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December 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-06

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_ .

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session..
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subs' riptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director .
City Editor
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor ,
Associate Editor
Associate Editor ,
Book Editor ,
Women's Editor ,
Sports Editor .:'.

Robert D. Mitchell.
*rAlbert P. Maylo
Horace W. Gilmrore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. S. Kleiman
* Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
* William Elvin
*Joseph Freedman
. Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department

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Credit Manager ,
Advertising Manager.
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

Philip W. Buchen
Leonard. P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
. Helen Jean Dean
. Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Case
Against Fascism . .
T IS DOUBTFUL if there has been in
modern history a phenomenon of
such great- consequence which has been as little
comprehended as fascism. The reason for this is
somewhat obscure, for abundant material exists
from which to draw conclusions regarding the
nature of fascism, and yet again and again we
find writers treating it without even an attempted
explanation. More common are those writers,
and to include Father Coughlin we must add
speakers, who glibly term fascism a "defense
mechanism against communism."
This theory is derived from a naive supposition
of a casual relationship where a chronological
relationship exists, 'and an acceptance at face
value of the fascists' own defense of their move
ment. The growth of the Communist Parties of
Germany, Italy and Spain coincidentally with
the outbreak of fascism in those countries, and
the constant denunciations of the opposition as
Marxist and Bolshevik by the fascist leaders and
press are considered sufficient evidence for the
Actually, the Communist Party of Germany
was far from being strong enough to gain control
of the government, either by parliamentary pro-
cedure or by direct action in 1933. The Commun-
ist Party of Italy was even weaker in 1919-23,
when the fascist regime was instituted in that
country, while in Spain the Communists were an
insignificant group until the civil war actually
broke out in. 1936. The fascists circumvent this
argument, by proclaiming all radical and liberal
parties communist or pro-communist and there-
fore their enemies. In Spain the fascists have
openly and repeatedly pronounced their aversion
to democratic government itself. In America, it
is worth noting, President Roosevelt and the New
Deal have been the objects of the calumny of th
Silver Shirts, the German-American Bund and
other fascist organizations."
The one thing that all the parties, groups and
philosophies which the fascists have attacked
have in common is the desire, in varying degrees
and by various means, to reform the capitalist
economic system in order to bring greater econ-
omic and social benefits to the masses of the
people. This fact, that fascism is an instrument
for the defense of the economic status quo, has
been lost sight of largely because of the pro-
found changes fascism brings about in the poli-
tical and social system. The explanation of these
changes is simply that only by means of them
can the economic status quo be maintained. It has
also been pointed out that the economic system
itself undergoes a rather considerable change un-
der fascism, that industry is no longer allowed
complete freedom of competitition. This is true,
but the economic change under fascism is only
a superficial one; the collectivism of the cor-
porate state is by no means the same thing a
the collectivism of the socialist state. The primary
features of the capitalist economy, wage labor
and private profit, are retained under fascism.
while the principle of competition, by which these
are justified, is so greatly modifiedand restricted
as to be in effect nullified.
If the foregoing is true, it is apparent that
fascism is of benefit to only one group in society,
namely the owners of large-scale industry. That

