/ Weather Considerable cloudiness, some- what colder; tomorrow fair, Y C- Sir.. iga Iaitj Editorial NLRB And Liabor Spit A VOL. XLIX. No. 56 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1938 PRICE, FIVE CENTS i Rightists Gain Edge As Row Creates Fissure In GOP Ranks Party Puts Off Showdown, But Conservatives Take Two Contested Positions Kenneth F. Simpson Loses Liberal Fight WAHINGTON, Nov. 29.-(- Amid enthusiastic predictions of a great victory in 1940, the Republican National Committee today postponed a showdown between its liberal and conservative elements Meeting for the first time since the recent election, the committee reecived optimistic reports from state after state-and warnings as well that the party will "need recruits" if its presidential candidate is to be elected two years hence. But, the controversy between the committee's conservative faction and those who insist that the Party em- phasis must be placed upon liberalism was not permitted to come to the, floor. Some had expected a battle between those of the two viewpoints over the election of members of the Executive Committee.1 Arrangement Foundy However, an arrangement was worked out whereby the Executive Committee's two vacancies went to Former Sen. Daniel O. Hastings of Delaware, long allied with the con- servative group, and Harvey Jewet), Jr., of South Dakota, on whose behalf claims of liberalism have been ad- vanced. Ignored was Kenneth F. Simpson, young committee-member from New York, leader of Tiomas E. Dewey's recent campaign for ,the governorship and the most outspoken of those who insist that the party take a liberal direction. Simpson arrived at the Carlton Hoel, scene of the meeting, with a statement to reporters that if the Party is to be "under the domination of Mr. Hoover, the Liberty League or some other reactionlry influences" it, might as well fold up.". Backed By Friends Simpson's friends were backing him for a place on the Executive Commit- tee, and it has been customary to give, his state such representation. But, under an obvious prearrangement, his name was not even placed in nonina-1 tion., As a result of the election of Mast- ings and Jewett, in the opinion of p- litical observers, the conservative wing of the Party held its own and perhaps more. Certainly, these ob- servers saw no signs that the liberals had made any gains. Hastings, as a member of the Senate from Delaware, the state of the Du Ponts, was an arch-anti-New Dealer and defender of business. Reporters trouping into the room upon the conclusion of the meeting formed two groups-one about Simp- son and the other about John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the National Committee since the Landon cam- paign of 1936. Simpson was reluctant to talk, Hamilton voluble. En lih Movie Coming Friday 'Peg Of Old Drury' Listed At Mendelssohn "Peg of Old Drury," Ensian film version of the lite of David Garrick will open at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre under the auspices of the Art Cinema League. With- Sir Cedric Hardwicke cast as the matinee idol the film depicts scenes from Shakespeare and Ben Jonson as originally shown on the. stage of the famous Drury Lane The- atre. The central theme revolves around Peg Woffington, an unknown Irish girl who rises to fame as an ictress) and attracts the attentions of Ger- rick. The picture will be shown at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Seats for the 7:30 p.m. performances will be reserved. I Ensian To Boost Price On Seniors' Pictures Prestige Seen Principal Benefit To Reich In Regaining Colonies Portuguese And Belgians Fear African Partition By France And Britain Despite the recent German claims that their demand for the return of the pre-war African colonies has been motivated by the necessity for econ- omic self-sufficiency, the factor of the gain in prestige that would follow a concession to these demands would prove more valuable to the National Socialist state, in the opinion of Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the politi- cal science department. "The principal German arguments for the return of the colonies have been that they would enable the Reich to establish a greater measure of self-sufficiency by their produc- tion of necessary raw materials and the outlet that they would - provide for- surplus population," Professor Calderwood stated. Of the four col- onies that the Germans seek, Tan- ganyika (German East Africa), the Cameroons, South West Africa and Togoland, only the Cameroons, in which the Germans had begun to make strides in plantation agricul- ture before the war, might prove valu- able, which tends to minimize the German claim of economic gain." "To the charge that they failed either to get economic benefit or be- gin settlements in the colonies before the war, the Germans answer that the