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December 03, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-03

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SjIth'D W i OA1R M 'I~or lI Nr UI", - ~w TV.N IRN,'ra~
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service,Jnc.
College Publishers Representative


Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor .Robert D. Mitchell.
Editorial Director Albert P. Mayi0
City Editor . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . . . Robert Perlman
Associate Editor. . Earl Gilman
Associate Editor . . William Elvin
Associate Editor ,.Joseph Freedman
Book Editor ,.Joseph Gies
Women's Editor Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor . . Bud Benlssjin
Business Department


Business Manager
Credit Manager .
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Women's Business Manager
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. . Philip W. Buchen
. Leonard P. Siegelman
. . William L. Newnan
. . Helen Jean Dean
. . Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Skeletons In
R.R. Closets
T UCKED IN THE DARK recesses of
th daily financial pages early this
week, was the story of the dissolution of the
Chesapeake Corporation, middle holding com-
pany in the vast railroad net once owned by the
Van. Sweringen brothers. A bitter battle for con-
trol of their system of carriers has been waged
by New York brokerage and banking interests
ever since the two brothers died within a few
moniths of each other in 1936.
Th* story of this fight, along with the tale of
the financial manipulations through which the
Van Sweringens guilt up their vast network of
holding companies and carriers, rivals any that
thight be told of the scandalous operations of
those financial bucaneers of the last century,
Drew, Fiske, Jay Gould, Commodore Vanderbilt
and others, as well as shedding light on some of
the essential features of the crisis in which the
American railroads now find themselves.
The Van Sweringens, Oris and Mantis, began
their phenomenal rise from urchins selling papers
on the streets of Cleveland to management of
one of the greatest railway nets of their genera-
tion when they purchased the Nickle Plate road.
The devices they used in buying their first rail-
road were employed many times later in building
o' this cornerstone an intricate maze of rail-
roads and holding companies. Their methods
were brought to light by a Senate railroad inves-
tigating committee and have been popularly
publicized by John T. Flynn, whose latest article
appears in this week's Colliers. To Mr. Flynn's
description of the acquisition of the Nickle Plate
and the building of a rail empire:
"The Van Sweringens contracted to buy the
road at $8,500,000-$2,000,000 down and $650,000
a year. To get the money for the down payment,
they took the contract to the Union Guardian
Trust Company and pledged it as security for a
loan of $2,000,000 and turned the money over to
the New York Central, owners of the Nickle Plate.
in order to get the money to pay back the bank,
they organized a holding company, issued
$2,075,000 worth of preferred stock which they
sold. 'hey also issued $12,000,000 shares of com-
mon voting stock of which they kept $10,000,000
to give theni control of the holding company.
"Through other financial operations similar to
this one they increased their holding, absorbing
the Chesapeake and Ohio, Pere Marquette, the
infamous Erie and others, until their holdings
became nation-wide and the tangled mass of
carriers, securities and holding companies had
completely obscured ownership of the individual
roads. The keystone of these pyramided holdings
was finally set when they organized the All&-
gany Corporation, the master holding company
where the tangled threads could be ultimately
drawn together."
This is not the story of all American railroads,
but it is the story of many. And certainly such
financial manipulations for control of power
rather than for profitable and efficient operation
of the road have contributed to the crises in
which the railroad industry now finds itself.
-Jack Sullivan

