I a Weather Rain turning to snow cooler tomorrow. ®r- igan ~1~aitF Editorial #30' For PaulY. Anderson . . Uncle Sam- Super-Salesman toda ; A. XN.4- VOL. XLIX.' No. 64 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1938, PRICE, FIVE CENTS i t Conference Of Americas OpensToday Pre- Session Conversation Indicates Cooperation Will Be Main Interest Method Of Fighting Propaganda Sought LIMA, Peru, Dec. 8-(AP)-The twin principles of "the Americas for Americans" and closer cultural, economic and political cooperation claimed the major interest tonight of delegates to the eighth Pan-Ameri- can Conference which will open here tomorrow. Secretary Cordell Hull, head of the United States delegation, said after a talk with President Oscar Bena- vides of Peru that he was encouraged to believe there would be no differ- ence on fundamental. issues during the conference. 1041 ,Is Optimistic1 The Secretary of State told his N press conference that pre-conference talks were developing gradually what appeared to be increasing disposition to find ways of reaching agreements. He described his conference with Benavides as "very interesting," but said he could not quote the Peruvian President.. It appeared doubtful that "the Americas for Americans" issue would become a bitter fight on the confer- ence floor because of the various dele- gates apparent willingness to give aadtake " on the matter.' It was generally believed, however, that the representatives would leave the meeting of the 21 American re- publics with a stronger determination to combat foreign propaganda which has been spread in South America the past ,five years and which has been speeded up since the four-power Munich Conference Sept. 29. Better Relations Seen In the informal pre-conference conversations, the hopes of bringing the American nations closer politic- ally a nd .ecnmcally-f not bY actual military lliances-wereoi- cussed more than any other topic, although no delegate cared to ex- press himself too openly, Europebh Interest in this confer- ence has been greater than in any previous meeting. One evidence is the presence of a large number of Euro- pean correspondents, especially Ger- man. Some delegates were said to believe a mere restatement of the Monroe Doctrine would be sufficient to warn European nations to keep hands off. Others believe no definite action was necessary because the American nations, they said, always had stood together and always would. ---Goofelows-MOnday - Former Sudeten Leader Foresees Europe's Future Karl W. Deutsch Speaks Today Under Auspices Of Local Peace Group Dr. Karl W. Deutsch, former Sude- ten German member of the Czech parliament, will speak on "The Fu- ture of Europe" at 8 p.m. today at the Unitarian Church under the auspices of the Ann Arbor branch of the American League for Peace and Dem- ocracy, Dr. Deutsch was one of the Sude- ten German representatives to the World Youth Congress, held in Aug- ust at Vassar College, as a delegate of'the All-German Democratic Youth Club and the Social Democratic party of Czechoslovakia. Since the Con- gress he has been traveling as a lecturer for the American League for Peace and Democracy. Dr. Deutsch attended the German University at Prague, which was established shortly after the War by the Czechs and Germans for the German minority in Czechoslovakia. The causes for the recent dismem- berment of democratic Czechoslovakia will be stressed by Dr. Deutsch in hi, talk here which will probably be thi last one he will give in the United States. Dr. Leroy Waterman of tht oriental languages department wil preside at the meeting. --Goodfellows-Mon day One Week Remains For Senior Picture Faculty Will Turn Newsboys' For Good fellow Drive Monday Ruthven And Bursley Lead 'Peddlers' hi Noon Hour Sales On The Diagonal By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Fortunes of the fourth annual Goodfellow drive were spurred to un- precedented heights last night with' the announcement of a gigantic open- air apple polishing session to extend the length of the diagonal from 12 to 1 p.m., (as the crow flies) Monday, at which time more than a score of fac- ulty men, cleverely disguised as Goodfellows. will peddle the special edition of the Daily. The faculty force, though unaccom- panied by the traditional grade books and red ink, wil _inject, it is freely predicted by unimpeachable sources, a TNT hypodermic into noon-hour sales. No incompletes will be ac- cepted. Students esirous of "mak- ing the grade" this semester are ad- vised to present themselves early as the lines of purchasers will be long and there may be some valuable "A's" and "B's" being lost in the scuffle. Proposals to erect turnstiles at each 'end of the diagonal and charger admission for the noon hour showI were rejected late last night on