Weather Drizzly, cold, damp and cAly.,, 1 'y itwu .,. VOL. XLIX. No. 66 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 11, 1938 wwwwmm" Cage Squad Opens Season With 41-34 Victory Over State 6,200 See Varsity Sweep To Lead In Second Half After First Period Tie Rae And Smick Win High Scoring Honor By BUD BENJAMIN The Michigan basketball team that everyone had counted out and pre- pared for burial before they had shot their first basket of the season got off to a fast break in the opener last night by whipping a favored Michi- gan State five 41 to 34 before 6200 spectators in Yost Field House. Playing aggressive ball, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's first product as head coach swept to an eight point lead mid-way in the second half and never were headed. Hutt Leads Spartans Knotted at half tmne at 18 points Michigan broke up a game that had been vacumatie all the way with a short burst of firehorse tactics in the second half. The flurry was featured by, a fancy Wolverine offensive trick which went the length of the floor from Charley Pink to the Michigan backboard, just missing the basket, to Dan nmick and through the mesW- es. State, rallied slightly after that bit of chicanery but Michigan was back strongly at-the close for a deci- sive seven point win. Scoring honors went to Michigan's two elongated front line men, Jimmy Rae and Danny Smick, who registered 12 and 11 ponts respectively. Rae dumped in four baskets and as many fouls while Smick, playing under a handicapĀ°of three personals, for a1 period, and a half, added five baskets and a foul Scoring Balanced Clever Marty Hutt, States junior center, led the Spartan parade with four baskets for eight points while guard Leo Callahan with three field goals and a fotil won second honors. Michigan's publicized new offensei was evident from the start as thei Wolverines, with Capt. Leo Beebe as playmaker. in the backcourt, shelveds last season's Meticulous system for al faster passing and more fluid attac.) F1 ast break a la Pudue was used only when opportunity availed itself, buti there was a definith increase in pf-t fensive tempo throughout, the game,t The first half was even all the way with Michigan's ability to hit the basket from outside court nullifyingf State's strong edge under the hoop. George Falkowski, Frank Shidler, - Ben Dargush, and Hutt were con-t trolling the rebound play, and it wasn't until the second period that Smick and Rae began getting the ballj in the important close position. ! The biggest advantage that either' team held in the first period was a four point Mihigan lead early in the stanza. Shidler opened the scoringc with a foul called against Smick, but, Dan came back to flip in a short one from underneath the basket. Hutt pushed in a long, and Rae countered with another from the corner. Shidler fouled Rae, and Jim's ef- fort was good to make it 5 to 3, Michi-I gan. It was 7 to 5 as Callahan and1 Ed Thomas sank long shots and when! Thomas added another flip from mid- court it was 9 to 5. State came back with baskets by Falkowski and Shidler, and it was 9 to 9 with half the period gone. It went to 12 to 9 on a foul by Rae and a one hand flip by Beebe, but Falkowski's basket and Dargush's foul, the third personal against Smick, made it even at 12.. Smick flipped one over his head and then took a rest as Dobson en- tered. Hutt whirled prettily for his (Continued on Page 9) Coeds Swipe Garg To Save nHSacred Horor Michigan feminimity has arisen!, Angered by the fact that Gargoyle derides co-ed beauty in their "Down With Co-eds" issue, scheduled to ap- pear Tuesday, they have purloined every copy. An anonymous note ad- Leads Hockey Team I 1 r a I { 1 r a 1 1 S Polish-Ukraine Situation Used ToHitDaladier Opposition Asks Premier If He Still Takes Pride In His Germany Policy French Officials Worry Over Crisis PARIS, Dec. 10.