THE MICHICAN DATLY MONDAY.,1flC.-2, 1938- Sunday Church Sermons Offer Variety Of Topics .. ..... . s v s..a x v + a Y . v'1 c a. s .rv. r. IYe ..:. .,..,_.., Unitarian Mininster Traces. Growth Of St. Nicholas To Times Of Diocletian Rev. H. P. Marley told the story of Christmas and its patron saint, Santa Claus, at the Unitarian Church yesterday. He traced the growth of the legend of St. Nicholas, telling of its begin- nings in early Christian times in the time of Diocletan. The origin of Christmas gifts may be traced to the story of the Bishop in Asia Minor who gave dowries to three young women, thus saving them from pros- titution. The Christians, Reverend' Marley said, took over ceremonies from every available source to pro- vide a beautiful and memorable serv- ice. In 1037, Pere Noel, as he is known in Latin countries, became an official saint. In the 17th century, the cele- bration of Christmas had become. so corrupted, that in 1644, this holy day was officially banned and in England there was no celebration that year.1 In observing the world today, dRev- erend Marley admitted that there .seemed little reason to be of good cheer. He mentioned the soldiers standing guard in Bethlehem, Pales- tine, the wars in Spain and China. Yet, he continued; there was still hope for the world as long as there were men of good will. He declared that Christmas was a message to all men to be of good will, of humanity and raises the opinion of mankind," said Reverend Parr. The student choir, under the direc- tion of Donn Chown, '39, sang songs of "Christmastide" as arranged by Rosario Bourdon. Yesterday marked the last appearance of the studenti choir this year. The adult choir will) replace it for the next two weeks. The service of public confession and holy communion was administered yesterday to the Congregation of the Trinity Lutheran Church on the oc- casion of the third Sunday in Ad- vent, by Rev. Henry 0. Loder. In his sermon, "The Faithful Com- municant," Reverend Loder warned those who partook of the bread and wine symbolizing the body and blood of Christ that they must remain "true servants of God," and "remove all hatred from their hearts." Mrs. Robert Copp, organist, played twD selections: "Awake! Hear the Call of Watchmen" and Dubois' "Finale." The congregation sang a processional hymn, "Come, Thou long-expected Jesus," and the recessional hymn, "Now Thank We All Our God." "God the Preserver of Man" was the subject of the service at the Church of Christ Scientist. The ser- mon was comprised of selected refer- ences from the Bible with correlative passages of selected reterencs from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci- ence and Health With Key to the Scriptures," written by the Christian Science leader, Mary Baker Eddy. The Golden Text dealt with the ; Collcgiates / f f Carrying Christmas Packages 1i ~ (/' 4 Eden Iay Be Welcomed B k /T Eii' l !,'!7n Lih y C bi ! r : 1 . . _ ° . ,, '.% , j 21' . F~JT (j -. ' . , "Where Christ Will Be Born To- day" was the theme of Rev. Charles W. Brashares' sermon yesterday, morning at the Methodist Episcopal Church. First it must be remembered that into humility and only humility canI Christ be born, Reverend Brashares said. But here a distinction must be made between humility and pov- erty. Wealth is a decided advantage in advancing Christian principles. Second, 'there must be a star, the Will of God. When one learns what the universe is trying to accomplish, he will, know where Christ will be born. He must discover "the pa.r- ticular point where God is trying to accomplish something in our lives and the community." Finally, Christ can only be horn where men take action. Thismay be ''just to face our bodies and use them to help Christ," or it may be the place of giving gifts.1 People might think Christ would be born in the university of today with its 30 million people studying to .cure the ills of the world, Reverend Brashares said. Most people, how- ever, are unwilling to accept ideas foreign to their present beliefs. Oth- ers might think that in the spirit of th hospital would Christ be born to- day. But there are too many mod- ern Mary's in the slums who have no chance of, getting into the hos- pitals. Sti otners would tell the world that today's Christ ( will be born, in the church. The sword that slays down Christ in the church is formali- ty. Some would look to movements towards social progress' of today and some to Utrecht where a new council for churches of the world i& being formed. A sword of pride, disorganization, or formality hangs over each of these, but "we can remove these swords cif, we will. Christ can be born in any of these places. When humility, the Will of God, and action take place, then we will find that Christ is be- ing born again-in us." ! .In his sermon "The Tenth Man," from Luke, XVII.