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December 13, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-13

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W eather
Considerable cloudiness today;
tomorrow snow and colder


git Iga




Meet Prepares1
To Consolidate
Venezuela Proffers Treaty
For Concerted Defense
Against $ Foreign Attack
To Study Arbitration
Of Spanish Civil War
LIMA, Dec. 12 /IP) - Executive
Committees of the Ei hth Pan-Amer-
ican Conference cleared the decks
today for swift consideration of im-
portant projects for consolidation of
the Western Hemisphere.
Alfranio De Mello Franco, former
Foreign Minister of Brazil, was chosen
chairman of the Committee for the
Organization of Peace which will dis-
cuss continental defense and unifi-
cation of existing peace treaties.
Delegates placed much significance
in the choice of the Brazilian since his
country is one of the foremost of the
American Republics favoring strong
organization of the Western Hemi-
sphere against outside aggression.
With Mello Franco presiding, the
xchances for reaching a strong resolu-
tion or possibly an agreement for con-
tinental defense were believed appre-
ciably improved. The Brazilian did
not want the chairmanship but ac-
cepted on the insistence of Central
American nations and Peru and Col-
Delegates said this meeting should
be the most business-like Pan-Ameri-
can conference yet held, owing to the
determination of delegations to con-
clude everything by Dec. 23 and pos-
sibly even by Dec. 20.
Alf k. Landon, former Governor of
Kansas and 1936 Republican presi-
dential candidate, is the chief United
Stattes representative on the Com-
mittee for Organization of Peace.
A sweeping project offered by Ven-.
ezuela, calling for immediate consul-
tation and common action by the
American republics in event of ag-
giession by a non-American nation,
was among measures before the com-
mittee. r
It was added that Argentine and
Mexican representatives.were making
progress on a plan for declaration
calling for the end of the Spanish
Civil War and proferring mediation.
Diogenes Escalante, Venezuelan
Minister to Washington, was chosen
chairman of the second most im-
portant conmmittee of the Confer-
ence-the one on economic problems.
Senor Voting
For Class Posts
Is Tomorrow
Four Officers And Dance
Committee Members Are
Chosen At Campus Polls
Seniors will go to the polls on the
campus tomorrow to choose four
permanent officers of their class and
13 members of the Senior Ball com-
mittee. This will be the third election
of the school year under the regula-
tions of the recently adopted revision
of student government.
Voting places will be open from
2 to 5 p.m. in Room 231 Angell Hall
and Room 311 West Engineering
Building, Fred Luebke, '39E, President

of Men's\ Council announced, while
architecture school balloting will be
conducted from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in
the lobby.
Four who are elected in each
school to lead the class, automatically
go down in the history of the Uni-
versity as official Alumni president,
vice-president, secretary and treas-
urer of the class of 1939.
The composition of the Ball com-
mittee is as follows: three men and
two women from the literary college,
three men from the engineering col-
lege, one each from the nursing, edu-
cation, architecture and music
schools, and one from the combined
senior classes of the pharmacy and
forestry schools.
'Elijah' To Be Given
By School Of Music

Student-Body Is 'Cleaned'
By Army Of Goodfellows


33 Engineers
To Seek Posts
In Poll Today
Two Men Will Be Chosen
From Each Class Under
Changed Petition System
Students Will Vote
In Engineering Arch
Thirty-three engineers will com-
pete today for the eight Engineering
Council Representatives posts, in the
first election conducted according to
the petition system, Wesley Warren,
39, announced yesterday. Voting in
the freshman, sophomore, junior and
senior classes will be conducted from
1 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. in the lobby of
the Engineering Arch.
Official List Of Candidates
The official list of candidtes, pre-
pared by the Council, is as follows:
iqreshmen: Robert Coapman, Ran-
del Smith, Jack Carpenter, Robert
G. W. Brown, Tom Schuler, Grant
Allen, 'Carl Wolfston, Richard Un-
gar, Robert Thomas, Richard Ebbets,
Vance Crawford, Bud Cowles and
Robert Pasch.
Sophomores: Merril, Frank Mor-
ton, Edward King, Dave Sutherland
and Charles Brown.
Juniors: Gordon Arnold, Cruzen
Alexander, Ted Zurhorst, John Cal-
louette, Donald Diem, Art Brandt,
Herbert Blumberg, Nat Siegel, Ben
Jones and Hugh Estes.
Seniors: John Fechnay, William
Ritcheske, John Parker, Bill Walters
and Robert Hartwell.
Two Men From Each Class
Two men will be elected from each
class and will serve as sole represen-
tatives of their respective classes on
the Council. Enthusiasm displayed
in the new system thus far, as evi-
denced by the 33 petitions submitted,
has been most gratifying, Warren
said. He urged all engineers to turn
out to the polls.
Nomination to the ballot printed
above was secured by petitioning the
Engineering Council. The reorganized
election system has more recently
been used as a model by Men's Coun-
cil, in its revision of the class voting
set-up for all schools.
Poll Will Begin Today
To Choose J-Hop Band

