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December 12, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-12

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Weathe r
.Cloudy and colder today;

'he Lion's Food

VOL. XLIX. No. 66




Jubilant Nazis Aged Medical Alumna

In Memel Poll
Diet Election Is Regarded
As Prelude To Return
Of Territory To Reich
Decree Is Issued
To 'Proteet State'
MEMEL, Lithuania, Dec. 11-(P)-
Nazis' voted heavily and claimed a
victory today in the Memel Diet elec-
tions, which were regarded as a, pre-
lude to return of the territory to Ger-
Nazi Party quarters declared they
had captured at least 26 of the 29
seats, although complete results will
not be knowrn for at least five days.
At the same time the Lithuanian
goverpment at Kaunas, already help-
less in administering semi-autono-
mous Memel territory in the face of
Germany's power as exerted through
local Nazis, issued an extraordinary
decree "for protection of the state."F
The government emphasized that
the decree, which applies to Kaunas
and surrounding districts, was issued
'because of activities of the opposition
of the extreme right which might be
used oi behalf of a foreign country to
endanger Lithuanian integrity.
Other sources said President Anta-
nas Smetona invoked the state of
emergency because of his concern
over student anti-Semitic demonstra-
tions in, the capital yesterday. Hun-
dreds of Jews fled into Kaunas and
the Lithuanian hinterland.
The election itself was marked by
order among the 152,000 population
-the only casualty in pre-poll activi-
ties being an American named Robert
Sellmer, a free lance newspaper man.
(Reuters, British news agency, re-
ported that Sellmer was a contributor
to Ken magazine.)


Goodfellow Aid

Fraternity Men
Are Samaritans
Twice A Week

Goodfellow Army Primed
For DriveToLendHelpi ng
Hand To A nn Arbor Needy

Dr. Katherine L. Crawford, 80-year-old member of the Medical class
of 1898 is here shown sitting among the relics of her days as a practicing
physician. Her diploma occupies a prominent place among them, and
her books and medical case are close at hand."
Dr. Crawford Has Been Destitute For 10 Years Due
To Series Of Unhappy Circumstances; Physical
Infirmity Plagues Her Today

Michigan's fraternity men will be
twice Goodfellows- this week, coup-
ling their efforts in the drive today
with the fraternity children's Christ-
mas party planned for Wednesday
afternoon in Hill Auditorium.
More than 2,OGO Ann Arbor chil-
dren are expected to attend the en-
tertainment, accompanied by num-
erous fraternity members, who will
join in the proceedings. Presents
and favors will be distributed by a
Santa Claus and six helpers, with
added entertainment furnished by
the University Band and Glee Club,
a magician and an animated car-
toon motion picture.
Sorority members and any other
students wishing to attend the party
as spectators are cordially invited, it
was announced yesterday. A number
of prominent townspeople and fac-
ulty members are planning to be
present at the entertainment, includ-
ing Mayor Walter C. Sadler.
President Defines
Freedom Of Press
ST. LOUIS, Dec. ll-(P)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt asserted in a letter, to
be published in The St. Louis Post-
Dispatch, that a free press was pri-
marily a responsibility of the news-
Writing for the sixtieth anniver-
sary section of the paper tomorrow,
he expressed the hope that freedorr
of the press to criticize the Admin-
istration would "ever prevail-
throughout this Administration and
throughout every Administration ir
all the years to come."


You Can't Take It With You

Campaign Given Running
Start Toward Record
By Advance Donations
Faculty Members
To Assist In Sale
The Goodfellow Army, more than
400 standard-bearers of cheer and
kindness, received its marching or-
ders at 7:30 a.m. today, and exactly
at the zero hour an advance guard
of the corps invaded strategic spots
on campus aild downtown, beginning
the fourth annual sale of the Good-
fellow edition of the Daily, to provide
year-round aid to underprivileged
families, students and hospital pa-
Advance contributions, received by
the Goodfellow Editor Saturday and
yesterday gave the drive a running
start toward the new record which
student leaders are confident will be
set after the proceeds from today's
sale of Dailies are tabulated.
Fraternities Get Dailies
Fraternities, sororities and- League
Houses which have made advance
contributions will receive their
Dailies early today through a special
delivery service organized by the
Goodfellow Committee. Organiza-
tions which have not yet entered the