but in the guise of a J-Hop or senior office peti-
This new menace works in a more insidious
fashion than the traditional campus politician.
It sidles up on the unsuspecting student in any
manner of unpropitious situation, be it a coke
rendezvous in a Betsy Ross booth, or enroute to
a psychology class, with the formidable out-
thrust pen and disturbing white sheet scrawled
with illegible names. and hisses, "Are you a
junior?" Upon the receipt of a startled confession
that, by some quirk of fate one happens to be
a junior, the atrocity leers, "Will you sign my
petition?" Usually the signature is forthcoming
in pure self-defense. How can the haples student
defend himself, however, when the same peti-
tioner assails him three times the same day with
the same queries, even after he has surrendered
his signature?
We would suggest a vigilante committee to
cope with the petitioner pest. Extreme violence
should be its guide. All petitioners should be
strung up by the ears to the trees along the diag-
onal as a warning to incipient BMOC's against
the incurring of campus disfavor in future
-Ben Marino
'The Kindly Pirate'
The Children's Theatre gave its second play
"The kindly Pirate," yesterday afternoon at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It was written an
directed by Richard McKelvey. Included in the
cast were Bunty Bain, *Jim Bob Stephenson,
Betty Spooner, Howard Johnson and James
Moll. The sets were designed by Robert Corrigan.
Beginning next Thursday night, Play Produc-
tion will offer at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
the Helen Jerome adaptation of the Jane Austin
novel, "Pride and Prejudice." From this skillfully
written novel, Miss Jerome has made an equally
skillful adaptation for the stage. The playwright
according to press releases, is as accomplished
in her art as the novelist in hers.
"The' Cradle Will Rock," Marc Blitztein's
musical drama, will be the opening production
of the Detroit Contemporary Theatre at their
new playhouse, Friday, Dec. 9th. The group plans
to run it Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings
for ten consecutive week-ends following the
The play was first produced in New York
by the Federal Theatre. It was denied a theatre
on the night of its scheduled opening, whereupon
enterprising Mr. Blitzstein and Orson Welles
gathered up cast and audience and took them
over to the Venice Theatre where the show was
put on without lights, makeup, costume or scen-
ery, but with such an electric force that comes
from the righteous indignation of nervy contest-
ants certain of a worthy cause, that dynamic Mr.
Wellesmoved it to his Mercury Theatre where it
enjoyed a long and prosperous run.
At the piano-the part Mr. Blitzstein original-
ly took-will be Carl Miller. Costumes and set-
tings are designed by James Doll, formerly of
Play Production staff.
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. 11:30-
12, WLW.
Radio City Music Hall, Jan Peerce tenor, Erno
Rapee conductor. Rienzi Overture (Wamner),
Shostakovitch's First Symphony, "Cacilie" and
"Allerseelen" (Richard Strauss). 12-1, KDKA,
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Orlando
Barera violinist, John Barbirolli conductor.
Symphony 104 in D major of Haydn ("London"),

Violin Concerto in E minor (Mendelssohn), Sym-
phony No. 1 in C ninor (Brahms). 3-5, WBBM,
University Symphony Orchestra, Joseph Brink-
man pianist, Thor Johnson conductor. Grahm's
Serenade in D major, Op. 11, Piano Concerto in
A major (K. 488- (Mozart), Prelude to Act III
of Tristan (Wagner), Capriccio Espagnole (Rim-
sky-Korsakov). 4:15, Hill Auditorium.
New Friends of Music, Kolisch String Quartet.
Beethoven Quartet Cycle, Op. 24 in E flat and
Op. 130 in B flat. 6-7, WJZ, WXYZ.
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein dir-
ector. Cantata No. 70, "Wachet, betet." 8-.30.
Curtis Institute of Music, baritone, piano and
violin, 3-4, WADC.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri-
son conductor. The Winter's Past (Wayne Bar-
low), Overture to La Baruffe Chiozzotte (Siniga-
glia), King Christian II Suite (Sibelius), Roses
am Suden (J. Strauss). 3-4, WXYZ.
, WOR Symphony, Eric Delamarter conductor.
9:30-10, CKLW.
"Story of Song," program of Peter Warlock's
songs. 3-3:30, WADC.
Cincinnati Symphony, Eugene Goosens con-
ductor. Children's Christmas Concert, Overture
to Beethoven's Fidelio, et al. 3:30-4:30, WJR.
WOR Symphony, Nadia Reisenberg pianist,
Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Mozart's D minor
("Coronation") Concerto. 9:15-9:45, CKLW.
Indianapolis Symphony Fabien Sevitzky con-
ductor. Handel-Harty "Water Music" Suite,
Ravel Pavane, Wagnerian excerpts. 3-4, WHIO,

