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December 10, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-10

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Cloudy today; tomorrow rain or
snow. Not much change in

Y r



NLRB Splits
The Court .
And The Truth.

VOL. XLIX. No. 65





Deputies Back'
Daladier Rule
To Stave Off'
Fascist Threat
Vote Marks Official Death'
Of People's Front As
France Swings 'Right',
Colonies Demands
Precipitated Action
PARIS, Dec. 10-(Saturday)-)(A)
-The Chamber of Deputies today
voted confidence in Premier Edouard
Daladier by 315 to 241, approving his
decree laws and the methods he used
to end the General Strike.
The vote came after an uproarious
session in which the Premier had
sought Parliamentary support for a
stiff stand against Italian colonial
expansion at French expense.
By the vote the Premier obtained
thie Chamber's approval of his meth-
ods of governing France, which many
of his enemies had called dictatorial.
Whether Rightists on whom he re-
lied for support in the early morn-
ing vote, would back the Preniq
when he asks for decree powers to
continue his "strong man" govern-
ment remained a question.
Heiot In Huff
There was little doubt, however.
that Daladier had gone far in this
first vote, In which the Socialists and
Communists stood solidly against'him.
Twice during the debate Edouard
Herriot, president of the Chamber,
put on his hat ceremoniously and
stalked out, thereby suspending the
Frequently, while Herriot furiously
rang his bell and banged the rostrum
for order, Leftist and Rightist Depu-
ties stood before him screaming in-
sults at each other.
The vote was accepted in the
Chamber as marking the official
death of the Leftist People's Front
which ruled France under the Leon
Blum government until Daladier took
office last April 10.
Swing To Right
The Premier cleary had swung
his government as well as his own
Radical- Socialist Party-a former
member of the People's Front with
Socialists and Communists-into the
Rightist ranks. .
"It is only when a country is strong
that it can rise to prevent anyone
touching its territory," the Premier
told the Chamber of Deputies.
This was a warning to legislators
that France must be strong at home
to defend her colonial empire suc-
cessfully - a warning delivered
against the background of an insist-
ent but unofficial Italian clamor
for Tunisia and other French hold-
Group meetings of Deputies after
the Premier's half-hour defense of.
his domestic and foreign policies in-
dicated the government held a lower
house majority of Conservatives and
Rightists against the Communist and
Socialist opposition.
The Premier defended his under-
standing with Germany, his three-
year plan of "economic mobilization"
and his action in repressing labor's
protests against that plan.
Six To Battle
For Ownership
Of Spoof uncp

It will be a battle of C.C.'s (cranial
capacities) when six nominees of the
engineering college faculty go up on
"the carpet" to compete for the
"Spoofuncup" at the annual A.S.M.E.
roast Wednesday at the Union. Prof.
Hugh E. Keeler, of the mechanical
engineering faculty will be "roast-
The "Spoofuncup" has been award-
ed for the past four years to the
most "popular unpopular" man in
the college and is a trophy highly
revered in engineering circles. An in-
novation in the competition will be'
introduced this year when the six
would-be "Spoofuncuppers" will be
subjected to a harrowing flow of
questions from the floor, Mark Stod-
dard, '39E, publicity chairman, an-
The following men are candidates
for this "high scholastic honor;"
Stoddard disclosed: Prof. Eugene Ash,.
of the metal processing department,
Prof. Charles W. Good, of the mech-
anical engineering department; Prof.
Edward L. Eriksen. of the enginee-.