-15-17, the Rev. Leonard D. Parr presented an analogy of mankind today as compared with the nine ungrateful lepers who were healed by Jesus yesterday in his ser- mon at -the First Congregational healing power of God's loving kind- ness and truth, and the correlative readings gave reference to the mir- acles performed through faith. In- cluded among the hymns were the "Ninety-First Psalm" ahnd "Mother's Evening Prayer," the latter by Mrs. Eddy. Prof. Clarence F. Kessler of the engineering college and Mrs. Millie Clifford served as readers. Mr. C. F. Straight sang a solo, "Ninety and Nine," by Campion. The Rev. William P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church gave as the text of his sermon, yesterday "When God Comes to Us," takenj from the second chapter of Luke, the story of the birth of the Christ Child. The sermon dwelt upon the influ- ence upon all of us today by many3 seemingly insignificant happenings 1 many centuries ago. The story of the birth of Jesus epitomizes human life, Reverend Lemon said.i All babes,' no matter in what circumstances born, are subject to the same influ- ence of the world, material or divine. We today are so bound up in the universe, that it is impossible to neglect any part of the world, either abroad or in our own community, he declared. Just as Jesus' birth was influenced by the decree of Caesar, so we today are influenced by the decr-ees of totalitarian dictators. Our concepts of God are still me-1 dieval, Dr. Lemon continued, for we do not appreciate the magnificence of the universe. that God has created. Unfortunately people are too much obsessed with their own selfish im- mediate needs, they do not realize how bound up we are with the worla. The majority of us, when approached for solicitation for a cause, immedi- ately think, not of our obligation to our 'fellow-men, but rather of our personal needs. Humans do not judge things by their intrinsic value, he said. "Jesus won our hearts because he did not come as an imperial Caesar, but as a babe in a manager," Rev. erend Lemon said. Jesus did not profess a private religion, but he always spoke of. the kingdom of God though influenced by the nationalism of His race, Dr. Lemon concluded. He was international, and we today must realize that worship is not a thing bound by borders, God is not confined to any one nation; we are bound all together. The congregation joined in O Come, All Ye Faithful" to close the service. . A ^ " I E~ . .11 44A f f'; K tT~ . ................ t/i J r ~ 1;s Li WT TA Chamberlain Unopposed In Pro-Government T91k By Former Secretary LONDON, Dec. 11.--(P)-AnthonyS Eden, who left the Chamberlain "ap- peasement cabinet" in February, like- ly will be welcomed back into that body. Many British politicians reached this conclusion because in his avidly read speech last Friday in New York he did not declare war on his form- er chief, Prime Iinister Neville Chamberlain, but instead made in effect what was a "pro-government talk." As a result, speculation here in- creased over the possibility that when the debonair diplomat sees President Roosevelt this week, he may be acting as an. "unofficial"emissary, from the British government." (Eden planned to go to Washing- ton today and "hoped" to see Presi- dent Roosevelt tomorrow or Wed- day). What position the former foreign secretary might occupy in the cabinet is highly conjectural. eichsfuehrer Hitler and Premier Mussolini no doubt would consider it a direct af- front if he should return to the for- eign office. But British cabinet positions are extremely elastic. Eden might re- turn in almost any post and still, automatically, have an influential voice in foreign policy councils. Eden's trip to the United States was accorded the Government's blessing by Foreign Secretary Vis- count Halifax in