PERSPECTIVES Page Eleven n't have climbed it anyother time, but up he went, caught a leg, pulled it loose, fell over, and started up the dark end of an alley, legs pounding, running . . A feeling of intense relief and freedom swept him on. Back in the apartment the girl went to the door, opened it cautously and peered through a crack at a strange man. "Mollie," he said thickly. 'Who do you want?" she said sharply. "Mollie-is that You?" he said. He was drunk. "This isn't Mollie," she said, pushing the door slowly shut. "You've got the wrong place." "MVollie Smith," he said, "She lives hiere-" " °.,. "I said you've got the wrong place," she answered quickly "Mollie Sniilh doesn't live on this floor She lives u - stairs in number seven. Now beat it!" She closed the door sharply, turned the key and slid the chain of the night lock into place. Then she turned back into the room. She saw it was empty. She looked toward the kitchen and walked out there. "Harry!" she called. "What do you want, Harry? Harry!" She noticed the kitchen door slightly ajar and stood still a moment. It dawned of her then whot he had 'done. "Why, he's gone!"she said. She opened the door 'and peered down into the dark- ness, then came back in, closed the door absently, and walked into the living room. She looked at his glass on the table beside the over-stuffed chair. There was no question about it; the guy had ducked. T HE FIFTH COLUMN AND THE FIRST FORTY-NINE STORIES. Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y. By Ernest Hemingway. This is the same old Hemingway come to startle an all too complacent world with yarns of bloody gore. "To shock," is Hemingway's :purpose; "To shock them into the realization of the horror entailed in living." . For the medium in which to present his purpose Hem- ingway, of course, chooses realistic de- scription. Anyone who reads Heming- way will like The Fifth Column and all the 597 pages of disastrous lives, gan- grenous wounds, slaughtered bulls, and death. Again we know Hemingways chapters, filled with discouraged, soiled people and bursting bombs. "The :Fifth Column," the. title play was actually written amid the shelling and bombing of Legones. But such in- timacy with inspiration does not seem to have produced anything the more real. The drama is not for Hemingway. "The Fifth Column" plows along through intrigues of a war correspon- dent helping the loyalists and a girl cor- respondent niore or less looking for ad- venture; lots of people smashing each other; and everything "very depress- ing." It is the people in the play that seem to have little dramatic substance; and hence the chief value of "The Fifth Column" lies in a few photographic "close-ups" of the war scene that are startingly real. As for the technical aspects of the play, aside from its general excitement and sceneric possibilities, there is little that would hold a theatre audience. Hemingway seems suddenly to have be- come self-conscious and the dialogue has turned into ponderous jargon with forced witticisms, except for a few pas- sage's where Hemingway forgets that he is writing a play. Then the play reads like a good Hemingway story. It is too bad that such subject matter as life in Spain, could not have been handled with more arousing force, rather than the spectacular splashes of sensationalism. Some of the other 49 stories, especially Now I Lay Me, Banal Story (2 pages), The Short Happy Life of Francis Ma- comber and The Battler, make interest- ing arid exciting reading. But bulls are Hemingway's meat and in "The Unde- feated." we experience man and animal and death in the' - ena. This is the .NEW BOOKS subject that Hemingway knows through and through; and it is in his descrip- tion and philosophy of bull fighting that his talent is unbeatably powerful. Although it is difficult to compare a collection of short stories with a full- lengthnovel, as a book, The Fifth Col- lumn is not as good as To Have and Have Not. None of the storiees have the technical organization nor absolute real- ism of that book. Rather, The Fifth Column is a collection of observations of the maladjusted aspects of life both po- litically and phychologically. To Have and Have Not was less passive in its ap- proach to the same disheartening sub- jects. But The Fifth Column is at least an- other earnest expression of thoughts on modern life that may eventually, along with other more penetrating such ex- pressions, bring some sort of determined contemplation of the present chaotic condition, and maybe some sort of uni- fied attempt at change. -PENELOPE M. PEARL A NEW ANTHROPOLOGY OF Mo- ERN VERSE, Edited by Seldeo Rodman. :Rodmean House, New York.. Selden Rodman, a poet himself, has compiled in this volume a collection of verses that is, whatever else it may be, completely readable. This may not be a too apt description