Arabs Promise Aid To France
As Italian Hostility Increases

9A 6; uo
C IRome
q q
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unis ¢ T
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Italian and anti-Italian demonstrations staged in Tunisia, French
protectorate in northern Africa, coincided with unconfirmed reports
that Italian troops were massing in Insurgent Spain, just across the
I'yrenees from France, as indicated by arrow.
TUNIS, Tunisia, Dec. 9-to)-Arab chieftains of Tunisia proclaimed
their readiness today to fight for France, if necessary, to beat off any
Italian attempt to seize this strategic North African territory.
"Tunisians are ready to defend to the last man the integrity of their
land and respect for treaties which unite them to France," Ahmed Chen-
---------- ----~-ick vice president of the Tunisian
I section of the Arab Grand Council,
Tankers Best declared in an interview.
"To confuse, Tunisia with Ethiopia
Rela Record or the Sudetenland is a bad error of
G l He said the Tunisian section of the
I SW' -Gla Arab Grand Council, in the name of
more than 2,000,000 natives, had
sent assurances to French Resident-
Tomaski Paces Swinuners GenealErica LaBonne of their loyal-
ty and desire "to live as free men un-
As Old Marks Totter der the raegis of France."'
In Annual Swii - Fest Similar messages came from other
Arab organizations.
_ BY MEL FINEBERG Imposing forces of. French police,
By ELmobile guards and troops remained
Michigan's National Collegiate on watch to check any new outbreaks
Swimming Champions unofficially like yesterday's rival demonstrations
bettered one American record and of French and Italian sympathizers
approached two others as Matt Mann but the ,ay, a Moslem day of wor-
put his squad through its fourth an- ship, passed in tense quiet.
nual Swim Gala before an overflow Police and mobile guards protect-
crowd that was completely captivated ed the Italian Consulate here, the
from the first race until Hal Benham offices of the Fascist newspaper
and Adolph Ferstenfeld ended the Unione, the Italian Aerial and Mari-
evening in a tandem swan dive at time Navigation Co., and the Italian
the Intramural Building Pool last library and bank.
Waldemar Tomski, elongated free- Italy May Ask Negotiations
styler and for two years an all-Ameri- ROME, Dec. 9-A')-The authoi-
can, figured in, tumbling the one tative Italian editor Virginio Gayda
mark and dared one other. The var- indicated today that Italy wants new
sity relay team of Bill Beebe, Capt. negotiations with France to settle
Tom ~Haynie, Charley Barker and the question of Italian rights in North
Tomski was timedin 1:33.5 to better Africa.
the listed American mark for 100- Gayda denounced France and
yards by nine-tenths of. a second. (Continued On Page 2?
The relay, a handicap event in Be a Goodiellow

U.S. Opposes
Military Pacts
In Arnericas
Pan-American Conference
Opens At Limna; Berle
Clarifies U. S. Attitude
Mutual Assistance
Declaration Hinted
LIMA, Dec. 9.-(PA)-- The Eighth;
Pan-American Conference opened to-
night with a declaration by its head,
President Oscar Benavides of Peru,
that the Western Hemisphere "wishes
to be strong in order to!be respected."
Benavides' assertion before the
conference came as Adolf A. Berle,
Jr., assistant secretary of state, told
a radio audience that, the United
States is not seeking any military
alliances with Latin American na-
"It is said by some that military
alliances will be sought," said Berle,
a member of his government's dele-
gation to the conference. "Of Bourse,
this is only a rumor and is obviously
out of the question."
The possibility appeared, however,"
that a frank Pan-American declara-
tion in favor of mutual assistance in*
case of foreign aggression in this
hemisphere would be made.
The first concrete proposal for in-
creased inter-American cooperation
was submitted by the Argentine dele-
gation. The Argentine plan would
call for mutual consultation of Ameri-
can countries through annual meet-,
ings of their foreign ministers or rep-
Berle, in his radio broadcast, said
the countries of the Western Hemi-
sphere "have not lived under a sys-I
tem of military alliances, nor so far
as I know does any of them care to
start such a system now. "
It was learned from a most re-
liable source that Brazil expected to
take the initiative on the .much dis-
cussed defense plan but passage of
such a resolution was doubtful since
some nations were not in favor of
going so far.
4aWAL-it was.said,.. would offer a
resolution whereby the conference
would declare the nations of the
Americas ready to stand together

