THE MICHIG AN DA ILY TUESDAY, SEPT. B il De Correvant Has Reputation To LiveUp To At Northwestern Coach Claims A Likeness of a player as was "Moon" Baker. To EX -All - Ameri1Can Rentner and Baker were named to All-American teams, so there is no, SORn Bker doubt that the Chicago boy is one of Buckeyes Still Strong Despite i Soaph Stars, '37 Reserves, U. Of M. Faculty Is Comprised Of Many Ex-Collegiate Athletes Purdue's Favors 'Ideal' Gridder Engine School LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue's "ideal" gridder weighs slightly under 187 pounds, stands a little over five By KEN CHERNIN sor of Political Science, Ruel Church- By NEWELL McCABE As last year's football season was turning into the final weekend drives grandstand followers, along with some expert sport writers, began to make selections for their All-Ameri- can teams. However, in the course of their investigating for college men in various parts of the country, each and every one of these men came across the name of Bill De Correvont, a .product of one of Chicago's high schools. Never before had a prep athlete re- ceived as much publicity as the Aus- tin High football star, "Red" Grange, who later became the galloping ghost of the Illini, finishing his prep career was mentioned in newspapers throughout the country, but Bill .De Correvont came along arid shattered the former news record held by the Illini hero.' Everybody Wanted Him One could assume very shortly after his high school football days were over, that more than one college in; the country would like very much to have "Smiling" Bill play fob their Alma Mater. Thus, when this'flashy prep school star made his choice of an institute of higher learning, news- papers the country over announced his selection with bold letters in the most conspicious place on the sports page. :Now, as a freshman at Northwes- tern University, the fans throughout the country are wondering just what the future college prospects are for the Chicago boy. Maury Kent, Coach1 of the Wildcat's freshmen footballers, says that Bill has got plenty of poise and runs very easily and strongly. Only Fair Passer Although Coach Kent calls him only a fair passer and kicker he points out that with his natural change of pace and his ability to swerve Bill will be able to play havoc with a good many college football teams. In trying to classify him with oth- er Wildcat stars the Wildcat Coach claims that he lacks '"Pug" Rentner's speed and falls'short .ofs the drive: of Hank Bruder.dt the same time Kent feels that Bill is the same type those prep stars who enters college Razzle Dazzle's Return, with a cag on him indicating that he is a "potential All-American." Brighten State Hopes' As an individual "Smiling" Bill is the quiet sort of a fellow who gives (Continued from Page 9) credit for his success to his team- --- Smates. This fall he, along with five many minutes watching the g -me other Austin high players, will be from the bench. representatives of Northwestern's riv- Johnny Rabb, hard driving full- als as the Varsity squad prepares for ;back, is the third of, last year's egu- their Saturday games. lars destined to cede his post to a Then, when the 1939 season starts, first-year man. While Rabb was re- people will be wandering whether covering from an injured shoulder, a Bill will be able to replace some vet- 190 pound youngster named Jim eran and get in the starting Wildcat Langhurst, established himself as the lineup as a sophomore.' man to beat for the position. Forrest Fordham, Rabb's understudy last sea- son has already been moved to half Expert Considers as he's too valuable a man to be a ,third stringer. Eight JWVolverineS Jim Sexton, a sophomore, and Frank Zadworney, senior veteran, StG Performers complete the first string backfield. The former looks capable of filling Francis Wallace, in his 'Pigskin Jim McDonald's big shoes, as regular Preview of 1938', names eight Michi- quarterback. Zadworney, because of his blocking ability, gains the nod gan men as All-American timber this over Howie Wedebrook, probably the year. They are Elmer Gedeon, end; longest kicker in the Big Ten, as Ralph Heikkinen, guard; Don Siegel starting right half. and Captain Fred Janke, tackles; Charley Maag, center, and Bill Archie Kodros, center; and Freddie Nosker, guard, complete the list of Nnewcomers who have earned starting Trosko, Norm Purucker, and Tom berths. Six foot three inches tall and Harmon, backs. Let's hope they all 218 pounds, Maag is the rangy type live up to Wallace's predictions. .Schmidt favors as his line-backers. Minnesota leads the Big Ten inNSkrdras ass l e back All-American candidates, according Nosker rates a light edge over Nick to Wallace, with 12, while he names Rutkay, reserve last year, and sopho- 11 from Ohio State, 11 from North- more Jerry Spears. western, 11 from Illinois, eight from Three greatly improved reserves, Wisconsin, eight from Purdue, seven complete Schmidt's first outfit. Keith from Indiana, four from Iowa, and Bliss and Ross Bartschy are the ends three from Chicago. and Vic Marino will play left guard. Wallace fails to name one member Ohio's team is a young team and a of a Big Ten team on either his green one, but it's also a big team, first or second All-American preview, and a speedy one. Whether they win while he favors Ohio State's Buck- any championships or not, the Buck- eyes to cop the Big Ten race. Could eyes will furnish their followers plen- he have forgotten that Minnesota is ty of thrills as all Schmidt-coached still in the league? teams have the habit of doing. FROSH TENNIS ' WALTER FANNED FOUR It seems that our professors don't rely solely on ,jumping at conclusions and giving bluebooks for recreation after all. In checking up on these worthy gentlemen, it has come to light that many of them were "Ath- letic Greats" of their day, and that a large proportion are still actively engaged in some sport or other. Clark Hopkins, Associate Professor of Latin and Greek, was a Varsity swimmer at Yale, when our own Matt Mann was coach at that school. Pro- fessor Robert Angell, of the Sociology department, has won the Faculty 'Squash and 'Tennis titles several times. Another tennis player, is An- thony Jobin, of the French depart- ment, who also plays a bang-up game of softball. Niehuss Is Champ Marvin Niehuss, Associate Professor of Law, is a past winner of the Facul-. 