Seeks Comstock
Constitutional Denocrats
To. Select Ticket
LANSING-(')-Leaders of Michi-
gan's new third part, the Constitu-
tional Democrats, turned their at-
tention to the selection of congres-
sional and legislative candidates to-
day after their convention had placed
a complete state ticket in the field.
The date for district conventions is
Sept. 30.
Persisteht efforts to draft former
Gov. William A. Comstock as the
party's standard-bearer, revived on
the floor of the convention here Sat-
urday after he had flatly declined the
nomination, failed. Comstock said
financial reverses prevented him from
making the race.
H3is withdrawal left B. F. Steph-
eison of Detroit unopposed for the
nomination. Stephenson was super-
visor of the 1938 campaign of the
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin's National
Union for Social Justice in inichigan.
Other nominees are: For lieuten-
ant governor, Frank J. Sawyer of
Grand Blanc, who was twice Com-
stock's running mate on the Demo-
cratic ticket; for secretary of state,
Ry Hardy, Wyandotte; for state
treasurer, Sidney F. Main, Midland,
former register of deeds; for auditor
general, John T. Bailey of Benton
Harbor, Democratic candidate for
lieutenant governor in 1934; for at-
torney general, Abner Dilley, Grand
In his keynote address, Comstock
said the new party should constitute
a challenge to the present Democratic
leadership. "We should go forward,"
he said, "with the idea we're going
to take the party out of the hands of
those Who are misleading it."
Third Of Families
SIU. S. Have Annual
Income Under $780
. WASHINGTON-Rate yourself or
family according to these estimates of
annual income just announced by Na-
tional Resources Committee today.
Less than $780 was the income of
one-third .of all American families
and individual consumers.
Less than $1,700 was the income of
'Less than $1,50 was the income
of two-thirds.
. Less than $2,500 was the income of
89 'per cent,
More than $5,000 was the income of
about two per cent.
' Mo e t ohn $10,000 was the icome
of less than ne per cent.
The study of consumer incomes in:
the U.S. during 1935-36 is declared
"the most complete picture ever pre-
sented of the division of national in-
come among the American people." It
shows the incomes received by the
nation's 29,000,000 families of 2 or
more, 10,000,000 single individuals,
2,000,000 living in institutions.
Approximately $ 5 9,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0 ,
flowed into the hands of families and
single individuals during the year
studied. But the poorest third re-
ceived 10 per cent of the total, about
the same amount as the richest one-
half of one per cent. This poorest;
third, with incomes under $780, is not
a distinct and ulhusual group, the re-
port emphasiges. Its families and in-
dividuals include all types of consum-
ers, in all communities, and in all
major occupations.
Dr. Hildegarde Kneeland was in
charge of the study, and re,$tlts we e
based primarily on family income data
obtainaed through a WPA project of
the U.S. Bureau of Home Economics,
U.. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Na-
tional Resources Comnittee and Cen-
tral Statistical Board.
eublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. 4
Copy' received at the office of the Summer Sessionunti 3:34; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
trying out for the Varsity Club should
report to 305 Michigan Union Thurs-
day at tm:e30.
Tau. Beta Pi: A short meeting will.
be held this evening at 7 :30 in the
Michigan Union. There will be no
speakers, and it is not a dinner meet-
ing. Some business will be discussed.
Swimming, Women Students: The
first meeting of the Tuesday and
Thursday 7:30 evening swimming
class for women students will be held
at the Union Pool. Swimming at first
meeting optional.
(Continued from Page 4).
Sappington, Eleanor
Sappington, Virginia
. Sargent, Elbert
Sargis, George
Sarracino, John
Schley, L.
Schwartz, S. S.
Schwartzkopff, Ralph
Sharpe, Richard
Silva, Felipe
Silverstein, Morris
Slater, Phil
Smith, Carpo C.
Smith, Lloyd L., Jr.
Smith, Elsie
Smith, Melvin
Sofiak, Mike
Spaulding, Philip
Spinney, Rachel
Stephen, Edwin
Stevens, Martin B.
Stevens, Rachel
Stevenson, David H.
.. Stewart, Henry
Stille, Wayne
Stonington, Nancy
Strauss, Larry
Taylor, Elaine
Ulrich, Osmar
Wallace, Robert
Waskiewicz, Leon S.
Watkins, Sam
Weddige, Emil
Weiss, Arthur B.
Wellington, Ruth
Whiting, Edmond W.
Wilkus, James F.
Williams, Marjorie
Wills, Ann
Winslow, Bill
Wiseman, Merrill
Wright, Margaret
Young, John G.
Youngquist, Orrin G.
Zimmerman, Louise
Zinn, W. R.
Zittel, RedfieldI
Zumwalt, Faytene
Aero 10, Airports: Students electing
this course will meet with Professor
Pawlowski at 4 p.m. today, in Room
B-47c East Engineering Bldg., to ar-
range bours.
