THE MICHIGAN DAILY M)NAI ^V, i2, 12, } -Ab irc es Take Sand Against A nwti-Semitism 3 Music School Offers Annual Free Concert 1 Students In Good/ellows Driver's Seat 10 Local Delegates To Attend [ ASU Convention In New York Roos -vt It Asked To Join Mendelssohn's 'The Elijah' I1 Conference To End To Be Presented In Hill Wfrl !s Economic ,lls Auditorium Tomorrow ,ak nan At P Mendelssohn's monumental ora-J Par''y torio, "The Elijah," to be given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, An a ppeal for "united effort on will constitute the community con- the par of all to combat every man- tribution of the School of Music this' ifestati >n of anti-semitism in our season. land" a d a second resolution calling The complete May Festival' stage upon -, esident Roosevelt to join with will be erected for this performance. heads of other Governments in con- The 300 members of the University vening a World Economic Conference Choral Union will be seated in the' as a so,tion to the wide-spread un- bleachers while the School of Music rest int ;ie world" marked the closing Symphony Orchestra of 80 pieces will hors the Federal Council of participate. The whole ensemble will Church-w' Biennial meeting Saturday be under the direction of Prof. Earl in Bu falo, N.Y. The following local V. Moore, musical director of the! leader., were in attendance: The Rev. School of Music. Henry H. Lewis, rector of St. Andrews. Solo numbers will be taken by Prof. Episccpal Church who appeared in a Thelma B. Lewis of the School of panel relating to "Ministry to the Music, soprano, who has won suc- Sick," Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, au- cess as a concert artist. Last year thor lecturer, who appeared to she appeared in a'similar perform- report ;he "Religious Mission of the ance of "The Creation" in Hill Audi- Counci to University Students,"- torium and on previous occasions has and ID.. Edward W. Blakeman, participated in May Festival con- Unive -:y Counselor in Religious certs. She has also been heard fre- Education, who was associated with quently in Michigan cities and music the R -,Rrch Commission which re- centers. ported upon "Religious Leadership Prof. Arthur Hackett, head of the and lhgher Education." voice department of the School of Butrick Is President Music, will sing tenor. He has won As :ucessor to the Rev. Edgar De wide recognition,'because of his suc- Witte Jones, of Detroit, the Rev. cessful concert tours throughout the Georg, A. Butrick, D.D., of New York country. He has sung many times City was elected president of the with the Boston Symphony Orchestra Federal Council, representing 21 re- and with other distinguished bands ligiois bodies, including the Baptist, of players. At the beginning of his Congregational - Christian, Disciples career he made a name for himself Friends, Evangelical, Methodist, Mo- because of his extensive tours with ravian, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Re- Madame Melba and Geraldine Far- formed Church in America, United rar. His first Ann Arbor appearance Brethren, United Lutheran and oth- was made as a member of the latter's ers; the United Church of Can- party when she opened the Choral ada, (a rfilivnted relation). He will Union concert series in Ann Arbor preside during the next two years and 15 years ago. be res onisible for efforts to interpret Hardin Van Deursen of the School Christianity in its cooperative aspects of Music will sing the bass role. Al- and to facilitate the joint efforts of though relatively a newcomer to Ann all these American denominations. Arbor having joined the faculty of Dr. F. Earnest Johnso! , drector of the School of Music last year he has research, and a member of the faculty been heard to great advantage on of Columbia where he teaches the many occasions. His services arc "Contribution of Religion to Western continually in demand for concert Culture" led a panel ellating to re- appearances in Michigan cities and Cult c:leda pnelreltinDuorngelsewhere. ligion and the public schools. During He BuerEu the cc ,ning two year period he will ope Bauer Eddy, an alumna of lead a :,roup in research upon "the in- the School of Music will also be in- tegrity of religion-as such, apart cluded on the program. She has been rom 'n eparte fromesactarian intimately associated with Ann Arbor pr°omoW,icn: of churches." He and the musical activities since her gradua- other :,,cretaries of the Fediral Coun- tion, and has been heard many times cil of whom Dr. Samuel Cavert is the in connection with School of Music chairman were commended for their performances. leaders.hip and continued in office. Arthur D. Moore, Jr., will appear Dr. Blakcman will serve with Profes- as the second soprano. it sor