PERSPECTIVES Page Five saw Muscle's match flare in the back of the car. "We're going and goddam quick," I shouted back to him. Muscle straightened and ran back to us. "Hey wait," he yelled and he held-my arm again and his big hand was like a shackle. He could have broken my wrist just like that. "All right, but gimme a match. I got to have a cigarette if you're going to make a nervous wreck of me." "I ain't got any matches. They're all gone. I just used the last one. Now, lis- ten. Please. Listen, my old man, when I asked him, and he was right beside me and it was like he wasn't there. They came out of the woods and she wasn't listening to him I felt the same way. Scared . . . get rhe . . . like I was the only guy . . and I did the disappearing act inside me . . ." He stopped and stamped again. "Don't you get me?" I looked at the rushing ground out- side, He pulled my arm and held onto the kid. "Whyn't you jump, huh? Whyn't you jump?" he yelled. I thought he was going to throw us both off the train and I struggled, but he hung onto us and his face was twisted up as if he was trying to make words come to his lips. "Look! That dead guy back there. He ain't got connection with nobody, has he? That's what I mean. No threads. There ain't none really even if we all thinks: Nothing." Simple, quiet words followed: "He's alone." Muscle's eyes when I looked at him seemed to use me as a screen on which they saw the fi- gures of his thought. "Like the queer, like my old man, like you and the kid and you can't get around it. He's sort of .finished. Complete, you get me? Free." Muscle had us both scared and shaky, all of us hanging on to the bouncing boxcar, our clothes tight against us from the rushing wind. We were straining at the doorway while he talked. Suddenly he shouted harshly, "Jump, goddam you! Get! You guys got to get out of here. Fast." He waved behind him and there was the end of the car blazing. Everything was dancing in the flames. The straw was very dry because the fire hit the ceiling just as I looked. I started back to stamp it out, but Muscle gripped me tighter. "There's your matches. Now jump, you gotta!" The kid was standing like a diver, trying to see out. "You crazy fool," I screamed at Mus- cle. "Never mind me. I'm right after you." The flames licked upwards and the dry wooden walls were burning. I step- ped on the door sill and saw the ground blur past me. Then the kid jumped. I went right after. I hit running and started rolling. My clothes tore in sheets and then my skin was seared. I lay still for a few moments to get my breath: I hadn't broken anything, but then I wasn't sure I was alive. The kid came up to me, whimpering in the darkness. "You hurt?" I asked. "All over," he sobbed. "Aw, you can walk." "Where's the big guy?" "The hell with him. He's up ahead probably." "I didn't see him jump." "How could you? It's dark." "Hey!" the kid shouted. I shouted too, but there was no answer. It was pretty flat around there but we could- n't see anyone standing and there were no groans. We started beating around, but there wasn't anyone. "I tell you he didnt jump," the kid said. "Well, let's look anyway," I said, but instead we stood and watched the train go up the track. You couldn't see the fire because it hadn't gotten out of the car yet. All there was were the red lights on the caboose. The train started around a curve behind some trees. A clean finger of flame split the sky, then stretched back over the cars. That was all we saw before it went around the curve and after that there was only a red smear moving across the sky above the trees. The fire had been discovered because we heard the screech of brakes. "Come.on, kid," I said. "We gotta get outa this before we get caught. We're not going to find the big guy." He suddenly took my hand like a little kid and we crossed the tracks into a field and we ran together along the fence, stumbling along the railroad, stumbling and running, and the blub- bering kid holding my hand tighter un- til his nails cut me. All there was was the moon on the fields and we could smell the sharp woodsmoke and the bitter-sweet of plowed ground, but I couldn't see and he couldn't and we didn't know where we were going. But that didn't make any difference.. We ran. ihy J 7ate c en ... by (arian T hillips Sketches by CARL GULDBERG Someone told me the other day that I must hate men terribly, and all at once it occured 'to me that I do. Anu these are only a fev of the reasons why: I hate men because- They all object to nail polish but they don't know why. They always, always ask you where you want to go when you set out on a date, but you always go where they want to. salary and think she should be put back into the kitchen. But if she is in the kitchen. they brag that they can cook better than the women. When they say they want to get mar- ried, they never say that they have found a marvelous girl they want to have for the rest of their lives, but they always say they want to marry and have a family. But if they do have a family they don't pay any attention