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December 03, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-03

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Rising temperatures accom-
panied by rain tod&y,


3k tgan


Skeleton In -
R.R. Closets...
Ho Hum
No. 3.

: te rti. ,f:PM'.fl!t lIT LYII

VOL. XLIX. No. 59





Auto Workers
Strike In Flint;:
GM's Walkout
Affects 6400
Trouble Caused By Fisher
Body Employes' Refusal
Of Piece -Work Wages
Workers Quit Jobs
With No Disorder
FLINT, Mich., Dec. 2-W)-Fisher
Body Plant No. 4, a center of activity
in the 1937 sitdown strikes, was closed
down by a strike of United Automo-
bile Workers again today after UAW
employes voted 3,434 to 433 to walk
The strike was voted after a long'
dispute concerning demands of two
departments in the plant for day'
wages instead of piece wages, ;
The General Motors Crp., of which
the Fisher Body Co. i a part, said
6,400 men were affected directly. In
addition, the final assembly depart-
ment of the Corporation's Buick plant
was closed when the supply of bodiesa
was shut off.
Flint officials said there was no
disorder. The walkout started at 12:10
p.m., and by 1 p.m. the plant was
Strike A Violation
Officials of the Flint UAW Local
said the strike was authorized by the
International Union. General Mo-
tors' spokesmen said the strike was in
violation of the Union's agreement
with the Corporation.
Buick and the Fisher plant have
not been working Saturdays, so that
in the event of settlement they will
not operate before Monday.
A statement issued by General Mo-
tors said in part:a
"The strike violates the agreeement
etween GeneralMotors Corp. 'and.
the United Automobile Workers. The
employes quit work at 12:10 p.m. to-
day on a demand affecting approxi-
mately 900 men for day work versus
piece work'
Mawagement Hesitates
"Due to the problem of slow-down ,
which exist in the day work part of
the shop, the local management has
hesitated to grant the demand with-
out adequate potetion against slow-
downs. There were no other demands
presented. Compromise offers by the
Flint management were rejected.
"The International officers (of the
UAW), in a meeting in Detroit Wed-
nesday, were invitld to bring the
issue to Detroit (to the Corporation's
headquarters) for discussion in ac-
cord ance with the grievance proced-
ure in case no satisfactory settlement
was reached in Flint Thursday.
"Evidently the Local in Flint chose
direct action without resorting to
the grievance procedure, and the
plant is down, throwing 6,400 men
out of work."
The Executive Board of the Flint
Local No. 581 asserted the dispute
had been taken up "through the reg-
ular grievance procedure" and that
no satifatory answer has been re-

U.S. Will Bid For Continental
Unity At Pan-American Meeting


Cordell Hull To Further
Reciprocal Trade Policy
With Neighbor Nations
(Editor's Note: This is the fourth in
a series of articles in which the writer,
with the help of several members of the
faculty who prefer to remain anony-
mous. will attempt to analyze the
foreign policy of the United States in
respect to the swiftly-moving events
in the rest of the world.)
A delegation representing the Unit-
ed States government, led by Secre-
tary of State Hull, is on the high
seas today, on its way to Lima, Peru,
where the eighth international con-
ference on Pan-American states will
start next Wednesday.
More than ever before, American
citizens are looking with keen in-
terest upon the problems of our Lat-
in-American relationships. Now that
the entire system of international
cooperation has apparently broken
down in Europe, there is strong sen-
timent here for closer partnership
among the American nations. Lima,
they feel, can be the starting-point
of broader collaboration on -the part
of pace-desiring nations.
President Roosevelt used a new
phrase, "continental solidarity," when
he spoke a few days ago of the prob-