Crisler Next
Athletic Head
Tells 400 Alumni In N.Y.
'Fritz' Was Considered
For Job Five Years Ago
Departing Seniors
Lauded By Coach
NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-(Special to
the Daily)-Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of
the Law School, chairman of the
Board in Control of Athletics, today1
promised 400 riotous Metropolitan
alumni in scarcely veiled language
that Head Coach Herbert O. (Fritz)
Crisler would be the University's next
athletic director, replacing Fielding
H. Yost who now serves in that
Recalling that former Regent
James O. Murfin five years ago had
talked with him about a successor to
Yost, Professor Aigler told the alumni
he had suggested at that time that
Crisler .be appointed. When he in-
troduced Fritz, he said that Mrs.
Crisler "was happy their move to
Ann Arbor was the 'last one."'
(Last year, when Crisler was
brought here, it was rumored that
only the promise of the athletic di-
rectorship had clinched him for,
Crisler answered the cheering al-
umni, starving from a depression
football era, that his team "had done
everything that could be asked of it,"
and, speaking of the goal-line stand
in the Northwestern game, added,
"Don't crown me a miracle man. I'm
not. The team this year was dedi-
cated to seniors and it was they who
did it."
"I worked the team harder than
any I ever had before," he told them
as he forecast trouble in filling the
line between ends next season be-
cause "we have lost some great men,
and fine leadership in our graduat-
ing seniors."
Harold Carf, president of Ohio i
State ' Universty's Alumni Associa-
tion, promised to build a high wall
around the state of Ohio to keep,
Michigan, Yale and Harvard from,
recruiting men there. Professor Aig--I

Basketeers Face
First Test Tonight
Against Spartans

Leads Quintet

Captain Leo Beebe Leads
'Mystery' Team Against
Foe; Veterans To Start
Record Gives State
Five Slight Edge
A highly touted Michigan State
squad will prologue a new chapter
in Michigan basketball history to-
night as the two teams square off
in Yost Field House at 7:30 p.m.
For the Wolverines, it will be their
first game under head Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan, former Michigan three
sport star. Can he coach like he used
to play? It will be the first game in
three years without John Townsend
in the line-up. How will that affect
the results? It will be the first test of
Michigan's new fast-brealing offen-
sive attack. Will it produce?
Local court fans should have! at
least a partial answer to these ques-
tions by the time the final gun
sounds tonight. Students will be
admitted upon presentation of their
identification cards and for non-
students, general admission is 75
cents with reserved seats $1.
Having coasted to a 36-26 victory
over Kalamazoo in their opener Wed-
nesday. night, the Spartans enter to-
night'a battle a slight favorite to
mar Michigan's inaugural festivities.
Boasting two tall, smooth-working
quintets, Coach Ben F. Van Alstyne
admits that State's prospects are "the
finest in years." His first team is
composed of five veteran performers.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan this sea-
son was confronted with a much dif-
ferent situation. Gone was John
Todrnsend, All-Conference and All-
American forward. With him had
departed veteran guard Herm Fish-
man and forward Bill Barclay. With
Townsend, a great passer, in the
game, Coach Franklin Cappon had
depended upon a methodical set-play
offense but Bennie now had other
He remebered the days when he
was an All-Conference forward at
Michigan. Then speed was the weap-
on of attack. He liked the fast game
and was impressed by its success at
Purdue and other schools. His squad
was short but fast. Thus the fast
break was reinserted into the Wol-
verine cage repertoire and that's what
(Continued on Page 3)
Be a Goodfellow -
British Policy
Haris Peace



Year-Around Christmas Cheer'
Replaces Old Fashioned Charity

which the varsity started at the
count of two, was easily the most
thrilling event of an unusually thrill-
ing evening. Beebe, first man for the
varsity was a half length behind the
leading freshman and Haynie lost an
additional yard. But sensational
(Aharley Barker, picked up the deficit
by the first turn and handed Tomski
an arm advantage. And Tomski came
home a length in front. The freshman
team of Gus Sharemet, Tom Wilhams,
Dobson Burton. and John Gillis, was
second. '
In the 50-yard free-style, Tomski
again stole the show. With a two
second handicap, Walt, one of the
(CoIA111je ,l onPaze 61

.Students Broadcast
Radio Skit Today
Five students in broadcasting will
dramatize the ninth in a series of
stories of all nations at 9 a.m. today,
over radio station WJR,. Detroit.
The story, "The Green Fly," is a
dramatic sketch based upon a short
story selected from the literature of
various nations. Included in the cast
are Stephen Filipiak, '39; Ellen Roth-
blatt, '39; Mary Rall, '39; Hazel
Johnson, '41 and Johnston Wilcox.

