes to acknowledge receipt of the fol-
lowing poem from the gifted Miss June Harris, whose
efforts have heretofore been so sadly misplaced. It
required some artful coaxing because June feared
being termed a traitor (her fears, needless to add,
were duly confirmed). So we tossed out the idea of
writing imaginary letters to Santa. June was at first
taken aback at the thought of a columnist contain-
ing ideas, of any sort. Then, when she regained her
composure. she began pacing the floor, drumming
her fingers against the desk top-obviously establish-
ing contact with her congenial Muse. This is the
I'm a chummy sort of person
But I seem so short of friends,
And yet I think they'd be of aid
In furthering my ends;
Unless the last election
Was an optical illusion
I've concluded that I'd profit by
Dale Carnegie's effusion.
Lately I've been thinking of
A little mild aggression
To add a few more countries
To the lands in my possession.
I want to have a brand new map
So when my soldiers snatch them
I can color in the colonies,
So Italy will match them.
For myself it doesn't matter,
I'm the altruistic type,
As long as Adolph's happy
I have no cause to gripe.
Secure in Hitler's friendship
I'm really quite content-
Besides, I can't ask for a gift
Without my friends consent.
I want a pretty uniform
With epaulets and braid,
I want to look imposing
When I march in a parade.
You know that I'm about to bid
Democracy adieu,
So maybe with my nice new clothes
I'll be a fascist too.
I want a thousand puppets
To dandle on my knee
And I can choose the nicest ones
To form my ministry.
I'llhave them at my beck and call
I will not have to urge them,
I'll spare myself the nasty task
Of planning how to purge them.
I'm not one for complaining
But I'm getting awfully bored,
In the position of a monarch
Who's perpetually ignored.
But if you send a megaphone,
I'll scream my every word
And maybe they'll remember
I'm entitled to be heard.
As Martin Dies has pointed out,
My payroll is extensive
And buying Shirley Temple's time
Has proved to be expensive
I hate to be insistent,
But you know the way things go,
'I'm running out of Moscow gold
And all I want is'dough.
-June Harris
JUST WHEN we sit back to watch the fascina-
ting machinations of another "Gargoyle
Missing" mystery, the plot collapses-and Philo
Hodge and Perry Mitchell, faking smiles of relief,
return today to the task of distributing their
latest concoction. The mystery developed when
Mitchell walked into the Daily distributing of-
fice, where the Gargs had been deposited earlier
in the day, and found them gone. Only a note,
scrawled in a heavy hand and signed, "A Co-ed
-the Sinister Five" greeted him. A viewer-with-
alarm by instinct, Mitchell screamed, "we wuz

robbed," and mobilized the gendarmes and led
the posse in search of the culprit.
Hours of investigation led no where. Finally
someone inquired about the commotion, and
upon learning that the magazines had allegedly
been stolen, calmly informed the furious vigi-
lantes that he regretted to spoil their fun, but
the Gargoyles were safely stowed away in the
Daily store room. Even a cursory inspection would
have revealed that the note was written by a
male hand. As for Mitchell. he was too en-
thralled by the prospect of additional publicity,
unsolicited and free.
Hodge's flair for make-up is everywhere in
evidence in the new Garg; it compensates in a
measure for some of the stuff. On the whole,
however, the book is probably as good as any this
year. Hodge hasn't yet learned the value of avoid-
ing typographical errors. In fact, in a feeble
effort to apologize for a glaring typo in the last
issue, he permits another even more flagrant
one to mar his copy. But, anything for a laugh . .

-by David Lawrene-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-Why did
Anthony Eden come to America at
this time? His first address can be
studIied in vain for the answer. Nor
does there seem to be a clue in the
statement of Prime Minister Cham-
berlain that Mr. Eden, exponent of
the opposition, comes here with the
full approval of the British Cabinet.
Mr. Eden made it very clear that
he didn't come to get us to pull any-
body's chestnuts out of the fire-
the usual reason suspected by anti-
British Americans when anything is
proposed by the British in the way
of Anglo-American cooperation.
Then, if the former British Secre-
tary for Foreign Affairs and the
man who is likely to be Britain's next
Prime Minister didn't really come to
America to involve us politically in
any alliances or international under-
standings, what was his true purpose?
The most plausible answer can be
derived from a reading of the speech
of Herr Hitler at Saarbruecken just
after the Munich pact was signed.
The world may have forgotten that
address, but, in it, the German dicta-
tor solemnly warned England that
there must be no more speeches by
Duff-Cooper or Eden or Churchill.
Indeed, the German Chancellor prac-
tically washed his hands of the pledge
for an anti-war era so far as Eng-
land was concerned by pointing out
that, if an Eden or a Duff-Cooper
or a Churchill came into power in the
British Government. he would be in-
clined to view things differently. and
hence military armaments had to be
kept up.
U.S. Greets Eden
Mr. Eden refused to pay any atten-
tion to the Hitler prohibition, and,
judging from the course of public
opinion in England since the Saar-
bruecken speech and the recent mis-
treatment of minority populations by
'Hitler, the Chamberlain Government
has been distinctly on the defensive.
What could be more appropriate for
Anthony Eden to do to show Herr
Hitler that he does not control free-
dom of speech in the democratic
countries as yet than for the former
British Foreign Secretary to make
a trip to the United States and ad-
dress a group of conservative business
men, who, the German Chancellor
might have been disposed to believe,
were as interested in fascism as the
German business men who permit-
ted him to come into power and who
have supported his regime?
But the business men of America
are not fascists. They are democrats.
And they showed the whole world
what they thought of German fas-
cism and the Munich pact by invit-
ing the one man in all the world who
typifies opposition to both.
Warning From Hitler
So Anthony Eden came and was
given a great reception. Germany's
fascists today know that the people
of the United States do not subscribe
to the notion that statesmen must be
I muzzled or that they cannot discuss
fascism or any other ism if they
choose. Herr Hitler must know today
also that, in the United States, public
opinion is deeply interested in what
is happening abroad, notwithstanding
the fact that the German Govern-
ment has mistakenly assumed its
course is sympathized with here in
more places than it is condemned.
So far as Britain is concerned, the
Eden trip is significant, too, and a
splendid piece of strategy. The British

