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December 06, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-06

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Partly cloudy with some
raindrops tomorrow


Lit ign





France Warns
Nazis And Italy
To Stay Away
From Colonies
People In Corsica, Tunisia
Stage Angry Gatherings
Against Acts Of Italians
Ribbentrop In Paris
To Sign No-War Pact
PARIS, Dec. 5.- (A') - Premier
Edouard Daladier said today France
was resolved to demand respect for
"the absolute integrity" of all French
territory by "every means"
This was his answer to the Italian
clamor over French Corsica and Tu-
nisia. Informed quarters read into
it an additional message to Ger-
many-France intends to keep her
colonies despite Germany's demands.
His declaration as it affected Ger-
many was held significant in view of
the arrival here tomorrow of Joachim
Von Ribbentrop, German Foreign
Minister, to sign a no-war pact and
to discuss the political situation.
Dalader Urges Calm
Daladier's remarks were in a com-
munique announcing his intention to
visit Corsica and Tunisia shortly af-
ter Jan. 1. He urged inhabitants
there to remain calm. The plea fol-
lowed yesterday's riotous demonstra-
tions against Italy and professing
loyalty to France.
Of the Italian press campaign and
Chamber of Deputies' demonstration
regarding France and French pos-
sessions, Daladier said:
"There is no need to state that
these manifestations will meet strong
opposition against the cession of any
territory over which the national
flag floats.
fla fDemonstration Is Reply
He said the loyalty demonstrations
in Tunisia and Corsica were "the best
response that could be made" to
Italian cries fox' French territory. He
noted that the Italian government
had answered a French protest by
stating the Fascist colonial claims
were not formulated by the govern-
British Prime Minister Chamber-
lain announced in bondon he had
received assurances the Italian gov-
ernment "did not associate" itself
with Fascist territorial demonstra-
tions against France and that he
therefore saw no reason to change
his plans to visit Rome Jan. 11.
,Pr ss Attack
(In Rome the Italian press intensi-
fied the campaign over Tunisia by
accusing France of taking a "provo-
cative attitude" In allowing Sunday's
Corsican and Tunisian demonstra-
tions of French loyalty. The au-
thoritative editor Virginio Gayda in-
dicatea Italy would present her de-
mands on France at some f ture date.
(In Tunis heavy police guards were
placed around the Italian consulate
.here angry crowds had shouted
"down with Italy." At Ajaccio, Cor-
sica, where there also were demon-
strations, the mayor appealed to the
people to remain calm.
"In Alexandria, Egypt, Frederic
Megret, French editor, formally com-
plained to authorities over stoning of
his home by a mob of 40 Italian
youths shouting "down with France.")
As French diplomats hastened
preparations for tomorrow's signing
of the good neighbor pact with Ger-
many they allowed the Italian colon-
ial claims to rest with Daladier's

'Spike' James


Relations With British Empire
Seen Vital To Our Foreign Policy
Americans Fear England and saying nothing about the affair.
IV~~ntn E tanleThem In Frthermore, both the Adiministra-
May Entangle Th m F> ""eflei'nnm t;
y b ton andth American public are
Another World Conflict watching the progress of the Cham-
________berlain peace-at-any-price policy with
(Editcr's Note: This is the fifth in a mixed emotions.
series of articles in whch the writer. Most American and English news-
with the help of several members of papers have advanced the thesis that
the faculty who prefer to rema it is Great Britain which holds the
anonymous, will attempt to analyze the itsGraBianwhchodte
foreign polcy of the United states in key to Anglo-American relations.
respect to the swiftly-moving events in They feel that the American people
the rest of the world.) will back any President, who, seeing
By ELLIOTT MARANISS British policy running upon lines
To Americans interested in ques- which Americans approve, supports
tions concerning the foreign policy of that policy without being asked by
the United States,' one of the points. the British Foreign Office.
of most vital and significant inter- But, as Wickham Steed, the English
est is the state of our relations with journalist, noted in his last visit here,
the British Empire, especially Eng- there are certain haunting fears at
land and Canada. the back of American minds. He
The first fact to be noted in any declares that England can gain the
discussion of contemporary reations support of American opinion only if
with Great Britain is, that although its policy be visibly and consistently
considerable friction between the two inspired by the desire to uphold those
nations has arisenon many different principles of individual freedom guar-
occasions, it has become practically anteed by representative institutions
an axiom in both countries that war of which the famous Balfour Report
between them is "unthinkable. said in 1926, with reference to the
betwen hem s "nthikabe." British Commonwealth, "free instltu-
After that fact has been established. tions are its life blood." It is doubtful
however, the exact state of Anglo- now, after Munich and the apparent
American relations is extremely dif- rejection of the Balfour Report, that
ficult to understand. Some things are the State Department will attempt
fairly certain. There is no longer any to follow British leadership.
talk of a "parallel line" with Great The "Manchester Guardian" has
Britain, largely because of recent put its finger on a much more subtle,
events in Europe and the Far East- but nonetheless tangible, fear afflict-
The United States is still insisting up- ing many Americans. It is this: Sup-
on the maintenance of the Open Door pose Great Britain blunders and lands
in China, but London is holding back (Continued on Page 2)