the grounds that the faculty would lose its amateur standing. The process of separating campusc peregrinators from coins large enought to keep a nickolodian working over-1 time will be under the personal sup- ervision of President Alexander G.v Ruthven, and Dean Joseph A. Burs-t ley, well known local big-wigs who will be assisted by such classroom fireballs as° Prof. Lewis G. Vanderl Velde, Prof. John L. Brumm, Prof.c Donal Haines, Prof. Roy. Swinton, Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, Prof. Men-' tor L. Williams, T. Hawley Tapping, Fielding H. Yost and a complete cata- log of others. Dr. Ruthven will set up his office in the middle of the dia- onal from 12 to 12:15 p.m. The remainder of the pedagogic sparkplugs will deploy along the cen- ter walk in a formation allegedly de- sigzed to throw passing students for a per capita loss guaranteed to reduce receipts to a maximum. The or- dinary student t aing six curses and desirous of atnifty bluo-prit this se- mester, should forge through from East University to State Street at a total cost not exceeding $2.82, Daily mathematics experts estimated last JOHop Positions Are Announced By Treadwell Eight Committees Begin Work On Junior Dance; Name Bands Contacted Committees for arrangements for the forthcoming J-Hop were an- nounced last night by Don Treadwell, '40, chairman. The committees were chosen from recently elected J-Hop representatives from the University's junior class. The committees are: tickets, Har- old Holshuh, '40; booths, Roberta Leete, '40, and Larry Rinek, '40E; building. Al Conrath, 42E, and Red- ford Zittel, '40E; decorations, Wes- ley Lane, '40, and Don Nixon, '40; music, Dorothy Robinson, '40M; Spublicity, James Halligan, '40F&C; programs, Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40; and patrons, Martha Dailey, '40, and Vievia Hoelscher, '40kM. The couittees will begin work immmediately, Treadwell stated. Salesman DeLuxe PRESIDENT RUTHVEN night. Special round trip arrange- ments will also be available. Competition for the cast iron blue book, bound in concrete and auto- graphed by Thag, the Acacia horselet, who already has two legs on the trophy, promised to be unusually stiff last night as learned Spoofuncup champs and literary linguists alike whipped their campaign speeches in- to apple pie order. The Goodfellow army, meanwhile, lunged forward on another flank as dollar bills with homing instincts were said to be in the process of develop- ment. Goodellows-Monday - Sick Children Aided By Drive Of Goodfellows Last Year's Funds Used To Buy Games, Books And Picture Projector Last year's Goodfellow funds have been used to a great advantage for the happiness of children in the University Hospital, according t& Miss Dorothy Ketcham, director of the so- cial service department of the Univer- sity Hospital. Part of the money to, be raised this year will go to theI same use. Chief among the articles for which the funds were used, was a tri-pur- pose projector with films from the Society for Visual Education, Miss Ketcham said. This has been par- ticularly advantageous to children who are too ill to engage in very posi- Aid China' Drive Opens Here Today Molly Yard, National chairman of the Far Eastern Student Service Fund, speak at a meeting to form a United Committhe to Aid China, to be held at 3 p.m. today at the Michi- gan League. Last year more than $18,000 was raised through the Far Eastern Stu- dent Emergency Fund to be used for relief. In addition to keeping Chi- nese students alive, this fund pre- pares leadership for future recon- struction. Part of the fund is used to help student groups in Japan which seek to maintain solidarity with you organizations of other countries. Organizations which have already1 indicated their willingness to partici- pate in tomorrow's meeting includel the Student Relgious Association, the Amercan Student Union, the Ameri- can League for Peace and Democ- racy and the Chinese Students Club. --Be a Goodfellow Phi Kappa Phi Holds Banquet For Members 58 Initiates Are Inducted! At National Scholastic Honor Society Dinner Foty-nine students and nine fac-l culty members were initiated into, Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic i honor society, at a banquet held yes- terday in the League.- Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch of the1 music department gave the address of the evening, speaking on "The Au-' tonomy of Music." He was introduced1 by Prof. Preston E. James of the] geography department, president of the society. Phi Kappa Phi is the only national honorary society which' draws its members from all scholarly fields. Members are picked on the basis of scholarship, personality and service Ito the University. New faculty initiates were Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President; Prof. A. Franklin Shull of the zoology departi'ent; Dr. Bradley M. Patten of the anatomy depart- ment; Prof. Willard C. Olson of the education school; Prof. Dow V. Bax- ter of the forestry school; Prof. Jesse Ormondryod of the engineering me- chahics department; Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch of the music school; Prof. .Thomas A. Knott of the English de- partment, and Prof. Henry W. Nord- meyer of the German department. Student initiates from the College of Literature,Science and the Arts were: Robert V. Rosa, David G. Hertzberg, Charles L. Dolph, Robert A. Nabatoff, Joseph Bernstein, Benjamin Leopold, John Roy Liotto, David M. Stocking, (Continued on Page 2) Be a Goodfellow GOP Gathers To Hear Talk By Fitzgerald Governor-Elect Pledges Himself To 'Safe And Sound' Administration Claris Adams Tells Of National Issues Seven hundred Washtenaw county Republicans filled the Union ball- room to near-capacity last night to hear Gov.-elect Frank D. Fitzgerald pledge himself to a "safe and sound" administration when he takes the governor's chair Jan. 1. Fitzgerald delivered a 30-minute address before a massed audience at a good-will dinner sponsored by Washtenaw Republican organizations in celebration of victory at the polls in the election of Nov. 8. The audience rose to their feet in tribute, and applauded when Senator George P. McCallum, of Ann Arbor, introduced Governor Fitzgerald as the "man who will bring Michigan to the top again." The governor-elect responded to the ovation with a promise that his administration would maintain a friendly association with the working-man, and "show him that we are his friends." A score of newly-elected state and county GOP officials attended the meeting. Luren D. Dickinson, newly- elected lieutenant-governor, was un- able to attend at the last moment, but Aud.-Gen. Vernon Brown, State- Treas. Miller Dunckle, Sec.-of-State Harry Kelly, and several local party members were present as guests. Pres. Alexander Ruthven and Shirley W. Smith attended the dinner for the University. Mr. Fitzgerald asserted that "the depression started in Michigan and that it would end here." He expressed the hope that a Republican victory in the presidential election of 1940 would be partly. accomplished by the institution. of "an intelligent govern-j went in our state." Glaris Adams, of Columbus, Ohio,, concluded the program with an ad- dress on "National Issues," The Uni- versity Glee Club sang while dinner music was furnished by the Four Mountaineers. -Good felows-Monday - New Co-op House Being Considered Crisis On Contineit impends AsTunisia ,Is TornWith S tri I rFr Tension Strong As Italians Rnter-Araternity And French Detachments Children's Party Await Emergency Call Is First Of Kind Daladier Strength . ' The Christmas party to be given for Ann Arbor's children by campus fraternities on Wednesday in Hill Auditorium, will be the first of its 'kind ever to be held in Ann Arbor. The mass entertainment will replace the individual children's parties that have been given by many individual fraternities in former years. In addition to more than 2000 chil- dren attending the party, 100 fra- ternity men will also be on hand to aid in the assorted merry-making, it was announced yesterday by Bud Lundahl, Grad., fraternity relations counsel and chairman for the party arrangements. All fraternity pledges are expected to attend, and will be accompanied by many others. The entertainment for the party will be furnished principally by the University Band-and Glee Club, aided by the efforts of a magician and the presentation of an animated car- toon motion picture supplied by the Michigan Theatre. An added feature will be a Santa Claus with six assist- ants who will act as a welcoming committee for the children and assist in the distribution of presents. Committee chairmen appointed to arrange for the party 'are: Dick Van der Burch, '40E,' decorations, Robert Burch, '40E, decorations, Robert Goodyear, '40E, entertainment, Jack Reed, '40, publicity, Howard Egert, '40E, building, and Fritz DeFries, '39, favors. Goodfenows-Monday- ASU Chooses Ten__Delegates .Annual Convention Date Set For Dec. 26-30 Delegates to the fourth annual con- vention of the American Student Union to be held during Christmas vacation in New York City were elected at a meeting of the Michigan chapter of the ASU held last night at the Union. ' The convention will have as its theme "Keep Democracy Moving By Keeping It Moving Forward," andI will be concerned with such issues as "The University We Want to Study In," "The America We Want To Live In" and "The World That > Will Give Us Peace." Those elected to the convention, which will be held Dec. 26 to 30 at City College, are Earl Luby, '39, Rob- 1 ert Emerine, '39, John