lems of preserving peace for the na-
tions of this hemisphere. and on this
aspect of American foreign policy
even the isolationists and collective
security adherents seem to be in
The important thing to note in the
forthcoming conference is the atti-
tude of the American government.
Secretary Hull and his party are not
going to Lima to change the map or
to stave off a war.Nor are they
carrying with them terms which they
intend to impose upon the 20 south-
ern nations. As the New York Times
has-declared editorially, probably ac-
curately estimating public opinion,
the time has passed when Americans
would justify using our resources-
the largest population, the greatest
wealth and the largest potential mili-
tary and naval power in the Western
Hemisphere-to dictate policies to
South and Central America.
It is inevitable that the voices of
the United States delegation will
carry the most weight. We have,
however, apparently relinquished the
role of a self-appointed policeman.
Nor do we still believe that it is our
duty to enforce what we believe to be
virtue upon the Latin-Americans. Five
years ago President Roosevelt de-
clared in a statement that was hailed
(Continued on Page 6)

-- --

"Law ers' Tr
Unusual Case
In Mock Court
Preliminary Trials Held
By Case Club Yesterday;
Defendants Galin Victory
The story of a woman who per-
jured herself to obtain a divorce and
in so doing, robbed herself of a huge
fortune, was presented in the pre-
liminary round of the Junior Case
Club trials at the Law School yes-
The case was tried before two
courts. Inthe court of Robert Keck,
'40L, the plaintiff was represented by
Jack Pennell, '40L, and Charles
:Campbell, '4,01, and the defendant,
by James 'Sager, '40L, and Martin E.
Thorpe, '40L. Bruce' Smith, '40L,
conducted the other court. Boris
Wolley, '40L, and John Owens, '40L,
were counsel for the plaintiff, and
the defendant was represented by
Roman Burnor, AOL, and Donald
Frank, '40L.
The woman, called Mrs. Mary Mc-
Carthy, had never lived with her
husband, James. After one year she
journeyed to .Reno, Nev., where she
resided for 90 days, and then sued
for divorce on the grounds of deser-
tion and non-support. Her husband
hurried to Reno, denied all his wife's
charges, and also petitioned for
divorce on the grounds of cruelty and
desertion. The husband, the defen-
dant in the case, was upheld, and
the decree was granted against the
The practically penniless James be-
came a broker and amassed a huge
fortune before he died 17 years later
leaving his entire fortune to a chari-
table society., When Mary heard
this she contested the will and de-
manded a wife's dower rights. The,
case then resolved into the issue of
establishing validity of the Mc-
Carthy's divorce.
Since there is a Nevada statute
stating that its courts should not
have .jurisdiction in a divorce case
unless either the plaintiff or defen-
dant has resided in the state for six
months, the plaintiff was able to
prove the decree was void. The
court, however, ruled in both cases
that, although the decree was invalid
as between the states of Nevada and
the parties involved, both the parties
wvere precluded from raising the in-
validity of it. Thus, the will was
held valid, and the defendants were

Heller Labels~
Coughlin Talk
~Un -American'
Blasts Priest's Discourse
For Betraying Christian
PhilosophyAnd Views
Father Charles E. Coughlin's radio.
speech of last Sunday was a betrayal,
of the Christian philosophy as well
as being anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi and+
un-American, Dr. Bernard Heller de--
clared last night at services in the
Hillel Foundation. -
"Father Coughlin's discourse to me
was an act of betrayal to' the very
}philosophy .and- organizain r-~for ,
which he professes to have so much
love," Dr. Heller said. "Students of
Christianity and of the ideology of
National Socialism are practically
universal in their agreement that the
two are absolutely incompatible.
Pastor Niemoeller is languishing in'
prison; Cardinal Faulhaber and the
erstwhile pro-Nazi sympathizer, Car-
dinal Innitzer, are the subjects of
vicious attacks because they are now
seeing the impossibility of any recon-
ciliation between the two systems.
"I should imagine that Father
Coughlin would have hesitated to
gloss over and explain away the Nazi
atrocities out of regard for the hero-
ism and sacrifice of these of his col-
Senior Petition
Deadline Is Set
Applications Being Taken
At Union And League
The deadline for all senior class
Petitions is 8 p.m. Tuesday, it was
announced yesterday by Fred Lueb- I