-by David Lawrence-


WASHINGTON, Dec. 2-Fundamental study
of the American economic system has brought
already at least this basic point from the Gov-
ernment's own spokesmen-production must be
stimulated, durable goods, industries must be
given a chance to produce, and the job is one for
private industry primarily.
This was the sum and substance of the com-
ments made by Senator O'Mahoney of Wyoming
and Dr. Isador Lumin, Commissioner of Laborj
Statistics, after a day in which fifty or more
charts telling what happened in the first and
second depressions of the last nine years were
unfolded before the Congressional committee
studying monopolies and economic trends.
But, on the same day, Marriner S. Eccles,
Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, was tell-
ing the American Institute of Banking in New
York some things that fitted in exactly with-
what the joint committee was hearing at the
capitol in Washington.
Most significant was the statement by Mr.
Eccles that he had come to the conclusion the
role of government should be that of a "coordin-
ator, to adjust and adjudicate conflicting inter-
ests so that they will not result in injury to the
public." He added that government must be
"impartial" and that government must not "re-
sort to punitive or coercive methods." This is a
different kind of language than has been spoken
in Washington during the last five years by the
Administration, as, for instance, also this remark
by Mr. Eccles:
Encourage Private Enterprise
"I feel there can be no justification for dis-
couragement, if we all will quit calling names, if
we will generate more thought and less heat and
set ourselves to the task of understanding the
nature of the economy in which we live."
Presumably, it does no good to ask who started
the "name-calling" and why it was a deliberate
part of Administration strategy just a year ago,
when Messrs. Ickes and Jackson turned on the
faucets of invective. But there has lately been a
disposition-especially since the elections-on the
part of Administration officials to insist that
bygones ought 'to be bygones. And the odd thing
is that businessmen themselves feel the same
way, if only they can see something constructive
on the horizon out of the oft-repeated pleas for
cooperation between government and business.
What kind of "cooperation" is under considera-
tion? Mr. Eccles says, :irst, there must not be
"a completely controlled economy-that would be
regimentation, not capitalistic democracy." Nor
does he want government substituted for priv-
ate enterprise. He does want the Government to
encourage private enterprise "so that it may
furnish the greatest possible employment arnt
the greatest possible production and distribution
of goods and services."
Government As Coordinator
But Mr. Eccles doesn't stop there. He goes on
to say that "in a democracy busines and-industry
cannot sensibly object to having the Government
provide for those for whom private enterprise
does not make provisions, if government has first
given private enterprise every reasonable oppor-
tunity for profitable operation and for giving
When all is said and done also, after listening
to the many "if's" proclaimed by Dr. Lubin in
his very able and constructive presentation before
the anti-monopoly committee, the practical ques-
tion is, how can production be stimulated in
durable goods industries when one of the biggest
industries of all-the electric light and power
business that spends $1,000,000,000 a year nor-
mally for construction-is throttled by the gov-
ernment's own policies?j
Dr. Lubin painted a picture of future oppor-
tunity under the capitalistic system if the nation-
al income could be increased materially and if
the payrolls could be substantially increased and
if we could have in America a proper balance
between the goods and products we need and the
services that go along with them.
So, too, did Mr. Eccles say all would be
well with our budget if we had a higher national
income out of which to collect tax revenues. All
these "if's" have long ago been conceded, but
the practical question is how to get that higherI
national income. American industry has been
crying out in vain that it could do the job if the
government did not intervene and harass and