the House of Lords when he said the diplomat crossed the Atlantic with "th'" fullest assent b, I i_ I i WAVE THAT FLAG-BEAT THAT DRUM ' BLOW THAT BUGLE-HERE THEY COME! and approbation of the Govern- men t." Some quarters even thought Eden might sound out the American ex- ecutive on just what help Britain and France could expect from the United States if they did make a determined stand toward dictators. A small dissident tory group in England has been eager to hail Eden as its leader following his' resigna- tion Feb. 20 from the cabinet in a break with Chamberlain over his pol- icy of dealing with the dictators. But the former foreign secretary scrupulously has shunned anything by word or deed that would bar re- turn to the present government. In numerous speeches he has called for national rejuvenation, combin- ing "three essentials-unity, strength and a sense of justice." He has called for more energetic action against poverty at home. If he should raw the standard of re- volt on foreign pc'-y, Labor eventual- ly might follow him. If his national unity policy should aim at includ- ing Labor in an all-pas y govern- ment, however, Labor might refuse, fearing a repetition of the lato Ram- say MacDonald's so-called "treason" which led to the National Govern- ment in 1931. If Eden stays inside the Conserva- tive party to strive for its leadership, some observers believe in time he will 'Isucceed. ¢.WA i l AtMGKT IIW I I I University Owns 7,000 Acres Of Valuable Forest Property Chase S. Osborn Preserve In Northern Michigan Is LargestOf Group Forestry students at the University have more than 7,000 acres of forestr lands for instruction, researc. and demonstration purposes, it was re- vealed recently. Largest of the University's proper- ties used for forestry purposes is the Chase S. Osborn Preserve on Sugar Island, a 3,500 acre tract in the St. Mary's River, given by the former governor. Next largest is a portion of the University Biological Station on Douglas Lake, near Cheboygan, about 3,000 acres of which is used for forestry purposes. While the Osborn Preserve and Douglas Lake property are the largest forest holdings of the University, the most used for instructional purposes are smaller tracts, principally three woods near Ann Arbor and the sum-I mer forestry camp in the Upper Pen- insula. Camp Filbert Roth, on Golden' Lake in Iron County of the Upper Peninsula, was given to the University by the Von Platen-Fox Lumber Co. and is used for summer instruction of forestry students. The University camp itself consists of only 11 acres, but its chief value lies in the fact that it is immedately adjacent to national and state forests, on which the actual ins'truction of students takes place. The lands nearer to Ann Arbor are the Saginaw Forest, an 80-ac're tract given to the School of Forestry and Conservation by the late Regent Ar- thur Hill; Stinchfield Woods, a 320- acre gift of Mrs. Charles Stinchfield of Detroit; and the Eber White Woods, 43 acres from the estate of Eber White, a pioneer of Ann Arbor. The "Ringwood" forest preserve, 160 acres of forest land near St. Charles, was given to the University by Clark L. Ring, of Saginaw. 32-HOUR WEEK FLINT, Mich., Dec. ll-(P)-Mem- bers of the Buick and Chevrolet units of the United Automobile Workers' Local here voted today for a 32-hour week to replace the prevailing 40 hour. 'Ensian Business Staff Summons Tryouts Today Tryouts for the Michiganensian business staff are asked to report at 4 p.m. today (Monday, Dec. 12) on the second floor of the Student Pub- lications Building, according to Al- mon W. Conurath, '39E, advertising manager of the yearbook.. Those interested in advertising are especially urged to attend. Anyone except first semester freshmen is eligible. DAILY 2-4-79 P.M.- TODAY and TUESDAY! JOAN. CRAWFORD SHINING HOUR" with MA GARET SULLAVAN ROBERT YOUNG MELVYN DOUGLAS I1 READ THE WANT ADS C . 'I. -_ Ise. -- - { FR EE ADJ UST MENT!I Winter carbureter adjustment and exhaust gas analysis without charge. Enjoy winter driving with more miles per gallon of gasoline. Please phone or stop by for an appointment so you won't have to wait in line. LARMEE BATTERY AND ELECTRIC SERVICE 112 South Ashley Street Phone 8908 t~k The TRUE CHRI STMAS SPIRIT Our heartfelt thanks to 'k }}}}5555 ' Y F $ 9 M1 } K Oil t ink 'r -