-Daily Photo by Sheeline


Faculty Hawkers Capture Plaintiff Litzenberg is attempting a
Lead In Successful Push wide end run around Defendant Burs-
For Ann Arbor Needy Litzenberg: Get out from be-
hind that Goodfellow apron, Joe,
With returns from the outlying dis- Bursley: Come here, Litz.
tricts still incomplete the Goodfellow Litzenberg: Can't, Joe, gotta
campaign last night gave full prom- rush.
ise of cracking the $1,100 mark as Bursley: (basso profundo)
receipts were still rolling in from the (Continued on Page 6)
record sale of more than 8,000 spe-
cial editions.
Sales were especially heavy duringS r eme Court
the morning hours as 'the huge army AC
of Goodfellows armed with special Ch c s T L
editions and sporting sales talks cut WC'IS.
to fit, went to work on the student 'a
body and picked it as clean as a herr- In Seam an
ing bone.
Selling peak of the drive was at-
tained during the noon hour when the Tribunal Forbids Missouri
powerful faculty platoon threw its
"name"* men into the breach and Law School To Deny
blocked off every known exit from Admittance Of Negroes
campus. Complaints from hungry
students were as fruitless as post-
blue-bok exuses.WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 12.-0(3)
blue-book excuses.'
President Ruthven from his office -The Supreme Court today thwart-
in the center of. the diagonal was ed an effort of the National Labor
heard threatening prospective grad- Relations Board to reinstate 145 sea-
uates with unsigned diplomas. A
impenetrable cordon of academic hu- men who were discharged after two
manity, meanwhile, was thrown ships had been seized in sit-down
across the sidewalk under the en- strikes.t
gineering arch as Professors Charles Without explaining its action, the'
Spooneg, James H. Cissel, Roy Swin- court refused a board request that it
ton arf Edward L. Eriksen stood review a decision of the Fifth Fed-
shoulder to shoulder in their de- eral Circuit Court, which set aside a
mands. board order requiring reinstatement
Observers are still touting the cir- of the men.
cus that went on in front of the The order had been directed
Union where Dean Bursley flourishedagainst the Pensular and Occiden
as a one-man monopoly with no re- tag ainsh inslaadCcidn
bates.Competitors, however, charge tal Steamship Co.
the enthusiastic dean with unfair In its only formal decision today,
methods. They cite as evidence the the High Court ruled that the Univer-
case of Litzenberg vs. Bursley, where- sity of Missouri should admit Lloyd,
in Plaintiff Litzenberg, claims Burs- Gaines, a Negro, to its school of law.
ley, who is alleged to have been act- (In Lansing, where he is employed
ing under false pretenses. Evidence on a WPA-sponsored survey, Gaines
is based on the following approximate declined to say whether he would
conversation. . enter the school, which previously,
Scene: Front steps of the Union. had refused to admit him).
- - Missouri provides separate schools
for Negroes,. including Lincoln
Gargoyle On Sale Today University at Jefferson City. In ad-
dition, it provides for payment of
The Gargoyle will go on sale today tuition at schools in adjacent states
on campus and at local newsdalers, $ for Negroes who wish to study sub-
John Mitchell, '39, business manager jects provided at schools for whites
announced yesterday. but not at the Negro institution.
Reporters Interview Cabmen
On What Students Do In Taxis

For All Given
The features planned for the fra-
ternity children's Christmas party to
be held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Auditorium will be designed to enter-
tain both the children and students
attending, it was announced yester-
day by Robert Goodyear, '40E; enter-
tainment director for the party.
The principal burden of the enter-
tainment will be assumed by the Uni-
versity Band and Glee Club. The for-
mer will play a number of well known
selections, including the numbers
"Heigh-ho" and "Whistle While You
Work" from the movie "Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs." The latter
will also render a number of popular
Christmas and school songs.
A magician, Charles Forbes, will
aid in the entertainment with a
demonstration of legerdemain and
sleight-of-hand. The party will prob-
ably be concluded by the presentation
of an animated cartoon, furnished by
( the Michigan Theatre.
ASU To Hear
Lash On Youth
Issues Today
National Secretary's Talk
At Union Brings To End
Climaxing an American Student
Union membership drive that doubled
the local chapter's enrollment, Joseph
Lash, executive secretary of the ASU,
will speak at 8 -p.m. today in the
North Lounge of the Union on the
issues facing the student union
Christmas .convention in New York.
Lash will preside at the conven-
tion, where 20,000 ASU members will
be represented. Opening in Madison
Square Garden, the Congress has as
its theme "Keep Democracy Work-
ing by Keeping It Moving."
Convention problems to be discus-
sed today by Lash include "The
University We Want To Study In,"
"The America We Want To Live In"
and "The World That Will Give Us
One year ago Lash, one of the
founders of theASU, spoke here on
his experiences in Spain where he
spent two months in research work
for the Government Ministry of Edu-
cation and one month in the ranks of
the MacKenzie-Papeneau Battalion.
He took part in an expedition to
study civil liberties in Harlan County,.
Kentucky in 1932. The ASU was
formed from various national student
organizations after the expedition
was forcibly prevented from examin-
ing conditions in Harlan County.
Co-author of "War Our Heritage,"
vice-president of the United Stu-
dent Peace Committee and of the
American Youth Congress and con-
tributor to liberal publications, Lash
is credited with initiating the first an-
nual student strike against war.
'Dancing Men' Translators
Win Tickets For Ice Show
Translators of the recent "dancing
men" cryptograms that appeared on
trees and bulletin boards on the cam-
pus, will be rewarded with free admis-
sions to the forthcoming Union Ice
Carnival, it was announced yesterday
by Hadley Smith, '40E, chairman of
arrangements for the Carnival.
Those who solved the messages
were: G. P. Smith, Grad., John H.
Moehlman, '41, J. R. Platt, Grad., Kay
sKing, '40,,and James W. Norris, '40.