compete and over-spend. Maybe there is going to
be more recognition of this contention than ever
before-at last a start/is made when it is admit-
ted officially that production can be and should
be advanced in America to bring about a higher
standard of living for everybody.
conductor. Overture to Die Meistersinger (Wag=
ner), L'Arlesienne Suite (Bizet). 3:30-4, WJR.
Wor Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein conductor.
Boyce's The Power of Music, Concerto for Oboe
and Strings (Boughton), Aubade (Forst). 8:30-9,
Cincinnati Conservatory Orchestra, Karen
Dayas pianist, Alexander vom Kreisler conductor.
Tchaikowsky's B flat minor Concerto, Night on
Bald Mountain (Moussorgsky), Polovetsian
Dances from Prince Igor (Borodin). 11-12, WJR.
Metropolitan Opera Co. in Wagner's Siegfried.
Hartmann, Flagstad, Schorr, Erich Witte, Thor-
borg, Vogel, Bodanger, Cordon. 2:00. WJZ.
Un-Nash Their Teeth
For the time being, at least, Pat Nash will retire
as head of the Nash-Kelly faction of the Demo-
cratic party in Illinois. In addition to the en-
forced tribute thus paid to Governor Horner, the

-- By Roy Heath
Congratulations, Johnnie
TOW and then something turns up
which revives in my mind the
idea that things often work out to
the best advantage. Seldom do I ever
lay any bets on such a proposition,
but a letter I received from an old
friend, former Michigan halfback
and pitcher, Johnnie Smithers, tempts
me to do so.
According to his letter, he and Peg
Aldrich, former Gamma Phi presi-
dent, are all set to announce their
engagement. Johnnie has a job which
suits him to the T and, to make a
long story short, everything is looking
great to him. The outlook was not
quite so rosie for him, let us say two
years ago. In fact it was very black.
Smithers was playing football for
a Michigan team that was experi-
encing one of its darkest years. No
combination seemed to click and a
Michigan football player was just a
very worried individual. Ask some of
the boys who are still around who
played on that team which managed
to win only one game. During the
course of the season, Smithers, play-
ing practically without relief, received
a crack on the knee which put him
out for a week. He came back though,
and played top-notch ball against
Northwestern and was doing as well
as a cripple can against O.S.U. until
they took him off the field with the
leg too badly injured to walk on.
For weeks Johnnie was alternating
between going to class on crutches
and lying on his back in the hospital.
A promising career as a baseball pit-
cher and football player ended the
following summer when, after an op-
eration on his leg, calculated to make
it good enough for walking purposes,
Smithers was told that he could play
no more football. Even baseball would
probably be too much strain.
But injuries weren't the only
troubles that were harassing him.
Financially, his standing was prac-
tically nil. He managed to make
enough to keep himself going by
working in Detroit and coming back
to Ann Arbor at night. But there was
money needed a dozen different
places, money that Johnnie didn't
have. He wasn't able to reenter school
in the fall of '37. Debts kept on
mounting up and there was no pros-
pect of them going down. Then, to
add the last bitter touch, death took
Johnnie's mother. Everything that
could happen to make him forget his
ambitions and let his life go to hell
had happened.
Johnnie Smithers left Ann Arbor
to be nearer his work in Detroit. Since
last spring, I haven't heard from
him. He must have kept plugging be-'
cause his letter today said that be-
sides a fine fiancee, he has a job
which has paid off his debts, prospects
of advancement and is going to receive
his degree from Wayne University at
the end of this semester. He man-
aged to keep up his studies while
It looks like Johnnie Smithers got
some of the breaks at last. He took
the worst there was and came out
fighting. This column takes a pleas-
ure in saying for itself and everyone
who knew them at Michigan, "Con-
gratulations and good luck, Peg and
Johnnie." That's why I believe things
usually work out for the best. After
thinking it over I would now bet on

