THE, -,811CHIGA--Y DAILY 'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, ."38 THE- MTeTITGA:N- DAIlY WEDNESDAY, NOV. S1~t~3R THE MICHIGAN DAILY - I - f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Sub ' riptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mail, $4.50. RNPRESITE FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publshers Representative 420 MADiSoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press; 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor EditorialtDirector City. Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor , Sports Editor - Robert D. Mitchell. Albert P. Mayjo Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . S. R. 'Kleiman . Robert Pernman . . Earl Gilman S William Elvin . Joseph Freedman * .Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelmaun Advertising Manager .. . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A., Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NLRB And Labor Split.. C RITICISM of the National Labor Relations Board and the Wagner Act, we pointed out in a recent editorial, must be looked upon as either an attack on the principle of the :Act, which guarantees workers the rights of self-organization and collective bargaining, or as a condemnation of the pro- cedure and administration of the Labor Board. Attacks on the purpose or the Act come from-those who refuse to recognize that the right of employes to combine for the protection of their interests without employer domination is a nec- essary and fundamental right in modern in- dustrial society. Much of the condemnation of specific rulings and practices of the NLRB has come from the leadership of the American Fed- eration of Labor. Behind these objections of the Federation is the fact that the AFL leaders are very dis- pleased with the way the Board has put into practice two seemingly innocent clauses in the law. One provides that when a question arises as to which union represents the workers, the Board may investigate, hold an election if nec- essary, and certify the collective bargaining representatives of the majority of the workers. The other provision -empowers the NLRB to deride whether the "unit appropriate for the purpose of collective bargaining shall be the em- ployer unit, craft unit, plant unit, or subdivision thereof." Board Thrown Ito Fight It was inevitable that these two dynamite- charged clauses would throw the Labor Board right into the thick of the AFL-CIO fight, for the extent of the employe bargaining unit i the crux of the craft versus industrial union conflict. The AFL claims the Board has taken the side of the CIO. Some interesting facts are presented on this point in the Oct. 17, 1938 issue of Labor Relations Reporter in a survey covering Oct. 1, 1937 to Sept. 30, 1938. When pitted directly against each' other, the AFL won 73 elections as against 125 CI victories. More interesting, in a survey in the same issue covering 37 months of NLRB activity up to Aug. 31 of this year, is the revelation that the rival unions were in substantial disagreement on the appropriate bargaining unit in only 50 out of 3,900 representation cases- But positively start- ling is the fact that the Board favored the-AFL in 24 rulings and the CIO in only 21. Four deci- sions were compromises and one case was decided by employer recognition of the AFL union. AFL Suggests Changes How does the Board decide the appropriate unit? Certain criteria, some of which are present- ed here, have been adopted by the board in these cases: the history of collective bargaining in the industry and plant involved, the present wishes of workers as expressed in elections or union membership, organization of the employ- er's business, similarity of workers' tasks, trans- ferability between departments manifested in seniority rights, and methods of compensation (hour, piece or week rates). of the AFL-supported changes have as their basis the fact that the Federation hasn't been doing so well under the Wagner Act because the trend today is toward industrial unionism. Referring again to the survey of AFL-CIO rivalry under the NLRB, we find that for the year 1937-38, the AFL polled only 17 per cent of the votes cast and won only 23 per cent of the elec- tions as against the CIO record of 49 per cent of the ballots and 42 per cent of the elections. As for'the suggestion that mediation be left to the Conciliation Division of the Department of Labor, granted that the NLRB was not designed to mediate, is it reasonable to expect a board, established to diminish the causes of labor dis- putes in interstate commerce, not to prevent strikes, lockouts and inter-union fights whei possible. This is another example of duplication in federal agencies and the most intelligent solution would be to empower the NLRB to medi- ate in the many cases in which it has an oppor- tunity to do so Judicial Review Unwise The proposals to give the courts power to re- view facts accepted by the Board and to pass jucgment on NLRB rulings harks back to a similar attempt foisted on the Interstate Com- merce Commission in 1910. A Commerce