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December 03, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-03

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the Council consist of nine members,
Prof. Graham Will Attend this figure providing a large enough
Forest Symposium membership for a wide base of abil-
ity and experience, yet small enough
Announcement of faculty represen- to think and reason accurately as a
Aroup. The mass of detail work would
tatives at scholarly meetings was j be done by a staff of experts in vari-
made recently by the President's of- ous fields and the findings of other
fice. research organizations would also be
Prof. Samuel A. Graham of the used.
Museum of Zoology will spend Dec. The salary should be adequate to
26-29 in Richmond, Va., at a sym- make the members financially inde-
posium on forest populations spor- pendent and commensurate with their
sored by the Ecological, Entymological high position, the Committee believes.
and Economic Entymological associa- A retirement pension of half the sal-
tions. ary would be provided so the-Wember
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the For- would be independent after leaving
estry school will attend the Society the council, thus leaving leaders free
of American Foresters meeting to be to enter and leave private life at
held Dec. 14-17 in Columbus, Ohio. will.
The groups' division of education was The question of appointment is an
founded by him. Prof. Donald M. important one since the character of;
Matthews of the forestry school, the Council will reflect the method.
president of the society, will also be The Committee has suggested a plan
at the meeting. they believe is non-political and non-
Dean Dana will go to New York, representative of special groups. In
Dec. 13, for a meeting of the Charles filling the vacancy that occurs each"
Lathop Pack Forestry Education year, the first would be filled by the
Board. President in his first year of office.
His appointment would run nme years
and cover the President's second term
Chrisin as Bureau if reelected. The other vacancies
would be filled by a nominating com-
Established In City mittee of nine members. Four mem-
bers would be from Congress, two by
the majority party, one from each
Plans for the operation of a Christ- house, and two by the minority par-
mas bureau to serve as a clearing ties voting together. The other five,
house for gifts to indigents in this members would be appointed by the
vicinity were approved recently at a groups of experts and leaders in widely
meeting of the executive committee different fields who are associated
of the Ann Arbor Social Service with the Council. The nominating
Council. committee would be changed every
Sponsored by the Council, the year to guard against vote bargain-
Bureau will continue operations ing, to gain a new view point repre-
through Dec. 19. Individuals or organ- senting shifting public opinion and
izations planning to contribute to prevent corruption.
clothes, food baskets and other gifts --- -
to the poor will be enabled to clear
the names of these indigents through Phi Beta Kappa Club
the Bureau, and thus prevent duplica-
tion. Meets Here Monday
The first meeting of the Ann Arbor
Graduate Phi Beta Kappa Association
will be held at 8:00 p.m. Monday in
the auditorium on the third floor of
the Rackham Building. Prof. Ralph
W. Gerard of the University of Chi-
cago will give an address on the sub-
ject "Some Social Implications of
"his Christmas Science."

U.S. Will Bld For Continental
Unity At Pan-American Meeting
(Continued from Page 1 observers have not been slow in sug-
throughout the hemisphere that "the gesting, that many Latin-American
definite policy of the United States countries are at present far f: om be-
from now on is one opposed to armed ing democracies. The State Depart-

In connection with the actual
questions that will be discussed by
our delegation, most American ob-
servers feel that there are two prob-
lems affecting our relations with the
other republics that are certain to
arise. One, undoubtedly, will have
to do with the treatment of Ameri-
can citizens and American property.
The other question, much more
subtle, but even more pressing at the
present time than the first, and as
certain to come up now as it didi dur-
ing President Monroe's administra-
tion in 1823, will concern the "at-
tempts of foreign powers to extend
their s:stem to any portion of this
hemisphere." Such attempts, in the
eyes of nearly all Americans, would
be considered now, as it was then, as
being "dangerous to our peace and
The policy of the State Department
in regard to this second question is
unequivocal; it has been stated and
re-stated in press conferenecs and de-
partmental releases. The newest ver-
sion, voiced by Secretary Hull just
before heaving for Lima, can be sum-
marized as follo s: We cannot ques-
tion the right of any Latin-American
republic to manage its internal af-
fairs as it chooses, but we would be
concerned, as would our neighbors, if
any Lain-American country were to
become, in form or in fact, a depen-
dency of a foreign power. We believe
that the existing governments of the
Latin - American countries would
agree that the arrogance of European
dictatorships must stop short of this
side of the Atlantic.
It is undoubtedly true, as many
(Indian Laws On Display
An exhibit of original copies of the
laws of the original five Indian na-
tions: the Cherokee, Osage, Creek,
Chicasaw and Choctaw tribes, ar-
ranged by Miss Esther Betz, assistant
I law librarian, is now on display at
the Legal Research Library. Some
of the volumes displayed are in the
Indian language and date back as
early as 1873.

