11, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Committee Member Lists Junior Girl's Play f-5 To Hold Third Ruthven Tea Social Committee To Be Assistants Wednesday Entertainment By Dance Club To Be At AA The Dance Club will present its an- Third Ruthven Tea of the semes- nual Christmas Dance Program at ter will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.4 pdi l er~~~~ ;i.. . '415 p.m. Wednesday in the lounge Wednesday at the home of the Presi- of the Women's Athletic Building-. dent, it was announced yesterday by The program will include Gigue in Mary Minor, '40, chairman of the af- Counterpoint by Corelli, A Christmas fair. Carol, Dance Suite by Bartok. Three Faculty members and their wives Dances of Judith by Lloyd-William- aally ted eson, A Waltz by Strauss, several tra- who have been specialy invit are ditional English Country Dances, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Dorr, Mr. and a Children's Suite by Tansman. Mrs. Preston E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. The dancers taking part in the pro- Leonard Watkirs and Mr. and Mrs. gram include Jean Ballard, '40 Ed, Howard Y. McClusky. Elaine Bergers, '40Ed, Joan Beving- The'following groups of students ton, '40Ed, Jeanne Burt, '40Ed, Flor-: ence Corkum, '41Ed, Neva Dilley, have also been extended special invi- '41Ed, Helen Ellis, Grad, Betty French tations, Miss Minor said. Alpha Xi '40Ed, and Sarah Graf, Grad. Delta, Zone VI, Delta Delta Delta, Barbara Guest, '40Ed, Virginia Kappa Delta, Delta Upsilon, Beta Hoelzle, '40Ed, Beverly Jenness, '40, Theta Pi, Psi Upsilon and Phi Kappa Calla Laboritz, '39Ed, Clara Lenfesty, Tau. '41Ed, Beatrice Lovejoy, '39Ed, Jane Members of the social committee of Murray, Grad. June Roberts, '41Ed, the League under the direction of Betty Varnell '41Ed, Betty Lou Wit- Miss Minor will again assist at the ters, '41Fd, and Rosebud Wolfson, tea. The names of the women who '39, will also take part. are asked to help will be announced Beth O'Roke, '40A, is president of later. the dance club, Miss Hoelzle is in Goodfellows--Monday-- charge of invitations, Miss Jenness is chairman of the decorations commit- Group To Give Breakfast tee, Miss Burt heads the publicity committee and Virginia Allen, '39, is Zeta Phi Eta, honorary speech in charge of refreshments. The ush- sorority, is holding a Christmas ers for this recital will be the board breakfast at 10 a.m. today in the members of the Women's Athletic Russian Tearoom of the League in Association, and music will be furn- honor of their pledges and initiates. ished by, Ward Allen, '39L, Lucille Mrs. Marcelline Hemingway Sand- Price, '39, and the Seventh Grade ford, Regional director of the soror- Choir of the University Elementary ity, will be a special guest. School. Positions Still AvI Committee Wil Committeemen Requested To Watch For Notices Of Meeting In Daily The list of committee members for Junior Girls Play was released yes- terday by Katherine Macivor, '40,' chairman of publicity. There will be a meeting of the finance com- mittee at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League. 1 Those women who wish to serve' on committees and have not yet: signed up may do so by calling the chairman of the committee they want1 to work on or by leaving a note for. her on the bulletin board in thet undergraduate office. Meeting of the publicity, dance, music and ticket committees will be called shortly after Christmas, Miss MacIvor said, and all committeemen are requested to watch the Daily for notices of meetings. Eligibility cards must be taken to the first meeting of each committee. Music Committee Members Members of the music committee are: Betty Stadelman, chairman; Phyllis Cannon, Margaret Carr, Ruth Chatard, Jeanne Clemmons, Barbara Guest, Elizabeth Harwood, Vievia Hoelscher, Jane Jewitt, Susan