Court to handle ICC cases was established and lasted for three years. It was abolished because it usurped the ICC's powers and consistently over- ruled its orders (and was just as consistently overruled by the United States Supreme Court). An independent judicial tribunal would probably have the same experience with the Wagner Act. The answers to the problems raised in this editorial (the employer's position on the NLRB will be considered in a future article) will come as the result of experience and experimentation through Board rulings and Court decisions. The Labor Board is young. It ismonly beginning the process of working out procedures and tech- niques that has taken the Interstate Commerce Commission 50 years. And the ICC is still far from solving transportation questions. These administrative tribunals must forge ahead in their attempt to handle complex problems of our complex society. -Robert Pelman TJIhe Editor Gets Told. Consolidate Conferences To the Editor: Between the second and the sixth of this month The Daily gave excellent reports of the progress of a convention which was studying Parent Education. The following abbreviated quotations are from those brief reports: "Dr. - suggested in forceful terms that parents should endeavor to remove fear, encour- age the child's curiosity, give him both love and understanding . . .' "Parents should develop beneficial attitudes toward their children and in the children toward themselves, it was decided by the participants in the Panel Class." "A salient point made in the conference was the nee of determining a definite goal for edu- cation so that studies of methods and curricula will not be pointless; . . "Maintaining that a paralysis is creeping over college professors and other leaders of modern communities, making them do far too much talking and far too little acting, Professor -- of the School of Education yesterday urged members . . . to act at once . ." It would be unfair to conclude from this exi- guous evidence that conventions discover the obvious and rehash the trivial, nevertheless the quotations seem to offer a definite challenge to all coming conventions. May I offer a suggestion. Why couldn't we instead of having one week for Parent Educa- tion, another for Progressive Education, and a third for Adult Education, have a single congress for the education of progressive adult parents which would really go places? Sincerely yours, -Norman Anning THEIATR'E By NORMAN KIELL Christmas On Broadway Once again we find the Christmas season upon us, and those students who at this time turn eastward to the theatrical mecca of the world, New York City, find that the holiday offerings are not many. However, those new dramas that are on the boards are well worth seeing. So suc- cessful are these few that it would be advisable to reserve tickets far in advance, for Christmas finds the theatre at its busiest. From time to time, we shall chart the hits current on Broadway in these columns... The most enterprising of the producers this year is the Playwrights Co. Inc. When five play- wrights get together and determine to produce their own works, the result, to all appearances, is five successful shows. At any rate, with two suc, cessfully launched, and a third opening this Saturday evening, The Playwrights' Company may well be proud of itself. Their first offering, Robert Sherwood's "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," (at the Plymouth Theatre), Ii feemr t e Heywood Broun In the controversy between Arthur Krock, of the New York Times, and Harry Hopkins, of WPA, there s much to be said in favor of the administrator. At least it seems to me that sound journalistic practice, on the whole, has protected public men in the privacy of chance and casual remarks. It should be so, because such things cannot be subjected to any accurate check. As I understand it, Mr. Hopkins is reported to have said something about, "We will spend and spend," etC., to some fellow horse fan at the Empire City Race Track. The administrator has now twice denied hav- ing made the statement, and Mr. Kock's friend insists he heard it. But the man who carried the message remains nameless, as far as I know, and certainly he made no stenographic notes. However, according to the law 0f averages, it is likely that the one who told the story is not as well equipped a news-gatherer as Mr. Krock him- self. Indulging in sheer speculation, I would be in- clined to guess that the truth lies somewhere be- tween the two. Truth has a penchant for drop- pir~g into that familiar pasture. In other words, I'm inclined to think that Mr. Krock's inform- ant did not make up the anecdote out of whole cloth. However, it is just possible that he garbled it. Straight From The Feed Box When the sixth race is coming up and every- body around the table has an ear cocked for the latest dope straight from the feed box any other information may well seem irrelevant and unim- portant. But the issue, as far as a newspaper goes, does not even end there. There are times when surface accuracy may be deceptive. For instance, a public