THE MICHIGAN DAILY British Policy Harms Peace Bankers Told Professor Heneman Calls Munich Accord 'Deal' Which Favored Hitler (Continued from Page 1) University as "ranking far above that of any state." Michigan banks have neglected definite eduational responsibilities, Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven told the conference in its afternoon session. "Banks are social institutions of a democracy and should study their relation to the general welfare and to the education of the public," he declared. "They cannot expect to fill their place in society if they are con- tent to operate by the trial and error method." At-the noon luncheon session, Dean Clare E. Griffin of the Business Ad- ministration introduced I r v i n g Shields, a "practicing economist" who discussed "The Future of Interest Iates." The present low level of short term interest rates is due, Mr. Shields declared to the large volume of excess reserves now held by mem- her banks in the Federal Reserve System. This excess makes it un- necessary for member banks to bor- row from reserve banks and thus de- stroys the loan demand. A similar condition of low interest rates accom- panying an excess of reserves has prevailed in England, France and Switzerland for a decade.i The long term interest rate level has been kept down, Mr. Shields said, by the reduced demand for loans by private enterprise, by the slack con- dition of the building industry and by the depressing effect of the short term rate. --Goodfellows-Monday- Arabs Promise Aid To French Colony (Continued frorn Page 1) called for new Italian concessions in French-controlled Tunisia while anti- French feeling mounted in various parts of the country to the accom- paniment of renewed mass demon- strations and a feverish press can- paign. In what direction the steam ulti- mately will blow off remained a mys- tery. "Tunisia," "Suez," and"Djibou- ti" were the watchwords of the cam- paign, but there was no sign of Itali- an claims on France being presented in diplomatic form. Anti-French demonstrations con- tinued, chiefly in Rome, Naples and M ilan... 'Writing fin Il Giornale D'Italia, Gayda denounced France for failing to carry out the agreement signed in 1935 by Premiers Pierre Laval and Benito Mussolini. The editor added Italy is receptive to new negotiations. But in this connection he warned that a vast change has occurred in the political situation since 1935 and made it plain that Italy is looking for more comprehensive concessions in Africa in any new agreement. Gayda blamed the French for not having negotiated a special Tunisian accord as contemplated under the 1935 agreement. Goodfellows-Monday Up-State Students Plan Dance At Iron Mountain Upper Peninsula tudents from the University and from Michigan State College will celebrate their Christmas holiday vacation with an "all campus dance" at Stager Lake near Iron Mountain on Wednesday night, Dec. 28; it was announced today by Wil- liam G. Jackson, '41, chairman of arrangements. Hiawatha Clubs of both universi- ties, with a membership composed entirely of northern Michigan stu- dents, will sponsor the event. Tickets have been 'placed on sale in East Lansing, Ann Arbor, and various stores in Iron River and Iron Moun- tain. Dancing will be in Gay Gables pavilion and music will be furnished by George Corsi's orchestra, of Iron Mountain. Chinese Moral Undented By Jap Bayonets, Molly Yard Declares Women In China Emerging l road filling up the holes as soon as As National Leaders, Says'the planes left. f The women in China in the last Head Of Relief Board ten years have undergone a com- The Japanese sphere of influence in China extends as far as the bay- onet, Molly Yardi, national chairman of the Far Eastern Student Service declared at a meeting in the League to form a United Committee To Aid China. Miss Yard has just returned from a three months trip to China. When Canton was bombed this' summer, Miss Yard was amazed at the1 high morale demonstrated by the populace. The Mayor of Canton, she said, issued a statement declaring that the people of Canton realized the purpose of the aerial bombings and were undaunted. Miss Yard told of seeing farmers along the rail- pete emancipation, Miss Yard said, adding that in the present war they have developed into leaders and, workers behind the battle lines. Ting, Ling. a famous woman author, recog- nized the Northwestern Front Ser- vice group, composed of young people who went to the Eighth Route ArmyI to train soldiers for teaching civil- ians in the district. Although there are few women in this part of China, they hold positions of leadership, Miss Yard said. Miss Yard stressed the need for funds to enable Chinese students to continue their reconstruction work as well as their education. Representa- tives from the Ann Arbor Woman's Club, The American League for Peace and Democracy, the Chinese Students' Club, Y.W.C.A., American office and should be filled out im- Foreman. Salary range $140.160. BULLT IN Umediately. Girls who have filled out Dec. 28. DAILY OFFIC AL B L E IN application blanks previously must Institution Maintenance Cabinet- PuIiieation In the Bulletinis constructive notice to all members of i o forms to be considered maker.Salary range $115-135. Jan. 5. tversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President applicants.omplete announcements of the aati 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. -_ - .New Cooperative House for Women: above examinations may be read in llgirlsintered inwrk withthe University -Bureau of Appoint- SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 1938 sion to take such books with them, 11gs inteested n oring ments and Occupational Information VOL. XLIX. No. 65 provided they are not in general de- Assembly in forming a new coopera- 201 Mason Ha1l Office hours: 9-12 .mand, on application at the office of tive house for next year, should