Johnson and five others, in a re- Organ parts will be played by Mr.e search capacity during 1939 and 1940. Tom Kinkead, instructor in organ 2t t the Sho fMsc n locr Led by President Albert W. Palmer, n School of Music, and also or- Chicago Theological Seminary, the ganist at the Episcopal Church. meeting petitioned the Government d to tak the lead in causing an econ- Alum ius Offers omic onference, saying: d To Study Economics "Re,.o'ved, that the council recomn- $25 Prem ium d mend :o its executive committee that Pete Lisagor I 8-9 Madeleine Larso~n Eileen Boorsma Horace. Gilmore Albert Mayio Jay Rockwell Beb May 9-10 Marie McElroy Priscilla Behr David Laing Robert Mitchell Charles Kettler John Shorman Phil Westbrook 10-11 Phyllis McGeachy Marie McElroy Robert Canning Horace Gilmore Robert Mitchell Fred Janke Bob Hartwell Bob May 11-12 Rhoda Haugh Roberta Wilson Harold Spoden Leo Beebe Phil Westbrook Martin Dworkis 12.1 Bud Benjamin Phil Woodworth Bob Hartwell John O'Hara 1-2 Mary Mootz Beth Castrr Jack Brennant John Mitchell Robert Reid Marvin Reidpr Richard Shuey 2-5 Janet Clark Ellen Krieghoff Frank Morgan Fred Janke Ralph Heikkinen Phil Westbrook Harold Stewart 3-4 Harriett Jauritz Annette Stroup Elmer Gedeon Walt Peckinpaugh Paul Brickley 4-5 Jane Fassilzewaka Marjorie Tate 5-8 Doris Newman Milly Curtis Bud Benjamin ALUMNI BUILDING STEPS 7:45-8 Mary Henderson Ben Jones 8-9 Jean Thompson Ruth Barry Austin Beebe 9-10 Ann Vedder Fritz De Fries 10-11 Libby Hegge Beverly Bracken Clarence Sahlin 111-2 Ruth Jacobsen Bob Goodyear 12-1 Frieda Halpert Howard Egert 1-2 Jean Grove 2-3 Helen Jean Sue Stevenson 3-4 Barbara Bassett Jane Lord 4-5 Margaret Carr Cecily Forrest -6 Ruth Koch Dorothy Cox LEAGUE LOBBY 7:45-8 Jean Holland Clarence Sahlin 8-9 Barbara Heath 13l11Rockwell Larry Gluc~k 9"10 £oirt a th ur Bill Iokwell 10-i 1 MartnI Colittell Harriet Pomeroy Roland Rhead 11-12 Sybil Swartout Newton Burrows 12-1 Jean Holland Ed Egle 1-2 Stephanie Parfet Betty Spangler Stuart Low Norman Oxhandler 2-3 Dorothea Staebler Janet Fullenwider Wesley Matson Norman Oxhandler 3-4 Barbara Paterson Madeline Kreighoff 4-5 Betty Jane Mansfield RACKHAM SCHOOL 8-9 Ted Liebovitz Warren Smith 9-10 Waiter McCoy Warren Smith 10-11 Jack Nichols Bill Walter 11-12 Nic Chapekis 12-1 Tom Schroth Bill Brondyke 1-2 Julian Griggs Frank Firnschild 2-3 Julian Griggs Ted Liebovitz CRUISERS 3-4 Robert Young Earl Gilman 3-4 4-5 Dick Sklfrsky 1-5 Paul Zuris 4-5 Stewart Peck 11-12 Robert Wolfe STATE, NORTH UNIVERSITY 7:45-9 Barbara Grill Jack Sherrill 9-10 Jean Krump Virginia Aist Fritz De Fries 10-11 Janet Burns Kate Vaughn Dick Livingston Hortense Smith 11-12 Phyllis Hoffmeyer Mildred Perkins Herb Blumberg 12-1 Betty Lyons Barbara Grilld Bill Davidson 1-2 Nancy Gould Joan Davidson Hugh Estes 2-3 Ruth Koler Midge Ford Dirk Vander.,Burch 3-4 Barbara Grill Margaret Bird Ben Jones 4-5 Martha Bedford Jean Noyes 5-6 Mary Baldwin Barbara Grill ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL WIND TUNNEL 7:45-9 Robert Bessey 9-10 Cal Kresin Warrington Willis 10-11 Charles Buck Bill Sherzer 11-12 Bill Soups 12-1 Anand Kelkar B yrace olkni t ,velyn Sager )-I -,,Warringso Willis 3- lilliam rClark 5 oIwrhoa Moore fNORTH & EAST UNIVERSITY - 45-9 Dorothy Gucher Betty Myers 9-10 Jane Schroeder 10-ii Jane Finkbeiner Mary Ferguson 11-12 Sally Corcoran Rhoda Foxman 12-1 Irene Doherty Lorraine Mantler 1-2. Suzanne Turring Alice France 2-:3 Margaret Goose 3-4 Doris Yoder 4-5 SylvGa Casper 5-6 Shirley Altsheuler ARCADE & STATE STREET 7:45-9 Barbara Moore 9-10 Mary Frances Reek 10-1iJeanne Judson 11-12 Cecile Franking Peg O'Neil 12-1 Norma Ginsberg 1.-2 Betty Judson 2-3 Merida Hobart 3-4 Doris Cuthbert 4-5 Betty Guntrey 5-6 Lois Fenn LAW QUAD Lawyers Club Entrance: 7 :45-8 Bill Jletter Sue Potter 8-8:30 Jim Tracy Norma Curtis 11:30-12 Bill Hunter Janet Fullenwider 12-12:30 Clark Schell Claire Ford Betty Jane Mansfield 5:30-6 Jack McCarthy Mary McCarkey Anne Hawley Law Library Entrance: 7:45-8 John Currie Virginia Allen 8:45-9 Jim Stoudt 9:45-10 Jim Stoudt 10:45-11 Ben Dewey 1:45-2 Francis Wistert Marian Baxter 5-6 Mary Alice MacKenzie Quadrangle Entrance, Hutchins Hall: 7:45-8 George Hebb 8:45-9 Bob Keck 9:45-10 To BMunson 10:45-11 Bob Keck 1:45-2 John Griffin 4-5 J. Fullenwider B. 1Patterson Rltte Street Entrance, Hutchins Hall: 7:45-8 Dick Hinks 8:45-9 John Griffin 9:45-10 Ben Dewey 10:45-11 Francis Wistert Monroe Street Entrance, Hutchins Hll: 7:45-8 Hicks Griffiths 8:45-9 Tom Munson 9:45-10 Chuck Blackwcll 10:45-11 Chuck Blackwell LEAGUE, NO. Univ. ENTRANCE Mortarboard ANGELL HALLS, STEPS Druids UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL STEPS Couzen's Hal By JUNE HARRIS Ten official delegates and several observers will