one interested in joining a group
which will sing French carols on1
Thursday evening, Dec. 17, to meet
at 408 R.L. on Tuesday, Dec. 6 for
Graduate Luncheon, Wednesday,'
Dec. 7 at 12 noon, Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League. Cafeteria style.
Dr. Carl W. Rufus, of the Astrono-
my Dpartment, will speak informallyI
on "Some Recent Developments in+
the Far East." All graduate students'
Sigma Xi. The next chapter meet-
ing will be held Monday, Dec. 5 at 8
p.m. in Room 1042, East Engineering
Bldg. Prof. Stalker will address us
on "Recent Research and Progress
in Aviation Development." This will'
be followed by inspection of the lab-
oratory equipment including the
Wind Tunnel.
Philosophy Club members and other
students interested in philosophical,
discussion are invited to attend a,
meeting Monday, Dec. 5, at 4 p.m. in
the East ,Conference Room of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies building. Emiliano Gallo
will read a paper on Pragmatic Aes-1
thetics and discussion will follow.
, Chemical Engineers: The semi-an-
nual banquet of the A.I.Ch.E. will be
held Thursday, Dec. 8, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union. Professor Badger will
be guest speaker. All Chemical En-
gineers are invited.
Notice: Engineers: Petitions must
be filed with Dean Anderson for
membership on the Engineering
Council as Class Representatives by
Dec. 7. Interviews will be taken by
the Engineering Council on the eve-'
ning of Dec. 7, to nominate the can-
Election of candidates will take
place Dec. 13 for all four classes, for
the Council. It will be held in the
West Engineering building.
The decorations committee of the
Christmas Come Across will meet on
Monday at 4:30 p.m. at the League.
Congregational Student Fellowship,
Sunday, 6 p.m. Supper meeting. Plans
will be made for the Christmas party+
for underprivileged children to be
given Dec. 11. All who are interested
in helping with this project are urged
to be present.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group has a special treat this week in+
being able to meet in the home of the
chairman, Miss Vivian Heide, at 320
'East Washington street. The time
of the meeting is the same, 5 p.m. on
Sundayafternoon. A speaker from
the Detroit men's Bible class will be
present. Those who care to go in a
group may meet at the north door of
the Michigan League at 4:45. Visit-1
ors are welcome to join the group for
an hour of worship and inspiration.,
Wives of Students and Internes are+
invited to attend the meeting of the
Music Group of the Michigan Dames
to be held Monday at 8 p.m. in the1
music room of the Rackham build-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
cussion group Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel,
Women's League.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)

(Continued from Page 2)

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30;:i11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m. Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman,
University Counselor in Religious Ed-
ucation, will speak on the topic "The
Worth of Man." A discussion period
will follow the address.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
hold their meeting for worship Sun-
day at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Visitors are welcome.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday service
at 10:30. Subject, "God, The Only
Cause and Creator."
Golden Text: Isaiah 43: 13. Sun-
day School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, State
and William Streets.
10:45 a.m. The subject of Dr.
Parr's sermon will be "Bricks With-
out Straw." The church quartet will
sing "Build Thee More Stately Man-
sions" by Andrews and Miss Mary
Porter, organist, will play "Prelude-
Choral" by Schmitt and "Choral-
varie" by Garbet.
6 p.m:. Student Fellowship supper.
Professor Goddard of thesLaw School
will speak on "The Development'of
the Idea of God in theBible."
First Methodist Church. Dr. C.
Brashares will preach on the ABCD
of Christmas at 10:40 a.m.
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Mildred' Sweet will lead the
discussion on "What is Christianity?"
Wesleyan Guild at 6 p.m. Prof.
Bennett Weaver will be the speaker.
Fellowship hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Mor-
ing Worship Service. "The 1938th
Coming" is 'the subject upon which
Dr. W. P. Lemon will preach. Palmer
Christian at the organ and the chdir
will take part in the service.
The Westminster Guild, studeht
group, begins their program at 5
o'clock with interest groups which
last until.6 o'clock when a supper and
fellowship hour is held. At the 7
o'clock meeting a Jury Panel Discus-
sion on "The Meaning of Christmas"
will be held.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and sermon by The Rev.
Henry Lewis; 7 p.m. Student meet-
ing, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof. H.
Hootkins of the U. of M. French
Reformed and Christian Reformed
student services will be conducted
this Sunday by Dr. Clarence Bouma,
Professor of Apopogetics at Calvin
Seminary and Editor of the Calvin
Forum. A special evening service will
be held at 7:30 in the League Chapel
as well as the morning service at
10:30. All students are cordially in-
vited to hear this outstanding preach-
er and churchman.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "The
Jury' Decides Coughlin is Guilty of
Social Injustice." A critique by H. P.
7:30 p.m. "The Struggle for Civil
Liberties" by Mr. Milton Kemnitz of
the Civil Rights Federation in De-
9 p.m. Coffee Hour.
Zion Lutheran Church, corner of
E. Washington and Fifth Ave. Church
worship services will be held in Zion
Lutheran Church at 10:30 with set-
mon by Pastor Ernest C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church worship
services will be held at 10:30. Ser-