Kerr, Elizabeth Kimball, Helen Marsh, Sally Mustard, Louisa Penny, Myrtle Prussin, Carolyn Rayburn, Helen* Ralston, Betty Roberts. Angeline Roknick, Jane Sanger, Ruth Schwartz, Barbara Telling, Helen Weissman, Barbara Zapp. Finance Committee: Jean Tibbits, chairman; Mary Jane LeGros, assis- tant chairman, Fifi Angleson, Betty Baldwin, Lois Baxter, Jean Belknapp, Martha Bill, Jane Bisbic, Earle Dodge, Jane Elspass, Roslyn Feld- man, Marion Fleming, Dorothy Glass, Cletus Hall, Frances Henderson, Bar- bara Johnson, Patricia Mathews, Clarissa Meloy, Roberta Meyer, Mar-' garet Neafie, Lynda Nickl, Betty Rouse, Bettie Schuele, Esther Shafer, Zenovia Skoratko, Barbara Taft, Harriet Thom, Carolyn Williams, Katherine Williams. To Head Programs Program Committee: Mary Minor,! chairman; Elizabeth Allington, Joan Anderson, Maxine Baribeau, Barbara Bassett, Barbara Benedict, Betty Boothby, Dorothy Boyer, Ruth Cal- kins, Ann Kleiner, Elizabeth Ann Emswiler, Margaret Ford, Jane Hart, Mary Honecker, Ruth Jacobson, Marilyn Jennings. Mary Jordan, Ruth Jordan, Nan Kirby, Ann Klein-, er, Mary Lois Longan, Phyllis Mc-, Geachy, Nina McLellan, Mary Me- loche, Beth O'Roke, Ellen Redner, Doris Scott, Marijean Wagner, Bar- bara Brehm, Florence Brotherton. Properties Committee: Harriet Sharkey, chairman; Alberta Wood, assistant, Tony Aalbersberg, Francis ailabie; Finance Graduate Council 1 Meet TuesdayI Tea-Dance Series To Begin Tuesday Anderson, Anabel Avery, Betty Brick- er. Martha Cook, Doris Cranmore. I The first of a series of tea-dances Ann Gay, Hazel Halpin, Frances o be sponsored by the Graduate Hubbs, Doris Marschner, Mary Fran- :ouncil will be held from 4 p.m. tillj ces Reek, Charlotte Schreiber, Sue 5 p.m. Tuesday in the assembly hall Stevenson, Judy Strausbaugh, Eliza- and conference rooms of the Rack- beth Titus, Hilda Van Tuyl, Laya ham Building, it was announced by Wainger. William Sullivan, executive secretary. Publicity Committee: Katherine Dance music will be furnished by; MacIvor, chairman; Claire Ford, as- the automatic phonograph which has sistant, Daily; Jane Mowers, assis- een installed in the auditorium pro- tant, advertising; Frances McLaugh- lection booth. Refreshments will be lin, assistant, window display; Lil- served in the west conference room. lian Zimmerman, assistant, posters; and games including bridge and Madalyn Cadagan, Martha Dailey, checkers will be played in the east Gwendolyn Dunlop, Rhea Jane Eas- conference room. ton, Marion Ferguson, Shirley Fish- The program will be supervised by man. Jeanne Grant, Anne Hawley' Mr Kenneth L. Graf, chairman of Colista Jayne, Anne Kingston, Lu- the social committee. appointed last cille Kauer, Ruth Taing, Anne Vicary, the gee, meeing. As- NormaVintMonday at the general meeting. As- Norma Vint. sisting him will be Miss Katherine To Arrange Dances Kerr, Mr. Sidney Safir, and Mr. Fred- Dance Committee: Maxine Nelson, erick Matson. chairman; Ella Stowe, assistant; Be a Goodfellow Elizabeth Assilin, Helen Brady, Sally Connery, Doris Harvey, Ellen Mac- T Donald, Marian MacGregor, Mar- M oVi Lectlre garet McBeth; Jeanne Morgan, Betty Lou Robinson. Make-up Committee: Jean Van Raalte, chairman; June Madison, as- sistant; Betty Billingham, Roberta Gnerich, Helen Hay, Alice Hopkins, Goodfellow Daily To Be Janet Martin, Donna Miles, Kather- On Sale All Tomorrow ine Ployd, Mary May Scoville. Costume Committee: Jane Nuss- During the last week before Christ- baum, chairman; Frances Kahrs, mas vacation, campus doings have Miriam Szold, Cecily Forrest, assis- given way to bluebooks and holiday tant chairmen; Jane Anderson, Eliza- spirit. The Goodfellow edition of the bet hArmstrong. Betty Bibber, Fran- Daily, the pre-holiday parties given ces Carlisle, Mabel Douglas, Virginia by most houses on campus, and Art Durand, Jean McCormick, Bettie Cinema League