On Education
Opens Here
Great Lakes Group Hears
Views On Propaganda
And Modern Education'
Six Speakers Talk
At First Session
"The best way to distinguish be-
tween propaganda and education is
to analyze the effect of what you are
seeing, hearing or reading upon your-
self," Morse A. Cartwright, executive
director of the American Association
for Adult Education, said at a dinner
meeting of the second Great Lakes
Regional Conference on Adult Educa-
tion last night at the Union.
In speaking of "Propaganda and
Adult Education," Mr. Cartwright de-
fined those who spread propaganda as
"propaganders" and those who listen
to them as "propageese." He went on
to list various devices of the "propa-
ganders," including name calling, glit-
tering generalizations, transfers or
analogies, testimonials, plain folk line,
card stacking and the band wagon
Hold 10 an. Session
Members of the conference earlier
attended the first general session of
the conference, held from 10 a.m. to
noon in the Graduate School. Fol-
lowing greetings from President
Ruthven, the session turned toward
its theme, points of view in adult
Six speakers were introduced dur-
ing the first session by John R. En-
ens, president of the Michigan Coun-
cil on Adult Education, who presided.
Mrs. Edna C. Wilson, president of the
Michigan State Board of Education,
was the first speaker, discussing
"Women In Adult Education."
"Libraries and Adult Education"
was the subject of a talk by Ralph
A. Ulveling, associate librarian of
the Detroit Public Library. Ly Nor-
rix, superintendent of schools in Kala-
mazoo, spoke on the growing use and
value of community forums.
Harry Naesman, chief of the agri-
.clltural nehof th
State Board of Control for Vocation-
al Education in Michigan, discussed
vocational adult education'.
Lee A White SpeaksI
The position of the newspapers and
their relation to adult education was
discussed by Lee A White, director of
public relations for the Detroit News.
A summarization of the morning's
work was presented by Prof. Everett
L. Austin of the Michigan State Col-
lege education department.
E. J. Soop, president of the Detroit
Council of Adult Education, presided
at a fellowship luncheon held at the
League at 12:15 p.m.
The conference was broken up into
seven separate group sessions at 2
p.m., meeting in various rooms in the
graduate school. Mrs. Flora Robison,
director of the citizenship bureau of
the city of Highland Park, led the
discussion of "Problems in Literacy
and Remedial Reading." "Promoting
Permanency in Adult Education
through Works Progress Administra-
tion" was discussed by a group under
the direction of H. J. Ponitz, director
of the education division of the Michi-
gan WPA.
Leslie P. Hardy, director of adult
education at the University of Akron,
led a group in discussion of "Adult
SEducation Problems and the Urban

Six Countries To Attempt
Freeing Of German Jews
By Kennedy's Scheme
LONDON, Dec. 2.-(P)--Men of
six nations decided today to tackle
Germany again in the international
effort to get her estimated 600,000
unwanted Jews out of the country
under the $600,000,000 plan spon-
sored by the United States Ambas-
sador Joseph P. Kennedy.
The action was taken by the Vice-
Chairmen's Committee of the Inter-
governmental Committee on Refu-
gees, composed of men representing
the United States, Great Britain,
France, the Netherlands, Brazil and
Argentina, the latter a new addition.
Previously it was shown that Ger-
many had ignored repeated requests
that George Rublee, American who
is permanent director of the Inter-
governmental Committee, be invited
to Berlin to discuss the Jewish emi-
gration problem with German au-
The Vice-Chairmen's Committee,
on which Myron C. Taylor represent-
ed the United States, decided on a
fresh effort to obtain German co-
The committee members reported
progress in obtaining places for the
refugees to make new homes.
But it was believed little could be
done until'Germany allowed the Jews
to emigrate and modified the "flight
tax" rule which strips them of vir-
tually all they own as they leave the