In two dingy rooms in a dilapidated
house on Ann Arbor's west side, her
belongings piled high about her, lives
Dr: Katherine L. Crawford, the first
colored woman ever to receve an M.D.
degree from the University of Michi-
Dr. Crawford, who graduated with
the class of 1898, will be 80 years
old in January. She started out to
practice here immediately upon grad-
uation, but circumstances so con-
spired against her that she is today,
and has been for most of the past
10 years, destitute.
Today Dr. Crawford is living on at
30 dollar a month grant from the Old
Age Assistance Bureau. She is
charged 25 dollars a month rent for
the house in which she lives, leaving
gas, water and electricity bills. For
but five dollars with which to pay
food she has a small sum of money
from the sale of property years ago,
but it has dwindled until today she
must use it too sparingly . to derive
any great degree of comfort from it.
Several years ago as she was leav-
ing the County Building, Dr. Craw-
ford fell on the steps, injuring both
her ankles. One mended correctly,
the other never has, and she has nev-

er had enough money to have it prop-
erly treated. Today she is not able
to be on her feet longer than an hour
at a time and must bathe the injured
ankle many times a day to relieve)
the pain. She must, nevertheless, do
her own housework.
Upon being informed of Dr. Craw-
ford's condition, Barrett Lyons,
Washtenaw County supervisor for
the Old Age Assistance Bureau, prom-
ised that a review of her case will be
made, and that every effort will be
exerted to secure her more reasonable
living accommodations. The Execu-
tive Board of the Goodfellow Drive
will consider Dr. Crawford's case in
allotting money secured in today's
drive and will decide what action to
take on direct relief for her.
When she graduated, Dr. Crawford
began practicing locally, but after
two years during which she had made
a comfortable living, she was forced
to stop because of family difficul-
ties. During the next years she at-
tempted to practice in many different
places, even journeying to Califor-
nia and Florida on jobs. But she
found prejudice against women doc-
tors, no reciprocity laws allowing
persons authorized to practice law in
(Continued on Page 6)


Trojans Go On Tear;
Fix Up Lord's Prayer

rYY° IAAiI IA i y.


Motion-picture conscious students
of the University of Southern Cali-
fornia have paraphrased the Lord's
Prayer in a poem now current on the
.ampus, according to the Daily Tro-
jan, college newspaper.
The poem runs as follows:
Our fathers who art in California
Hollywood be thy namej
Thy cinema come
Thy stills be dumb
In Los Angeles as in New Haven.
Give us this day our daily newsreel
And forgive us our censorship
As we forgive those who show
double features before us,
Lead us not into musical comedies
But deliver us from Westerns
For thine is the King Kong
The Powell and the Gloria Swanson
For ever and ever, ah me.
Joseph Lash Speaks
To ASU Tomorrow
Joseph Lash, one of the founders
of the American Student Union, will
speak on the issues co be presented
at the national convention of the
ASU, at an open meeting of the local
chapter to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the North Lounge of the Union.

In Goodfellow Driver's Seat


Following is the list of Goodfellow salesmen with posts and times.
General instructions for all Goodfellows:
(1) Contrary to previous announcements salesmen scheduled at 7:45 a.m. are to report to the
Student Publications Building at 7:30 a.m. for papers, aprons and instructions. Those not preceded
by anyone at their post are likewise asked to report to the Publications Building to obtain materials.
(2) Any questions or difficulties should be reported immediately to the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241.
(3) Salesmen scheduled for 12:00 posts on the diagonal, in the engineering arch and in the.
League and Union lobbies are to turn over their aprons to faculty salesmen and stand by ready to tal*
over whenever the faculty wish to leave.
(4) Post should not be left until successor appears: materials may be turned over to him. Last
salesman at each post should turn in his material to the Daily.
(5) Students listed as cruisers are to collect and return their materials to the Daily.
(6) Anyone listed for a time at which he will not be able to work is asked to call the Goodfellow
Editor, 2-3241 for replacements or temporary substitutes. Your papers will be replenished while you
are at your posts.