man might say something ut- terly preposterous and not mean a word of it. It is important to know whether the thing was said with a straight face or a broad grin. And occasionally one likes to attempt an epigram without tipping off his intention to be satirical. I realized that men in bublic life should never make a joke. That's a good rule, but it is also harsh one. A leader may forget to diagram his intention at the beginning by saying, "Now, on the level, boys, I'm only kidding." Within the last few days I heard an American of considerable prominence say at a public meet- ing, "Why do you cheer me? Don't you know that I am a dictator?" Now, surely it would be utterly unfair to the cause of truth if a newspaper spot- ted the quotation and announced in bold type, "Mr. X admits that he is a dictator." This is even more pertinent in the case of things said casually when everybody is at ease and it is assumed that no one in the party has a pencil, a notebook or a private line into a newspaper office. A Boswell At His Elbow Around a soda fountain, an oyster bar or a table at a race track almost anything could be said. No public man could survive in office if there were always a Boswell at his elbow. And in the case of Dr. Johnson, he was in a position to know from long experience that clbse at hand loitered a young Scotsman who was the Highland equiva- lent of Walter Winchell. Most orations, and even newspaper columns, have in them some. element of premeditation. And I know not a single soul who has written or spoken much who did not live to regret some careless phrase or even a com- plete set of paragraphs. Language is a tricky thing, and you may word yourself in such a way that those who read or listen will go away with a complete misin erpre- tation of the idea propounded. And so it seems to me that, through a kind of civilized courtesy, no man should be nominated for a moral firing squad because of something which slipped out of the side of his mouth. We are all inhibited and frightened folk, and frankness, might pos- sibly disappear from the face of the world if there is to be no haven "off the record" in which spotlight celebrities may take off their shoes and let their hair down. A man's home is his castle, and a race track should very well be a kingdom of relaxation where one can shout, "Come on, Seabiscuit!" without thought of political or economic consequences. "much to recommend in it in the way of intelli- gent showmanship to excellent music." As stated above, the third work is that of Elmer Rice and its name is "American Landscape." Its fate will be better known after its opening Saturday evening at the Cort. The most astonishing success of this season, as was last season, is William Shakespeare. "Julius Caesar" last year, '.Hamlet" this, and with it Maurice Evans. It is an uncut version that is being played at the St. James Theatre; the curtain goes up at 6:30 and comes down at 11:30 with an hour's intermission for dinner at 8:10. The critics found it much to their liking as witness: " . . . it is the most vivid drama in- town today . . . It is fresh and exciting to see Hamlet played for sheer drama.....Evans' portrayal is assuredly the finest Hamlet that New York has seen since John Barrymore's class- ic portrayal of the role." Hit number 4 is a drama brought over frpm England, the Stokes' sketch, "Oscar, Wilde." Robert Morley plays the name role superbly at the Fulton Theatre, where it is now being shown. cations Bldg. Down with all arisiocrats, Plutocrats, and technocrats. Republicans and democrats, Down with all aristocracies, Plutocracies, technocracies, Republics and democracies. Down with all the communism, Bolshevism, monarchism, Pacifism, socialism. Down with every communist, Bolshevist, monarchist, Pacifist and socialist. Down with all the present tense Presidents and precedence, Press events, and pestilence. Well, what'll we do now? --The Texas Ranger T HE Michigan Press is to be con- gratulated on its alliance with the Oxford Press. Our press has al- ways had a proof-reader whoscan bring down an illogical construction at a thousand yards and ' a dangling participle at five miles. So soon as the new -alliance has been consolidated, no Oxford dictionary will be able to do what one does now: define the noun dressing as "manure, sauce or stuffing used with food . ." -M. I. Choxon i You of M By Sec Terry CRIBS AND CONTRIBS - Mar- shall Shulman, editorial director of (Continued from Page 2) the Daily in 1937, enclosed the fol- !to postpone her Ann Arbor concert lowing poem to a friend in the Publi- or account of illness. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assstant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. ADD encyclopedia collegiana- Archaeology:the disturbing of dust heaps Astronomy's dust-heap: astrology. Architecture's dust-heap: T h e building for Pharmacology and Eco- romics (It's on the mall too and only three minutes' walk from the Rack.. ham Building). -G. Watt Bliss HEY say that a sports writers holi- day usually is celebrated in such diversified spots as the Union billiard' room, the Armory, or reading the rac- ing forms in the smoky recess of some downtown cigar store. On the whole, they're right. Saturday night, however, was my first evening of rest in eight weeks-no cover to write and' no trains to catch back to Ann Arbor -so I made for Detroit and a most unusual evening. Upon the' invitation of a lady ac- quaintance, I dined in a party with Carveth Wells, explorer, lecturer; and author. Wells, whose travels have tak- en him to practically every important country, city, village, and oasis in the world, is 52, grey, decidedly Eng- lish, and distinguished in appearance. He is an adept conversationalist. Wells chief interest, and therefore the chief topic of conversation of the evening, is Russia. He is as ardent an anti-communist as I ever listened to-including Father Cough- lin, who apparently is also slightly1 at odds with the Soviet regime. Two minutes after I had been intro- duced to Wells, I almost alienated my- self for the evening. I mentioned that I was from the University of Michi- gan and my hostess added casually that I was a staff member of the student newspaper. $ "Have you ever lecturecir n 'V L1 Arbor?" I asked Mr. Wells. "Ann Arbor," he snapped, "yes, I've been there. I'll'never be there again I imagine. I spoke on Russia in the Hill Auditorium. I told them just what I thought of the country after over a year of study there. Their re- action was surprising to put it mild- ly. When I showed them the hammer and sickle they cheered inadly- When I deprecated the Russian system they rendered their most ardent disapprov- al. After the talk was over, some representatives of your newspaper in- formed me in no uncertain terms that I had made my last visit to Mich- igan. The next day they wrote the most scurrilous review of my lecture that anyone has ever written. You certainly have a bunch of Reds out there," he concluded. "It must have been a pretty one-' sided audience," I replied, just toI stick my neck out a little further. "What," he exclaimed, "in a packed' auditorium like that. That would be about 5,000 on that side." The waiter brought the soup at that Point, and that was that. Wells is the author of "Kaput" an account of his Russian travels. The most vivid, albeit the most morbid, discussion of the evening involved the chapter of the wild boys of Russia. "In the summer," he explained, "tribes of wild boys and girls aver- aging about 12 years in age roam. about the country plundering and stealing at will. Most of them are illegitimate children. Some of their parents have been liquidated by the' government. Only a very small per.- centage of them have living families. "The government has tried to re- form these children," hecontinued. "but their efforts have been of no avail. Most of them are diseased, and they steal by threatening to bite the victim if he doesn't satisfy their wishes. "They travel on freight trains until Lectures Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the School of Medicine will discuss medi- cine in a vocational talk at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the small ballroom of the Union. Dr. Sverre Norborg, lecturer in Phi- losophy at the University of Minne- sota will lecture on Kierkegaard's Philosophy, 4:15 p.m., Friday, Dec. 2, Lane Hall. Events Today Students, School of Dentistry: There will be an Assembly in the Upper1Amphitheatre this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Howard Y. Mc- Clusky will speak on the subject, "The Community Experiments in Helping Itself." A.LE.E. Meeting to be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. James Burke, former president of the International Electro-Technical Com- mission and friend of the late Thom- as A. Edison, will speak on "The Birth and Growth of Electrical Engineer- ing." His talk will also include rem- iniscences of his associations with j Edison. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar: Mr. C. L. Raynor will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is: Diffusion in Metals." A.S.C.E. The Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil En- gineers will meet today at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Professor H. W. King will give an illustrated lecture on his travels through Syria, Palestine, and Iraq. Field trip on Fri- day, Dec. 2. Mechanical Engineers: There will be a meeting of the A.S.M.E. at the Michigan Union today at 7:30 p.m. Prof. R. S. Hawley of the M.E. Dept. will speak on some phases of the coal industry. There will also be a film, distributed by the Diamond Power Specialty Corp. of Detroit, en- titled "Coal is King." Freshmen Girls' Glee Club: Meet-' ing tonight at 7:15 p.m. in the game room of the League. Phi Sigma meeting this evening at 7 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of; the Rackham Bldg. Milton B. Trautman will give an il- lustrated lecture on "Studying Birds in Yucatan." Attention is called to the change in time of the meeting to permit atten- dance at -the Choral Union Concert. Dues are payable. Refreshments will be served. 