Mass P on-Aryan Exodus
Is Planned In Exchange
For Increased Exports
BERLIN, Dec. 2.-P)-A promin-
ent Nazi editor disclosed today that
plans were being studied for mak-
ing Jewish emigration possible in re-
turn for increased German exports.
Although he declined to outline
specific details, the editor said the
project had advanced to the point
where Field Marshal Hermann Wil-
helm Goering, director of the Four-
year economic plan, could announce
it soon.
The editor, who is close to Goer-
ing's group, explained the idea be-
hind the scheme as follows:
"Jews need foreign exchange to get
out. We haven't any. Hence other
nations must supply it. These na-
tions, however, will insist that Ger-
many should repay these sums from
possession left behind by German
"There is only one way we can re-
pay-through goods. Therefore the
problem of ridding ourselves of Jews
and for Jews to make emigration
possible comes to this:
"How great a quantity of addi-
tional German goods are foreign na-
tions prepared to buy from Germany?
They can have all 650,000 Jews and
half-Jews if they will give us enough
export orders."
Meanwhile, iron. fences enclosing
Jewish burial plots were being torn
down to increase the German supply
of scrap iron

World Powers Debate Jewish
Problem As Nazis Offer Barter



Eight Council
Posts Sought
B Engineers
Petitions Due Wednesday
Must Have 15 Signers;
Election To Be Dec. 13
Petitions for the eight positions of
the Engineering Council are now be-
ing accepted in Dean Henry C. An-
.derzn's ofice.WeslryWarren,. '39E,
president, announced yesterday.
Two men who will serve as sole
t delegates of their respective classes
on the Council will be elected from
the freshman, sophomore, junior and
senior classes, Warren explained. The
deadline for these applications is
Wednesday and interviewing of all
prospective candidates will be held
that same night. The list of candi-
dates will be announced in The Daily,
Tuesday, Dec. 13, the day of the
Petitions should include 15 signa-
tures of engineers in the applicants'
class and should be accompanied by
lists of qualifications and a Univer-
sity certificate of eligibility.
This election in the engineering
school is the first of the original
plan which was devised to rid student
government on campus of perennial
abuses, and which foreshadowed the
Men's Council ruling of Oct. 27 which
affects all schools.

Annual Galens
Charity Drive
Nets $1,500
Proceeds To Go Towards
Giving Christmas Fun'
For Crippled Children
More than $1,500, donated by stu-
dents and citizens of A"n Arbor, will
be nsed by Galens, onornry medical
society, to provide Christmas enter-
tainment for crippled and handi-
capped children in the University
Hospital. I
This amount was contributed to the
junior and senor medical society dur-
ing its two-day sale of tags on Thurs-
day and Friday on Ann Arbor streets
and on the campus. The money will
be administered through hospital
authorities to give the children their
annual Christmas party, dinner, and
gifts, and to maintain an all-year,
Rainy weather .and slushy streets
handicapped the corps of twenty eight
workers yesterday. In 1937 the society
raised $1600. The first tag day sale
in 1928 netted $1,000 and provided a
Christmas party for 350 children.
All outstanding petitions pro-
testing the recent Nazi persecu-
tions of Jews should be brought
to the editorial office of The Daily