Astronomy 101 and 201 (Dr. Max-
wel). These classes will hold their
first meetings on Tuesday, Oct. 4.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Department of Astronomy
Astronomy 204. Spectrophotometry.
Williamps. To be offered during the
first semester.
Astronomy 205. Cosmogony. Curtis.
To be offered during the second se-
Degree Program Advisers, 1938-1939
American Culture, Development of,
addition of D. L. Dumond, 214 H.H.
Anthropology, addition of M. Ti-
tiev, 4506 Museum.
Chemistry, addition of B. A. Soule,
48 Chemistry.
Economics 175: Laboratory sections
will meet this afternoon in 3201 An-
gell Hall, for calculating machine in-
struction, at the following hours: sec-
tion 1, from 1 to 2 p.m.; section 2,
initials A through L, from 3 to 4 p.m.;
section 2, initials M through Z, from
4 to 5 p.m. After today, all laboratory
sessions will be held in 215 Ec. Bldg.
and all lectures in 11 Ec. Bldg.
E. M. Hoover.
English 31, Section 14, The place of
meeting has been changed from 220 S.
W. to 3231 A. H. The place of meet-
ing of English 159, Section 2, has been
changed from 1209 A. H. to 3209 A. H.
Paul Mueschke.
English 230: There will be a meet-
ing of the students enrolled, (Studies
in Spenser and His Age), Prof. Tilley's
class, on Thursday, Sept. 29, at 4 p.m.
in 2213 A.H. to arrange the time of
meeting for the semester.
English 297: I shall meet my stu-
dents in English 297, Wednesday at
4:30 in Room 3216 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter.
Times of meeting of courses in Eng-
lish. The courses listed below will
meet at the hours, and in the places,
English 47, Allan Seager. TTh, 10,{
3217 A.H.
English 153, A. L. Bader. Tu, 7:30,
3217 A.H.
English 197, L. A. Strauss. W, 4.
2235 A.H.'
English 211B, W. G. Rice. MWF, 9,
2219 A.H.
English 211C, Paul Mueschke. Tu,
4-6, 3217 A.H.
English, 211F, E. L: Griggs. Th,
-6, 3217 A.H.
English 211G, J. L. Davis. Th, 2-4,
3217 A.H.
English 211K, R. W. Cowden. Tu,
2, ,403 Library.
English 230, M. P. Tilley. Th, 4,
2213 A.H.
English 259, Paul Mueschke. Tu,
4-6, 3217 A.H.
English 297, R. W. Cowden. W,
7:30, 43 Library.
English 300A, A. H. Markwardt. F,
2-4, 2212 A.H.
English 300B, J. R. Reinhard. W, 1,
2215 A.H.
English 30G, C. D. Thorpe.' Th, 3,
2214 A.H.
English 300H, E. L. Griggs. W, 3-5,
3217 A.H.
German Teachers Course 151 will
meet at 7 o'clock in Room 303 SW.
Professor Willey.
German 153, Historical Germanic
Grammar 'will meet Tuesday and
Thursday at 8 o'clock in Room 303
SW. Professor Willey.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School;
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up and reported to this
office by Oct. 26. Students wishing
an extension of time should file a
petition addressed to the appropriate
official in their school with Room 4
U.H., where it will be transmitted.
Psychology 33L, 35, 37: 'All labora-
tory students in these courses will
meet on Thursday at 5 p.m. for an in-
troductory lecture by Professor Shep-
ard in Room 3126 N.S. Bldg. The
Thursday laboratory section is the
only section which will meet this week
for regular work. Discussion sec-
tions of Psy. 33L meet on Wed. at 1
p.m. or Sat. at 11 a.m. in Room 1139
N.S. Bldg.
Psychology 203 will meet in Room
2122 N.S. at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept.
28 to arrange hours.
L ectures
University Lecture: Dr. Emanuel G.
Zies, Geochemist at the Geophysical
Laboratory of/the Carnegie Institu-
tion at Washington, D.C., will lecture
on the subject "Volcanoes and Their
Eruptions," illustrated by lantern
slides, at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Sept.
29, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Thomas A.
Knott, Professor of English in -the
University of Michigan, formerly
Managing Editor of Webster's New
International Dictionary, will lecture
on the subject "Behind the Scenes
im Building a Twentieth-Century Dic-
tionary" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Oct.
6, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The public is cordially in-
Events T oday
Varsity Glee Ciub: There will be a
short rehearsal for old members Tues-
day at 7:15. Anyone interested in
S t
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Fraternity Registration: All new
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td five this week.
Coming Events
Sigma Alpha Iota will have its first
siness meeting of the year Wed-
sday, Sept. 28, at 7:15 p.m. in the
chigan League. Attendance is com-
Perspectives: There will be a meet-
g of the staff and the editorial board
ednesday, Sept. 28, at four o'clock
the publications building. All of
t year's staff members who wish
work on the magazine this year
Juld be present.
Opposite Engineering Arch
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