Brinnin, '41, Jean Maxted, '41, Robert Perlman, f '39, Miriam Sper, '39, George Mutt- - nick, '39, Sidney Koblenz, '39, Hugc Reichart, '39, and Frank Johnson, '39. , SeeniWeakening PARIS, Dec. 8-(IP)-A new crisis hung over Europe yesterday as a re- sult of growing "unofficial" Italian agitation for French-ruled Tunisia. Tension became acute with fresh demonstrations in Italy and France and angry Italian and anti-Italian rioting in the French North African protectorate. Reports from the French-Spanish border said 40,030 Italian troops were massed in Insurgent Spain, just across the Pyrenees from France, emphasizingeFrench fears that Italy might be preparing for military ac- tion. Heavy reinforcements of mobile guards moved into Tunisia to cope with the disorders. Italians there were said to be getting ready to de- fend themselves. Students Riot Thousands of French students demonstrated against Italy in Paris, battling police who sought to halt t'hem, and crying "Venice for France! . ,. Ethiopia for the Negus!" Similar manifestations occurred late yesterday in several cities of France. There were fresh demonstrations in Italy as the Italian press told of "new violence" against the Italian population of Tunisia. In the midst of this resurgent colonial rivalry between France and Italy, French Premier Daladier went before Parliament in an attempt to strengthenhis government's position at home the better to meet Italy's clamor. The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate started general debate lead- ing up to a vote Saturday on Dala- dier's domestic end foreign policy. Tumis Seethes I tive activities but who for brief in-M tervals can participate in some pas-y sive activities. NatatorsO pen A large number of new games with inexpensive books and new toys used ' as models and as a challenge to par- Season W ith . ticularly sick children were made available. They include such items Swin Cariiival as the Color Cone, a Holgate toy, (Cointinued on Page 6) Be a foodrlow I Couplete, Varied Progran Soph Prom To Go On Air Features Team's Fourth For First Time In History Pre-SuesOe 'Swim Gala The Soph Prom will go on the air at midnight tonight over Radio Sta- The 1939 swimming season will1 tion WJR Detroit. Stephen Filipiak, have its preview today when Coachj '39, will be the announcer. Matt Mann presents his National In- This is the first time that an at- tempt has been made to broadcast tercollegiate swimming champions in from a Soph Prom. the fourth annual Swim Gala at the A meeting of all campus women interested in forming a new coopera- tive house will be held at 4 p.m. to- morrow at the Michigan League. Women on the committee to investi-' gate housing, furniture and member- ship are urged to attend. In connection with the drive to establish additional cooperative houses for women being conducted by Assembly, an enthusiastic group met recently to hear about coopera- tive principles and to formulate plans toward the formation of a new house. "Since there is a need for added facilities for girls who need to earn part. of their expenses, the Dean of Women's office is wholeheartedly sup- porting the Assembly drive," stated Dean Alice Lloyd. Allergy Sympto Survey By Dr By JACK CANAVAN r Evidence that allergic students ma possess greater intelligence than thei "normal" classmates was revealed yesterday in figures released by D T2 T~w,.nrii MI LAf th Ydic.Al Schoo'* TUNIS, Tunisia, Dec. &-(Mo--The French administration brought in mobile guard reinforcements, ordered troops to remain in barracks and posted heavy police patrols tonight to put down rioting over Fascist claims to Tunisia. Throngs of Italians, French and Arabs seethed through the streets of Tunis in demonstrations, but order was restored shortly before midnight. After a day of disorder officials announced one persons had been announced one person had been A heavy guard was maintained to prevent' new outbreaks Friday, an Arab day of prayer. It was feared the native population might rise in violent demonstrations against Itali- ans. Appeals came from both Italian and French sides for an end to riot- ing. The Fascist newspaper Uinione called upon the Italian colony to re- main "calm and strong," but accused the French and Arab populace of ,provocation. Three platoons of mobile guards, totalling 100 men, arrived tonight from Algeria and more were expected shortly to attempt to maintain order. Police announced 16 persons had (Continued On Page 2) Be a Goodfellow--- m Of High I.Q., . Jimenez Reveals t yl r ds r. J Intramural Building Pool at 7:30 p.m. The 22 events announced, the most L oclCaseClub Has Grown From 35 To 330 Members By JAMES FRANKEL two leading juniors of each club meet 1 When the Case Club was founded in a final contest. After the first at the University