Daladier Firm
In Face Of New
Colonial Talks
Premier Asks Employers
To Rehire All Worers
Out For General Strike
Thousands Remain
In Protest Ranks
PARIS, Dec. 2-(A')-Threatened by
the colonial ambitions of both Italy
and Germany, Premier Daladier today
sought the internal political and
social peace he considers essential to
the defense of the world's second
largest colonial empire.
(French-Italian relation, strained
during the Italo-Ethiopian war and
since by the Spanish civi' war, were
jolted anew today by an authoritaA
tive Fascist editor's declaration that
Italy was "ready to march--even
against France-if it is necessary.")!
The French ambassador to Rome,
Andre Francois-Poncet, delivered a
strong protest to Foreign Minister
Count Galeazzo Cigno against the
cries of "Tunisia!" and "Corsica!"
which followed a speech by Ciano be-
fore Fascist deputies two days ago.
Employers Warned
The protest was similar to that pre-
sented to the Italian ambassador at
Paris yesterday by Foreign Minister
George Bonnet.
Meanwhile, to prevent employers
from taking undue advantage of his
victory over organized labor In
Wednesday's general strike, Premier
Daladier warned them to handle thei
workers with care.
Through his labor minister, Charles
Pomaret, Daladier advised employers
to take back all workers who mner.ly
had obeyed Union orders in heedin
the call to strike in protest against
the Daladier economic program.
Thousands had been thrown out
of work at least temporarily.Te
Government's advice carried a taeit
warning that refusal to take back
most of the strikers would bring grave:.
Socialist deputies estimated 80,000
workers had been discharged but the
General Confederation of French
Employers declared there was no
"question of a mass lockout or dis-
charges taking the form of reprisals."
*0,00 Still Strike
More than 20,000 workes were still
on strike and there were minor dis-
orders to'day.
With the worst of the labor crisis
over, foreign experts and political
leaders turned their attention to Ital-
ian and German colonial ambitions.
Both were old desires but the Italian
clamor has merged with new insist-
The Italian emphasis was on Tun-
isia, French North African protector-
ate, but the manifestations in Italy
:inked shouts of "Corsica!" with
"Tunisia!" this week. Corsica, an is-
'aryd off the western Italian coast,
was conquered by the French in 1768
md now is a department of France,
It was reported in some quarters
that the French would ask German
7oreign Minister Joachim Von Rib-
oentrop whether Germany planned to
)ack Italian ambitions in the Med
'erranean. Von Ribbentrop is com-
ng here Tuesday to conclude a
Trench-German accord.
The Government today requisi-
Bioned the liner Normandie after part
of the crew threatened a strike to
prevent the ship's scheduled depart-
are for New York.

State Camp Heads
- Attend Meet Today
The Michigan Camping Association,
t an organization of camp directors of
the state, is holding a conference to-
t day in the League and Union. The
t meeting is open to the public, and
t camp counsellors and those interest-
d ed in camping are especially invited
- to attend.
- Highlights of the conference are a
w banquet at 6 p.m. at the League at
. which Prof. Willard C. Olson of the
I School of Education will speak on
t "Life Values for Counsellors in Sum-
s, timer Camps," and a luncheon at 12:30
e p.m. at the Union in conjunction with
the Great Lakes Regional Confer-
- ence on Adult Education, at which
e Dr. Eduard C. Lindeman of the New
s York School of Social Work will
d speak.
s Dr. Norborg To Discuss
- . Isvn's rmana TndIui

Fraternity To Hold
Annual Convention
The Central District of Phi Epsi-
lon Kappa, national honorary physi-
cal education society, will hold its
18th annual convention in Ann Arbor
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec.
9, 10 and 11. Headquarters will be
in the Union.
Delegates from alumni and colleg-
iate chapters will attend. The pro-
gram for the convention will include
business meetings, discussions and
entertainments and several men of
national importance in the field of
education will appear as guest speak-
J. Edgar Caswell, Grad., is chair-
man of the Convention Committee
with reception under the directionof
George Thompson, '41Ed. The pro-
gram will be arranged by William
Saulson, '40Ed., who will be assisted
by George Ruehle, '41Ed, and Sey-
mour Haber, Grad. Publicity is be-
ing handled by Lawrence Luto,
Chenistry Group
Assembles Today
A symposium on "Difficulties In-
volved in the Use of Mathematics in
the Teachin nf Chemisdr" will


Economic Council Organization,
Outlined By Senate Committee



Music School To Give
Mendelssohn's 'Elijah'
The School of Music has chosen
Mendelssohn's "Elijah" as this year's
Christmas oratorio to be presented
Tuesday, Dec. 13, in Hill Auditorium.
Singing' solo parts will be Prof.
Thelma B. Lewis, soprano; Prof. Ar-
thur Hackett, tenor; Hardin Van
Deursen, bass, all of the music
school; and Mrs. Hope Bauer Eddy,
of Ann Arbor, contralto. The Univer-
sity Choral Union of 300 voices and
the University Symphony Orchestra
of 80 pieces will also appear in the
production directed by Prof. Earl V.
Moore of the music school.