greater intensity of modern adminis- trative methods would enable them. to accomplish much more," said Pro- fessor Calderwood. "To what extent this is true," he added, "I do not know. "The German spokesmen assert that the British, French and Belgian governments, the latter -in particular,! show great inefficiency in colonial ad- ministration," he said. "They ac- cuse the British of breaking down the morale and efficiency of thena- tive workmen by too great a leniency, stating further that the natives were much happier under the German re- gime. They state that the German administrators, while not cruel, im- pose a certain 'severity' which the natives respect," Professor Calder- wood said. "The benevolence of the German colonial administration is problemati- cal, however," he stated, "since the governmental proclivities of the Nazi bureaucracies are well known." The recent refusal of France and Great Britain to consider any Ger- man colonial demand appears to have been motivated by a reaction to the anti-semitic campaign of the Nazis, Professor Calderwood said, but it seems reasonably certain that the de- mocracies will negotiate with Ger- many on this score in the near fu- ture. "According to rumor," he stat- ed, "there are a number of proposed solutions to the problem. It is said that France may concede a portion of French Equatorial Africa and Britain a part of Nigeria to appease the Ger- man demand. Belgium may also of- fer concessions," he added. Since it seems unlikely that Ger- many would accept this plan, there is beginning to be anxiety in Portuguese and Belgian circles that France and England will turn to apportionment of the colonies of these nations in an effort to avert war," he concluded, "much in the same fashion that they offered Czechoslovakia." J-Hop Ballot Takes Place Tomorrow Committee Will Be First Chosen Under System Initiated Here This Fall Five Drowned Control Of Utilities In West Coast Airplane CrashAssumed Army Two Saved As Luxury In France' s Crisis Airliner Drits Ashore Near San Francisco Bay Petitions Are Asked I Blown Seaward ,1 President Seesn Na7i Relations In Status Quo German Race Issue Waits Further Talks; Kennedy Due Home On Leave WARM SPRIN.GS, Ga., Nov. 29.-- (/P)--America's diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany will remain in status quo, at least until further of- ficial conferences in Washington, President Roosevelt indicated today.' He disclosed also at a press con- ference that Joseph P. Kennedy, Am- bassador to Great Britain, would come home shortly on leave. Kennedy has been participating in internation- al efforts to find havens for Jewish and other persecuted groups fleeing Central Europe. The Chief Executive said he did not know when he would fill the am- bassadorial vacancy in Soviet Russia caused by the transfer several months ago of Ambassador Joseph E. Davies to Brussels. He implied this could wait since the American embassy at Moscow was getting along satisfac- torily.1 A reporter suggested that Rep. Martin Dies (Dem., Texas), chairman of the House Committee Investigat- ing Un-American Activities, might be a good candidate for the Moscow post. Mr. Roosevelt smiled at this and then took a humorous dig at the Tex- an by asking whether the reporter meant Hamilton Dies. Rep. Hamil- ton Fish (Rep., N.Y.) has been a con- stant critic of the New Deal and the President remarked that both parties had them now. Dies felt the sting of Presidential ire several weeks ago in a White House statement attacking his com- mittee for receiving allegedly biased evidence against Gov. Frank Murphy. Adult Education Metin Opens At Union Friday Leaders In Field Expected To Attend Conference; Many Features Plannc( ' Points of view on adult education and the community school's relatidn-' ship to adult education will be the principal goals of the second Great Lakes Regional Conference on Adult Education to be held here Friday and Saturday. The confereice will be held in con- junction with the 15th annual Michi-I gan Conference on Adult Education. Nearly 500 leaders in adult education{ from Ohio, and Michigan are ex- pected to attend. Morse A. Cartwright, executive director of the American Association for Adult Education, will speak on "Propaganda and Adult Education" at a dinner Friday. "Adult Education and the Future of Our American Democracy" will be the sube.tct of a talk by Dr. Eduard C" Lindeman, of the New York School of Social Work, at the final luncheon meeting on Saturday.