of Michigan Law few years of existance, the law firmt School in 1924, there were but 24 of Bulkley, Ledyard, Dickinson, and, members while today this organiza- Wright, of Detroit, presented $4,0004 tion boasts a membership of 330. The to the Law School in memory of their' club was reorganized along present deceased partner, Henry M. Camp- lines in 1925, with its purpose "to bell, '78 Law, to be used by the Case furnish an extra-curricular oppor- Club. From the interest on this fund,f tunity for the preparation of and the Henry M. Campbell award ofi argument of concrete law cases." It $150 is given each year to the win-1 is because the activity has served such ning counsel. a valuable purpose that its growth The procedure of handling the has been so rapid. trials are the same for both fresh-. participation in Case Club men and juniors. Two students are The nteamed together and the teams are competition, which is open to all divided into two groups, half repre- freshmen and junior law students, senting the plaintiff and half the , furnishes valuable practice in the defendant. writing of legal briefs, learning the Each group receives a statement of - fundament ls o.b',the facts involving fields of law in fn the Gala's history, will only be1 half of the program. Each year, theI big part of the Swim Fest, comest from Matt Mann's brain. Each year he concocts a lot of hare-brain stunts, ' keeps them quiet and then springs them on an unsuspecting audience'; at the Gala. And each year thej crowd keeps coming back for more. The campus will get its initial glimpse of the sophomore free-style and back stroke twins-Charley Bark- er and Bill Beebe. They will swim in both the 50-free and the 100-yard back stroke. Fourteen men, paced by Johnny Haigh and Ed Mack, will go off in the 100-yard breast in addition to the five teams in the 300-medley relay and the three teams in the free-style relay. All events will be handicap affairs with practice times as the determin- ant of the handicaps. Although records may go in any ns~nf +110- Zr.l nnli) a --n nf i B. Jimenez of Ln veuwe OUIV faculty. Based on a comparison of sensitiza- i tion tests administered by the Health1 Service with achievement tests given1 entering students, the figures indicate' a positive correlaton between allergya (hyper-sensitivity to proteins) andc intelligence. Case records of 16,113 students were examined in the sur-. vey, conducted from 1931 to 1935. Allergic students, results show, tend to score the highest marks onj achievement tests, while non-aller- gic students tend to make lower1 scores. The number of points scored; on the exam was found on the whole to be directly proportional to the degree of allergy present in the stu- dent. While relative scores on achieve- mnt tests do not always measure de- grees of intelligence between indi- viduals, Dr. Jimenez pointed out, taken as a group they do tend to give a true picture. Hence they formed a fairl acctieas h si for the studv. toms so far but with positive family histories. 4. Non-allergic: those with no symptoms and negative family his- tory. Each of these groups he again class- ified into four divisions correspond- ing to the quarter of the achievement scale into which they fell. For com- parative purposes he then estimated the percentages of the four groups falling into the lower or "failing quarter and into the highest quarter Wtih few exceptions the percen- tage of allergic students in the bottom group was lower than the percentage of non-allergic students. In the up per quarter, comprising students scor ing the highest marks, the reverse wa true. Here the percentages of aller gic students tended to outstrip th non-allergic group. The group per centages ran largely in proportion t degree of allergy. In the year 1934 to 1935, for ex ample, only 12 per cent of the male in the failing group in psycholog achievement came from group 1, th most highly allergic group. Abou 21 per cent came from each of th less allergic groups II and III, whil 31 per cent came from group IV i il a -3 e -7 -0 s -t Le it to e i, Rabbi Kaplan To Talk Here. rTwo Addresses Offered By Ohio Hillel Head Rabbi Harry Kaplan, director of the Hillel Foundation at Ohio State University, will deliver two addresses here this weekend. At 8 p.m. today in the Hillel Foun- dation, Rabbi Kaplan will deliver the sermon following the reform serv- ices. His subject will be "An Ameri- can Jew Thinks Aloud." These serv- ices will mark the initial appearance of the Hillel Choir. Phi Sigma Sig- ma sorority will be hostesses at the social hour following the address. Rabbi Kaplan will speak again at the weekly Hillel forum at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Foundation. He will lecture on "Jews, Jobs, and Jitters," ,dealing with contemporary problems.