Engineers' Vote
IIs Tomorrow,
Two Men To Be Chosen
From Each Class
Two Engineering Council Repre-
sentatives from each class will be*
elected at a general engineering col-
lege election all day tomorrow, Wes-
ley Warren, '39E, president, an-
nounced yesterday.
Voting in the freshman, sopho-
more/ junior and senior classes will
be conducted simultaneously in the
main lobby of the Engineering Arch,
Warren said. Identification cards will
te necessary to secure ballots.

all-campus humanitarian project
may still add their support by ad-
dressing checks to the Goodfellow
An innovation this year is a group
of faculty men, headed by President
Ruthven and Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley who will patrol the diagonal at
noon today in an effort to make the
drive a complete expression of campus
sentiment. Classroom exhorters who
will transfer their activities to the
diagonal include Prof. Lewis G. Van-
derVelde, Prof. John L. Brumm, Prof.
Donal Haines, Prof. Roy Swinton,
Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, Prof. Mentor
L. Williams, Prof. Edward L. Erik-
sen, Prof. Melville B. Stout, Prof.
Charles W. Spooner and Prof. James
H. Cissel.
Started 3 Years Ago
Initiated three years ago by a group
of undergraduate leaders and Mrs.
Gordon Brevoort of the Welfare Bu-
reau in response to demands for a
coordinated campus welfare move-
ment, Goodfellow Day now flourishes
as an established Michigan .tradition,
a tradition which "directs Christmas
enthusiasm into useful channels."
Annual sums collected by Goodfel-
lows peddling special editions of the
Daily have averaged more than $1,200
in the past three years, almost every
penny of which has been poured into
the coffers of local welfare agencies.
The Michigan Daily Goodfellow
Award, a loving cup, will be presented
to the student organization showing
the most cooperative spirit.
The funds collected this year will be
distributed in the following fashion:
1. The Social Service Department
of the University Hospital will receive
1$150 to nurchas tnu c niur-h -,rd

Seniors To Vote{
On Wednesday
Alumni And Ball Positions#
Will Be Decided
Ballotting for the 13 Senior Ball
committee chairmanships and the#
four alumni officers in each school
will be held Wednesday, in the third
election conducted according to theI
new student government system.
Voting machines will be set up from
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Rooms 231 An-
gell Hall and 348 West Engineering
Building, and regular ballots will be
ailable frmn 9 n f Ar n m in

7:45-9 Julius Jaeger
Fred Luebke
9-10 Jim Moore
Bob Emmett
Charley Moore
10-11 Don Van Loon
Pete Ipsen
Jack Healey
Carley Weinaug
11-12 Steve Woolsey
Howard Crusey
Bill Rhodes
12-1 Harold Spoden
Wes Warren
1-2 Fred Osberg
Tim Hird
Fred Luebke
2-3 Al Andrews
Don Percival
Gus Strandhagen
3-4 Tim Hird
Fred Osberg
Fred Luebke
4-5 Jm Brown
Don Percival

4-5 J. A. Ashburn
A. Chadwick
5-6 E. Klein
H. Smith
7:45-9 Martha Tillman
9-10 Madeline Krieghoff
10-11 Ellen Cuthbert
11-12 Madeline Krieghoff
12-1 Fred Olds
1-2 Elizabeth White
2-3 Mary Frances Browne
3-4 Betty Jane Mansfield
4-5 Myra Short
5-6 Barbara Eppstein
7:45-9 John Hulbert
Jack Gelder
9-10 Ed Hutchens
Don Treadwell
10-11 Stan Swinton
Dennis Flanagan
11-12 Carl Petersen
Tom Adams
12-1 Elliott Maraniss
1-2 J. Allen
2-3 Paul Park
ri fannonmmi1Ia,.

9-10 Dorothy Shipman
Zelda Davis
10-11 Barbara Backus
Jean Tibbets
11-12 Harriet Sharkey
Mary Minor
12-1 Enora Ferris
Jane Dunbar
1-2 Patty Haislip
2-3 Jean McKay
Sue Potter
3-4 Beth O'Roke
Anne Hawley
4-5 Jane Nussbaum
Florence Brotherton
5-6 Alberta Wood
Frances Kahrs
7:45-9 Nancy Saibert
Alys Pierce
9-10 Frances Huntington
Betsy Robinson
10-11 Tad Lynch
Lois Basse
11-12 Virginia Mulholland
Betty Dickmeyer
1-2 Jane Hart
Jean Van Rou 1


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