ment is aware of this fact, but insists a
that their natural evolution will be
toward democracy, and the United
States is ready to share with themI
the responsibility of seeing to it that;
this natural evolution is not impededI
by foreign pressure, military or ec-
This is not, the Administration in-"
sists, an unwarranted manifestation
of utopian idealism on our part. It is
said to be in direct harmony with
the principles of the Monroe Doctrine.
There will, furthermore, be mutual
profit in improved commercial rela-
tions throughout the Americas.
The economic side of Latin-Ameri-
can relations, stressed by the State
Department in its outline of Ameri-
can policy, is probably the most sig-
nificant, and in part explains our po-
litical policy. The statistical record
of the past few years, compiled by
the Standard Statistics Company, in-
dicates that the struggle for Latin-
American trade has been intensified,
and that the chief competing na-
tions-the United States, Germany,
Great Britain and Japan-have suc-
ceeded in raising materially their ag-
gregate share in Latin-American
The most aggressive campaign has
been conducted by Germany, which
has been forcd to shift imports to
those countries providing an outlet
for its manufactures. The German
trade drive has been most successful
in Brazil and Chile, where Germany
in 1936 displaced the United States as

the chief source of imports, and com- most-favored nation clause with the
petition has been scarcely less severe 'fundamental aim of "restoring a re-
in Peru. gime of international trade relations
Japanese participation in Latin- based upon fair and equitable treat-
American trade, according to a De- ment rather than exclude advantage."
partment of Commerce bulletin re- The Act specifically gives the Presi-
leased last May, has been based al- dent power to enter into trade agree-
most wholly on the ability of Japanese ments "whenever he finds as a fact
manufacturers to undersell foreign that any existing duties or other im-
competitors in the case of simple cot- port restrictions of the United States
ton textiles and other standardized or any foreign country are unduly
manufactures embodying a high per- burdening or restricting the foreign
.centage of direct labor costs. trade of the United States."
There can be little doubt on the No power was granted to change any
basis of the evidence thus far avail- duty by more than 50 per cent, nor to
able that thereciprocal trade treaties' transfer any article from the dutiable
program, the present commercial pol- to the free list, or vice versa. Beyond
icy of the United States, as a whole these restrictions, however, the Persi-
has achieved positive results. It is dent is given flexible powers, includ-
quite likely that this policy, based on ing that to refuse concessions, under
equality of treatment, will continue the most-favored nation clause, to
to be the groundwork of our com- countries discriminating against the
mercial relations, under any admin- United States.
istration, not only in regard in Latin- In summary, then, the conference
American relations, but in dealings at Lima attains significance for these
with the rest of the world as well, and important reasons: The United States
it would be timely at this point to delegation is certain to try to effect
record its main features, agreements with the Latin-American
The Reciprocal Trade Agreements delegates furthering the reciprocal
Act came into effect June 12, 1934, trade treaty policy. It will make a
for a three-year period and has since strong bid for "continental solidarity"
been extended for an additional three against the encroachments of Euro-
years. The trade agreement program pean totalitarianism. It will, at any
is based on bi-lateral commercial Irate, advance the cause of good neigh-
treaties containing the unconditional Iborliness in an embittered world.
-- _ l