leave Notices the Superintendent of Circulation. their names at the Dean of women's and 2-4. . t University Bureau of Appointments Faculty, College of Engineering: C ~~~~e~~ A office irmmediately. A mreeting of all and Occupational Information. There will be a rmeeting of the Fac- CA girls interested will be held at 4 p.m. uter will eetingTeac-;plication blanks for the new men's Saturday at the Michigan League. ulty of this College on Tuesday, Dec ooperative house are available in Bowling: Women students interest- 13, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West (Continued on Page 4) Engineering Building, the Dean of Students office. Room 2, Michigan Civil Service: The Bureau Be a Goodfellow Reports from the following com-University Hall, and in Room 306 of of Appointments has received notice the Union. These blanks must be of the following Michigan Civil Serv- Bridge T ourney Tuesday mittees: Freshman Scholastic Stand- i turned in at Sunday's meeting and ice Examinations. Last date for fil- ing (new); Freshman Assembly; ing application is given in each case. The third session of the Union's Scholastic Standing; Routine Busi- mus be aompaniembyrone dollar Engneering Draftsman. Salary weekly duplicate bridge tournanient ness will be the order. tmrange $105-125. Dec. 23. for men will be held from 8:30 to 1 Meeting is in Room 306 Union Sun- MtrEupetEetiin al A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Motor Equipment Electrician. Sal- p.m. Tuesday in the small ballroom day at 3 p.m. Attendance is com- ary range $130-150. Dec. 23. of the Union, it was announced yes- Ipulsory. Motor Equipment Repairman. Sal- Student Loans. The Committee on a r $105-iso. De 2. terday by Don Nixon, '40, Union Student Loans will meet Dec. 12 in Applications for the Girls Coopera- Tailor. Salary range $105-125. Dec. publicity chairman. A registration Room'2, University Hall. New appli- tive House for, next semester are 23. fee" of 10 cents per person will be cations for loans for the second se- (available at the deans of women's Construction Asphalt Roofing charged. 3 5 G 1 1 1 B Student Union and the Committee for German Club To Give Medical Aid to China agreed to form Yuletide Party Dec. 14 a committee to contact and solicit support from organizations on cam- pus and in town. A Christmas party in characteris- -Be a Goodtellow - tic German festive spirit will be the crowning event in the current series Swing And Square Dance of functions presented by the Deuts- Feature Frolic Tonight cher Verein, according to Dr. Werner F F. Striedieck of the German depart- -Both swing and square dancing ment. The party will be held at 8 will be featured tonight at the A.S.U. p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 14 at the wil aturdtyhat the A yU } League. Frolic at Unity Hall, sponsored by The chorus of the Verein has been the local chapter of the American practicing appropriate music 'to pre- Student Union. Kimon Friar will sent on this occasion and it has plan-. lead the square dance. ned to have the members join in on A book auction, a Professor Quiz the more popular songs. contest and refreshments will round To complete the atmosphere, a out the evening's activity. Decora- large Christmas tree,, decorated in tions depicting the work of the A.S.U. the German manner will occupy the during the past year will provide at- place of honor. German students mosphere. and faculty members interested in Chaperons for the dance will be German are invited to attend this Prof. and Mrs. Michael S. Pargment party, Dr. Striedieck said. and Mr. and Mrs. William Kemnitz, mester will be considered at that time. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their posses- sion books drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that books are due Monday, Dec. 12, before thej impending Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the University regula- tion: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for more than a week must first re- turn all borrowed books." Books needed between Dec. 12 and the beginning of vacation may be re- itained upon application at the charg- ing desk. 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students remaining~in town may charge and renew books for seven- day periods beginning Dec. 12. 4. Students leaving town who have urgent need for books during the va- cation period will be given permis- HIM '" { D ^w.. , , , .. <~ . ' ,. .. Everybody's Coming Across!' Girls ! Girls ! 20 more days till the J-Hop. Here's the chance to earn your way. ..s + w« a s w i a1VV The NEWEST and BEST in BOOKS, STATIONERY, NOVELTIES, ETC. THE NEW MICHIGAN CALENDARz WA HR'SUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES 316 South State Street 103 North Main Street Featuring BILL SAWYER'S BAND K Saturday, Dec. 10 $1.00 per Couple 9 until 12 ROSS The Christmas COME, AC Christmas Special DETROIT JEWELL GAS RANGE $-6950 AND YOUR OLD STOVE! ONLY - $5.00 - DOWN Monthly Payments $3.07. DAILY AT 2:00 - 4:00 - '7:00 - 9:00P.M. STARTING TODAY! (Four Days Only) SWING ! RHUMBA ! TANGO! Joan's Newest Triutph ! With A Host Of Fine Stars 1 screen s'" ~% "gi u\ StarstigtCaia- r ; 4N s N --Extra - - Floyd Gibbons a "Fighting Judge" Grantland Rice Spartlight "Chain- .r : j I t MICHIGAN --- NOW Matinees 25c Nights 35c - Starts Sunday - "BROTHER RAT" EVERY DAY will be a holiday from extra work with a gleaming, modern gas range in the kitchen. Perfectly cooked meals, with the least time and fussing on your part . . . deliciously done foods that will thrill your family. Come in today and se this super value gas range to-day '4I KYOUNJ "4 N tn TREE TIS LARGE ALUMINUM ROSTER WITH ANY NEW CABINET TYPE RANGE PURCHASED! Complete and delicious meals for the entire family can be prepared in this large roaster on the simmer burner of the modern gas range without pot-watching and at less cnst than with nther tvne roasters