people will learn from the press com-
ments here that the Eden speech
strikes a responsive chord. When the
peoples of Britain and France and
the United States think alike about
world emergencies, it isn't necessary
to diagram or chart in definite lines
of action or in military alliances ex-
actly what is in the inner recesses of
their minds. Back in 1917, the Ger-
man Government made the mistake
of underestimating the currents of
American opinion, and today the
Eden visit and the enthusiastic recep-
tion his words are getting may make
unnecessary another fatal mistake by
the rulers of Germany.
Pers peelive's Pixies
To The Editor:
The review which was printed over
my name in Sunday's literary supple-
ment of the Daily was of a book en-
titled A New Anthology of Modern
Verse and not A New Anthropology
of Modern Verse, as it was printed.
I'll admit that the latter title has
a nice metaphysical ring'that the
original title lacks but I'm certain
that our already confused campus
booksellers are going to be even more
confused if anyone is moved to pur-
chase the book. The book, i.e. A New
Anthology . . . .,is published by
Random House and not Rodman
House. I like to round off a social
evening by playing anagrams but this
is the first time that I ever got credit
I for playing the game in print. Be-
sides, according to the rules that I
usually play by, propei names don't

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


(Continued from Page 2)
until 8 a.m. on Tuesday,

To The Householders: Many stu-
dens will remain in Ann Arbor over
the holidays and will need work to
help maintain themselves during that
tirge. If you need student help and.
will call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext.,
2121, Student Employment Bureau,
Dean of Students Office, she will be,
glad to send you a young man to as-
sist in any kind of work. Please place
your calls as early as possible.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Tuesday, Dec.
13, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 WestI
Engineering Building.
Reports from the following com-
mittees: Freshman Scholastic Stand-
ing (new); Freshman Assembly;
Scholastic Standing; Routine Busi-;
ness will be the order.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
German Departmental Library: All
books are due Dec. 12.
Anniversary Radio Program: The,
Committee in charge of the Anniver-
sary Celebration of the University
to be held March 18 announces a
prize of $25, donated by a prominent
Alumnus, to the student submitting
the most satisfactory 45-minute ra-
dio program. The Committee re-
serves the right to adopt portions of
all scripts that may be submitted.,
In the building of such a program
studeits should bear in mind that the
finished productions should be largely
musical, held together by dramatiza-
tion. The program must appeal not
only to Michigan Alumni but to the1
general public as well. The program
may be either unified or in the form
of skits introducing the most popu-
lar of typical Michigan songs and
selections. Dramatic incidents in the
development of the history of the
University may be used for these
skits, although the historical aspect
of the program need not necessarily
be maintained.
Skits must -be submitted in type-
written form on or before the dead-
line, Jan. 20, 1939. Students desir-
ing further information may consult'
Prof. Waldo Abbot in Morris Hall.
There is information at the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall for faculty members and
graduate students who are over 21
and 'residents of New York State,
and who have actually had experience
as camp directors, and are going to be
in New York City during the Christ-
mas Holiday or the first of the year.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations.
Last date for filing application is
given in each case.
Biometrician. Salary, $3,800. Jan.
Associate Biometrician. Salary, $3,-
200. Jan. 10.
Assistant Biometrician. Salary, $2,-
600. Jan. 10
Chief Museum Division. Salary,
$4,600. Jan. 9.
Examiner of Questioned Docu-
ments. Salary, $3,200. Jan. 9.
Chief Artist-Designer. Salary, $2,-
600, Jan. 9.
Principal Artist-Designer. Salary,
$2,300. Jan. 9
Senior Artist-Designer. Salary, $2,-
000. Jan. 9.
Associate Physiologist. Salary, $3,-
200. Jan. 10.
Junior Meteorologist. Salary, $2,-
000. Jan-9.
Assistant Parasitologist (Nema-
todes) Salary, $2,600. Jan. 10.
Complete announcements are on

file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infqr-
mation, 201 Mason Hall, office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Christmas Concert. The School of
Music will present Mendelssohn's
"Elijah" complimentary to the gen-
eral public, Tuesday evening, Dec.
13, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditori-
um. The program will begin on time
and doors will be closed during num-
The program will be given by the
following: Thelma Lewis, soprano;
Hope Bauer Eddy, contralto; Arthur
Hackett, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen,
baritone; and Master A. D. Moore,
Jr., soprano; Tom Kinkead, organist;
the University Choral Uniop; Univer-
sity Symphony Orchestra; Earl V.
Moore, Conductor.