is why great industrialists should prefer fascism
to democratic capitalism. The answer, obviously,
is that they do not. Fascism is accepted by them
because a situation of threatening revolution has
developed. This revolution, let it be observed, is
not necessarily, and in fact is not likely to be, o
a violent character, since in a democracy the
people are able to bring about whatever changes
they wish in the social or economic system with-
out recourse to direct action. Spain is an excellent
case in point: in Spain the people's government
was in the midst of an immense work of social
and economic reform when the rebellion broke
Finally, in the same connection, why does a
situation of threatening revolution develop, or
of what does it consist? In a word, a reolution-
ary situation occurs when the suffering of the
people and their consciousness of the power to
improve their condition join hands. The changes
effected by the so-called Roosevelt revolution in
America have not been wrought by the hand of
either a benevolent despot or a demi-god; they
have been the answers a democratic government
has been able to provide to a people's demands.
Precisely the same holds true of the Spanish
Republic; the character of the government was
not a mood into which the people fell nor a.
tendency over which they exercised no control;
it was and is the result of their attempt, by
democratic means, to improve their lot.
-Joseph Gies
'Them Days Is
Gone Forever'...
.1 fore . . . That was the way a popu-
lar song of a few years back noted that there was
nothing new under the sun.
It would seem, however, according to the great-
er percentage of the American press and to
those people-not quite so liberal-that present
government policies and various Rooseveltian
measures are distinct exceptions to this maxim.
Between mouthfuls of the Constitution and our
forefathers and the glory of America, we can
make out loud rantings about radical moves by
the government and absolutely unheard-of-poli-
Give us the good old days, they say. No New
Deal. No worry about interference from the
White House. No labor troubles. No radical ex-
perimentation at the expense of the taxpayer.
No Roosevelt to plague us. Yessir, they shout,
those were the good old days.
Wilfred J. Funk in his new book, "When The
Merry-Go-Round Breaks Down," has made an
attempt to analyze these "good old days." He has
dug into old newspaper files and come up with
some clippings indicating that all wasn't so
serene and peaceful in the highly-touted "good
old days." To quote a few:
"For six years our country has been the theatre
of experiments unprecedented in their character
and extremely disastrous in their results."-Con-
neticut Courant (Hartford), Aug. 5, 1837.
"The old-fashioned rule of leaving men of
business to regulate their affairs may at last be,
found the only remedy."-Savannah Georgian.
May 6, 1837 (quoting Charles Courier). -1
"Give the country a breathing spell."-New
York World, Oct. 29, 1873.
"It seems almost incredible that at a time
troubled financially, as is the present one, work-
ing-men should, in opposition to their own best
interests, inaugurate strikes."-Rocky Mouhtain
News (Denver, Colo.) Nov. 13. 1873.
"The country is suffering from a lack of confi-
dence caused by uncertainty as to the financial
and economic policy of the present administra-
tion. All that is needed is a restoration of confi-
dence."-Indianapolis (nd.) Journal, June 26,.
It would seem that the only change that can
be noticed in the past 100 years is one of frank-
ness. Whereas an 1837 newspaper came right out
and said what it thought, our great organs of
public sentiment today clothe their meanings in
insidious and unhealthy insinuations and innuen-
does. Ranting about "isms" and tagging public
figures with meaningless categorical names, they
are trying to say the same thing but are afraid
to b* frank.

To quote from Mr. Funk again:
"There can be no return to prosperity until
Roosevelt is retired to private life."-Wall Street
Journal (New York) April 11, 1908.
Yessir, give us the good old days.
-Morton L. Linder
The Editor
Gets Told.
Breaking The Boys In
To the Editor:
If ever a dictatorship should occur in our coun-
try, excellent material for the party organization
could be secured from the ranks of the Michigan
alumni (ae) meekly existing throughout the land.
By their docile submission to present and past
University regulations, I earmark all students
tainted by attendance at this institution as such.
To the prosaic question, "are we men or mice?",
there can be but one answer here.
Governed by the motto, "it can't happen here,"
the ubiquitious watchdogs of student conduct are,
very busy in the role of appointed bullies. Could
we possibly have Thanksgiving Friday off? For
shame that such a thought exists! We would all
get bellyaches and miss some pedagogue's mono-
logue on Saturday morning. We are permitted the
luxuries of bicycles as long as we don't ride on
the main campus, incidentally, the place where

