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November 30, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-30

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T UP -,,i f C 1-11 i , N, 11 A I If Vr

TTI17 UIt"T-TsL ~ lb 4 ii V wEiFNr~iiAY~


President Confers With Ambassadors At Warm Springs

Landscape Design Students Plan ; Y.C.L. To Hold Classes
The first of the year's study class
Solutions To Housing Probiems of the Young Communist League w
be held at 4 p.m. today in Unity Ha


Continuing the current series of
ocational talks and forums spon- i.
>red by the Union, Dean Alber+ C.
urstenberg, of the medical school.
ill lead a discussion and deliver a 1
fort talk on the medical profession
t 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the smali
allroom of the Union. All students'
terested in, or planning to enter
edicine are urged to attend.
Dean Furstenberg's 1*lk will be tle
'th of this series, which have also
'esented Dean Henry M. Bates of
e law school, Prof. Howard B. Lew-
of the pharmacy school, Dean
ells I. Bennett of th6 architecture -
hool, and Dean Russell W. Bunt-
g of the dentistry School.
The forums, which follow a similar
ries sonsored by the College of Lit-
ature, Science and the Arts last
mester, are designed to "ac aint
udents planning to enter certain '"
elds, professional and otherwise,
th the problems and characteristics -
their chosen work. At the "Little White Houee" at W
The next of the series will be given ities in totalitarian states with thi
Thursday, Dec. 8, when Dr. Wal- are Hug R. Wilson (right), amba
r W. Bishop of the library science
partment will speak. Tentatively
anned as subjects for discussion afaCh i t s v c t on re ng e r-g, m s c du t s u ie , d c -
Crstma vaao a ret en~gerR ack ha mn B u
n, politics, nursing, business ad-
nistration, foreign service and for- (Edtor's Note: This is the sixth in
,ry. a series of articles dealing with the his-
tory, development and activities of the
Graduate School. Today's installment
*11 Icontinues with a description of the
til el Discussions ~~physical features of the Rackhamn Build- ig etro l rdaeatvt.
fimei Discussions ~I ' r ega
ig, center of all graduate activity.)
To BegiTonight By MORTON L. LINDER
In a recent metropolitan newspaper
he Hillel Foundation is inaugurat- article, the Rackham Building was
its discussion group on current referred to as "one of the most beau-
wish problems at 8 p.m. today in tiful college buildings in the country."
Foundation. Dr. Isaac Rabino Besides dressing up the northern end
z, associate director at Hillel, will of the campus, the building has also
d the discussions, which are open served to integrate and unite hitherto
the entire campus. scattered graduate activities.
k class in Elementary Modern He- Two monumental stairways of tiav-
w will meet at 4:15 p.m, tomor-- ertinie lead to the second floor. The
v, while the section in Advanced north part of the building is occupied
Post Biblical Hebrew will meet at by the upper portion of the lecture
0 p.m. Friday. Dr. Rabinowitz hall. On the south front and center
I conduct these classesnboth of is a 'study hall 31 by 105 feet, 34 feet
ich will meet in the Foundation. high, with five large windows facing
t he mall1. At either .nd of h~is 1- n