but it is at least an approximate one. He has included not only the work of the established mod- erns and that of the new and stimulat- ing younger poets that you expect to find in any such anthology but also the trenchant verse of Dorothy Parker, E.B. White, Ogden Nash and the like. There is Vanzetti's final speech, the Jabber- wocky, a movie sound track and a fine collection of Negro spirituals. He has succeeded rather well in his role of a latter day St. George rescuing modern poetry from the monocled dragon of High Seriousness. It is a serious attempt o evaluate the place of the younger poets, most of them of the left wing, in relation to the whole movement of modern English and American poetry since the effect of the French Symbolists was first felt upon it. It is possible that this very emphasis is responsible for one of the volume's most striking defects, namely its omis- sions and faultily represented poets. In the works included it steers halfway be- tween Louis Untermeyer's extensive Modern British' and Anerican Poetry and Mark Van Doren's intensive Ameri- can anthology: The volume falls into two divisions, the anthology itself and an introduction that tries in a few page to trace the history of modern poetry and to issue a manifesto for its future. Mr. Rodman gives us his own criterion of what shall be considered modern poetry and an explanation of the four divisions into which he has grouped the poets repre- sented. Part I. includes the forerun- ners of the moderns, Part II. the poets whom he considers have. dealt in a broad way with the people and the soil. Part III., the symbolists and those im- mediately influenced by the symbolist movement, and Part IV., a loose group- ing of all the poets of sharper social protest. This grouping is certainly a praiseworthy attempt to overcome the weaknesses of strict chronological se- quence, but whether the picture that it gives of modern poetry is an accurate one is highly debatable. An anthologist's task is not a happy one. Only by the sheer number of poets included can he expect to be completely comprehensive. Short of that he must approach a comprehensive collection by judicious selection. Mr. Rodman has somewhere fallen short. It is hard to justify the exclusion of Hilda Dolittle and the incomplete representation of William Cantos Williams. the inclusion of a poem by Josephine Johnson and the exclusion of Louise Bogan and Mer- rill Moore. He has been grossly unfair to the Irish poets. His emphasis on the poetry of social protest has result- ed in a good representation of the Au- den-Spender-Lewis group but it hardly justifies some of the notable omissions. He has avoided, in some cases it seems almost studiously, the inclusion of the well known "anthology pieces." But when those very poems are not only the best but the most representative work of a poet their omission is hardly justifiable. For this reason neither Elinor Wylie nor D. H. Lawrence appear at their best. Eliot's'The Rock may be less well known than either The Waste Land or The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock but it is certainly not as rep- resentative as either of these works. It is a relief to discover that Robert Frost has 'written more than Mending a Wall, The Runaway Calf and The Hired Man, but the high place of Wil- liam Butler Yeats in modern poetry could be much better represented both in number and in quality than it is by the poems included. Gerard Manley Hopkins is the only 19th century poet whose work is in- cluded. It belongs in the volume be- cause of the effect that his rhythms have had on modern verse but in a dif- ferent way the influence of the much belittled Walt Whitman has been equal- ly important and as much deserves rep- resentation. Aside from an explanation of the ar- rangement and scope of the book and a half-hearted attack opon the "high- brows" who hav held poetry in bond- age, Mr. Rodman's introduction at- tempts to forecast and define the future of poetry and, in a sense, attempts to define the function of the poet in mod- ern society. There can be no quarrel with his conclusion that the modern poet will, of necessity, be forced to deal with so- cial issues in this period of science and change nor that the poet's approach to these issues must be through the emo- tions that they generate both in him- self and other individuals. The poet cannot write a prescription but he can describe the disease and suggest that there is a need for medical care. It is in the method that Mr. Rodman con- siders the poet must use that one must take issue with him. That there can ever be a success- ful fusion of the content of the poetry of social awareness with the methodol- ogy of the Symbolists into what Mr. Rodman calls "social symbolism" is highly doubtful. The poet who is aware of the sharpness and pain of the world