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5-If the New Deal had
started off with an inquiry into the fundamentals
of the American economic system, such as now
has been begun by the Temperorary National
Economic Committee created by joint resolution
of Congress, there might have been a different
story to tell today.
For what was Veralded as an "anti-monopoly"
investigation has turned out to be the most
thorough-going study of what is really happening
in the business mechanism of the country that
has been attempted since the days of the war,
when America had her first introspective ap-
praisal, industry by industry, through that effi-
cient organization known as the War Industries
Board, presided over by Bernard M. Baruch.
How do certain industries relate to each other,
what happens in one that affects the other, what
pushes employment up and what keeps it down,
what is the impact of intensive competition and
what is the retarding process that monopoly
breeds? Questions of this sort are so basic that
one wonders how the economic system as a whole
could ever without penetrating study have been
subjected to the severely regulatory legislation
which has been piled up in the last few years.
There can be no doubt that abuses have
occurred, such as in the sale of securities or in
the exploitation of child labor or in the neglect
of employers to pay subsistence wages, but, even
conceding all these defects, the reason Why the
New Deal has come a cropper is that it never
tackled by scientific means the basic issues that
make all the difference in the world between
employment and unemployment, production and
economic stagnation.
Committee To Get Facts
It is not necessary to consider the testimony
of the first three days of the Temporary Nation- ,
al Economic Committee as conclusive. The "econ-
omic prologue"-the material presented by Com-
missioner Lubin of the Bureau of Labor Statis-
tics, Willard Thorp, formerly of the Department
of Commerce, and Leon Henderson, ace econom-
ist of the Administration-was intended to lay a
foundation-a broad base on which legislative
discussion might be erected. Significantly, Sena-
tor O'Mahoney, the committee chairman, said
the other night on the radio that the word
"monopoly" had hardly been mentioned in the
first three days of the hearings, and he was em-
phasizing this as proof that the purpose of the
inquiry is to get the facts about business rather
than to conduct a smearing inquisition.-.
In many respects, the committee is different
from anything that has been seen here in recent
years. It's a combination of the executive and
legislative branches of the government as well as
a combination of Senate and House representa-
tives. Certainly, if the whole field of economic
legislation is to be analyzed, it is a great step for-
ward to find all the agencies of government which
are primarily affected taking part in the study.
Thus, we have the representatives of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, who look
at business through the eyes of the financial
process-the sale of securities to get working
capital. Then there are the representatives of
the Federal Trade Commission, which for years
has been handling cases of unfair competition
and trade practices generally. As for the anti-trust
laws, the Department of Justice, which has the
problem of enforcement, has its representatives
on the committee, too.
Over in the Department of Commerce, busi-
ness has a thousand and one contacts, so Richard
C. Patterson, the energetic assistant Secretary of
Commerce, sits on the "TNEC"-the name by
which the committee is going to be known. The
Treasury Department dealing with taxation sends
Herman Oliphant, general counsel, and finally
the Department of Labor, with its valuable statis-
tical data on retail and wholesale prices, costs
of living and employment and unemployment
figures, has a place at the committee table. ,

Study Before Acting
So, with representatives of the important ex-
ecutive agencies sitting alongside three Senators
and three Representatives from congress, it can-
not be said that every essential interest is not
represented somewhere in the investigation.
The representative character of the committee
is worth noting because it is the first time any
official committee around here has taken in all
ends at the same time, thus making it possible
to look at the governmental picture as' a whole.
Likewise, as Senator O'Mahoney remarked in his
radio speech, the governmental agencies them-
selves are under scrutiny to determine what func-
tions should be added or subtracted, changed or
rearranged, to meet the new conditions which
have arisen in our national economy.
What the first few days of the hearings brought
out was that, America has increased her popula-
tion, production has not kept pace, and likewise
there have ben severe fluctuations in the employ-
ment curve. What shall be done about it? The
1933 idea was to legislate first and study after-
wards. The 1938-39 idea is to study first before
starting another series of legislative acts which
affect the whole system of private competition.
Constructive Start
Business and labor will both have a chance
to testify voluminously. The hearings ought to
prove of incalculable aid to that school of thought
in America which insists that what is needed is
regulation of abuses rather than drastic prohibi-
tions which impair incentive, stop capital flowj
and tend to slow up the very economic system
which, according to a few charts already dis=
closed before the TNEC, requires increased in-
stead of lessened production to absorb each year