11 fii t'V t i F ttEa 'ine there would be no sidewalks
A jiartLiA sorlti il, 1 lthe 'idua iimlong the streets.
living conditions of Ann Arbor's in- The houses would be of two types,
duirial workers is offered by the low- single-family dwellings and row
houses containing six to eight fam-
cost housing project planned by stu- ilies.
dents in the landscape design classes;
he Although the homes of the indus- ll Will Address
trial population in Ann Arbor are
generally lacking in modern facili-
ties and are in poor condition, the
rents are exceptionally high, strident
surveys have indicated. The planned
subdivision would eliminate these "Geographic Factors in Japanese
conditions by providing 500 housing Expansion" will be the subject of an
units in the hilly area between North address by Prof. Robert B. Hall of
Main Street and Huron River Drive- the geography department at the 16th
way, a site quickly accessible to the annual session of ° the Institute of
local factories. World Affairs Dec. 12, in Riverside,
The design of the proposed sub- Calif.
division follows the modern trends in Considered one of the University's
housing projects. It would be zoned, I outstanding authorities on the Orient,
having a residential, a business and Professor Hall directed the estab-
a civil center, the latter containing lishment of the Institute of Far Eas-
firefighting and police quarters. The tern Studies in the summer of 1937
streets would be built on the cul-de- which has provided the most far-
sac principle, allowing adequate com- reaching program of study in oriental
I munication throughout the project civilization in America.
but avoiding through traffic. Professor Hall will be chairman of
Each housing unit would face on an the round-table section on geographi-
interior park, containing easily avail- cal factors in international relations
able recreation grounds. The 20 acres at the Institute of World Affairs. He
of parks would be interconnected by will also speak as guest of honor be-
walks. To promote greater safety, fore the Pacific Geographical So-
pedestrians would follow these walks ciety at'Los Angeles.
Classified Directory




only a little
time left!

Joseph.Clark, state executive see-
tary of the Y.C.LJ., will speak on "The
Growth of Society: A Marxist View."

. f .1lrr84a

arm Springs, Ga., President Roosevelt held a conference on oppressed minor-
he United States ambassadors to Rome and Berlin. Shown with the President
msador to Germany, and William G. Phillips (left), envoy to Italy.


ilding Noted For Its Beauty

imblazoned seals of the Association
of American Universities in full color.7
The ceiling is divided by five great
coffers in polychrome and gold, and;
fromp three of these are suspended;
chandeliers in antique green and gilt,
supplementing the lalnps on the study'
The large study tables are in oak,,
harmonizing with the wood wains-:
cot. The lounge chairs are upholstered
in blues, greens, and terra-cotta reds,
the colors found in the pattern of
the carpet and draperies.
In the center of the second floor ist
a circular foyer 26 feet in diameter,
lighted from above. On the northt
wall of this room, opposite the door'(
to the study hail, a memorial to!
Horace H. Rackham contains a por-1
trait plaque in bronze, modeled byt
Carleton W. Angell of the Universityc
Museums. Corridors connect this roomi
with adjacent stairways. The color E

scheme of the foyer, dark terra-cotta,
red and travertine, is carried through
the corridors in geometrically figured
rugs. Corridor walls are plain with
accents of color in the ebony furni-
ture with blue-green leather uphol.,
(The description of the building will b
continued in the next in this series.)
Adviser System Needed
For Transfer Students
Results of a questionnaire sent to
transfer students recently by the
Union indicate that an adviser system
would be favored in place of the pres-
Sent information service maintained
by the Union.
The questionnaire also showed that
the transfers would favor a iwta
dance or mixer for transfer men and
women, and sought further social
activities in the evening program


FOR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower for 3. Also newly decor-
ated double and steam heat. Con-
tinuous hot water. Garage avail-
able. Phone 8544, 422 E. Washing-
FOR RENT-Four room apartment
near hospital and campus. Small
children accepted. 205 Observatory.
Call 2-3430, 216
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935.
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176
SPECIAL Christmas Roundtrip Ex-

cursion to New York City, $22.50.
Details, call 5491 (after 7). 218
LOST-Dark brown Scottie dog. If
found please call 2-3297 and ask
for Al.
LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. .Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsihan, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
'or research work full or part time,
by experienced M.A. Excellent ref-
erences. Typist. Phone 8471. 21

50 for $1

Christmas just isn't Christ-
mas without Rytex Christmas
Cards ... smart.. . individual
. . . different! . . cards that
are remembered long after
Christmas is forgotten! And
yet . . . priced so amazingly
low! 50 Cards, with your Name
on each Card.. 50 Matching
Envelopes:... only $1.
7 Read Daily Classified Ads






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PAS 11


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