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December 11, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-11

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McLaughlin Pays Tribute To Strauss;
States PolicyOf Publications Board

1, ._I

. Ij'


- By Roy Heath -

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m: on Saturday.


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
. Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
. Entered at the PosttOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Refresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

M anaging Editor
Eitorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
.Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Board of Editors
" - Robert D. Mitchell.
Ir Albert P. Maylo
* . . . Borace W. Gilmnore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
* . . . S. R. Kleiman,
Robert Perlman'
- .Earl Gilman
- - - . William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
" Joseph Gies
- .Dorothea Staebler
- . . Bud Benjamin

(Editor's Note: The following address by Prof.
William A. McLaughlin, chairman of the Board in
Control of Student Publications, was delivered at
the annual banquet for members of the Daily editor-
ial staff given by the Board last Thursday.)
Members of the Board, members of the Daily
editorial staff:
Let me in the name of the Board and in my
own express to you our pleasure at having you
with us this evening. Some of you are old
acquaintances, old friends and collaborators,
others of you are with us for the first time, new
friends, new collaborators, because we all, have,
in common a deep interest in the success of the
Daily and a common purpose, namely to main-
tain the high standard it has achieved and to
exact every effort to improve it.
At this point it is fitting that a few words
should be spoken in tribute to the memory of
Professor Straus who was in large measure
responsible for whatever excellence we may have
attained. Long a member of this Board and for
several years its chairman, he had retained the
enthusiasm of his younger days for college
journalism and endeavored to imbue the younger
generation with the high ideals whereby he was
constantly guided.
Kind in admonition, vise in counsel, tolerant,
free from partisanship or bias, yet steadfast
in his adherence to well-founded convictions,
frank, patient and sympathetic, Professor Strauss
endeared himself to all who came in contact
with him. Loyalty to his University, constant
concern for her good name, love and respect for
freedom characterized him as member or chair-
man of this. board. To all students and col-
leagues alike, he was a staunch, a faithful friend.
The death of this gentle gentleman fills each
and every member of the Board with a deep
sense of personal loss.
I should like, now, for a few moments, to turn
to a consideration of the Daily. As you doubtless
kiow mast head states "The Michigan Dailey edi-
ted and managed by students of University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications." This state-
ment should set at rest any lingering doubts there
may be concerning the relation of the staffs to
the Board. On the editorial side the publication
is entrusted to the managing editor with the
immediate active collaboration of the editorial
director and the city editor. It is quite evident
that the Daily should be free from even the
suspicion of partisanship, prejudice or bias.
Those who write for it should be keenly alive to
their responsibilities to the entire student body,
to the University as a whole and to the body
politic, and act accordingly. Alert to the possi-
bilities of the Daily, they should seek to be in-
structive even when critical, as objective, as
well-informed and as accurate as possible in all
matters even when personal sentiment, political
beliefs, or ideological considerations might tem-
per them to act otherwise. The Daily must not
be a vehicle for the presentation of the ideas or
program, directly expressed or subtly insinuated
of any one party, group or clique. I am confi-

