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December 10, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-10

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-. *--.,.-.-------.----- - .--r-. -

TrlE 'IJC 111G AN-' D A I

r inUs Indians,
,ult.-ure IStatic
rough +ontact with the many
ns stiU living in the northern
of Michigan and through studyj
:cavaticns made since 1935, Dr.
son F. Greenman of the Museum:
nthropo ogy has concluded that
e Irndian dialects and traditions
chang'd but little in the last
st of the 7000 Indians still liv-
in the State speak a languagel
a is relatively pure. "Of course,"
ireenman explained, "many new
s have been invented or adopt-'
:om th French or English to,
ibe objects of which their an-
rs knew nothing, such as guns,
s, and automobiles."
eir chicf occupations, although'
derajly modernized, are still'
ing and fishing. The advent of
ourist trade has made basket
souven : making one of their
ipal tro des.
e found the most valuable clues
ts that the Indians dug in the}
id for refuse," Dr. Greenman
"Here we found the remnants
>st of t eir common implements
in eve:-yday life such as cook-
tensils, farming tools, weapons."

Teacher SeeksDanages For Ouster

European Nations'
Accent On Killing
Stands Santa Here

Munitions have crowded toys out
If Santa Claus' workshops in foreign
countries during the last year, and as
a result more toys in every land will
be stamped "made in America" this
Christmas than ever before.
Figures issued by the United States
commerce department disclose that
Japan has shipped to the United
States and other countries only about
half as many toys as in 1937. The de-
partment explained that the princi-
pal reason for the decline was the
Japanese requisitioning of raw ma-
terials for military purposes.
Before the world war, foreign toys,
particularly German, played an im-
portant role in American Christmas
activity, but at present the United
States is exporting nearly twice as
many toys as she imports. Foreign
playthings will amount to less than
5 per cent of the total gifts in the
United States this year.
Japan's shipments here totaled
about $800,000 in the first ten months
of this year, or about half of last
year's figure. Germany exported
about $350,000 worth of toys to take
second place and Czechoslovakia
ranked third with $76,000. American
factories meanwhile have turned out
about $75,000,000 worth of toys.

Walter Phinney (left), crippled Indiana school teacher, is sueing school
trustees of Redkey, Ind., charging that they forced him to resign. The
trustees objected to his reading such books as "Stars Fell On Alabama"
to pupils.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Univen Oty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
antil3 :30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Con, inued from Page 4)
ubject apon which Dr. W. P.
D will preach. The musical
ers w'l be: Organ Prelude,
Emmanuel" by Egerton; An-
'Fejoice Greatly" by Gadsby;
"Come Unto Him" from "Thel
ah" by/Handel, Burnette Brad-1
aebler; Organ Postlude, "Caril-
orti " by Mulet.I
Westminster Guild, student
begins their program at 5
k witl interest groups which
intl 6 o'clock. At this time
will be a Christmas supper fol-
by a rograin of carols, read-
and instrumental numbers. All
yterian studpnts and their
s are invited to attend.

Carol singing, after which those who
wish will have supper together in the
Russian/ Tearoom at the League.
Visitors are welcome.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
cission group Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel,
Women's League.
Services for Reformed and Christian
Reformed students, held in the League
Chapel each Sunday. will be con-
ducted this week by the Rev. A. J.
j Rus, pastor of the church at Byron
Center. A- evening service will again
be held at 6:30. All students are
cordially invited to be present.
Th Lutheran Student Club will
meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at Zion
Parish hall for supper and discus-,
sion. The topic for discussion will
be "European Christmas Customs."
Lutheran students and their friends
are invited.
Dsilt:s Guild Church of Chrit).
10 :45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 pm., Subject. "Peace on
Earth," How? Clarence Kresin will
discuss the subject from the point of
view of Positive Pacifism and George
Mutnick will speak on the same sub-
ject from the standpoint of Collective
U --- - --

Cassified Directory
FOR RENT facturer-name embroidered free-
-- ideal for Xmas gifts. Save money
FOR RENT-Suite with private bath by phoning 6785 evenings, 711 Pack-
and shower for three. Steam heat. ard. 228
Continuous hot water. Phone 8544
422 E. Washington. 2291 LAUNDRIES
FOR RENT-Two room furnidLAUNDE-Y - 21044. Sox darned.
apartment, convenient to campus. Careful work at low prices. 9
Inquire Jalanor, 209 S. State. 235 1
FOR RENT-Completely furnished ?WASHED SAND and Garavel. Drive-
room income house for rent or sale. way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Call 8679. 221 Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
ROOM FOR RENT--Faculty family i PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
wishes to provide student with able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
room and board during Christmas - - -- ---- - ----- _---
vacation in exchange for reason- ANTIQUES-The Colonial Antique
able amount of household assist- Shop, 303 N. Division, phone 8876,
ance. Phone 2-3648. 244, offers old silver, jewelry, china,
colorec glass, prints, etc., for a dis-
WANTED - TYPING tinctive and useful Christmas gift,
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 22_
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 .RADIO SERVICE - BOB COLTEN
or 21416. 79 can handle your radio and record
TYPINatr nble rates. Mr problems. All makes repaired.
TYIGat reasonab rae.Ms Phone 6327. 234
Howard. 613 Hill St., dial 5244, 176 Poe62._ 234
LST- - -- ~~~~f -- EXPERTENCED Cook for fraternity
.. LOST-a -.FUN__Dor r"it wants work f6r first of
LOST-Girl's purse with initials H. R., year. Box 1. 245
zipper and pai'r of glasses inside. WANTED-Ride to Florida over
Reward. Call 2-31x39, 240
-ewar. Call- -3- Xmas vacation. Will share ex-
LOST-Silver bracelet on diagonal, penses. Call 8298 evenings. Miles
. call 5700 at 6 p.m. Reward. Wolfsof. 243
--FOR SALE WANTED-Ride to Kentucky for
S----- Christmas by couple. Share ex-
FOR SALE-"M" Blankkts, pillows,; penses. Call 2-3640. Mr. and Mrs.
pennants, etc., direct from manu- Bertram. 242
- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -


III ___._


. . .;
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11 a m."Memoirs
Address by I. P.
ristmas music by


30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
. LeRoy Waterman will apeak on
-rotm'd4-s and Early Life of
s." .ilu;:rated with slides.
ni. Coffe Hour.
Andrev 's Episcopal Church. Or-.
for the IPay, Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy
munion - 11 a.m. Service of Dedi-
in, 1oly Communion, sermon by
RLt. Re . Herman Page, D.D.,
op of t'e Diocese of Michigan;
rt. Ann:al Parish Tea and Re-
Sn, _Ia;is Hall; 7 p.m. Student
irig, Ha. ','k Hall, speaker, Bishop
inity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
at S. Fifth Ave. Church wor-'
service with Holy Communion
):30. The order for Public Con-
:n Prei aratory to Holy Com-
ion opening the service.
in Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
a meeting for worship at 5
Sunday at the Michigan League.
wing the meeting there will be



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East University at Oakland. DialĀ°3179
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Associate Director
8:30 p.m. Saturday, Avukah party. All wel-
6:00 p.m. Sunday, cost supper
8:00 p.m. Sunday, Forum. Rabbi Harry Kap-
lan will speak on "Je ws, Jobs, and Jitters"
7:30 p.m. Monday, Prof Raphael Isaac will
speak on Jewish Literature.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, class in current Jew-
ish problems conducted by Dr. Isaac Ra-
(Mo. Synod)
Liberty at Third Street
Carl A. Brauer, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Church School
9:30 a.m. Service in German
10:45 a.m. Morning Service. Sermon by pas-
tor; "The Greatness of the Adyent King."
5 - 7:50 p.m. Gamma Delta Student Club
Christmas party and fellowship supper.
7:30 p.m. .Special evening Advent service.
Sermon; "Jacob Wrestling with an Angel"
409 South Division Street
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years
7.:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. to p.gn.
512 E. Huron.
Dr. HoaardChapman, University Pastor.
9:30 a.m. Church School
9:45 a.m. University Students will meet at
the Guild House
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Prof John, Ma-
son Wells, D.D., of Hillsdale College will
speak on "As You See It."
6:15 p.m. Students Guild, 503 E. Huron. Rev.
s W. R. Shaw will speak on "Our Guiding

stmc; Carols from
Is - Vienna Boys'


1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister.
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Palmer Christian, Director of Music.
10:45 a.m. "When God Comes To Us" Sermon
by the Minister. Student Choir.
5:00 p.m. Westminster Guild.
5:00-6:00 Interest Group: Research, Leader-
ship. Training and Music
6:00 p.m. Christmas Supper and program of
carols, readings, and instrumental num-
State and Washington Streets
Chas. W. Brashares, Minister.
Earl Sawyer, Minister
9:45 a.m. Student Class at Stalker Hall. Dis-
cussion of the Book "As I See Religion."
10:40 a.m. Worship Service. Dr C. W. Bras-
shares will speak o n 'Modern Managers.'
The choir under the direction of Achilles
Taliaferro will sing Jesu, Thou Dear Babe
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild for University stu-
dents at Stalker Hall. Christmas program
of music and readings. Dr. Brashares will
speak. Fellowship and Supper follow.
7:30 p.m. 'Christmas Pageant of the Nations'
Masonic Temple
327 South Fourth Avenue
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Sunday School. Lesson for the Adult
Bible Class; "Cities of Refuge."
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "His Right to
7:30 p.m. Evening Service. "Out of Place"
7:00 p.m. Thursday. Teacher Training Class.
Lesson; The Book of 1st Samuel.
8:00 p.m. Thursday. Mid-week Service. "A
Rest for the people of God."
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 7840
9:00 a.m. Early Service (in German)
9:30 a.m. Church School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, Sermon topic;
"More than a Prophet".
6:00 p.m. Student Supper
7:00 p.m. Youth League Christmas Program


Cho ir

with instrumental accompani-
ment. Uw White at the Organ.
Silent Night (Gruber)
Hark; The Herald Angels Sing

-- too hopeful for Santa to go to sleep.

But hundreds

Camie Upon
Clear (Willis)
y to the World
Littl o Town


the Midnight
of Bethlehm

of children's dreams will be shattered

this Christmas

The First Nowell (Traditional)
ussian Christmas Music (Tradi-
tioiial) Stokowski-Philadelphia
Bre feste Burg (A Mighty For-
tress) <Bach) Orchestra
hristmas Hymns and Carols;
Trinity Choir
[essiah-Fastoral Symphony;
(Hands . Stokowski-Philadel-
phia "
relude in B Minor (Bach)
n a Clock Store (Orth) Victor
Hunt in the Black Forest (Voel-
ker) Orchestra
desta Ficeles; Trinity Choir
he Palms (Faure) John McCor-
anta Clais Is Comin' to Town:

if Santa forgets to come. . Make a joyous Christmas
possible for everyone by purchasing your Goodfellow

Daily on Monday.

Your nickel helps to make someone



The Goodfellow Daily I

The friendly little church around the
Fountain Street at Miller Avenue






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