to it until it is suddenly old enough to ask for the car. And if they have a big family, they wonder why their wives look so worn and old, and start going out with a stenograpper. They call their wives 'The Mother of My Children." Never in God's world have they been known to use an ash tray if there's a rug handy. Every fall they go out and kill a lot of animals and birds that they don't even bother to pick up and bring home, or if they do bring them home, they throw away everything but the head which they put over the fireplace. If they take anything to eat out of the refrigerator, they put the dirty dishes back in. They always think their instructors or business associates are persecuting them. They think love can be put on like hair-oil; to slick up for an occasion.. They are all too thin before they're 30. then all at once they become too fat. They take your best friend out on a blind date and try to neck hell out of her. there are lots of people whom neither of you know, but they see no objection when you are with a group of friends. There is something about the sigh of a woman doing housework that fills them with fiendish glee. They ccnsider a run in a woman's hos, a personal affront. They tell you wonderful things aL midnight which they have forgotten by noon. They think a taxicab is a brothel on wheels. After making love to you all evening, they suddenly get up and stretch and say that they are hungry. They stare at every blonde that passes, but are furious if you glance at another man. They all think they can play the piano or could have learned. They always want to kiss you good- night unless you want to kiss them. good-night. They snub the women that they used to go with. No one has ever told them that there are certain preliminaries to love-mak- ing. They think a technique that work' with one woman will work with all wom- en; if it doesn't, they try another. Wher. they get feeling gay and devil- ish. they all troop downtown to see a burlesque show. They talk all the time about how wonderful they are and never give you a chance to tell them how wonderful you are. They think the dullest, most stupid man deserves a girl like Hedy LaMarr. They laugh at the idea of girls'being friends, and if they are, they'll flirt with both of them to see what will happen. If you won't neck with them they want to know if you're homosexual. They think it's one step from the ball- room into the bedroom and one step back again. They think you aren't a lady if you can't hold your liquor, and if you can, they still think you aren't. They eat things in hotels that they glare at when you serve them at home. They keep you waiting for hours in hotel lobbies, and when they finally come, they say they waited for 10 min- utes then went out for a shoe-shine. No matter how much you smoke they all tell you that you smoke too much. They get you drunk before they try to neck with you and then they get terribly angry with you if you aren't drunk enough. They want to behave like children with the privileges of an adult. They think that every woman wants to get married. If a woman is better at their job than they are, they pay her half a man's They take you out on Friday and tell you that you are the only girl in the world, and on Saturday, they're out with one of the other girls. They laugh at women's interest in clothes, but they will tell you in minute detail how thy happened to buy their new topcoat. They whistle at you on the street, but if you smile back they will look coldly away. They hate salads because someone told them they should. They say they hate sentiment but they dissolve into marshmallow whip at the mention of the word "Mother." They utter every word as though God himself had put it into their mouths. To them the floral world consists of roses and gardenias. They'd send sweet peas to Mae West and orchids to Shirley Temple. They think unattractive girls are so on purpose. There is no way in the world that you can stop them from telling a dirty story if they happen to have one on hand. They think illegitimate babies happen only to other men. They only tell you that you look nice when there's a lull in the conversation. If they're shorter than you are, they want to dance, if they're bigger they want to "smooch." They won't kiss you in places where They use your hairbrush to clean their pants and clean their shoes on the bathtowels which they throw into dingy heaps in the corners. They never clean out the bathtub after they use it. They object to hearing a woman swear but not to swearing at her. They write poems like "We Are Sev- en" and "Trees." If you can't go out with them because you have another date they believe you but want to know what's the matter with you. They think that it is impossible that they should get drunk. And when they are drunk, they say that they are merely in rather good form. They all get amorous after the fourth drink. They've made up a scientific tern for a woman-hater, but they've nevr made up one for a man-hater because they think they don't exist. Well boys ... take a look at mel