represent the Univer- sity at the Fourth Annual Conven- tion of the American Student Union to be held Dec. 26 to 30 on the campus of City College in New York. In treating the general theme * Keep DemocracyhWorking by Keep- ing It Moving Forward," questions of education, national politics and in- ternational affairs will be discussed by delegates from the 200 ASU chap- ters throughout the country. Among the nationally known figures who will address the convention are Jay Allen, of the Chicago Tribune staff, Roger Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union, Leo Huberman of New College, author of "We the People," Prof. Max Lerner of Wil- liams College, former editor of "The Nation" and Dr. Clark Eichelberger, director of the League of Nations As- sociation. Following the discussKorns touching on the ASU five-point program of peace, security, civil liberties, aca- demic freedom and racial and social security, the national policy of the organization will be established for the ensuing year. National officers will also be elected at this time. At last year's convention held at Vassar Codlege, more than 500 voting delegates were present. Messages of greeting were sent by many prom- inent personages including President Roosevelt. Three main topics, "The University We Want to Study In," "The America, We Want To Live In" and "The World That Will Give Us Peace," will be treated in sectional meetings and general sessions. Among the sub- topics to be discussed are student self government, cooperatives, stu- dnt workers and the NYA, N'egro problems, civil liberties, neutrality legislation, the Spanish and Chinese situations, national defense and the refugee problem. In an effort to secure as broad a representation as possible at the con- vention, the ASU has extended an in- vitation to all student organizations, faculty groups and university and school administrations to attend and participate in the deliberations. Aged Alumna Needs Goodfellow's Help (Continued from Page 1) one state full rights in another and bad food an unbeatable combination and she was forced to return to Ann Arbor. She has been living in her present home for 10 years now. During this pime she has done her own house- work and has lived in trying circum- stances following an unfortunate ex- perience with a tenant who refused to pay any rent, after using the up- stairs of the house for more than a year and causing Dr. Crawford much discomfort. Because of hpr advanced age and her physical condition Dr. Crawford, although her mind remains extra- ordinarily clear, has until today been unable to secure aid in bettering her position. -A position THE IDEAL GIFT Give Mother Wife or Daughter A FUR COAT or JACKET Generous Christmas givers who know a cer- tain someone who de- some gift of all. ZWERDLING pr sents "for a glor- ious winter season" from our re- gular stock The Season's} Most Fashionable Furs made into The Smartest Models at QUARAN- TEED Lowest Prices-regardless of any so-called "sales", regard- less of price, we strive for that 'precious look' in our furs, squeez-F ing every dollar's worth of value into our $75 coats as well as we do in our $995 s. 215-17 East Liberty Street "1-Set up through the department f int(rlnational justice and good will special commission of the most ex'- ert laymen and clergy to study how he churches may best contribute to he amelioration of economic injus- ices r' d tensions between nations hroeugh international negotiation and. onferonce; and "2- Recommend to the provisional ommi ttee of the World Council of hurches that it request the churches n other nations to set up similar ommissions, and * "3-Request the provisional com- littee of the World Council of 'hurches to call a conference on ec- nomic amelioration or invite the rniversal Christian Council for Life nd AWork to do so." "After sifting and making a rorough study of a vast array of pe- tions sent to the officers of the Fed- ral Council during the past mnoths," aid Dr. Blakeman, "the meeting dopted the following: Protests Air Raids "The Federal Council of the 'hurches of Christ in America makes igorous protest against the continued ombing of civilian populations in 'hina and Spain. War cannot be re- ned of its savage cruelty. There 'ill be outrage against God and hu- aanity as long as there is war. De- pite this fact, the Christian church annot but lift its voice in protest gainst the barbaric practice of ombing civilian populations. To do therwise would be for the church to ;ultify its conscience. At the same me we are humiliated by the fact hat Americans are supplying a sub- antial portion- of the essential war iaterials which make such outrages ossible." "The Federal Council of the hurches of Christ in America