Jan. 3.

by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al-
so an Exhibition of Prints from the
Chicago Artists Group. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, North ahd South Galleries;
afternoons from 2 to 5; evenings 7 to
10; Sundays, 2 to 5. Through Dec.
Exhibition of Japanese Prints: The
exhibition of Japanese prints under
the auspices of the International
Center which opened the past week
in the West Gallery, 4431 of the
Rackham Building, will be open
through the coming week, closing
Friday afternoon, Dec. 16. The hours
will be as during the past week, 9 to
12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily
except Sunday. The prints, which
are the collection of Miss Tyoko
Nagashima, a student in the Gradu-
ate School, are representative of the
very greatest artists in the field of
Japanese art.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae-
co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods
-from Seleucia on the Tigris and
from Roman Italy. In addition, a
pecial exhibit has been arranged of
a portion of a recent acquisition of
Roman antiquities presented by Esth-
er Boise Van Deman.
French Lecture: The second lecture
of the Cercle Francais program will
take placertoday,rat 4:15 p.m., Room
103, Romance Language Building.
Mr. James O'Neill will speak on'
"Antoine et le theatre libre."
Tickets for the whole series of lec-
tures may be procured from the Sec-
retary of the Romance Language De-
partment (Room 112,.Romance Lan-
guage Bldg.) or at the door at the
time of the lecture.
Events Today
Association Book Group: Don Cuth-
bert Butler's "Western Mysticism"
will be reviewed by Mr. Kenneth Mor-
gan at the meeting of the Association
Book Group, Tuesday, Lane Hall,
4 p.m.
Tau Beta Pi: The Detroit meet-
ing previously planned has been post-
poned. Instead, there will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting tonight in the
Union at 6:15.
Professor T. A. Knott, formerly
edior of Webster's New Internation-
al ictionary, will speak.
Mathematics Club will meet to-
night at 8 p.m., in Room 3201
Angell Hall. Prof. W. B. Ford will
speak "On the Complex Roots of the
Rieman Zeta Function."
La Sociedad Hispanica meeting
scheduled tonight has been post-
poned because of the concert until
after Christmas vacation.
Aeronautical Engineering Students
The second Annual Wright Brothers
Lecture, celebrating the 35th anni-
versary of the Wright Brothers'
Flight, will be given this evening,
at 7:30 p.m., in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building, under the
auspices of the Student Branch of
the Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences. Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, of the
National Bureau of Standards, has
prepared the lecture which , is on,
"Turbulence and the Boundary Lay-
er." The paper will be presented here
by Mr. Ralph H. Upson, and an open
discussion will follow. Don't miss
this chance to hear one of the finest
lectures of the year on one of the
most vital phases of Aeronautical En-
gineering. All Aeronautical students'
are invited as well as members of
the I.Ae.S. Refreshments will be
Polonia Circle will hold a meeting
in Lane Hall this evening, Dec.

13, at 7 p.m. This will also partake
of a Christmas reunion. All mem-
bers and their friends are cordially
Graduate Students: There will be
an informal coffee hour and danc-
ing this afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m.
on the third floor of the Rackham
Building for all graduate students.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
aluni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
The firth lecture in the Public Af-
fairs Series will be given today at
4:15 p.m. in the Auditorium of the
Horace Rackhaxn Building. Mr. Wil-
liam C. Brownrigg, Personnel Direc-
tor of the State of Michigan, will
speak on "Civil Service."
The Book Shelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club wil!
meet at the home of Mrs. Claude Ij
Clark, 2105 Tuomy Road, today at
2:45 p.m. Mrs. Robert D. Brackett
is assisting hostess.
Engineers: The following men have
been nominated for the position of
Engineering Council Representative
from their respective classes.






who innocently gave Harvey (down with
barber shops) Swados a copy of an article she
had written in one of those impetuous moments,
may live to regret that Perspectives chose to
print it . . . It was the oft-repeated "I Hate
Men Because-" and although Marian, a fresh-
man on campus, was only kidding, she has been
besieged with telephone calls, demanding proof,
soliciting dates, wanting pictures, etc. . . .
Detroit papers clamored for copy about this
female inconcoclast: Marian's Italian professor
spent thirty minutes of yesterday's class dis-
cussing the article . . Mrs. Phillips. Marian's


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