- % The conference is sponsored by the Michigan Council on Adult Education, the Detroit Council on Adult Educa- tion, and the American Association for Adult Education.' Peace Conference Fails In Meat Workers Strike. CHICAGO, Nov. 29-(M)- -Efforts to bring about a quick settlement of a paralyzing strike at the huge Chicago stock yards failed today. A peace conference ' attended by representatives of the CIO Packing House Workers Organizing Commit- tee and Federal and state conciliators was recessed until next Monday. For Senior Offices Juniors in seven schools will go to the polls from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow to elect 13 representatives to the J-Hop committee, the first to be chosen under the recent Men's Coun- cil resolution which completely re- vised the student government system on campus. Meanwhile, a call for petitions for senior class offices has been issued by Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council. Applications for the< posts of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, in each school, and 13 Senior Ball committee1 members, should be submitted by 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Union student1 offices or the League undergraduate< offices, Luebke said. Five To Be Chosent At the election tomorrow, five will be chosen from the Literary College, two of whom shall be women, three from the engineering college, one each from the architecture, music, nursing and education schools and one from the combined junior classes of the for- estry and pharmacy schools.1 Machines will be used for the vot- ing in Room 231 Angell Hall andI Room 348 West Engineering Build-4 ing, and polling by ballot will be con- ducted in the lobby of the architectureE school. The official list of candidates to be1 designated at the Men's Council meet- ing tonight will be announced in to-, morrow's Daily. Indicate Petitions Senior petitions must indicate the exact positiondthat is being applied for, and should include' 200-word statements concerning tIeaplicant's qualifications, Luebke explained. Peti- tions of literary students should in- clude signatures of 35 literary seniors, engineers, 25 and all others, 20 sig- natures of students in the respective schools. A Senior may endorse only one candidate in his school for each posi- tion, and violation of this rule will constitute grounds for disqualifica- tion, the Men's Council head said. The Senior Ball committee will be composed of 14 students, distributed in the same proprortion as is the J-Hop committee. To insure a more adequate repre- sentation, the post of vice-president of the literary college has been opened to women only, Luebke said. Seyrig To Give LectureToday Significance Of Palmyra Will Be Discussed Henri Seyrig, director of the De- partment of Antiquities of French Syria, will discuss the significance of Palmyra to the archeologist in an -il- lustrated University lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the amphitheatre of the Graduate School. Seyrig, who has held his position as director of the Department of An- tiquities for the past 16 years, and who is also director of the Damascus Institute of the University of Paris, will trace the rise of Palmyra, its connection with the eastern coun- tries, and the effect which the civili- zations of Greece and Irania had up- on it. His lecture here is being given as one of the Norton Lectures for the Archaeological Institute of America and is sponsored by the Museum of Classical Archaeology. Heikkinen Chosen As First President Of New 'H' Club1 Approximately 30 M winners last night selected officers for the newly organized undergraduate M club, which will serve on the campus as a supplementary organization to the When Gas Is Gone SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29.-(P)- Five persons slipr I .to 4'e rough Pacific Ocean and disppeared today after a luxury liner of the United Air r .s pancaked to the water, out of gasoline.- Two others, including the pilot, escaped to the shore before the land ship was crushed against the rocky coast in an accident attributed va- riously to gales and too good radio reception.t The victims disappeared, one by one, after the transport was brought down safely on the water shortly be- fore dawn 35 miles north of San1 Francisco. Three persons were known to have reached shore, but one of them, the only woman aboard, was swept back. into the boiling surf when she dodged the swinging wing of the plane. The only known survivors wereE Charles Stead, veteran 42-year-old pilot, and passenger Isadore Edel- stein, 51, a paroled Washington state convict on his way to Honolulu to start life anew. Missing after a d:y-long search by plane and boat were: Phillip Hart, 52, president of the Pacific Bridge Company, Portland, Ore. Sydney L. Shonts, San Jose, Calif., engineer. Ivan B. Heflebower, San Francisco bond broker. Frona Clay, 24, stewardess of Al- ameda, Calif. Co-pilot Lloyd Jones, 30, Seattle.I The plane was forced down whent gasoline was exhausted in five and ae half hours of flying from Medfordt Ore. The flight normally takes two s hours and 40 minutes.f Death Of Wife Forces Judge To Delay Trial ,V ,t Case Against Dice Game