pro- ests against the aggression of. the rmed forces of Japan in China and specially against the frequent and ridespread outrages against the civil- an poptlation. "We are humiliated by the knowl- dge the-t some church agencies and istitutions as well as many individ- ial me-mhprs are imnbicated thrnuh For Radio Skihp Deadline For Scripts Set1 At Jan. 20; Broadcast To Be GivenNationally The best radio program of the Anniversary Celebration of the University to be broadcast nation- wide from Ann Arbor March 18, 1939, will receive an award of $25, donated by a prominent alumnus. The deadline for all skits is Jan. 20, 1939, and the committee in charge of ther celebration reserves the right to adopt portions of all scripts that may be submitted, although the prize will be awarded for the best pro- gram turned in. In the building of such a program students should bear in mind that the finished production should be large- ly musical, held together by drama-' tization, Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, di- rector of the University Broadcasting Service, said. It must appeal not only to Michigan Alumni but also to the general public as well. It will feature the University Band, University Glee Club and the Carillon. The program may be either unified or in the form of skits introducing the most popular of typical Michigan songs and selections, he said. Drama- tic incidents in the development of the history of the University may be used for these skits, although the historical aspect of the program need not necessarily be maintained. Students who are not familiar with the form to use in the preparation of radio skits may refer to manuscripts of plays and variety shows to be found in the Broadcasting Library of Morris Hall. A bibliography of all literature on the history of the University has been posted on the bulletin board In Morris Hall. Further information may be obtained from Professor Abbot. ty to moral principle by sacrificing the profits thus derived. "The council appeals also to the churche nd-their eencieand insti- 0 I t: b t+ If ti b 9 n c Indians Were Here Eleven Centuries Ago The war whoop of the Indian, his by the Indians when it was at water' sin of the Niagara Falls gorge. The great council fire, huge feasts, hunt- ng trips might have been seen by level between 1,100 and 1,400 years wearing away of the stone walls of exploring Vikings if they had reached ago- Ijthe gorge tells the geologist how long he Great Lake region some time be- Calculation of the age of the Great it has taken for the Great Lakes to ween 500 and 800 A.D. Lake beaches is based upon the ero- lower their level 80 feet. Before this fall, no definite evi- dence had ever been produced to prove that there were/human inhabi- ants of this area at such an early date. Searching for early Indian data this summer on Great Cloche Island, just north of Manitoulin Island in the Georgian Bay region, Dr. E, F. Greenman, of the museum of anthropology, discovered the re- nains of an ancient Indian feast. Find Evidence Later this fall, Dr. Greenman re- turned to the island with Prof. George M. Stanley of the geology department - to determine the age of the find. Evidence that Indians held such a -- feast on the beach on Great Cloche [sland consists of the discolored sand and stones on which their fire was built, scraps of foreign flint and quartz and bones of fish and animals which made up their meal. Evidently the meal -consisted of moose, deer, beaver, sturgeon and another uniden- ified type of fish. The beach on which the Indians ate heir meal, now 28 feet above the wa-.4 er of Lake Huron, according to Pro- essor Stanley, was on the water level vhen the redmen visited the island hundreds of years ago. Two feet of sand and gravel on top of their camp- ;ide, he says, indicates the former high level of the water, which in,. turn makes possible the dating of the feast. Lakes Covered Region Between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago, geologists say, huge lakes covered nost of the area now known as the 3reat Lake region. Since that time, This Guy Ms Professor Stanley points out, theGu vter-plane has fallen about 80 feet. U i , 1 ,._ "- t """' _".,,,, ...... ! r ijs;iii ... ..- "° .,._ ...._ ,,_...,r,,,. sed The Boat E&ch one of the series of beaches left by the receding water, he ex- plains, may be given a date accord- ing to its height above the present level of the lakes which has dropped about one foot every 38 to 50 years. On this basis, Professor Stanley says, the 28-foot beach on Great Cloche Island must have been used Seniors: Don't YOU miss the boat - - Have your 'Ensian Picture taken before December 16 CALL NOW- Rentschler, Spedding, Dey FLOWERS say MERRY CHRI STMAS best! . I