'ty Squash championship, while Sum- ner Myers, of the Mathematics de- partment, played Varsity squash at Harvard. Even Professor Arthur Boak of the History department, took off from his books to win the squash title a few years back. From the Geology department, we have Professor Irving Scott, who pole vaulted for Oberlin during his col- lege days, while the Dean of the Lit- erary school, Edward Kraus, cap- tained Syracuse's track team back in the '9O's. Similar honors were held by Dr. Richard Freyberg, who was track captain at Michigan. Bucknell Guard Charles Fries, Professor of English, held down a guard post on Bucknell's eleven, and, it is rumored, that Presi- dent Alexander Ruthven played Var- sity football at Morningside College. Handball players include Dr. John Dorsey, who has won the Faculty tour- nament fourtimes, and lasthyear's winner, Alexander Smith of the Mu- seum. Laylin James, Professor of Law, is the leading faculty bowler, while fre- quent visitors to the I.M. building in- clude Harold Dorr, Associate Profes- SAVE $10 or more - buy f SUITS - TOPCOATS as advertised in Esquire $22.50 to $45. Phone for an ap- pointmept. Tel. 8946. Wm B AMS'TUTZ 607 Wolverine Bldg. ill, of the Mathematics department, feet, 11 inches tall, leans toward engi- and Julius White, of the Bio-Chem-veering, and might be classified as a istry department, all of whom play jneri a mightmecsified a great deal of squash and handball junior with a sophomorish tinge judg- Another squash player, is Mentor ing from the averages of the eighty Williams, Associate Professor in Eng- Boilermaker football candidates who lish ,who also plays a great deal of are being depended upon by Coach tennis. Professor Karl Litzenberg, also Mal Elward for this fall's strenuous, of the English department, besides schedule. Golf Jinx Overcome By Willie Turnesa Willie Turnesa finally overcame the jinx which dogged him in the past, when he captured the National Ama- teur tournament, downing Pat Ab- bott in the finals. In 1936, in the Intercollegiate tour- ney, Chuck Kocsis, former Univer- sity of Michigan star, knocked Willie out of the running, when it seemed certain that the latter was headed for the title. The nex't year, Bill Bar- clay, another Michigan luminary, conquered Turnesa in the same tour- nament. This year, Willie met up with Bob Babbish of Detroit, and once again was soundly trounced. engaging in squash, has earned quiteI a reputation for himself as a softball player. Harry Carver, Professor of Mathe- matics, was a track man in college, and can always be counted on to at-! tract a large audience when he en- gages in a game of billiards at the Union. New Attendance Record May Be Set At Ohio State COLUMBUS, O. - If the present flood of ticket orders are any indica- tion of what is to follow, the attend- ance at Ohio State's 1938 home foot- ball games may reach an all-time peak, according to Henry D. Taylor, director of ticket sales. Total home game attendance in 1937 was 274,432 which was the best record to date. Ticket orders arriving in great quantities daily are well ahead in numbers of those at a corresponding' time last year. The average Boilermaker is also a typical midwester, for all but 16 of the anticipated candidates hail from Indiana or one of four bordering states. Read The Daily Class ieds t2 .Oan tgoswthyu * Here's the Cadet Hartmann rolling to college. Com- pact, it asks only for luggage space. Roomy, it carries 5 suits-has stowaway space for everything imaginable. And it's your closet, fellows, if the room you draw is a blank. A genuine Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk . . . ifor the price of a good bag. Put this one on your "must" list. Others as low as $13.50 Walkitsons luggag e hpi 325 South Main Street Phone 4013 ae a s g 4& iU SEE PAGE '100 OF rt4E CTOER t1SSE OF "ON SALE VATS(ANDN 4 N I All candidates for the fresh- man tennis team are to report to Coach Leroy Weir at the outdoor >tennis courts on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 4-6 p. m. Walter Johnson actually struck out four men in one inning, in 1911 After Johnson had whiffed two .men, the catcher dropped the third strike on a batter who reached first. Walt then proceeded to fan the next batter. . - ..,- ......,.-- e 1 Washing consists of more than just taking out the surface dirt and leav- ing the clothes looking white. It should be a process where the clothes are cleaned all the way through. Ann Arbor's big four in the laundry field have striven for years to give you really clean clothes. At a price which is but a few cents more than it would cost you to send your laundry home, you can obtain real laundry service. Have your laundry done the LAUNDRY way. Price per pound lOc . . . Minimum Bundle - 50c Shirts, Extra 1 2c Sample Bundle 2 Suits of Underwear 3 Shirts 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks' 2 Bath Towels 1 Pair Pajamas Approximate . . (Full Dress Shirts not included in this Special Price) Sox, Extra, per pair 4c Handkerchiefs, Extra 2c Cost ...99c KYER LAUNDRY PHONE 4185 T D \ IA i A iikiriD\/ VARSITY LAUNDRY PHONE 23-1-23 \A/L rrE C A/A kI I Al t-n U 1 1 /t \ l) h 1 V / / 1 l/ 1 !! 1 l f G T V V rt / 1 P" 1 V V I 1\ I i E- 1 ! 1\ 1 1 7 Fl Y amn ' " °° -' :.. .. {