Hockey Team
Opens Season
Here Tonight

Varsity Will Meet
McMaster Puck
Game Starts At

8 P.M.

The 1938-39 Wolverine hockey sea-
son will get under way when Coach
Eddie Lowrey's squad meets the
strong sextet from McMaster Uni-
versity at the Coliseum at 8 p.m. tc.-
With the exception of Goalie
"Spike" James, an entire new team
will start this year's curtain raiser.
George Cooke will be the only other
starting Michigan player who has
seen a good deal of collegiate compe-
Cooke will start at the right wing
post while juniors Al Chadwick and
Ev Doran will be at the left wing
and centre positions respectively.
"Spike" James will do the net mind-
ing as he did all last year as a sopho-
Michigan won last year's game by
shutting the Canadians out, 6-0.
The Wolverine defense positions
will be held down by sophomores.
Either Jim Lovett or Bert Stodden
(Continued from Page 3)1y
Wields Baton
In 4t Concert
Boston Symphony To Play
For 9th Successive Year
In Concert Tomorrow
Serge Koussevitsky brings .the Bos-1
ton Symphony Orchestra to Ann Ar-
bor for the 9th successive year tomor-
row when the noted group of more
than 100 artists presents the fourth
Choral Union concert of the year in
Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Koussevitsky took over the con-
ductorship of the orchestra in 1924.
Since that time, he has molded the
organization into what critics call one
of the finest groups of its kind in the
world, especially in its interpretation
of contemporary music.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music, who is especial-
ly well-acquainted with the work of
the group has this to say of the em-
inent Russian conductor: "His
achievements have raised him to the
forefront of conductors in the musi-
cal world. His interest is not limited
to one school or period of composition
nor is his interpretative ability nar-
rowed to, one type of composition"."

Council Asks
University Ad
Request Funds To Be Paid
On Tax Free Property
For Services Rendered

NLRB Refused
Right To Void-
AFL Contracts
Supreme Court Affirms,
Board's Wide Powers
Over N.Y._Utility Plant

'' k

A /resolution asking the University WASHINGTON, Dec. 5--P-The
to contribute funds toward the main- 'Supreme Court decided today that
tenance of the City of Ann Arbor the National Labor Board had exceed-
was passed 9 to 6 last night by the ed its authority in nullifying collective
City Council at its regular meeting. bargaining contracts between an AFL
Alderman Arthur L. Shepard of the union and the Consolidated Edison
firt ward is the author of the pro- Company of New York and its affili-
firs war is he athorates.
According to the resolution, service At the same time the Court af-
charges of $9.23 per $1,000 evaluation, firmed that the Board has jurisdic-
the current tax rate, would be assessed tion over labor relations of companies
the University on all properties owned like the big New York utility, and
by the University and leased or rented upheld part of a board order against
to private individuals or concerns. A the concern.
contribution is asked for the Union, Despite the contention of the Cor-
the League and the dormitories as poration and its affiliates that they
competitors with city business men operated entirely within a state and
who are required to pay taxes on their were thus outside the Federal Gov-
property. A contribution is also asked ( ernment's constitutional ,power over
for police, fire and health protection interstate commerce, the Justices
now given the University. ruled that their operations were vital
All property owned by the Univers- to such commerce and thus a matter
ity is untaxable. but by state law, of Federal concern.
owners of tax-free property within The Court also took the follow-
municipalities may contribute to the ing actions yesterday:
support of that municipality if the s It declined to give Tom Mooney's
owners so wish. counsel permission to file a writ of
Habeas Corpus; refused to review a
. - lower court decision against Bishop
Ant -. azi Pleas James Cannon, Jr.. who had brought
la $500,000 slander suit against Repre-
Ttalsentative Tinkham, (Rep.-Mass.);
Sen. To api a and deferred for at least a week deci-
sions on cases involving the Consti-
letitons Airelnlate( d Here tutionality of the Tennessee Valley
Authority and the right of a state to
Signed By 1,000 change its vote on the proposed Con-
_ _stitutional amendment to abolish
Petitions signed by over 1.000 stu- child labor.
dents and faculty members of the-
University, protesting against perse-
cution of Jews and Catholics by Ger- (o -ill Petitioninr
many or any other reactionary move-[
ment, will be mailed to Washington l' To End Tomorrow
today. Harry Stutz, '39, of the Ameri-
can Students' Union, announced yes- Tmro stefnldyo ei
terdayTomorrow is the final day of peti-
The petitions read as follows: tioning for the eight Engineering
"We, students and faculty mcm- Council Representative posts, Wesley
bers of the University of Michigan, Warren, '39E, said yesterday.
join in protest against the trutal per- Two men will be chosen to repre-
secution of Jews, and the unjustifi- sent each class at a general election
able attacks upon the Catholics, by of the engineering college, Tuesday,
the German government, and against Dec. 13. Interviewing of all prospec-
all other manifestations of such tive candidates will be held tomorrow
action by reactionary groups in our night by the Engineering Council,
own and other countries. As an ef- which will prepare the election slate.
fective protest, we, the undersigned,. Dean Anderson's office accepts

Campus Army
Marches Again
Meeting Of Undergraduate
Leaders Whips Program
Into ShapeFor Big Push
Organizations Urged
To Contribute Early
The Goodfellow Army took the of-
fensive in earnest yesterday as 18
campus leaders in a 90-minute execu-
tive strategy session, fashioned a
series of stream-lined maneuvers de-
signed to send Monday's all-campus
drive over the top like a rocket ship.
Spurning the traditional pre-drive
quota, the strategy board fixed upon
the sky as the limit and set about
concocting a campaign that gives
promise of jazzing receipts up over
even the immodest ethereal ceiling.
The proverpial Daily loving cup,
for two consecutive years the prize
of Senior Society, will come out of
retirement to be offered again thist
year to the organization rolling up
the largest bank roll from sale of the
Goodfellow Dailies. The organizations
themselves, hover, enjoy no 'known
immunity from contributions, it was
stressed, and all sororities, fraterni-
ties, honor societies; league houses,
dormitories, etc. are urged to forward
their contribution pledges to the
Goodfellow Editor of the Daily before
Saturday. A blank especially for this
purpose will be found on another part
of this page.
Because last year's receipts weres
disappointingly below the returnsj
from two years previous the Com-
mittee this year will intensify campus
coverage with an augmented staff of
Goodfellows and a greatly-increased
number of collection points.
Last year the bulk of the Fund was
amassed from the 10-hour street sale
of Dailies while in years preceding ad-
vance contributions had always made
up the major portion of the final
totals. Pre-driye pledges, consequent-
ly, are whole-heartedly encouraged
by the Executive Committee this year
and the Daily will publish a list dur-
ing the remainder of this week giving
names of organizations already on
the honor roll.
Strike At Flint
Ended By Vote
Of CIO Union
Newspaper Guild Pickets
Hearst Newspaper Plants
In Walkout At Chicago
FLINT, Mich., Dec. 5-UP)--Strik-
ing CIO unionists voted tonight to
return to work tomorrow at Fisher
Body Plant No. 1, where a walkout
has been followed by idleness for
more than 20,000 automobile factory
workers, but only upon threat of a
strike if their demands are not satis-
fied within three days.
Members of Flint Local 581 of the
UAW, who had gone on strike Friday
for "day wages" in preference to
piece work pay, voted to resume work
tomorrow morning in the General
Motors Corporation plant.
Henry Wilson, President of the
Local, announced the decision in-
cluded a proviso that the negotiations
with General Motors must be ended
to the "satisfaction" of the Union
by Friday or a new strike would re-

In Chicago striking members of
the American Newspaper Guild pick-'
eted the Hearst building yesterday.
Ten Seniors Tapped
By Riding Druids
Di uidsseniormen's literarycol-
lege honorary society, rode yesterday,
tapping 10 undergraduates and two
faculty men.
Faculty men tapped were Allan
Seager of the English department and
Prof. Jesse Reeves of the political
science department.j
Undergraduates are Hamilton Mor-
ris, Phil Clark, Doug Hayes, Ross
Faulkner, John Thompson, Erle
Whetsell, Ted Madden, Dave Holmes,
Robert Frailing and Bill Mitchell.
Union Coffee Hour
To Be Held Today
Guests at the weekly Union Cof-
fee Hour to be held between 4:30 and

All Fraternity Presidents
To Meet Today At Union
An important meeting of all frater-
nity presidents will be held at 7:30
p.m. today in the Interfratermity
Council Room in the Union, it was
announced yesterday by Robert Reid,
'39E, president of the Council..
The meeting will be for the purpose
of discussing fraternity scholarship
and a number of other important
matters, Reid said.

Senior Petitions Due
All petitions for senior offices
must be submitted by 8 p.m. today
to the Union student offices or the
League undergraduate offices,
Fred Luebke, '39E, president of
Men's Council, announced yester-

New Cooperative Is Established;
Will Open Here Next Semester


Goodfellow Fund Contributors
Aid Needy Throughout The Year


In contributing to the annual Good.
fellow campaign, University students
will be doing much more than sat-
isfying that urge to give which seems
to occur to most people exclusively at
Christmas time, according to Mrs.
Gordon W. Breevort, secretary of
the Family Welfare Bureau.
In her connection with the Wel-
fare Bureau, Mrs. Breevort has seen
many cases where individuals, an-
xious to give needy families a "good"
Christmas, have supceeded only in
shattering their morale and making
the work of social agencies much more
difficult. Money collected by the
Goodfellow fund is donated to the
Bureau to be used throughout the
year in helping families and indi-
viduals to reestablish themselves.
In the past, Mrs. Breevort said,
Goodfellow funds have been extreme-
lv helpfii in giving the Welfare Bu-

health. Freddie was finally given a
part in a high school play and began
to turn his attention to rehearsals, to
take less interest in his home life.
But to be in the play, Freddie needed
a costume and in her resentment
against this new interest, Freddie's
mother claimed that she was not able
to afford it. Through the Welfare
Bureau, Freddie was able to procure
his costume and since then has been
participating more and more in school
affairs. He is slowly combatting the
ill effects of an unhealthful home en-
A Deserted Mother
Then there was the case of a de-
serted mother with three children,
barely managing to exist with the
help of a Mother's Pension grant.
Obsessed by the fear of being un-
able to pay her rent, she placed a
down payment on a home, a home
that was little more than a shack. Not

propose: ;petitkons.
1. Immediate steps for the allevia- -_
tion of the miserable plight of these Youth Kills Self
persecuted minorities by the lowering'
of immigration barriers, and other Clarence Plitchta, 17 years old, 733
necessary steps on the part of our Spring St., shot himself through the
government. stomach with a shotgun at 8:40 p.m.
2. Support of President Roosevelt's yesterday. He was taken to St. Jo-
diplomatic action in protest against Iseph's Hospital where he died 10
these activities." mminutes after admission.
To The Goodfellow Editor.:
Please place this contribution in The Goodfellow
Fund to aid needy students and families. My copy
! f T bP ({nrfrlPfIllmT T-l(,i e nliSp ce.t tn

A new cooperative, housing 20 men,
will be established next semester,
Douglas Tracy, '40E, chairman of
Congress' student welfare commit-
tee, announced yesterday.
The announcement, climaxing a
Congress campaign to enable students
to enjoy the benefits of cooperative
living through additional coopera-
tives, followed discovery of a suitable
dwelling located three blocks from
Selection of men to live in the new
house will begin immediately, Tracy
said. Selection will be in the hands
of the recently elected personnel com-
mittee, composed of Irwin Rohde,
'39E, from Robert Owen House;
Bronis Onuf, '39E, from Rochdale
House, William Rockwell, '4I, and
Since considerable work will be ex-
pected of each man to get the house
in shape, everyone will be expected to
work several days over Christmas va-
cation, Tracy said. In selecting men,
the personnel committee will give'
considerable weight to the amount of
work put in by each applicant.
Richard Shuey, '42E, was elected
temporary house treasurer at the co-
operative meeting Sunday in the
Union. He will begin immediate col-
lection of deposits to apply on mem-

bership deposit. The dollar will be
refunded if the applicant is not ac
Interviews will be conducted by the
personnel committee throughout the
following week. It is imperative, Tracy
added, that all students planning to
apply for membership attend Sun-
day's meeting. Arrangements for in-
terviews will be made at that time.
In promoting these cooperative
houses," Tracy said, "Congress hopes
to be of service to students by mak-
ing it possible for them to enjoy the
benefits of living cooperatively,"
Congress hopes to launch several
more new cooperative houses in the
future, he deplared.
Assembly To Hold
IGirls' Coop Parley
A meeting of all girls interested in
the campaign to establish more co-
operative houses for women being
conducted by Assembly, independent
women's organization, will be held at
8 p.m. today at the Michigan League.
Dean Alice Lloyd and Rev. H. P.
Pickerill, who has been active in the
cooperative movement here, will
speak on the value of the cooperative


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