mon "The Conduct of Christians"
will be delivered by Rev. Henry 0.
Yoder, pastor. Trinity Lutheran is
located on E. William at S. Fifth Ave.
Lutheran Student Association: The
Association will meet Sunday eve-
ning at 4:15 p.m. in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. The earlier hour is to
permit the speaker to return to
Minneapolis. Dr. Sverre Norborg,
Ph.D., will speak at 4:15 on "Aca-
demic Lone Wolfing or Christian Fel-
lowship." Supper will follow. All
students andfacultymembers are
invited to hear Dr. Norborg of the
Departments of Philosophy of the
University of Minnesota.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells will
preach on the subject, "Love, the Law
of Life." 6:30 p.m. Senior Y.P.U.
meets in church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday,
9:45, class at Guild House. Dr. Chap-
man, teacher. 6:15 p.m. Rev. Fred
Cowin will give the address on the
subject, "The Consecrated Cobbler."
Friendly hour and refreshments.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty
at Third, C. A. Brauer, minister.
Morning services at 9:30 in Ger-

'Peg Of Old Drury'
By HARVEY SWAD+OS the finest actors that it has even been
Before discussing "Peg of Old my pleasure to watch. In the picture,
Drury," I should like to say a few he does a series of monologues from
words about "Beethoven." Several "The Merchant of Venice," "King
people who have been reading Aris- Richard III" and "The Alchemist.".
totle's Poetics have registered the fol- Instead of being irritating because of
t their brevity, as one might expect,
lowing complaint about the "Beetho- these scenes are complete in them-
ven" review: it is not valid to criti- selves and are as satisfying as an
cize a work of art on the grounds of evening of sketches by, say, Ruth
its historical invalidity. Thus it is Draper or Cornelia Otis Skinner. Mr.
unfair to say that "Beethoven" is not Hardwicke has a rapid-fire delivery
a good picture simply because it' did ever, Ifee tanno some eople. How-
not follow the actual details of beet- for cinematic representation of
hoven's life. However, this is, it seems Shakespeare (which can never be as
to me, quite beside the point. I did esthetically complete as legtimate pro
not dislike "Beethoven" merely be- duction.) To my mind, the two scenes
cause it did' not detail Beethoven's from Shakespeare in "Peg of Old
life minutely and accurately. "Zola' Drury" are better than any of the
handled the French writer's life very "complete" Shakespeare movies made
liberally, shortening it by a number either in this country or in Britain.
of years and otherwise changing the People like Samuel Johnson and
historical facts of his career. It was the Earl of Sandwich waddle through
nevertheless a very fine film, be- theEmofandwehereddsenehrug
cause it did not alter Zola's philoso- the movie, and yet there is never a
phy or distort the motivation of his eeg of straining afterhistr'
and awkward artiness, so character-
work. Which is what "Beethoven" did'istic of Gaumont British films (this
do. is a Tri-National rodction).THer-


"Peg of Old Drury," now playing at
the Lydia Mendelssohn under the
sponsorship of the Art Cinema
League, is a splendid movie in every
respect. It is, briefly, the story of
Peg Woffington (the Dublin girl who
became the toast of the London

bert Wilcox directed and produced
in good' taste, filming and cutting
with restraint and achieving a film,
not flamboyant and not spectacular,
but quietly charming and complete-
ly satisfying.

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