Operator Is Postponed; Was To Qpen Monday The trial of Louis Wenger, alleged dice game operator arrested last week1 on charges filed by two University students, has been postponed because of the death of the wife of Judge Harry W. Reading on Saturday. The trial was to have been held Monday before Judge Reading. . The complaint was filed by Thom- as Keppelman, Grad., and Harry L. Sonneborn, '40, a Daily reporter, last Wednesday, and charged Wenger with having violated a city ordinance forbidding the operation of gamb- ling devices. The game was played in the rear of the United Cigar Store at 118 E. Huron. Wenger pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge Reading, and was released when he posted a cash bond of $100. Keppelman and Sonneborn had, at the request of Mayor Walter C. Sad- ler, attempted to secure some evi- dence of gambling previously, through the racing handbook and numbers or policy game that they said was also operated through the cigar store. Lack Of Substitute For Mme. Flagstad Cancels Program Due to the very short notice of the cancellation of the Kirsten Flagstad concert, originally scheduled for to- night as the fourth Choral Union fea- ture, no substitte performer has been secured, it was announced yesterday by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president o the School of Music. Madame Flagstad was taken seri- ously ill Friday while performing for the Chicago Opera Company. Be- cause of a heavy cold, she has can- celled several concerts earlier last week. The strain of Friday's ap- pearance proved too much and she was ordered to bed. Scheduled con- certs in Cleveland and with the Met- ropolitan Opera Company in Newa York were also cancelled indefinitely. Negotiations to have Madame Flag- stad appear later in the season have already begun, Dr. Sink said. U. S. Leaders Plan Challenge For Dictators Design Program To Keep European Totalit arians Out Of Latin America W. 'HINGTON, Nov. 30.-(P)-A $1,000,000-a-year program, designed to draw the American republics clos- er together and thereby help check- mate any inroads by totalitarianism was announced tonight by a cmmit- tee of government leaders It was regarded as a sweeping repl, to the challenge of European efforts to invade Latin America with the political, cultural and economic phi- losophies of old world dictatorship. Among the steps suggested were these: The dispatch of many American cultural groups to sister republics in the western hemisphere; training of Latin American scholars and techni- cians in government branches here; cooperation in radio, aviation and highway development; a study of Latin American resources and pos- sibilities; distribution of American literature and state documents in Latin America; display of American films in Latin America, and a film on Latin America in this country; public health service cooperation; and stim- ulation of American travel in coun- tries to the south. r The program covered 74 separate proposals, all non-military. It was made public by the inter-departmen- tal committee on cooperation with the American republics in a report to President Roosevelt. Acting Secretary of State Sumner Wells was chairman of the committee which recommended a budget of $998,804 for the first fiscal year. Ad- ditional funds would be needed to cover projects left for further study. This money would be allocated to 13 government departments 'and agen- cies for their widespread activities whfch would be coordinated by the state department. The committee made clear that its program contemplates the voluntary cooperation of the other republics, but that no compulsion was implied. Strong Forces Are Posted In Key Industrial Cities To Prevent Disorders Accomplish Change Without Opposition PARIS, Nov. 30-(Wednesday)-(P -Labor's "show down" general strike against Daladier's economic decrees )ecame effective today as the French army took over operation of public, services throughout France. The switchover from regular civilian >perations to military control was ac- 3omplished by the armed forces at nidnight with complete calm pre- vailing throughout the country, ac- :ording to preliminary reports. The strikers, apparently still de- iarit, showed little activity early this morning. It was expected actual ex- :ent of the strike could not be deter- nined until the morning wore on :oward regular hours of work. Troops Stationed Strong forces of troops and mobile ;uards were stationed in Paris with stern instructions from taladier to )reserve order. The battling Premier leclared his methods were necessary o break the one-day strike which he said was inspired by elements "rising against the laws of the Republic." In addition, thousands of soldiers mounted guard- in industrial regions Af the country to back up the govern- ment in' its determination to sup- >ress the country-wide