movie lead the week's Nichols, Rosemarie Raymond, Eliza- activities. beth Sutton. Most organizations on campus are Ushers Committee: Enora Ferriss, supporting the Goodfellow campaign. chairman; Margaret Abendroth, Mi- The proceeds from the sale of the riam Bick, Mary Leigh Burleson, Bar- Monday paper go to aid the needy bara Carle, Dorothy Jane Caughey, in Ann Arbor the whole year. Margaret Cleary, Lucille Delong, Jane "Anna Christie," with Greta Gar- Dunbar, Mary Hedges, Shirley Phil- bo will be the third presentation of lips, Dee Skinnr, Betty Slee, Marjorie the Art Cinema League. Perform- Lee Stock, Hortense Tiger, Madelaine ances will be given at 3:15 and 8:15 Westendorf. p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels- Tickets Committee: Zelda Davis, sohn Theatre. chairman, Ellen Krieghoff, assistant, A. K. Stevens will discuss "Cooper- Esther Baker, Bobby Berg, Daisy Bi- atives" at the Freshman Round hary, Betty Brooks, Connie Bryant, Table at 4 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Janet Clark, Ruth Colver, Ruth Dill-I Be a Goodfellow man, Judy Frank, Agatha Glick, Elizabeth Gross, Elaine Jacobs, Mary Union To Have Regiseer Jane Kronner, Roberta Leete, Har- rit Levy, Sally Manthei, Sally M r- Of Students Here Holiday ris, Dorothy Neberle, Dorothy Nich- ols, Dorothy Primeau, Jean Rich, In response to requests that a Mary Ellen Spurgeon, Margaret Wi- rcgistei' of students remaining in Ann irgillniapurVint. raet i-Arbor during the Christmas holidays. son, Virginia Vint. be established, the Union has made - Be a Goodfellow --arrangements for such a register, it Dance Is Held By A.S.U. was announced yesterday by Don Nixon, '40, Union publicity chairman. An informal social was held at It will be necessary for those wish- 8:30 p.m. yesterday at Uniity Hall. ing to appear in the register to sign The purpose of the dance was to ob- in the Union, Nixon said. He urged tain new members for the American that students planning to remain in Student Union. Ann Arbor sign the register as quickly -as possible. Be a Goodfellow '4iMed. Mr. Wixom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wixom also of Wellsville, N.Y. Goodelows-Monday Football Pictures Today Football pictures of the Michigan State, Minnesota and Ohio games will be shown by line coach Clarence Munn at 7 pm. today on the third floor of the Union. I- I' Of course there will be a flockz of thrilling holiday dates! en Poihemus has some cjust-right' hats for every occasion - fron $3.95 (Have you seen the Larkwood Hosiery?) HELEN POLHEMUS 613 E. William - 4 doors off State .. n ' ' i K) A'_, '. r. 1 ' HERE'S WHERE TO GET YOUR s- ..' " . . A 6' i OVER 25 DIFFERENT STYLES at Three Given Scholarships Three students have been awarded Phillips scholarships of $50 each as a recognition of proficiency in classi- cal languages. The recipients are Rosemary E. Lehman, '41; Leonard E. Perry, '42; and Albert G. Webber, '42. I more than a Merry Christmas... I A Gift for the New Year, as well ! RS - 11 Taw 2 Y4M1 -. '.ti . J \ " MOJ U D Thigh-Mola SILK STOCKINGS I *and W When you select a gift of Mojud Thigh-Mold silk stockings, you're giving more than just Christmas choer! For their flawless loveliness brings not only sheer flattery - but lasting wear. Their success-story is in the four magic strips which absorb the strain of activity and preserve the love- liness of Mojud Thigh.Molds! Your friends will appreciate your thoughtfulness . .. and only YOU will be aware of the fact that by choosing Mojuds you spared your budget and saved OJUD hours of shopping time! Choose your Christmas Thigh-Molds, and-know that your shopping worries are over! "Oa? ips $2.25 Gorgeous "gift-*=. problem-settler" .... bunny-fur trimmed satins..."fuzzy-wuzzy" scuffs . . draped satin & 1 At% I II ,,,r eAc i f r- rnv/; Anc 1-k n r-i e rvo 11 I