The four years of The Daily Good-
fellow drive have been four years of
a steadily progressive type of social
service breaking away from the out-
worn and inhuman practice of giving
only at Christmas, according to Mrs.
Gordon W. Brevoort, secretary of
the Family Welfare Bureau of Ann
Poor people are not poor just at.
Christmas, they do not have bad
eyes just at Christmas, they are not
in need of food or clothes just at
Christmas, she said. Nor do they
like to be exploited just for the hap-
piness of the givers, to be stared at,
to be given clothes beyond their stan-
dards, to hear people say, "Oh, the
poor things."4
To replace this outdated system of
giving, the Family Welfare Bureau set
up the idea of taking the money
donated byAnn Arbor,itraditionally
a "big" giver at Christmas, and
spreading it throughout the year on
Christmas giving in the right way.
With this idea in mind, the Fam-
ily Welfare Bureau contacted the edi-
torial board .of the Daily in the fall
of 1935 and together they worked out
this substitute for the traditional.
As a result the Daily put out a spe-
cial edition of the paper on Monday
the day when it was not scheduled to
appear, organized a group of campus
salesmen and, turned the proceeds
over to the Family Welfare Bureau
because this group provided trained
men who knew how to dispense such
funds. No strings were attached to
the money and the Bureau could de-
cide how much it would spend at
Christmas and how much during the
rest of the year without old fashioned
sentimental ideas interfering, Mrs.
Brevoort said.
In 1936 the same idea of year round
giving was stressed. Some of the,
proceeds were turned over to the
Dean's Discretionary Fund and the
remainder went to the Family Wel-
fare Bureau to use as it saw fit.
The Goodfellow Edition was offered
as a substitute for wornout Christ-
mas parties in 1937 with great suc-
cess, Mrs. Brevoort declared. In ad-
dition to the Dean's Fund and the
Family Welfare Bureau, $150 went to

it is not cruel to the needy, whose
plight is beyond their control, she
said. It permits no embarrassing iden-
tification or direct contact with indi-
gents. Other progressive universi-
ties including the University of Illi-
nois have imitated the plan spon-
sored by The Daily.
considerable interest in social service
circles throughout the nation, she
Students Mimic Bergen
In Satirical Recording
A special recording of Charley Mc-
Carthy and Edgar Bergen was made
by broadcasting class students for
the meeting of Society of American
Foresters Wednesday. Thursday and
Friday, Dec. 14 to 16, in Columbus, O.
James Aldrich plays the part of
Charley and is reputed to be a dead
ringer for him in voice, while Ted
Grace, '39, portrays Edgar. Other
members of the sketch which is a
take-off on high officials close to
the New Deal and their relations with
the forestry profession are Secretary
Whickus, Karl Klauser, '39; Ger-
trude Stein, Margery Soenksen, '39;
Dr. Moan, Harold Gast, '39; the dean,
Ben Wampler, '39A; Chief Billbox,
David Blue, '39; Professor Flapman,
Randall Braun and the announcer,
Jack Zuideveld..