ke, '39 E, president of Men's Council. (Continued on Page 6)
Applications are being accepted in
the Union student offices and the "Slister Six' Confused
League undergraduate offices for the As Code Is Decoded
13 Senior Ball committee positions
and an alumni president, vice-presi-
dent, secretary and treasurer for The Sinister Six is in a dilemma.
each school, who will serve five-year The Sinister Six is the organization
terms, responsible for the code messages
The vice-presidency in the literary rees and bullenb tacked to campus
college is open to women only, Luebke fte hblleinboard lrecently and
explained. The Senior Ball com- for thechallengingeletters sent to
mittee will be composed as follows: campus leaders.
three men and two women from the A series of telephone calls yester-
literary college, three from the en- day revealed that the "obscure" code
ginerin coleg, oe ech romtheused for the messages of the Six had
education,, nursing, music and archi-bendug up bysseveralscolrshod
tecture schools and one from the campus, with the result that the sec-
combined senior classes of the fores- ret which was to have lasted into
try and pharmacy schools. next week threatened to become gen-
tryanphrmacy hols.rr c eral campus knowledge. This the
Petitioners in the literary college Six' did not want, for there was to
should include 35 signatures of liter- be a prize for the "one-or possibly
ary seniors, engineers 25, and all oth- bo e h ouldeso e-the m ssagey.
er students 20 signatures of seniors ones who could solve the messages.
in their respective schools, So the gloomy leader of the Six
interrsetv col.made this statement for release last
night: "It will be to the advantage of
those who have solved the message
.Ilren s h eer to remain silent. The first five who
OrPT d contact the Sinister Six will be re-
ol warded, but no solutions will be ac-
cepted before Tuesday."

(Editor's Note: 'Thhis 1sthe third I ia {
series of articles dealing with the pro-
posal to form a National Economic
Council to investigate and make sug-
gestions for a long-range planning of
our national life.)
The organization of the proposed
National Economic Council has beena
designed to enable it to perform its
functions and fill its place in the gov-°
ernmental set-up.
The Senate Committtee envisages{
the Council as "a full-time body of
nine members, serving for a term of
nine years. Its personnel should repre-
sent the highest order of ability, con-
structive genius and character in the
nation and should be carefully chos-
en by an essentially nonpartisan and
nonpolitical method. One member
should be rotated out of office each
year to provide a Council combining
continuity of viewpoint with flexibil-
ity. It shouldfbe detached from legis-
lative and administrative details and
duties so as to be free to concentrate
on and give important national prob-
lems careful, continuous attention. It
should be independent of politics and
be so established as to be in a position
of dignity and prestige."
The jenate Committee emphasizes

definite viewpoints and a definite
philosophy on many subjects which
will 'prevent a detached and. un-
prejudiced consideration of facts.
Fresh minds are needed to reexamine
fundamental problems and a plan o
fixed terms and rotation will provide
a freshness, yet continuity, of view-
point. This also recognizes the neces-
sity of keeping the Council in clos
touch with the opinions of the people
The Committee, however, does Pot
contemplate a representative Coun-
vil. That is, the members do not
represent any special group or interest
or section of the country. Rather it
is considered that the Council should
be distinguished by "large open-mind-
edness, by the ability to think con-
structively and rise above narrov
interests and grasp the whole situa-
tion." A representative Counci
would be practically bound to wha
already exists, the Committee believes
as well as subject to the influenc
of selfish interests.
The independence of such a Coun
cil is of primary importance, in th
opinion of tlhe Committee. It i
viewed as a balance wheel, detache
from the other branches of govern
ment, free to determine its own cours
of work. If the President or Congres
could demand that the Cncilc nn


Two performances of "The Kindly

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