To Bears ..
It may take more than a year, but
eventually intercollegiate football will
be abolished at the University. We can
read it in the stars; college policies
will become more frankly commer-'
cial, the teams will be paid a decent
cut of the profits they bring to Alma
Mater, and will therefore improve.
The University, realizing the profes-
sional standings of the opposing
teams. will be forced to confine its
character-building activities to intra-
mural touchball.
Suppose the University decides to
anticipate this sad sequence of events
and lead the parade out of commer-
cialized intercollegiate football. The
fall of 1939 will dawn. and Stagg
Field, after bravely carrying on all
summer as a bowling green, will be
relegated to the dust bin until ice
skating livens the under-the stands
scene again. The field is too good to
waste in that calloused fashion. We
suggest turning it over to the Chicago
The Bears need a home.Profession-
al football teams have been discuss-
ing the housing problem this year,
and are beginning to want fields of
their own. We offer the Bears Stagg
Field, complete with sentimental as-
sociations, for a paltry ten per cent of
the profits. With this retaining fee
we can subsidize informal athletics
and build up a program of lasting
value to the participants.
Stagg Field is easily disposed of,-
all the more easily since we can offer
a coach as an added attraction. The
Bears have been using Shaughnessy's
plays all year, and manager Halas
reputedly wants him as coach.
Shaughnessy probably won't want to
devote all his efforts to pepping up
intramura ls; therefore it would be
only fair for us. to let him coach a.
good professional team at least part
of the year.
But the sterling feature of the ur-j
sine rule in Stagg Field will be the!
new opportunities opened up for foot-
ball players at the University. Gradu- ,
ate student Danny Fortman plays
with the Bears today; if the Bears
were our team he could be defending '
the glory of the University as well as
paying his way through school. Per-
haps sociology prof Herbert Blumer
would be allowed back on a University
professional team, and certainly there
are excellent players among our grad-
uates and alumni who should be glad
for the chance at a professional job
with University sanction. Average
students who just like to play the,
game could go back to the intramural
berths they belong in, or could while
away an empty afternoon competing
with an amateur team from across
the tracks.
. As for the college spirit, and theI
emotional release of unity that foot-
ball brings,-they slide into the new
scheme with only a gentle ripple. We
increase the bonus-for ten per cent
the Bears get not only an excellent
coach and a well-kept field, they also
get a student cheering section and the
services of Joe Molkup. Students will
still get C-books for a certain number
of home games. Watching the Bears
will enable them to develop that
healthy outdoors glow that is one oft
most publicized spectator benefits of
football. They'll be able to watch good
games well-played, will be able to sup-,
port their own school, to sing, to;
cheer; they will have every advantage1
of present competition with none of
the evil effects. Even the University
band will not be severed from Stagg
Field;-we turn over the outfit com-
Do the Bears take up our generous
-The Daily Maroon
(Editor's Note: The day after the above
editorial appeared, George Haas, coach of
the Chicago Bears, declined the offer of
Stagg field as a home for his professional

Jacksonian Liberalism
One restatement (of liberalism)
clear and packed with common sense,:
has come from Robert Jackson, the
Solicitor General.
Speaking to the Liberal Voters'
League of Montgomery County, Mary-
land, Jackson said that real liberals
are branded by extreme left-wingers
as conservatives. Hehaccepted the
label, on the ground that "the liberal
movement in America today is simply
an intelligent and realistic conserva-
tism." Real liberalism, he emphasized,
stands for a system of honest capital-
ism, free from abuses, and subject to
the qualification that the interests
of man and of society come first. "We
have tried to preserve private enter-
prise by destroying the abuses which
prey upon it," Jackson said.
Jackson cites, as a good working
definition, that of Thomas Mann, who
said: "We must define democracy as
that form of government and of so-
ciety which is inspired above every
other with the feeling and conscious-
ness of the dignity of man."
This has been a timeless struggle,
first around political rights, now
now around economic rights. Jeffer-,
son, fighting for political democracy.
was scorned by many just as now
Roosevelt is. When Andrew Jackson
opposed imprisonment for debt, he
was denounced as an enemy of prop-
erty. Robert Jackson describes liberal-
ism as democracy in flood tide and
conservatism as democracy in ebb
tide.-Raymond Clapper's Washing-

(Continued from Page 2) ;
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and{
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Boston Symphony Or-1
chestra concert will be given out to
Choral Union members in good
standing who call in person at thel
Recorder's Office, School of Music
building, Wednesday, Dec. 7, between
the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4.
After 4 o'clock no tickets will be
given out.
Congress Cooperative Housing: Ap-
plication blanks for the new coopera-
tive house are now available in the
Dean of Students office, Room 2,
University Hall, and in Room 306
Union. It is imperative for all men
planning to apply for membership in
the house to be present at the next'
general meeting, Sun., Dec. 11. at 3
p.m. in Room 306 Union, at which
time application blanks will be col-
lected and a schedule of interviews'
with the membership committee will
be made. Men seeking positions of
house manager, steward, purchasing
agent, treasurer, or accountant are
reminded that they are expected to
spend some time this week with the"
corresponding officers in the other
Academic Notices
Geology 11 make-up field trip to
Whitmore Lake (Ttip 6) will be held;
on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 1 o'clock. This
is in place of the trip announced
for Saturday.
Psychology 115: Instead of the us-
ual hour this class will meet Wed-
nesday from 4 to 6 in Room 2116
Natural Science.
Elementary School Teaching: Stu-h
dents who plan to apply for admis-1
sion to the undergraduate correlated
course in elementary school teaching,
which is now under consideration
by the School fo Education, should
return the application blanks im-
mediately to the School of Educa-
tion office, 1437 UES.1
Choral Union Concert. The Boston'
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky, Conductor, will give a con-1
cert in the Choral Union Series Wed-
nesday evening, Dec. 7, at 8:30 o'clock
in Hill Auditorium.
Concert-goers are respectfully re-
minded to detach from their season1
ticket and present for admission cou-
pon No. 5, reading "Boston Symphony'
The public is also respectfully re-
quested to be seated on time, as the
doors will be closed during numbers.,
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae-
co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods
-from Seleucia on the Tigris and
from Roman Italy. In addition, a1
special exhibit has been arranged of
a portion of a recent acquisition of
Roman antiquities presented by Esth-
er Boise Van Deman.
Ann Arbor Artists' Mart: Sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al-C
so an Exhibition of Prints from the'
Chicago Artists Group. Alumni Mem-
orial Hall, North and South Galleries;
afternoons from 2 to 5; evenings 7 to]
10; Sundays, 2 to 5. Through Dec.
Daniel W. Mead, Consulting En-i
gineer, Madison, Wis., former presi-
dent of the American Association ofi
Civil Engineers, will lecture in the1
Rackham Auditorium on Tuesday,
Dec. 6 at 4:15 p.m. His subject will
be:, "Professional Ethics From The

Standpoint of an Engineer." The
public is cordially invited.
American Chemical Society Lecture.!
Dr. E. J. Miller will speak on "Chemi-$
cal Research in the Michigan Agri-
cultural Experiment Station" in Room
303, Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m.,
Wednesday, Dec. 7. The annual busi-
ness meeting will be held immediately
after the lecture.
Events Today
Junior Research Club: The Decem-
ber meeting will behheld today
at 7:30 p.m. in the ampithe-
attre of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Ralph G. Smith will speak on "Thio-
cyanate Formation in. Cyanide Poi-
soning," and Dr. Ernest F. Brater will
speak on "Recent Developments in
Flood Control." Also, initiation of
new members.
Botanical Journal Club, tonight at
7:30 p.m., Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by Nancy Hollister, The
effect of high temperatures on ure-
dial development in cereal r,;sts.
The origin of abnormal rust char-
acteristics through the imbreeding
of physiologic races of Puccinia gra-
minis tritici.
W. E. Manis: Variations in Fomes

Santayana's "The Last Puritan" will
be reviewed by Prof. Paul Henle at
the meeting of the Association Book
Group today, Lane Hall, 4 p.m.
There will be a meeting of all fra-
ternity presidents tonight at 7:15
in the Michigan Union.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services,
Cooperative Housing for Women:
There will be a meeting tonight
at 8 p.m. in the League f'or all women
interested in promoting and living in
cooperative houses.
Notice to Graduate Students: The
second meetin of. the Romance
Journal Club will take place today in
Room 408. at 4:10 p.m. Program:
Prof. E. E. Rovillain: "Une recherche
aux archives de 1'Academie fran-
Prof. W. F. Patterson: "Pierre de
Deimier's Library."
Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet this after-
noon at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B.
Henderson Room of the Michigan
The Michigan Dames general meet-
ing will be held at the League to-
night at 8 p.m. Dean Alice Lloyd will
speak. All Dames and their friends
are invited.
The Hillel Photography' Club will
meet at the Foundation tonight at
8 p.m.
Labor Committee of the A.S.U. will
meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union to make plans for action
on student working conditions, All
interested are urged to attend. See
Union bulletin board for location.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Thursday evening. Dec. 8, at 8 p.m.,
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. W. A. Ren-
inger will discuss the relationship be-
tween American criticism and the
American novel. He will stress the
methods of pursuing such a study,
Graduate students and faculty mem-
bers are invited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Professor
Julio del Toro will present the first
lecture of the annual series spon-
sored by La Sociedad Hispanica on
Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 4:15 p.m. in 231
Angell Hall. The subject of the lec-
ture is "Cuba Independiente," and
it will be illustrated with slides. Tik-
ets for the series may be purchased
from the secretary of the Romance
Languages Department at 112 R.L.
Members will 'receive their tickets
prom Mr. Mercado, 302 R.L.
The Psychological Journal Club will
meet on Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Topic: Reports of re-
search on color vision by Dr. Mar-
garet Ives and Jack Gebhard; sum-
mary by Prof. Carl Brown.
The Cercle Francais invites every-
one interested in joining a group
which will sing French carols on
Thursday evening, Dec. 17, to meet
at 408 R.L. on Tuesday, Dec. 6 for
Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday,
Dec. 7 at 12 noon, Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League. Cafeteria style.
Dr. Carl W. Rufus, of the Astrono-
my Dpartment, will speak informally
on "Some Recent Developments in
the Far East." All graduate students
Notice: Engineers: Petitions must
be filed with Dean Anderson for
membership on the Engineering

Council as Class Representatives by
Dec. 7. Interviews will be taken by
the Engineering Council on the eve-
ning of Dec. 7, to nominate the can-
Election of candidates will take
place Dec. 13 for all four classes, for
the Council. It will be held in the
West Engineering building.
Chemical Engineers: The semi-an-
nual banquet of the A.I.Ch.E. will be
held Thursday, Dec. 8, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union. Professor Badger will
be guest speaker.dAll Chemical En-
gineers are invited.
International Center:
Tuesday, Dec. 6. 7 o'clock. Speech
Clinic.' Correction of English Pro-
Wednesday, Dec. 7. The Interna-
tional Center announces the second
in its series of art exhibitions which
will continue till Dec. 16: Miss Toyoko
Nagashima will open an exhibition of
rare Japanese prints in the West
Gallery, 4431 of the Rackham Build-
ing. The prints are representative of
some of the greatest masters in this
Three o'clock. List educational tour
before Christmas holidays. Trip to
the Clements Library.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assfstant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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