Sextet Seeks
First Victory'
Here Tonight
Hockey Squad Prepareq
For Severe Test With.
Strong Canadian Outfit
Michigan's inexperienced but in-
spired hockey team will have its sec-
ond test of the season when it clashes
with a strong Western Ontario sex-
tet tonight at the Coliseum.
The game, scheduled for 8:30, is.
expected to pack the Michigan skat-
ing arena.
With two hard workouts behind
them since the McMaster tilt, Coach
Eddie Lowrey has been able to polish
off a few of the many rough spots
apparent in the opening game. It is
necessary that these edges be taken
care of due to the fact that they will
be facing a much better team than
the McMaster outfit.
The Wolverine's starting line-up
will be the same that opened Tues-
day's game. The goal will be taken
care of by "Spike" James. More
than once in the opening contest saves
by James kept the McMaster team
from making a score that would have,
resulted in a defeat for the Wolver-
At the defense posts will be Capt.
Les Hillberg and Lawrence Calvert.
Both of these men played the entire
game, and will probably do the same
tonight-due to the simple fact that
Coach Lowrey has no reserves to call
upon for these positions.
The forward line, which improved
as the game progressed, will find.
George Cooke and Al Chadwick tak-
ing care of the wings, while Ev Doran
fills in at the center position. Al-
though lacking the power of last
year's forward line these three were
Iable to keep the puck in foreign ter-
ritory a majority of the time against
Western, under the leadership of
Ernie Pettinger, will have practically
(Continued on Page 3)


Bankers Told
Professor Heneman Calls
Munich Accord 'Deal'
Which Favored Hitler
Great Britain's traditional foreign
policy of "muddling through" as em-
ployed in the recent European crisis
has harmed the cause of permanent
peace, Prof. Harlow J. Heneman of
the political science ,department de-
clared last night in a banquet address
before the first annual conference of
the Michigan Bankers' Association
in the 'Union.
Describingnthe settlement reached
at Munich as a "deal," Professor
Heneman asserted that Prime Minis-
ter Chamberlain made the issue seem
one of "peace or war and set himself
up as the saviour of Europe." He
accused Chamberlain of failing to
"call Germany's bluff." "The Prime
Minister had weapons at his com-
mand, but failed to use them," Pro-
fessor Heneman said. "He could have
suggested that Great Britain ally
with France, Czechoslovakia and Sov-
iet Russia in a united front against
German demands."
"But," he continued, "Chamberlain
went to Munich prepared to give Hit-
ler what he wanted." Great Britain,
he said, has sacrificed international
cooperation to German domination
under the leadership of Chamberlain
who at times seemed a "willing tool
of Hitler."
Professor Heneman reviewed past
events in British foreign policy un-
der the national cabinets of Baldwin
and Chamberlain. "The Tory govern-
ments," he pointed out, "supported
Japan's first attempts to dismember

Ex-Sudeten Leader Sees Small
Nations Defeating Nazi Empire

i a i3ri i

Experts Term Allergy Defense
Mechanism Of Precocious Cells,

Describing a Germany more for-
midable and more desperate than
ever since the advent of Hitler, Dr.
Karl W. Deutsch, former representa-
tive of the Sudetendeutschen in the
C ,echoslovakian Parliament, last
niight predicted the fall of the Nazi
empii'e because of the small coun-
tries "you can't get rid of."
The acquisition of Austria was
economically worthless, Dr. Deutsch,
who came to this country as the Ger-
man delegate to the World Youth

The young Czechoslovakian states-
man quoted Wickham Steed, former
editor of The London Times, as say-
ing that the democracies c Europe
are inseparably linked to the terri-
torial integrity and independence of
the smaller nations.
He pointed out that Germany,
strangely enough, demanded the "re-
turn" of what never was her's. The
powers, in the hysteria of impend-
ing war, seemed to forget that one
boundary the Versailles Treaty did
not create or alter was the German-
Czechoslovakian frontier, he said.

That allergy may be a form of de-
fense mechanism for humans whose
body cells have outstripped their en-
vironment was a hypothesis advanced
by Dr. B. Jimenez of the medical
school faculty.
The hypothesis was an attempt to
explain the startling correlation be-
tween allergy and intelligence dis-
covered in recent studies at the
Health Service sensitization clinic.
The fact that so many people of
high intelligence tend to be hyper-

These allergic symptoms include
hay-fever, asthma, rose-fever, ecze-
ma, digestive upsets, frequent colds,
hives and headaches.
The very super-sensitiveness of
body cells which cause the above
symptoms of reactions to foreign sub-
stances in allergic people are likely
to indicate super-resistance to disease
Dr. Reuben L. Kahn, professor of

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