dent no thoughtful person would have any desire
that it should be.
Clearly, the Daily should not open its columns
under any pretext to personal attack or abuse.
Great caution should be'exercised in the choice
of material for the "Forum" or "The Editor Gets
Told" (If that be the proper heading). Column-
ists should be extremely careful not to let their
enthusiasm, inspiration or love of cleverness
blind them to the possibly unpleasant conse-
quences of their remarks.
After all the Daily is essentially related to the
University. That fact must not be forgotten.
The University with its schools, colleges and in-
stitutes, its libraries, museums and special col-
lections, dedicated as it is to the preservation,
spread and advancement of knowledge in all its
branches, offers a wide and varied field for the
student journalist. The Daily might well cultivate
that field even more intensely and thus make the
University better and maybe more favorably
known. Likewise the various student organiza-
tions, their history, aims and accomplishments
might well furnish material for interesting and
informative articles.
There is an ever present danger that students
may allow themselves to be so completely ab-
sorbed in the work on the Daily as to neglect
their college work with disastrous results. To
obviate that danger the Board has endeavored
so to arrange the work that there may be no
reasonable excuse for failure to .maintain the
proper scholastic standing. Of course, it is ex-
pected that you work on the Daily seriously,
honestly. Anyone unwilling to do that should in
fairness to all concerned resign and seek a more
congenial activity. The Board is not disposed to
retain anyone who is dissatisfied or unwilling
to cooperate in our joint enterprise.
Before closing let me quote from an address
given by Dr. William M. Lewis, president of
Lafayette College, at the 29th anniversary con-
vention of Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary,
collegiate journalist fraternity, meeting recently
at Bethlehem, Pa.:
"The undergraduate editor has more responsi-
bility concerning the proper interpretation of
the college to its clientele than does any other
individual on the campus. He is the reporter of
college policies, ideals and atmosphere not only.
to alumni but to sister institutions where his
publication goes in exchange, to parents and
"He can present facts fairly and according to
the highest ethics of journalism, or he can dis-
tort them to the end that they may have a sen-
sational effect.
"If, however, he is committed to a policy of
what has been referred to as 'jazz journalism' or
'jitterbug journalism,' if he is more interested
in trying to turn phrases and to ape columnists
than in presenting truth interestingly and dram-
atically, his experience will have no lasting
Finally let me thank the members of the staff
for havingcome here this evening-let me thank
them too for the good work thus far done this
year in making the Daily the fine publication
that it is.

Business Department

I Bin Robbed


Business Manager
Credit Manager - - .
Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

Philip W. Buchen
. Leonard P. Siegelman
William 4. Newnan
rHelen Jean Dean
* . Marian A. baiter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Dail
staff and represent the views of the writers
To Be Continued?.. ..
the Tunisian question lies in the
fact that for the first time the acual territory
. of one of the great democratic nations is being
threatened by the fascists. Previously, France
and Britain have only been called upon to
sacrifice fellow-members of the League of Na-
tions, friendly neighbors or military allies. Now
a valuable slice of French colonial territory is
about to be sought, and if the Savoy question
is actually reopened as has been hinted in the
Italian demonstrations, a portion of the "sacred
soil" itself will be demanded at the point of the
bayonet. Corsica, a department of France since
1769, is almost as iuch an integral part of the
nation in the popular mind as Savoy.
Some observers have suggested the possibility
that Italian threats to French national and
colonial territory are designed merely as a diver-
sion against German penetration to the east. If
this is true, the ruse cannot go undiscovered for
long, and certainly the most illogical Frenchman
will perceive the relationship between a Ger-
rhan threat to Poland and an Italian threat to
France. Poland, if faced with the fate of Czecho-
slovakia, will almost certainly welcome the assist-
gnce of even so broken a reed as France has
proven. But an even more important consequence
than the driving together of France and P'oland
would probably be the forcing of both into the
arms of Soviet Russia. Unqestionably, the con-
tmued aggressions of Germany and Italy cannot
fail to bring about, sooner or later, some sort of
cllaboration by the victim nations for the pur-
pose of resistance. The big question is 'whether
such collaboration will be able to stop the fascists
short of general war. It hardly seems possible
any longer that it will; but it also does not seem
possible, or seems less possible than ever, that
peace can be made with the fascist nations.
M. Daladier finds himself in a tying positios,
tut it is one for which he is largely responsible
himself. No one any longer doubts that the
policy of accommodation to fascism begun by the
French and British governments five and a half
years ago was a mistake, to say the least. But
there is a great deal of difference of opinion
to just when it became necessary to continue
accommodation in order to prevent war break-
ing out at any given time. Many people believe
that it would have been Impossible for Daladier
and Chamberlain to have rejected the Godesberg
terms two months ago without immediately
bringing war. Others think it would have been
impossible to have defended Austria's independ-
ence without sacrificing Ebropean peace. Still
others think that opposition to the aggressions
of Germany and Italy in Spain would have
brought general war any time during the last
two years.
However, one thing must be recognized as
certain. If France and Britain continue to act
on the principle that any concession is better
than war and that any rejection of a fascist
demand will bring war, fascist dmination of
Europe and of the world outside of America is
certain. Of course it seems incredible that any
such policy can be followed indefinitely by the
two democratic nations, but after what has hap-
pno sn far it is imnosibe# fn mk -qr ,