about him will, it is true, deal with that world in terms of "personalized" emo- tions, but their associations with it must be clear, sharp and strong. The method of the poets of the "ivory tower" is the very negation of this. Their verse was a loosely connected set of images whose ties with any such reality as that of the social scene were of the most tenuous sort. Their verse was not the represen- tation of an emotional reaction to any- thing in the world outside. It was an image of an image within their own minds. They spoke a private language because they dealt with private things. Symbolism in the special sense in which it is applied to the work of these poets can never apply to the poet who wants to find his material in the world of other men. The method that they must use will only be symbolist in the sense that all poetry is such. Whether their audience is large or small, their speech must be "public speech." The esoteric approach to the social scene is respon- sible for much of the confusion of mod- ern verse. - JAMES GREEN Thanks are due to the Bookroom and Wahr's for the loan of books reviewed in this issue., LOGIC, THE THEORY OF INQUIRY, By John Dewey, Henry Holt, New York. Mr. Dewey's Logic presents problems in reading and writing. I supposed it would be a book about logic. This is not the case. It is a book near or around logic. The book is written with disarm- ing sincerity in a singularly opaque style. It makes its points in the manner of Henry Armstrong: peppers the reader with a profusion of blows, but lacks the power to keep him on the floor. Mypina impression is that Logic is an important book, but important in a devious and almost foolish way. There is also the question; What do the readers of Perspectives want to' be told about a book like this? There are a half-dozen people on the campus"who would enjoy putting the screws to a technical analysis, but as far as I know none of these is much interested in pragmatism. You can't summarizethis book. You can't (without feeling cheap) be funny with Mr. Dewey. The book is a discussion, from the standpoint of pragmatism, of logic and more precisely of the psychology of logic. The boundaries between such finds are not mapped and it is sometimes difficult to tell where some pointbe- longs; errors in orientation are likelyto be fatal to an argument. Psychfmlgy deals with the concrete, with exper- ience or behavior in their fullness. Lgic is an abstract science, and it is essential in logic to maintain a proper intensity of abstraction. Mr. Dewey does not recog- nize this. Consider chess and the psy- chology of chess. It is true and might be important, that every move in chess is a result of biological process. But this consideration has no status within the field that deals with the axioms and rules of chess. I think it not unfair to say that if Mr. Dewey's Logic dealt with chess the statement that every move is a result of biological process would be presented as a contribution to hyper- modern theory. Even since the renascence people have been saying that logic should be more concrete. This is a natural elliptical way of saying that you want logic- to be more use in dealing with ordinary sit- uations. But an innocent stranger might think that the way to fix things is to pour some gravel and cement into 'logic and let it dry. Mr. Dewey is not as simple as that. But Mr. Dewey says that the trouble with logics not his own is their refer- ence to extrinsic standards. "Extrinsic" in this kind of argument usually means, not to be accounted for by the author's theory; Mr. Dewey wants it to mean, fraudulent. Mr. Dewey feels that since logical process is a part of biological process, standards adopted for the for- mer must be derived from standards applicable to the latter. This is a mis- take. It is perfectly all right to submit logical processes to standards-of- the kind Mr. Dewey is thinking of: to ask, after an argument, Who won?'But it is absurd to say that we can establish no independent criteria; that we cannot also ask, Who argued well? Mr. Dewey discusses logic in terms of what he calls instrumental categories Logic he defines as the theory of inquiry. Inquiry is what would ordinarily be called useful thinking; fundamentally it is not a process of thought, but a means of action. Inquiry begins with a situa- tion that is unsatisfactory and -inde- finite, and covers 3 kinds of activity; 1) description, and thereby definition of the situation; 2) theory: bringing to bear upon the propositions of (1) hypo- theses, rules, etc., derived from past experience; 3) judgment, by which is meant not simply prospositions expres- sing a solution, but the actualization of some solution. Now it is obvious that these considerations are proper to psy- chology; they have no pace in logic, taking logic in any ordinary sense (say.