1 -









FOR RENT watch with black band Tuesday
--- - --- afternoon. Call 7117. 220

WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
Shopping Early
Burr Patterson
Auld Co.
603 Church
Phone 8887


East University at Oakland. Dial 3779
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Associate Director
9:00 - 12:00 p.m. Saturday, informal party at
Lane Hall
8:00 p.m. Monday, Prof. Raphael Issac
speaking on Jewish Literature.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prof. Raphael Issac Ra
binowitz speaking on Jewish Current Pro-
8:00 p.m. Friday, Services-Sermon by Rabbi
Harry Kaplan
1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister.
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Palmer Christian, Director of Music.
10:45 a.m. "The 1938th Coming"
Advent Sermon; Sermon by the Minister.
Student Choir.
5:00 p.m. Westminster Guild
5:00 -,6:00 Interest Groups; research lea-
dership training, 'and music.
6:00 - 7:00 Supper and fellowship hour.
7:00 - 8:00 Meeting: Jury Panel Discussion
of "The Meaning of Christmas."
409 South Division Street
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years
7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
512 E. Huron.
Dr. Howard Chapman, University Pastor.
9:30 a.m. Church School
9:45 a.m. University Students will meet at
the Guild House
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Prof. John Ma-
son Wells, D.D., of Hillsdale College will
speak on-"Love, The Law of Life." He will
also conduct Church Communion Service.
6:15 p.m. Roger Williams Guild at the Guild
House. Rev. Fred Cowin will give an ad-
dress on "The Consecrated Cobbler." Social
Hour and Refreshments.
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 7840
9:30 a.m. Church School
10:30 a.m. Morning ,Worship. Sermon Topic:
"Practice of Godliness."
6: p.m. Student Fellowship-Miss Edith
Stoll will speak on Public Health Nursing.
Corner State and Huron Streets
Rev. Harold P, Marley, Minister.

(Mo. Synod)
Liberty at Third Street
Carl A. Brauer, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Church School
9:30 a.m. Service in German
-0:45 a.m. Morning Service. Sermon by pas-
tor: Noah's Times and Ours."
6:00 p.m. Student's Club Supper and Fellow-
6:30 p.m. Prof John L. Muyskens of the
University will speak on Genesis of Speci-
7:30 p.m. Preparitory Service
7:45 p.m. Advent Service and Holy Com-
munion. Sermon by pastor
424 West Huron Street
C. E. Ferguson, Pastor


10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Preaching. Subject;
Confession, How Related."
8:00 p.m. Preaching. Subject;
His Own"

"Faith and
"Christ and




S tate anid XWashin-gton Stree,
Chas. W. Brashares. Mlini4,ter.
Earl Sawyer, Minister
9:45 a.m. Student Class at Stalker Hall. Dis-
cussion of the book, "As I See Religion."
10:40 a.m. Worship Service. Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will speak on "The A.B.C.D. of
Christianity". The choir under the dir-
ectzon of Achilles Taliaferro will sing "0
B1ehlehe ,m" by Murray. Informal Sing.
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild for Universily
stu(dents at Stalker Hal1. Prof. Bennett
Weaver will speak on "The Responsibility
of a Christian in a Democracy." Fellow-
ship hour and supper follow.
8:00 p.m. Young Married People's Class in
Beginning of the New Testament under the
leadership of Dr. Brashares. Church Par-
The friendly little church around the
Fountain Wtreet at Miller Avenue
Rev. Emil A. Shetler, Pastor
11:00 a.m. Divine Worship-Sermon "They-The
7:00 p.m. Prayer and Testimony
8:00 p.m. Lecture ,on Prophesy-Daniel's
Prophetic Image.
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Prayer Meeting and
Bible Study on the Seventh Commandment
Masonic Templet
327 South Fourth Avenue
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Sunday School. Lesson for the
Adult Bible Class; "The Doctrine of Ba-

BOB STEINLE and His Orchestra

1 1 (1111


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