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December 04, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-04

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?ditcd and managed by students of the University of
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
rhe Modern Scene
nd Liberty...
among lecturers and writers on
,orld affairs is painting a solid, composite piture
if definite trends and results. One point which
s made clearer and clearer is that this era is
.ne of the darkest periods in history from the
;tandpoint of loss of personal and individual
in many countries there is almost no peronal
iberty observable. In Russia censorship is so
tbsolute that the outside world has no idea of
vhat is taking place in any but the center cities,
>ut although Russia is a closed book that no man
s allowed to open, certain hints of the enormity
f its oppressions seep out now and then. With
?ussia stand Germany, Poland, Japan, Italy-and
he entire galaxy of Central European countries
Sowhere in territories ruled by these nations
nay men safely utter criticisms, of the Puling
egimes. Indeed the political philosophies of
nany of these governments are built on definite
deologies in which the individual is subordinated
or the State.
Granted that the dictatorships present black
pots in the picture of liberty in the world, what
ietter spectacle is presented by the democra-
ies? Both France and England have succumbed
o some extent to the idea of the suppresion of
he individual. In England there is no cesorship
y decree, but by a friendly agreement between
he government and the press, news that is dis-
urbing to the peace and comfort of the country
r likely to embarass the government is soft-
edaled or omitted from the papers entirely. The
omplacency of the Englisl middle classes $s not
o much a complacency of knowledge and accep-
ance as one of lack of information.
In France the outlook for individual liberty is
aore sorhber and disturbing than in any of the
emocratic nations. Here, where democracy ap-
ears at the moment destined possibly to failure,
he demands of individuals for more than their
hare of rights and the power of pressure groups
.emonstrate clearly that democracy and the prin-
iples of individual liberty need constructive
nd cooperative use of personal rights to endure.
ictatorships are the result of intolerance of
ther points of view and of the conflict of groups
nd individuals-seeking their own objectives to
he exclusion of those of others. Where there is
.o tolerance or cooperation, one group must win
ut and then maintain itself by suppression of
pposition. Such force leads to long periods of
ppression, and individuals in these periods are
iven little consideration as such.
Today French labor is unwilling to concede
hat it should relinquish its recent gains for the
eneral good in what Premier Daladier calls a
eriod of general emergency. Hence, individual
berty in France is undoubtedly going to suffer
>r some time if not for years, and the cause of
emocraqy is injured by its failure there. Only
>rce of one kind or another seems indicated to
>lve the pressing problems that now confront
he country. Col. Stewart-Roddie expressed the
nxiety of the democracies over this sitation
Then he pointed out that Hitler always took
dvantage of every period of internal weakness
i France to make another advance in the dom-
iation of middle Europe. Now at this time Of
bor union strife, we see Italy threatening the

Business has stagnated, farm income has fallen,
employment has suffered, and no new develop-
ments in business are being tried because of
fear of further political and bureaucratic regu-
Only a great desire to retain a democratic
form of government and the realization that only
a constructive use of liberty will sustain this form
form of government will save us and our fellow
democracies from disaster to human liberty and
to human rights as we know them. The problem
of democracy is that of tolerant, cooperative
and sacrificial living by the individual. John
Ise has said, "There is no social or economic
policy that will please all; every such policy
must be a balance of benefits and hardships."
That such a balance is still desired in the United
States is apparently proven by the recent elec-
tions, in which one of the factors stimulating
the change was the dissatisfaction with the
favoritism that many persons thought certain
groups were receiving from the national govern-
Walter Lippmann said on Nov. 29, "He (Presi-
dent Roosevelt) can strengthen, he can extend'
all his essential reforms if he chooses the road
to internal peace. But if he proclaims another
crusade, treats his opponents as enemies of the
people and his critics as conspirators, he will not
only jeopardize all that he has accomplished but
he will set in motion forces that for years to
come will confuse the nation."
Thus the world picture is complete and clear
-dictatorships under which there is no individ-
ual liberty, democracies either with benevolent
censorships or locked in an internal struggle
between classes and groups in the population, and
everywhere individual liberty slowly losing
ground before strife and greed. It is going to be
necessary for us to hold to our desire for demo-
cratic self-determination and to demand leader-
ship that can adjust conflicting needs and de-
mands to the best advantage of all concerned-
a balance of benefits and hardships. No group or
individual can obtain all he wants, but each
should obtain all that is justly his. In doing this,
however, each citizen should compile his demands
with unselfish motives and with ari earnest desire
to contribute to the general good. For in this
composite picture that has been painted by the
observers of the world scene, the lesson is plain.
that we must stand together or our liberty and
our democracy shall fall apart.
-Robert Mitchell
King Carol And
Rumania's Plight ..
O N A LONELY ROAD between the
Rumnik-Sarat prison and Bucharest,
Corneliu Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard,
powerful subterranean fascist group, and 13
henchmen were slain Wednesday by prison
guards in a reported attempt to escape. Three
hours later they had been unceremoniously
buried, and Rumanian police had orders to shoot
ruthlessly in any attempted reprisal or martry-
ization by the terrorist followers of Codreanu.
The incident threw the Rumanian political
situation into sharp relief and was reflected in
the international scene.
King Carol has long been fighting gainst'the
insidious advance of the omnipotent Nazi propa-
ganda machine that is threatening to exploit
the minority problem of the 216,000 Magyars in
Rumania unless Berlin's demands for capitula-
tion are met.
Germany has been angling since 1935 for the
rich wheat, oil, timber and' livestock resources,
in addition to the important route to Soviet
Russia and the Ukraine that the wealthy Balkan
state would afford. The leader of the National
Peasant's Party, strongest group in the country,
claims that the Nazis have spent millions of leis
on propaganda and has acquired hundreds of
newspapers. He cited aditional expenditures to
supply terrorist groups in Rumania with hand
grenades, guns and ammunition.
In addition Germany has completed a com-
prehensive economic infiltration of 'Rumania.
Figures show that 25 per cent of Rumania's im-
ports come from Germany, and 39 per cent of
her exports are shipped to the Reich. The Nazis
have also succeeded in establishing themselves
as the foundation for the newly-important in-
dustries, in agrarian Rumania. Rumanian in-

dustry is dependent on Nazi engineers and fac-
tories for technical aid and equipment.
Despite Carol's opposition to Germany, how-
ever, his wealthy country remains the key state
in the Danubian basin, and therefore the key
state in Hitler's drive to the east..
Carol, meanwhile, has the difficult task of'
retaining a middle-course policy in a country
where there is no real liberal element. Even the
powerful Peasant's Party stands on a platform
of a parliamentary monarchy, while the less
powerful National Liberal Party can hardly be
described as a leftist organization. If Carol capit-
ulates to Berlin his country faces obliteration as
a political or at least as an economic entity. Yet
he can not openly oppose the Reich without
support from Russia or the Anglo-French duo
for fear of hastening the Nazi drive.
The slaying of the fascist leaders, however, if
implications that Carol promulgated the incident
are true, indicates a strong readiness to offer
such opposition if only support should be forth-
coming. It is needless to add that little Rumania
could not stand against Hitler alone.
Foreign Minister Comnen announced last
April that the friendship of France was vital to
Rumanian security, and the business interests,
controled by liberals, reiterated this sentiment.
Two weeks ago Carol visited Paris in a vain
effort to obtain aid from Daladier and Cham-
berlain. They only repeatel their post-Munich
doctrine in which they refuse to take issue with
the Rome-Berlin axis to protect small war-born
Spurned by the democracies, the monarch of
Bucharest was forced to turn to Europe's dic-
tator Friday. Reports give nothing of the con-
text of the three hour conference, but it is well
known that \Berlin is trying to convince the

I/ feemr to Me
HeywOod Broun
This is a day in which both France and Jim
Farley are in the news. Mr. Farley has put out
a book, and M. Daladier is putting on a putsch
or whatever the French word is for a drive toward
dictatorship. France is mov-
ing very fast, and Mr. Far-
ley is a fixed point in the
American scheme of things,
and so it will be convenient
to devote more space to "Be-
"- ' hind the Ballots" than to the
complicated chain of events
which lifted a middle of
the road French manufac-
tur into the role of a minor Napoleon.
Several editorial writers have blithely explained
the foreign crisis as the brave effort of Daladier
to defend democracy against red revolution. But
let it be ,remembered that if the Premier who
has attempted to take a temporary grant of
extra-legal power and extend it. He put off call-
ing the Chamber of Deputies into session and in-
sisted on continuing to rule by decree. Munich
has gone to the head of a small politician who
was somewhat on the timid side until he had his
back slapped by Hitler and by Mussolini. The so-
called revolutionists in the forces of labor have
been demanding a return to parliamentary pro-
cedure. And at this point it is possible to bring
James A. Farley into the picture.
French democracy has suffered from a splint-'
ering of parties. Ballots have not represented
popular will, because of the existence of dozens
of candidates, all running in different directions
at the same time.
Defender Of Two-Party System
When the heat was on Farley he himself was
sometimes mentioned as one with dictatorial am-
bitions. Nothing could be more contrary to the
fact. For good or ill James A. Farley is the
stanchest defender ofthe two-pgrty system which
America knows today. The very fervor of his
democratic orthodoxy is almost a sustaining
force for the continuance of the Republican
party. Not, of course, that Farley would throw
any favors on the other side. If it had been pos-
sible for Roosevelt to have carried every State
in the last national election that would have
pleased Farley very much. But certainly not
even John D. M. Hamilton would feel more
tragic about the extermination of the G.O.P.
It is not unlike the rivalry between the Yale
and Harvard football teams. Harvard would be
delighted to win the annual classic by a score of
105 to 0, but grieved beyond measure if such a
result meant that there would be no Elis left for
a game the following year. I assume that Mr.
Farley has certain economic and political beliefs,
but he takes them largely from the party plat-
form. He has, I think, a personal devotion to
Franklin Roosevelt, but he could run a cam-
paign for Senator Tydings with equal efficiency
and fervor if the gentleman from Maryland'
happened to be chosen as the Democratic stand-
ard bearer in 1940.
* * *
Both Good Democrats
I have a feeling that the Democratic chairman
thinks there is something close to immorality
in the act of anyone who bolts the party ticket.
As far as Farley went, Jerry O'Connell was just
as good a Democrat as Frank Hague, even at a
time when thetwo party members were engaged
in a personal altercation.
But it is well to bear in mind that James A.
Farley's almost religious fervor about a label or
an emblem has made him one of the most un-
selfish men in American public life. His personal
integrity is beyond question. He has grown poor
in the service of his party. Nor has he built his
political fortunes. The notion that he has created
a personal machine by which he might capture
the Presidential nomination in 1940 just isn't so.
It is believed by many that he wanted to run fc
Governor of New York in 1938. If he had been
self-seeking it would have been easy for him to
nail that nomination.

Dusky senoritas on moonlit balconies; soft
Spanish vowels floating mellifluously on frag-
rant breezes' to the accompaniment of lazily-
strummed guitars; a rose, tenderly kissed any.
flung to the waiting gallant. Such are some of
the connotations inherent in the word "serenade."
And while musical terminology doesn't quite in-
clude the roses or the senoritas, the musical form
which goes by the title of "serenade" is a long
way from lacking either romance or sensuous
sounds. The word itself is a derivation from the
Italian sera, meaning "evening," and therefore
it has been applied indiscriminately to any kind
of music intended to be sung or played at night
in the open air. Such music developed in the
days when knighthood was in flower, and the
knight breathed songs of love outside his mis-
tress' window-er, if he happ.ened to have no
voice for singing, procured a more musical sub-
stitute to do his serenading for him.
Later, when instrumental music rose to great
importance, this practice grew into the custom
of having a whole group of instruments, or even
a small orchestra, perform the serenade with
music written especially for the occasion. All
the latter 18th century composers wrote dozens
of these pieces, which went by the various titles

You of M
By See Terry
AN unsuspected midsemester exam
-announced only -two weeks in
advance-forced us sinto seclusion
this week to gulp, without benefit ofX
mastication, a prodigious quantity ofI
unread material. For some vague rea-
son, we chose to devour the jejune
text in the Pendleton Library; thek
seats there are soft and the atmos-
phere distinctly academic. But-alas
and alack, or whatever one says at
this point-we forgot the Union pro-
vides the Pendleton with the latest
magazines, and scarcely had we be-
gun to unravel the secrets of a per-
sonnel program (it was a course in{
Public Administration) than our eyes
sometimes referred to as coquettish,
strayed to Stage magazine lying lone-
somely beside me.
It was time for a recess anyhow, so
we opened the leather covers, turned
at random to an article, "Styx Clix,"
by Frank Sullivan, creator of cliche
expert Arbuthnot. Anything by Sulli-
van fascinates us, and half an hour
later we found we had been reading
the hilarious conversations among
such celebrities as Washington, Lin-
coln, Napoleon, Shakespeare, Eliza-
beth, et al., discussing the historical
plays on Broadway. This was no way
to study for an exam, we sagely ob-
served, and delved again into the
text at hand.
Not ten minutes later, our uncon-
trollable eyes turned toward the Red-
book, and when we fingered idly
through it, the first article encount-
ered was an encore by Vincent Shee-
an, "The End Of Rayna Prohme,"
that brilliant revolutionary from Chi-
cago who Sheean met in Hankow
and followed, out of some strange
fixation, to Moscow, where he stayed
until she literally burned her brain
out. Rayna's one character we can't
resist, although we firmly believe that
Sheean's imagination made her what
she was, and so another half hour
went by the boards.
Before eleven o'clock, when the
lights go out, we ,had read Hendrik
Willem Van Loon's admonition that
war is inevitable, peace farther away
than ever since Chamberlain's flying
trips across the channel; Morris Mar-
key's "Twenty Years After," the story
of a doughboy w.ho re-visited France
in search of his youth and lost world;
and something entitled, "Fifty Yard
Line!" On our way downstairs, mut-
tering and cursing, we heard Vincent
Lopez swinging out "Jingle Bells,"
over the radio and nothing could have
more appropriately described the tur-
moil between our ears.
Moral: Keep away from the Pendle-
ton, if your concentrative powers are
limited and there's serious studying to
be done.
succeeded and the more unified sym-
phony which followed them. There
were ordinarily from four to eight
structure of which were subject to
movements, neither the sequence nor
any rigid law. Marches and minuets
were the most typical as well as popu-
lar forms,sbut in the more pol-
ished, mature examples of Mozart
and Haydn the symphonic opening
allegro and closing rondo are some-
times seen. The average number of
instruments required was perhaps a
dozen, although the number natural-
ly varied with the resources of the
"customer" for whom each work was
composed, and who might be a prince
entertaining a garden party or per-
haps a wealthy burgher marrying off
his daughter. Since these serenades
were primarily for performance out of
doors, wind instruments were quite
popular and were given much more
importance here than in the indoor

But with the end of Music's servi-
tude to aristocracy and its rise, in
the nineteenth century, as a self-
sufficient art, to be created deliber-
ately and for eternity rather than
for some passing occasion, the whole
class of such occasional pieces as
serenades and nocturnes disappeared
from court and drawing room, and it
remained for Brahms, with a few
lesser-known contemporaries, to keep
the form alive in the concert hall.
This he did with the two Serenades
for Orchestra, Opuses 11 and 16, in
D and A major. The Op. 11, to be
played this afternoon by the Uni-
versity Symphony, was the 26-year-
old Johannes' first completed at-
tempt at orchestral writing, preced-
ing his First Symphony by 16 years,
and is obviously the result of his stu-
dent resarches into the music of the
classical masters and the forgotten
forms of their period. The seven
movements include two minuets, two
Beethovenish Scherzi, and a pseudo-
classical Adagio in addition to the
broadly symphonic first movement
and final march-like rondo. There
are numerous points of style in which
this concert-hall Serenade isrelated
to its extra-mural antecedents: the
bagpipe effect of the first move-
ment's opening horn theme; the two
rustic minuets, in which the early
classical usage of two soprano in-
struments (clarinets) against a mus-
ette-like bass (bassoon) is revived;
and the martial, roguish character of
the rondo, to mention a few. Although

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 3)j
ing will be held Monday, Dec. 5 at 8
p.m. in Room 1042, East Engineering
Bldg. Prof. Stalker will address usl
on "Recent Research and Progressc
in Aviation Development." This will"
be followed by inspection of the lab-
oratory equipment including the
Wind Tunnel.
Botanical Seminar will meet ont
Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m., Room
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by F. G.
Gustafson "Fruit development from
the auxin standpoint: 1. The cause of
natural parthenocarpy; 2. Auxin dis-
tribution in fruits."
La Sociedad Hispanica: Professor
Julio del Toro will present the first
lecture of the annual series spon-
sored by La Sociedad Hispanica on
Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 4:15 p.m. in 231
Angell Hall. The subject of the lec-
ture is "Cuba Independiente," and
it will be illustrated with slides. Tick-
ets for the series may bieĀ° purchased
from the secretary of the Romance
Languages iepartment at 112 R.L.
Members will receive their tickets
Prom Mr. Mercado, 302 R.L.
International Center: Class in
American Social Customs and Usages.
The last meeting of the class in
American Social Customs and Usages
before the holidays will be held Mon-
day evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. My-
ers and Mrs. Anderson will present
an unusual demonstration of Ameri-
can Christmas customs which should
be especially valuable for students
spending their first Christmas in
America. Any foreign student, wheth-
he has enrolled in the class regularly
or not, will be welcome at this session.
Association Book Group: George
Santayana's "The LastrPuritan" will
be reviewed by Prof. Paul Henle at
the meeting of the Association Book
Group, Tuesday, Lane Hall, 4 p.ni.
Chemical Engineers: The semi-an-
nual banquet of the A.I.Ch.E. will be
held Thursday, Dec. 8, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union. Professor Badger will
be guest speaker. All Chemical En-
gineers are invited.
Notice: Engineers: Petitions must
be filed with Dean Anderson for
membership on the Engineering
Council as Class Representatives by
Dec. 7. Interviews will be taken by,
the Engineering Council on the eve-
ning of Dec. 7, to nominate the can-
Election of, candidates will take
place Dec. 13 for all four classes, for
the Council. It will be held in the
West Engineering building.
The decorations committee of the
Christmas Come Across will meet on
Monday at 4:30 p.m. at the League.
Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet on Tues-
day afternoon, Dec. 6, at 2:15 p.m.
in the Mary B. Henderson Room of!
the Michigan League.
Cooperative Housing for Women:
There will be a meeting on Tuesday,
Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the League for
all ;women interested in promoting
and living in cooperative houses.
The Cerche Francais invites every-
one interested in joining a group
which will sing French carolsron
Thursday evening, Dec. 17, to meet
at 408 R.L. on Tuesday, Dec. 6 for
The Michigan Dames general meet-
ing will be held at the League Tues-
day at 8 p.m. Dean Alice Lloyd will
speak. All Dames and their friends
are invited.
Phi Beta Kappa: On Monday eve-
ning, Dec. 5, Founder's day of Phi
Beta Kappa, there will be a pro-

gram for members of all chapters at
8 p.m. in the Rackham Building. Prof.
Ralph W. Gerard of the University of
Chicago will speak on "Some Social
Implications of Science" in the am-
phitheatre. After the address, there
will be a reception and refreshments
in the Assembly Hall. A charge of
50 cents will be made to help meet
the expense.
Women's Fencing Club: There will
be a regular meeting'on Monday, Dec.
4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Fencing Room
on the lower floor of Barbour Gym-
Wives of Students and Internes are
invited to attend the meeting of the
Music Group of the Michigan Dames
to be held Monday at 8 p.m. in the
music room of the Rackham build-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
cussion group Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel,
Women's League.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.

Worth of Man." A discussion period
will follow the address.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
hold their meeting for worship Sun-
day at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Visitors are welcome.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday service
at 10:30. Subject, "God, The Only
Cause and Creator."
Golden Text: Isaiah 43: 13. Sun-
day School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, State
and William Streets.
10:45 a.m. The subject of Dr.
Parr's sermon will be "Bricks With-
out Straw." The church quartet will
sing "Build Thee More Stately Man-
sions" by Andrews and Miss Mary
Porter, organist, will play "Prelude-
Choral" by Schmitt and "Choral-
varie" by Garbet.
6 p.m. Student Fellowship supper.
Professor Goddard of the Law School
will speak on "The Development of
the Idea of God in the Bible."
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on the ABCD
of .Christmas at 10:40 a.m.
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Mildred Sweet will lead the
discussion on "What is Christianity?"
Wesleyan Guild at 6 p.m. Prof.
Bennett Weaver will be the speaker.
Fellowship hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
First Presbyterian ChureA), 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship Service. "The 1938th
Coming' is the subject upon which
Dr. W. P. Lemon will preach. Palmer
Christian at the organ and the choir
will take part in the service.
The Westminster Guild, student
group, begins their program at 5
O'clock with interest group which
last until 6 o'clock when a supper and
fellowship hour is held. At the 7
"o'clock meeting a Jury Panel Discus-
sion on "The Meaning of Christmas"
will be held
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Holy
Communion 'and sermon by The Rev.
Henry Lewis; 7 p.m. Student meet-
ing, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof. H.
Hootkins of the U. of M. French
Reformed and Christian Reformed
student services will be conducted
,this Sunday by Dr. Clarence Bouma,
Professor of Apopogetics at Calvin
Seminary and Editor of the Calvin
Forum. A special evening service will
be held at 7:30 in the League Chapel
as well as the morning service at
10:30. All students are cordially in-
vited to hear this outstanding preach-
er and churchman.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "The
'Jury' Decides Coughlin is Guilty of
Social Injustice." A critique by H. P.
7:30 p.m. "The Struggle for Civil
Liberties" by Mr. Milton Kemnitz of
the Civil Rights Federation in De-
9 p.m. Coffee Hour.
Zion Lutheran Church, corner of
E. Washington and Fifth Ave. Church
worship services will be held in Zion
Lutheran Church at 10:30 with ser-
mon by Pastor Ernest C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church worship
services will be held at 10:30. Ser-
mon "The Conduct of Christians"
will be delivered by Rev. Henry O.
Yoder, pastor. Trinity Lutheran is
located on E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
Lutheran Student Association: The
Association will meet Sunday eve-
ningat 4:15 p.m. in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. The earlier hour is to
permit the speaker to return to
Minneapolis. Dr. Sverre Norborg,

I Ph.D., will speak at 4:15 on "Aca-
demic Lone Wolfing or Christian Fel-
lowship." Supper will follow. All
students and faculty members are
invited to hear Dr. Norborg of the
Department of Philosophy of the
University of Minnesota.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
a.m./Dr. John Mason Wells will
preach on the subject, "Love, the Law
of Life." 6:30 p.m. Senior Y.P.U.
meets in church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday,
9:45, class at Guild House. Dr. Chap-
man, teacher. -6:15 p.m. Rev. Fred
Cowin will give the address on the
subject, "The Consecrated Cobbler."
Friendly hour and refreshments.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty
at Third, C. A. Brauer, minister.
Morning services at 9:30 in Ger-
man and 10:45 in English. Sermon
subjects, "Noah's Times and Ours."
The Gamma Delta Student Club
meets for supper and fellowship at
6 p.m. Prof. John L. Muyskens of
the University will address the Club
on "Genesis of Specificity" at 6:30.
At 7:30 p.m. there will be an Ad-
vent service and the celebration of

Holy Communion.

Sermon by the

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