-(A')-The Polish Ukrainian autonomy movement was seized upon today by the Govern- mnent's opposition as a political in- strument to harass Premier Edouard Daladiers' regime. The Polish movement on all sides here was termed German-inspired and therefore was widely interpreted as a' step in Germany's predicted "march eastward.' The opposition press asked point- edly whether Daladier still was proud of his policy of making friends with Germany. The Premier only a few hours be- fore had emerged from the Chamber of Deputies with a majority so scant as to leave his Ministry vulnerable. The vote was 315 to 241. Momentarily at least the Polish movement. overshadowed the French- Italian friction over Tunisia. Official circles showed deep con- cern over the developments in Po- land, where Ukrainian deputies asked for self-government within the framework of the Polish constitution. Persons close to the Government said France was at least "hostile in principle" to a separate Ukraine. The reason they gave was that it "would be favorable to Germany. The newspaper Le Temps, close toI the Government, said : "The method of 'working' certain countries from the inside, creating an autonomous' or separatist agitation, is well known. We have seen how such movements develop disquieting aspects" Should themovement develop in such a way to justify charges Chan- cellor Hitler is trying to carve out a "Great Ukrainia" under German domination, it would afford much ammunition to the opponents of Pre- mier Daladier's foreign policy. Fraternity Men Start Working On Xmas Party Bags Of Fruit And Candy Will Be Distributed To Town Kids One hundred fraternity men began a nerve-wracking task of apportion- ing 300 poundsof chocolate "kisses," 300 pounds of peanuts, 600 pounds of Christmas candy, 10 crates of oranges and 14 crates of apples into 3,000 cel- lophane bags yesterday. The bags of fruit and candy will be distributed as presents to the Ann Arbor chil- dren expected to jam Hill Auditori- um at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday at the fraternity children's Christmas party. In addition to the 2,000 children a large number of fraternity men will also be present to enjoy the proceed- ings. All fraternity pledges will be asked to be on hand, and many other fraternity members will also attend. The belief was expressed in promin- ent circles that the entertainment would be enjoyed fully as much by the fraternity men as by the children. SThe chief entertainers at the party, as previously announced, will be the University Band and Glee Club. Other entertainments will be supplied by a magician and the presentation of an animated cartoon motion picture short. An added feature will be the presence of a Santa Claus, who, aided by six assistants, will act as official welcomer and distributor of presents for the party. The great auditorium will be ap- propriately decorated for the occa- sion, with a decorative toboggan slide and a huge Christmas tree gracing the center of the stage. Further decorative touches will be added by the scenery from the play "Elijah," which will be performed in the audi- torium on the preceding night. Ie a Goodfelleo Men Interested In New Cooperative Meet Today Men seeking membership in the new cooperative house to be estab- lished next semester were urged 'by Doug Tracy, '40E, chairman of Con- gress' Student Welfare Committee, to attend the cooperative meeting at. 3 p.m. today in Room 306 of the Union. Begins 4th Annual Drive CAPT. LES HILLBERG 1. * I' Pucksters Win Exciting Match' From Ontario; Allen Scorps Three Points As Mustangs Fall, 7-5; Cooke Leads Michigan By NEWELL McCABE After three fast periods which weret ailed with an extra amount of high stick handling and hard body check- ing, Coach Eddie Lowrey's Wolver- ine hockey squad won their first game of the season last night at the Coli- seum, when they came out on the long end of a 7 to 5 score against Western Ontario. The Mustangs,which boasted hav- ing a stronger sextet than McMas- ter University, found a Michigan team that could outmatch them, not only in scoring, but in general. all round playing. The Wolverines had a total of five penalties called against them, but with excellent defensive tactics while playing shorthanded they, were able to keep the vsiitors scoring at a minimum. Both Cooke of the Wolverines and Allen of Western pulled the prover- bial hat trick when they eached scored three goals. Doran