0 Graduate Luncheon: Today at 12 noon, Michigan League, Cafeteria Style. This meet- ing will be held in the Cafeteria Al- cove in place of the Russian Tea Room. Professor Leslie A. White, of the department of anthropology, will speak informally on "The Science of Culture." The Hiawatha Club will hold an im- portant business meeting in the Union this evening at 7:30. Please note the change in time; it will enable you to attend the Choral Union con- cert that evening. - , Soph Cabaret: There will be the folloyging meetings of cabaret com- mittees today, in the League: Publicity committee at 4:30 p.m. Kalamazoo room. Mass meeting of all hostesses at 5 p.m. in the ballroom. Rehearsal of the whole floor show, at 8 p.m.r Rehearsal of the chorus of the floor show at 5 p.m. Association Fireside: Professor J. H. Muyskens will discuss "Speech Difficulties and Social Adjustment" at the Association Fireside, Lane uall, tonight, 8 p.m. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Bldg. at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. L. O. Case will speak on "Inter- metallic Compounds: Some relations between physical properties and structure." Ethics Seminar: The Ethics Sem- inar which is conducted by the Stu- dent Religious Association will meet hereafter at 4:30 p.m. today, Lane Hall, instead of Friday. "Christmas Come Across": There will be a meeting of the Central Com- mittee in the League today at 5 p.m. signed up by Tuesday night, Nov. 29, ar'e urged to be prompt in attendance Wednesday. All others interested are cordially invited to attend. Class in current Jewish problems will meet at Hillel at 8 p.m. Doctor Rabinowitz will preside. All welcome, Avukah will meet at Hillel at 8 p.m. Theatre Arts Committee: There will be a meeting at 4:30 today in T League. The Intermediate Dancing Class will meet at 7 o'clock instead of 7:30. Coming Events Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 7:30 in Room 408, Romance Languages Building. If you cannot come, please call Adelita Oritz at 2-3791. The Observatory Journal Giub will meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after- noon, Dec. 1, in the Observatory lec- ture room. Dr. Dean B. McLaugh- lin will review the paper, "The Ex- citation of Absorption Lines in Outer Atmospheric Shells of Stars," by Struve and Wurn. Tea will be served at 4 p.m. Engineers, Architects and Dcc. De- sign students interested in plastics are invited to a lecture on "Plastics in the Lighting Industry," by Dr. M. H. Bigelow, Technical Representa- tive of the Plaskon Co., on Friday, Dec. 2, at 4:10 u.m. in Room 246 West Engineering Building. Luncheon Lecture: Dr. Sverre Nor- borg, of the University of Minnesota, will speak on "Psychiatry and Reli- gion" at 12:15, Michigan Union, Fri- day, Dec. 2. Please make reserva- tions at Lane Hall. Informal Discussion: Dr. Sverre Norborg, of the University of Minne- sota, who is noted for his studies in Scandinavian Philosophy and Litera- ture, will discuss informally Ibsen's Social Dramas, Saturday, Dec. 3, 4 p.m, at Lane Hall. Scandinavian Club o n Dec. 1, Thursday evening at 8 p.m., Lane Hall (upstairs): Mr. Benz will pre- sent a Movie and give an illustrated talk on "Recent Trip Through Scan- dinavian Countries"; Mr. Benz has some unusual pictures and informa- tion, which will be of great interest to everyone., A social program and refreshments will follow. All Scandinavian members and stu- dents of Scandinavian descent are invited. Zoology Club: Dr. James T. Brad- bury will speak on "Side-lights on Experimental Endocrinology" on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rack- ham Building. Phi Lambda Upsilon: Important business meeting Thursday, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m. Conference Room No, 1, Rackham Building. Research re- ports. Lunch. Faculty members in- vited. The Graduate Outing Club will meet Saturday, Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. in the Club room for games and refresh- ments. Sunday, Dec. 4, they will meet at 2:30 p.m. at the :Rackham Building and will go ice skating at the Michi- gan Ice Rink. Skates may be pro- cured at the rink. The group will re- turn for refreshments to the club' room. Publicity Committee of the League: There will be a meeting at 5 p.m. on uate office. Sophomores: Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, are the only days on which sophomores will have preference in buying Prom tickets. The tickets will be sold at the desk at the Union. The Ann Arbor Group of Assembly, the Ann Arbor Independents, will have an important meeting Thur's- day, Dec. 1, in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League at 4 p.m. The meeting is being held earlier so that those who plan to attend the Fashion show may do so. A very important announcement of special interest to this group will be made. Kappa Phi: There will be a regular meeting on Dec. 1 at Stalker Hall at 5:15. All members please be present. Michigan Dames Charm Group# ing a ticket to Saturday's (Dec. 3) bowling-dance should call 6567 be- fore Friday. Michigan Dames hCarm Group: The December meeting of the Michi- gan Dames Charm Group will be held