It is a deplorable fact that there
are people who have no sense of
comparative values. Their minds are
incapable of comprehending the idea
that different things have different
values to different people. To illus-
trate: If persons of this type are
thieves, they veiw the. theft of five
dollars from Henry Ford as one and
the same thing with filching a like
amount from a blind beggar. Their
code of punishment is the Mosaic
Law . . . an eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth, a hank of hair for
a hank of hair, which is what I
wanted to get around to.
I have, unfortunately, a 'fraternity
brother who adheres to such prin-
ciples. One afternoon, in a moment
of boyish exuberance, I unthink-
ingly snatched from his back a few
hairs, an act which caused him to
howl in simulated pain and vow
vengeance on me at the first op-
portunity. I did not have long to
wait. He caught me shirtless yester-
day and snatched from my chest a
small tuft of hair which I had lov-
ingly cultivated from a few sprouts.
Simply because I had pulled one or
two insignificant tendrils of hair from
his luxurious thatch, hairs which
ae could not by any stretch of imagi-
nation have missed, he, in one fell
swoop, denuded my chest. As pun-
ishment for stealing a mere maga-
telle, he took my all.
I had nurtured that little oasis of
hair for ten years, combing it and
rubbing it with my own special mix-
ture of Lucky Tiger and Old Grand
Dad rye. It had a gloss and sheen
which anyone might have been proud
of and gave promise of spreading
over an estimated area of two square
inches. Now it is gone, taken to ap-
pease a wretch who has never since
the age of eight wanted for hair on
his chest. How much more in line
with true justice would it have been,
if he had destroyed one or two of
my old columns. It might have been
better if he had destroyed this one.
My only consolation lies in Gargoyle's
assurance that hairy torsos are now
passe, gone with the handlebar
Coon Coat
There was a day, it is chronicled,
when a raccoon coat was one of the
essentials of a true college man.It
was a luxurious badge of higher
learning. A man could have a Phi
Bete key, a football sweater, a pen-
nant, and a sheepskin or a cap and
gown. Without a coon coat, the rest
were as nothing in the popular mind.
There was no getting around it, a
coon covering was the thing. For
some reason or other they disap-
peared from the back of the up-and-
coming collegian and now they are
a rarity to be classed with the dodo,
the turtle neck sweater and "just off
the boat stuff."
It was something of a surprise to
me, when I discovered that Bill Can-
ton, proprietor of Canton-Degener's,
has one in stock. It is a truly magni-
ficent model, which Canton acquired
from a last ditch customer who had
given up the hope that the coon
would ever make a come-back on the
American campus. Bill has offered the
animal for varying prices and so far
has had no takers. He is down to
what he feels is a new low price for
a raccoon coat. Hanging there on its
hook in lonely splendor, it reminded
me of a bygone day, a golden day of
pre-depression collegiana which will
never return. I tried it on. Somehow
it made me feel like somebody else.
I took it off with the feeling of one
stepping out of the past.
-- -Be a Goodfellow

Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl di-
rector. 11:30-12, WLW.
Radio City Music Hall Symphony,
Viola Philo &soprano, Erno Rapee
conductor. Overture to The Secret of
Suzanne (Wolf-Ferrari), two songs
by Ravel, Scheherezade Suite (Rim-
sky-Korsakov). 12-1, KDKA, WOWO.
New YorkPhilharmonis Symphony,
Eugene List pianist, John Barbirolli
conductor. Piano Concerto NQ. 2 (Fu-
leihan), Schubert's "Unfinished"
Symphony, Symphonic Variations
(Franck), Prelude to Die Meister-
singer (Wagner). 3-5, WJR.
New Friends of Music, Kolisch
String Quartet. Beethoveen Cycle,
Op. 18, No. 4 in C minor, Op. 135 in
F, Op. 59 No. 3 in C. 6-7, WJZ.
Bach- CantataSeries, Alfred Wal-
lenstein conductor. Cantata No. 186,
"Arg're dich, O Seele-, nicht." 8-8:30,
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Maria
Reining soprano, Jose Iturbi conduc-
tor. William Tell Overture ,(Rossini),
Danse Macabre (Saint Saens), Ra-
vel's Bolero, songs and arias .9-10.

(Continued from Page 2)
be a meeting of La Sociedad His-
panica Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m.,
at the League. Mrs. Agueda R. H. de
Vila wil Ispeak on "Los Argentinos y
sus costumbres." Poems, games and
music will also be included on the
,program. Members will please bring
G their song books.
The Graduate History Club will
meet in the East Lecture Room 'of
the Rackham Building Wednesday,
Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. J. W. Stanton
of the History Department will speak
on "The Present Situation in the Far
East." Discussion afterwards. All
graduate history students welcome.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 8
p.m. at the Michigan League. There
will be a special program and re-
Graduate Students: There will be
an informal coffee hour and danc-
ing Tuesday, Dec. 13, from 4 to 6 p.m.
on the third floor of the Rackham
Building for all graduate students.
There will be a regular meeting of
Senior Society Monday, Dec. 12, at
7:30 in the League.
Polonia Circle will hold a meeting
in Lane Hall Tuesday evening, Dec.
13, at 7 p.m. This will also partake
of a Christmas reunion. All mem-
bers and their friends are cordially
The A.S.M.E. roast will be held
Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6:15 p.m. at
the Union. There will be nomina-
tiontspeechesrby the Spoonfuncup
-ontestants for C.C. (craneo-capa-
city) rating.
Tickets may be purchased from
Hugh Keeler, roastmaster, or repre-'
sentative who can be found at the
main M.E. bulletin board.
Bibliophiles: Will holdtheir regu-
lar meeting next Tuesday, Dec. 13,at
2:30 at the home of Miss Fredericka
Gillette, 1319 South Forest.*
The Music Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Tuesday,
Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. G. G. Brown, 1910 Hill St.
Professor J. E. Maddy will speak.
The music group of the Michigan
Dames will be guests.
The Interior Decoration Group of.
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon,
Dec. 15, at the Michigan League. Mr.
Thomas S. Tanner, member of the
College of Architecture and local
architect, will lecture on "What Every
Prospective Builder and Remodeler
Should Know."
Metropolitan Club will hold its next
meeting, Monday, Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m.'
sharp at the Hillel Foundation. All
members are expected to attend, Any
member of Hillel, residing in a me-
tropolitan district, is cordially invit-
ed. Final plans will be made for the
Christmas get-togethers, tentatively
set at the Hotel Lincoln, Friday, Dec.
23 for New York students, and in a
similar suitable place in Chicago.
Hortense Tiger, president, is in charge
of the get-together arrangements and
Annual University Christmas Ora-
torio, Mendelssohn's Elijah. Thelma
Lewis sopranb, Hope Bauer Eddy;
contralto, Arthur Hackett tenor, Har-
din Van Deursen baritone, Coral
Union, University Symphony, Earl
V. Moore conductor. 8:30, Hill Audi-
WOR Symphony, Nadia Reisenberg
pianist, Alfred Wallenstein conduc-
tor. Fantasia Op. 15 (Schubert-
Liszt), Rondo, Op. 53 (Schubert).

9:15-9:45, WOR.
Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian
Sevitzky conductor. 3-4, WHIO, WJR,
at 3:30.
New England Conservatory Or-
chestra, Wallace Goodrich conductor.
Christmas music. 9-9:30 WOWO.
Rochester Philharmonic, Jose Itur-
bi conductor. 3:15-4, WXYZ.
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallen-
stein conductor. Four Old English
Dances (Coates), Sinfonia in C ma-
jor (Sammartini-Torrefranca), Pre-
lude (Williams), Swabian Folksong
New York Philharmonis Young
People's Concert, Ernest Schelling
conductor, Christmas music, 11-12,
Metropolitan Opera Co. in Thomas'
Mignon. Rise Stevens, Richard
Crooks, Josephine Antoine, Ezia Pin-
za, Wilfred Pelletier conductor. 3 p.m.
NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur
Rodzinski conductor. Three Chorales
(Bach Respighi), Symphony No. 1
(Beethoven), Piano Quartet in C
minor (Brahms) arranged by Schoen-
!h(,r 1f1_11-mn TYA mXvV7

all members unable to attend are ex-
pected to contact her immediately.
First Baptist Church, Sunday,
10:45 a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells of
Hillsdale College will preach on the
subject, "As You See It." Church
school meets at 9:30.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 9:45
a.m., Students C 'ms at Guild Houe,
Mr. Chapman presenting a survey
of the later books of the O. T. 6:15
p.m. Rev. W. R. Shaw, pastor of
Ypsilanti Baptist Church, will speak
on "Our Guiding Star." Social and
First Congregational Church. Corn-
er of State and William Streets.
10:45 a.m. The subject of Dr.
Parr's sermon will be "The Tenth
Man." Special Christmas music will
be sung by the choir.
6 p.m. Student Fellowship Christ-
mas Party for underprivileged bois.
8 p.m. Sigma Alpha Iota Candle-
light Service in the Church Auditoli-
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morning
service at 10:30. Subject, "God, The
Preserver of Man."
Golden Text: Psalms 40:11.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Presbyterian Church, 1452
Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worsh<ip Serv-
ice. "When God Comes to Us" is
the subject upon which Dr. W. P.
Lemon will preach.
The Westminster Guild, student
group, begins their program at 5
o'clock with interest groups which
last until 6 o'clock. At this tinie
there will be a Christmas supper fbl-
lowed by a program.
Unitarian Church, 11 a.m. "Memoirs
of Saint Nicholas." Address by H. P.
Marley. Special Christmas music by
organ, cello and choir.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Unioti,
Prof. LeRoy Waterman will speak on
"Surroundings and Early Life of
Jesus." Illustrated with slides.
9 p.m. Coffee Hour.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. O-
der for the Day, Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy
Communion; 11 a.m. Service of Dedi-
cation, Holy Communion, sermon by
the Rt. Rev. Herman Page, D..,
Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan;
4 p.m. Annual Parish Tea and Re-
ception, Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Student
meeting, Harris Hall, speaker, Bishop
Bethlehem Evangelical Church. So.
Fourth Ave.
10;30 a.m. Morning worship with
sermon by Rev. Theodore Schmale on
"More than a Prophet."
- 6 p.m. Student Fellowship supper.
7 p.m. Youth League Christmas
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Modern
Managers" at the Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock. Christmas
pageant at 7:30 p.m. in the Church
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
a.m. The discussion will be on "Re-
ligion Without God." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6 p.m. This will
be our Christmas program of music
and readings. Dr. Brashares will
speak. Fellowship hour and supper
following the program.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Church wor-
ship service with Holy Communion,
at 10:30. The order for Public Con-
fession Preparatory to Holy Com-
munion opening the service.

Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
hold a meeting for worship at 5
p.m. Sunday at the Michigan League.
Following the meeting there will be
Carol singing, after which those who
wish will have supper together in the
Russian Tearoom at the League.
Visitors are welcome.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
cussion group Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel,
Women's League.
Services for Reformed and Christian
Reformed students, held in the League
Chapel each Sunday will be con-
ducted this week by the Rev. A. J.
Rus, pastor of the church at Byron
Center. An evening service will again
be held at 6:30. All students a'e
cordially invited to be present.
Th Lutheran Student Club will
meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at Zion
Parish hail for supper and discus-
sion. The topicfor' discussion will
be "European Christmas Customs."
Lutheran students and their friends
are invited.

I y Seems To Me



According to the New York Times, Mrs. Hallie
Flanagan was asked by Joe Starnes, of the Dies
committee, to describe "This Communist Christo-
pher Marlowe." The name
of Marlowe came into the
hearing because the Federal~
Theater Project put on a
condensed version of "Dr,
Faustus." The gentleman
from Alabama was looking
for lurking Reds in WPA.
Marlowe is cold in his
tomb, and still Starnes was
at least warm ii his question. Joe can be wrong
in his dates, but, though years lie between him
and his quarry, he can detect a radical at a dis-
tance of more than three centuries. It is even
possible that the research Representative at
one even possible that the research Representa-
tive at one time or another came across the
phrase "Marlowe's mighty line" and jumped to
the conclusion that it was that same "party line"
on which many have testified so glibly.
Moreover, history says that when Kit was
stabbed in a tavern brawl in 1593 he was about
to be questioned as to his opinions. The reference
book which lies at my right hand describes Mar-
lowe as "a bold character, an iconoclast with a
leaning toward atheism which he unwisely
voiced." And it is further set down that Thomas
Kyd, evidently a J. B. Matthews of that day and
age, was the one who called the attention of the
investigators to Marlowe. He was in a position
to furnish interesting data to the current Dies
committee, for the poet had been his friend:-
"In 1593 tle playwright Thomas Kyd, with whom
Marlowe had at one time lived, charged the latter
with holding and disseminating heretical and
lewd religious principles."
His Name Still Endures
History does not state it was a fact, but it
seems at least possible that Kyd further suggest-
ed that Elizabeth and the British Empire might
be undermined because of things which Marlow*
had said across a table. At any rate, he was
subpoenaed, and on his way to the hearing Mar-
lowe stopped at a tavern for one sustaining
drink against the cross-examination. Here he
was stabbed by Ingram Frizer. and the coroner's

certain night in the Mermaid you were overheard
to say-"
Joe Starnes certainly should. not be criticized
by the press or by his colleagues on the Dies
committee, for it seems to me that he has shown
in a striking way the need for a further appropri-
ation. His chance shot question as to the heresy
of "this Communist Marlowe" has brought the
searchers for subversive activity all the way
down to the year 1593. There can be no doubt
or denial that Kit did not conform, which leaves
the committee one up and only three hundred,
and forty-five years to go. It seems reasonabI4
to say that some funds may be needed to bridge
the gap. And yet the gulf, for all the intervening
time, may not be quite as great as one would
They've Set Back The Clock
In the semi-judicial body of the late sixteenth
century which waited to heckle Marlowe on his
views I feel it is quite possible that there may
have been a Dies, a J. Parnell Thomas and a
Lame Duck who would be the spiritual ancestor
of Mosier, of Ohio. Indeed, upon that very day
when Marlowe was mentioned as a dupe of the
Reds a clergyman arose to testify concerning
subversive activities and said of a prominent
young American, "In not a single year has he
contributed to the Church."
In 1593 Church and state were not separated.
It has been our theory that today it is not the
business of any government agency to inquire
into a man's religion or his devotion, or lack of
devotion, to churchly duties. I am wrong.
For Democracy
To the Editor:
I wish to suggest for student consideration
compulsory instruction in political science for
all students on entering the University. Objec-
tions will certainly be forthcoming, but in the
long run is it not as advisable that a man living
in a democr'acy understand how most ably d
continue that democracy as it is that he write
better English prose? The encroachment of fasc-
ism in America is a definite menace, despite the
surprising attitude of the American people in the
past few weeks, and may even become our social
philosophy in time unless we who eventuallv




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