and Chad- wick the other two Michigan men composing the first forward line chalked up two tallies apiece. King and Ross accounted for the other scores of the visitors. To start the action off in the firsti period, before five minutes had! elapsed Calvert of the Wolverines was placed in cold storage in the pen- alty box for tripping. It was during this penalty time that Allen pushed across the first and second goals of the game. As the period progressed the check- ing became harder with the result that Allen was escorted from the ice for slashing while his teammate (Continued on Page 8) Goodfellows-Monday Civil Liberties Union Hits Dies Probing NEW YORK, Dec. 10-()-The American Civil Liberties Union, char- acterizing the conduct of the Dies Conmittee as a "public scandal," asked the House of Representatives today to end the committee's "unsav- ory career."n Arthur Garfield Hays, Union coun- sel, said in a letter to Speaker Wil- liam B. Bankhead that the Commit- tee "has perverted its commission from Congress." The Union, he said, has not been given an opportunity to reply to charges made against it by Committee witnesses. Goodfellows-Monday- 'Ensian Tryouts To Meet __ .A A _.__ In Good fellow Driver's Se at Following is the list of Goodfellow salesmen with posts and times. General instructions for all Goodfellows: (1) Contrary to previous announcements sales men scheduled at 7:45 a.m. are to report to the Student Publications Building at 7:30 a.m. for papers, aprons and instructions. Those not preceded by anyone at their post are likewise asked to report to the Publications Building to obtain materials. (2) Any questions or difficulties should be reported immediately to the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241. (3) Salesmen scheduled for 12:00 posts on the diagonal, in the engineering arch and in the League and Union lobbies are to turn over their aprons to faculty salesmen and stand by ready t6 taW? over whenever the faculty wish to leave. (4) Post should not be left until successor appears: materials nmay be turned over to him. Last salesman at each post should turn in his material to the Daily. (5) Students listed as cruisers are to collect and return their materiatU to the Daily. (6) Anyone listed for a time at which he will not be able to work is asked to call the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241 for replacements or temporary substitutes. Your papers will be replenished while you are at your posts. ENGINEERING ARCH 7:45-9 Julius Jaeger Fred Luebke 9-10 Jim Moore Bob Emmett Charley Moore 10-11 Don Van Loon Pete Ipsen Jack Healey Carley Weinaug 11-12 Steve Woolsey Howard Crusey Bill Rhodes 12-1 Harold Snoden Wes Warren 1-2 Fred Osberg Tim Hird FredLuebke 2-3 A! Andrews Don Percival Gus Strandhagen 3-4 Tie Hird Fred Osberg Fred Luebke 4-5 Jm Brown Don Percival EAST ENGINEERING STEPS & NORTH ENTRANCE, WEST ENGINEERING 7:45-9 J. Haigh A. Conrath 9-10 G. Taggart R. Thalner 10-11 N. Kewley J. Shuler 12-1 D. Cushng 1-2 J. Mills J. Wills 2-3 T. Jester L. Rinek 3-4 J. Kenncott R. Smith 4-5 J. A. Ashburn A. Chadwick 5-6 E. Klein H. Smith ANGELL HALL LOBBY 7:45-9 Martha Tillman 9-10 Madeline Krieghoff 10-11 Ellen Cuthbert 11-12 Madeline Krieghoff 12-1 Fred Olds 1-2 Elizabeth White 2-3 Mary Frances Browne 1-2 J. Allen 2-3 Paul Park Gus Dannemiller 3-4 Hal Benham Jim Halligan UNION STEPS 7:45-9 Jack Reed 9-10 Jim Grace 10-11 Bob Johnston 11-12 Walt Hinkle 12-1 Joe Mason 1-2 Henry Tuttle 2-3 Tom Adams' 3-4 Howard Parker ROMANCE LANGUAGE BLDG. 7:45-9 Betty Slee Jane Mowers 9-10 Dorothy Shipman Zelda Davis 10-11 Barbara Backus Jean Tibbets 11-12 Harriet Sharkey Mary Minor 12-1 Enora Ferris Jane Dunbar 1-2 Patty Haislip Ann Vicary 2-3 Jean McKay Sue Potter 3-4 Beth O'Roke Anne Hawley 4-5 Jane Nussbaum Florence Brotherton 5-6 Alberta Wood Frances Kahrs LIBRARY STEPS 7:45-9 Nancy Saibert Alys Pierce 9-10 Frances Huntington Betsy Robinson 10-11 Tad Lynch Lois Basse 11-12 Virginia Mulholland Betty Dickmeyer 1-2 Jane Hart Jean Van Roalty 2-3 Elinor Sevison Mary MacRae 3-4 Shirley Todt Betty Roush 4-5 Lynn Garden Dorothy Gilliam 5-6 Betty Conn Evelyn Dock austin seebe