walkout or- lered by the General Confederation if Labor which boast 5,000,000 mem- bers. Labor called the walkout as a pro- sest at Daladier's decree laws sus- pending the 40-hour work week and mposing other measures which it was contended worked against the ;oor. Decrees issued today extended .nilitary control of railways to sub- gvays, buses, gas, water, light, mail, elegraph and telephone services. The neasures placed workers under or- .iers of military authorities and re- wuired them to stay at their posts. Troops were rushed to labor centers, where thousands of mobile guards and gendarmes were massed. Paris Garrisoned The 25,000 soldiers already garri- yoned in the Paris district were re- 'nforced by army detahhments ar- iving by truck and train. Steel-helmeted mobile guardsmen started patrolling Paris streets and -oulevards. Some squads blocked all entrances to arms stores to keep ter- rorists from seizing guns and am- munition. Daladier let it be known that .the trike would be a showdown between he government, assisted by the army and supported by Center and Rigl ;arties, and Labor, which has the strong working class backing of left- ist complexion. He warned that the "fate of the -egime and the nation may be at :take." His report to President Le- brun declared "harmful propaganda, 2f which the government knows bot4. the hidden goal and the inspiration, s attempting by rising against the laws of the Republic to create in the ;ountry a state of agitation." Galens To Hold Ta gDayDrive t a Play Production Will Present Austen's'Pride And Prejudice' Meet Force By Force,' Advises Stewart-Roddie In Talk Here Jane Austen's "Pride and Preju- dice," adapted from the novel by Hel-1 en Jerome, and staged by Play Pro- duction, will open Dec. 8bat the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a three-day run. Karl Klauser, '39, Miriam Braus, Lorene Brandt, and Rosemary McAr- thur, '40, have been cast in the lead- in& roles of the piece, roles which de- pend entirely on the abilities of the actors -who play them for their suc- cess, according to Mitchell Raskin, '39, of Play Production's staff. "Pride and Prejudice" is a difficult play to produce, Raskin stated, but it affords the student actors an ex- cellent opportunity to display their talents, by virtue of the play's being finally comes to realize his personalt honor, and changes her attitude to- ward him. The play is basically a family sketch, played against iaback- drop of the pre-Victorian period, with the social customs regarding mar- riage, match-making, manners, and fancy costumes woven skillfully in by Helen Jerome with an "irrepressible. wit," according to Atkinson. The entire cast includes 26 stu- dents, affording Play Production an unusual "opportunity to give many of the student actors a chance to work in a play of this type. "Pride and Prejudice" was described by Raskin, as a "frilly" piece, and one that stu- dents seldom have an opportunity to attempt. By ALVIN SARASOHN Britain and France failed to come to the aid of Czechoslovakia and were forced to accept the terms of the Munich Pact because their armed strength was far below that of Ger- many, Col. W. Stewart-Roddie said last night in the third lecture of the Oratorical Association series. Future threats on the peace of Europe by Hitler will be averted only if the democracies acquire sufficient arma- ments "to meet force by force," he declared. Munich cannot possibly be consid- ered a permanent peace, Col. Stewart- ope and their relation to the problemt of the gradual domination of that continent by Hitler. Traditionally powerful Great Britain for perhaps the first time seemed hesitant in pur- suing a definite policy first toward Czechoslovakia and now the refuge' problem. Beside the important fact that she was unprepared, he pointed out that Czechoslovakia would have been destroyed swiftly anyway. France, too, was comparatively un- armed. Russia is the enigma of Eur- ope, Col. Stewart-Roddie declared. Its strength is unknown and, therefore, could not be relied upon. Poland and Hospital Children Benefit By Sale Proceeds Galens, junior and senior honorary medical society, will hold its 10th an- nual Christmas tag-day drive for the benefit of University hospital' chil- dren tomorrow and Friday on the campus and in the downtown area. More than a thousand children benefit from the proceeds of the drive which are used to provide ,a Christ- mas party and many other projects including a workshop with an instruc- tor on the ninth floor of the hospital, a circulating library and instruction in various subjects. From the time of its inception in 1914, Galens has assumed the respon- sibility of providing entertainment for the hospital children. However, its annual tag sale was not instituted until 1928. In nine years of tag sales more than $12,000 has been realized. ;: