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December 04, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-04

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
U 1070nivriy oyrceived at rthe offce of the Assistant to the President
SUNDAY, DEC. 4, 1938 by Professor Joseph R. Hayden.
VOL. XLIX. No. 60 b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor A.
Voces E. Boak.
c. Senate Committee on University
Faculty Te: President and Mrs. Affairs, prepared by Professor Ralph
Ruthven will be at home to faculty A. Sawyer.
members and residents of Ann Arbor d. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. Dean E. H. Kraus.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Faculty, School of Education: The
Ruthven will be at home to students, regular luncheon meeting of the
Wednesday: from 4 to 0 p.m. Faculty will be held Monday noon,
Dec. 5, at 12:15 o'clock, Michigan
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper- Union,
ons, Househeads And Undergraduate
Women: The closing hour for those Geology 11 make-up field trip to
girls who are attending the Sopho- Whitmore Lake (Trip 6) will be held
more Prom, 'Friday, Dec. 9, "will be on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 1 o'clock. This
2:30 a.m. is in place of the trip announced
- ~Cor Saturday.
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents __r-t
are reminded that membership blanks Graduate Council will hold its regu-
for the month of November will be lar meeting on Monday, Dec. 5, at
due Dec. 5 in the Office of the Dean of 7:30 in the Rackham building Men's
Students. lounge. Members of the standing
committees are requested to meet at
Student Loans. The Committee on 7:15 in Council Room Number 1 just
Student Loans will meet Dec. 12 in previous to the general meeting.

sible employment with this company.
A large attendance is requested. ,
#The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:
Farm Supervisor (Dairy and Live- r
stock) House of Correction, applica-
tion to be filed by Dec. 13. Salary:1
Playleader (male and female) Sal-
ary: $5.00 per day, application to be
filed by Dec. 15.
Swimming instructor (male and fe-
male) Salary $5.00 per day, applica-
tion to be filed by Dec. 15.
United States:
Principal Chemist, Salary $5,600.
Application filed by Dec. 27.
Principal Chemical Engineer. Sal-t
ary $5,600. Application filed by Dec.
Complete announcements of thesec
examinations may be read at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201l
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and)


Thomas Mann, whose "Joseph in
Students Subject Contemporary Egypt" is sure to endure. Maxwell
1 i Ar.derson's revival of poetic drama,
Writers To Test Of Permanenvy especially his "Mary of Scotland,"
should be a classic in 2038. And per-
(Continued from Page 1) perhaps Maxwell Anderson are the k C rpn f mai
will take its l e Pfid.0 er

Aeronautical Engineering Students:
Studers obtaining either bachelors
or niasters degrees in Aeronautical
Engineering in February, June, or
August, 1939, should fill out the De-
partment personnel records at the
earliest nosihbprdate. In the as o


only others meriting consideration
starting the movement toward our for a place in the literature of the
modern expressionistic school. Ernest ages."
Hemingway, although he has slip- Ida Solomon, '39: "For his "Magic
ped appreciably, is prooanly the most Mountain," Thomas Mann 01lgo
imitated of our modern writers andMona,"TmsMnnwl g
should be remembered for his "Fare- down as the greatest writer of our
well To Arms. " modern era. Andre Malraux, the most
Maurice Simon, '39: "I think the under-rated author of our times, will
greatest writer of the day is Jacob make his mark for his "Days of
Wasserman. His "The World's I- Wrath" and "Man's Fate." Roman
lusions" is certainly one of the finest Rolland's "Jean Christophe" and
books ever written. It contains all John Dos Passos' penetrating obser-
the universal principles necessary for vations of the American scene are
a lasting work. Thomas Mann and very likely to find a spot among the
greats. And don't forget George Ber-
conductor Joseph Brinkman, pianist,nard Shaw, whose idiosyncrasies
soloist, will give a concert Sunday coupled with his debunking cynicism
aftenoo, Dec. gv at 415 o'clock in may qualify him to sit in the literary
afternoon, Dec. 4 at 4:1 clkin ahaa.
Hill Auditorium, to which the general halla."
public is invited. Herbert Fischman, Grad.: "I should
The orchestra will play selections say that Eugene O'Neill possesses the
by Brahms, Wagner and Rimsky- greatest universal appeal of all our
Korsakof; and Professor Brinkman contemporary figures. For his vivid
will play the Mozart A major Concer- portrayal of the true America, John
to with orchestral accompaniment. Dos Passos will be remembered.
Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward,
Angel" and "Of Time and The River"
Exhibitions are certain tofind a niche in the
Ann Arbor Artists' Mart: Sponsored literary world.
by the Ann Arbor Art Association, al- Leonard Newman, '40. "The out-
(Continued on Page 3) standing contemporary figure is

and Ring Lardner."
Today! 1- 3- 5- 7- 9 P.M.
!= ~Him!/!

those graduating in February, per-
Married Students: Questionnaires sonnel records should be handed in by
for the apartment survey are being Dec. 16. If a student is unable to ob-
distributed to married students. If tain his photograph by this date he
you fail to receive form by Dec. 6, or should turn in his record and supply
if you have questions concerning the photograph later. Blanks for this
items, call 2-3061 between seven and purpose may be obtained in the De-
ten any evening. All forms should partment office. It is essential that
be completod and collected by Dec. personnel records on all students be
10. on file in the office, in order to sup-

Seniors and Graduate Students in
Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and
Business Administration - Engineer-
Representatives of the Proctor and
Gamble Company will be in Room
348 West Engineering Bldg. at 7 p.m.,
Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, to admin-
ister tests to all interested in pos-1

ply the manufacturers with accurate
and complete information. A sample
form indicating the kind of informa-
tion desired is posted on the Aeronau-
tical Engineering Bulletin Board.
Orchestra Concert. The University
Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,

Award winner
S.. now in her
greatest role!


Shorthand - Typing - Business English


Ann r orSecretarialSchool
Nickels Arcade Phone 3330

Traditional of the Yule Spirit is sending
Christmas Greeting Cards to all your
friends. Our assortment of greeting cards
will satisfy your demands. Make} your se-
lection now while the selection is still
Francisco & Boyce
North University 221 South 4th Avenue

'Gorgeo us!r")
Beautiful new
singing sensa-
tion of the

II, R4WYaltz ,King"!
whose romance
packs new thrills!

And Cast of Thousands
12 Great Johann Strauss
Melodies! Huge Orchestral,
Rousing Chorused!
Extra -



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'li ! _ _HO U R_ _

Purge the Campus
of Co-eds!!!


Santa Claus: Professor, for many
years I've worried about the exis-
tence of co-education at Michigan.
What are your views on the subject?
Professor: My years of close asso-
cication with co-education should
make me an authority-but my opin-
ions are weak in comparison to those
masterful statements of the ques-
" . tin in the DECEMBER GARGOYLE

Santa Claus: After frequent student
riots, Cop, do you believe that co-
education is the cause for these riots
and hence should be abolished?
Policeman: I have my opinions but
they coiicidce exactly with the dis-
cus sion of the question in the DEC-

. ' "
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