A poll torascertain student prefer-
ences in orchestras for the forth-
coming J-Hop will begin today,,it was
announced yesterday by James V.
Halligan, 40F&C, publicity chair-
man for the dance.
The poll, which will continue until
Friday, will becused to indicatere-
cent trends in dance music popular-
ity, as well as to show the most fa-
vored orchestra for the J-Hop. Stu-
dents will be asked to place the names
of their two favorite bands on a slip
of paper and to place the slip in a
ballot box, which will be provided in
the !obby of the Union, the Angell
Hall, lobby and in the engineering
school. Halligan requested that stu-
dents place their names on their bal-
lots to avoid double voting.
Italy Censors
Native Scribes
Forbids Cortesi To Write
For New York Times
ROME, Dec. 12-P)-The Italian
Government today notified Italian
newspapermen, estimated to number
200, they must cease serving foreign
newspapers by Jan. 1.
Among them were Arnaldo Cortesi,
veteran correspondent for the New~
York Times.
The Ministry ofaPopular Cultur
held that as Italian citizens they
came under provisions of a Dec. 3 or-
der forbidding Italian newspapermer
to write for foreign -iewspapers or
news services.
Seventeen newspapers of Italian
nationality are listed in the member-
ship of the Foreign Press Association,
an organization made up of corres-
pondents for foreign newspapers and
news services.
In addition, there are many Italian
journalists in Italian provincial cen-
ters who serve foreign newspapers
and services.
Union Will Hold Weekly
Coffee Hour Dance Today
I Guests at today's Union informs:

Your reporters, infuriated by cer-
tain statements made by a certain
Marian Phillips in Sunday's Perspec-
tives, and determined to get to the
bottom of certain quite brash state-
ments made by Miss Phillips, went
joy riding yesterday in a special fleet
of taxicabs.
But we meant business. As we rode
we chatted with our charioteers, get-
ting the unexpurgated objective
truth about the momentous questions
Miss Phillips dismissed so lightly and
with such obviously little thought.
The results of our findings are here,
in the interests of decency. The taxi
bill will be sent to Miss Phillips.
THE QUESTION: What is your
general impression of campus life
+1. ....ia ..p..- w ,,i.r,.9

Stanley Cottrell: "In the last two
years I don't thinklI have ever heard!
students talk to me about anything
but the weather. Among themselves
they talk about their dates and the
holidays, almost never about studies,
or anything like that. They drink a!
lot on Friday nights, but not so much
other times."
R. L. Markwell: "All the students
talk about is their work. They are
very serious-minded, I think. There
is not so much drinking nowadays
except among certain classes of stu-
dents who always drink. Huh? No,
all I can ever see in the rear-view
mirror is another taxi."
Jay Garkey: "Most students act a
lot different here than they do when
they're at home. They have different
attitudes in their spending and drink-


A.S.M.E. Roast To Determine
Professor 'Who Can Take It'
Six engineering professors are go-
ing to face a barrage of embarrassing
questions tomorrow night until those
in attendance at the annual A.S.M.E.
Roast Banquet have classified the
pedagogues according to their C.C.'s
(Cranial Capacities) and have decid-
ed which is "The Man Who Can Take
The traditional banquet, which will
be held at 6:15 p.m. in the Union, af-
fords engineering students an oppor-
tunity to get back at their professors
without fear of retribution. The
man who survives the elimination is
awarded the famed "Spoofuncup,"
symbolic of the fact he is the most
"popular unpopular" instructor in the
engineering college. Last year Dean
Henry C. Anderson was the winner.

The School of Music will present as!
its annual pre-Christmas oatorio
Mendelssohn's "Elijah", at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
Aii fi .m tillh ,frsa n .h - - - ir

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