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November 29, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-29

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A 7



Thrate GemanChar St Shows Five-Year Unemplo ymtent-Relief .Ratio
:LMER formulated by a government are fin
rmany is an ite ends,"' be deciared...,......,.
A and Eastern ".Ue standards of right and wr":ujg
itant form it are based on an infinity of moral ex- ...~
,rmany before periences, conscious and unconscious,-
Nordmeyer of direct and indirect, and the ethical ' U EM £Y~2T2
t stated. No- foundation of a nation's life can no,
esurprised at be destroyed by any amount of propa- ..
i. Sunday' to ganda spread: by properly installed'. ..~. .0
ernment-con- .loudspeaker s."'.'....,.
.y is now also With the suppression of free
anGrasthought and free speech in Germany, I
sapless Jewish Dr. Nordmeyer asserted that it is
tetraofthe duty of every German scholar, at :..r.:::::::;:i::.;.: ..:;:... ..
ihe said. least outside the Reich, to preserve the....s
~rdneyr flt he ermn spiritual legacy. "We a ..
c3 ihtat hould teach Lessing's gospel of tolesr-..:..
eanropeance, Goethe's broad humanitarian-:.:;. *r,::.'.*.::±!: :::..::.'.::
shed y theism~, Schiller 's worship of human free-.
dHbelsfaith in the individual.,"
athtD. The rich heritage of German cult- fy ,
apl.T iire in general, literature, music, r
sign, for we4;/'.c r
,ee asgig~eec,~nd o on, is gravely en-, .!..;
.oesnot on angered by the fanatical aims anid I. ......
siiulelmethods of the Nazi party, Dr. Nord- r,.... 70..
who Hilermeyer (ontinued, and..true shlr
but what I vs yhremut.tiv.t.p...~.,2>
iorlfibre of 'li'e achievements of the past oward
Lalthe time when the German people This is the latest 'chart prepared by the WPA admnistration showing the relationship of persons on relief
Ef. ';will get a new chance to assert themr- ; and on AVPA rolls to the total number of unemployed, from January. 1933, to the present. The unemployment
law the in di- selves. graph is based upon estimates made for the Committee on Economic. Security, A group of Democratic senators
itends to re-bspooe ht relief be turned over to hi-partisan state boards.
stie, prey-for- ,a[Vpro7osed tha

D~octors Hear Pollard
Dr. Marvin H., Pollard. secretary of
he medical school, read a paper yes-
terday, on "The Tlest for Determin-
.ng the Function of the Pancereas and
Ca ll Bladder," at the weekly lun-
Theon of the Medical Journal Club

Drive Still Short Of Goal
Post-campaign pledges to the Ann
Arbor Community Fund which closed
officially on Nov. 4 have brought the
total contributions to $50,666, still
$5,834 short of its goal, it was an-
nounced yesterday

Be Warmly, Smartly


in a select suede leather bush
coat with four large pockets
and full bet. Color:; Marona
Brown. Sizes 38 to 4


TIE now while there is a fine

selection *

WVilson's 1RecallI the German., government indicated an
intention o concluding clearing or
Shows nfirm payment agreements with that coun-
F"eign Po . try's chief creditors,- assuring full
Fore19 ]] p I Y payment to their nationals on most
loans and improved terms on others.
(Contlinued from Page 1) The Austrian government owed a debt
,of $25,055,708 to the American gov-
was definitely committed to a long- erment for flour sold on credit, and
range campaign' to win the support of over $20,000,000 to American private
American public opinion for a pro.
,tram of opposition to. aggression investors. On June 16, Dr. Walther
+hroughout the world. . unk, German M'inister; of Economics,l
Most important of the problems .ieinied Germany's "legal or moral
of German-American relations, how - Fonsibilityu for the Austrian state
ever, have been associated with trade debt.
deadlocks, finances, international The German government has of-.
debts, and reparations. Since '1933,, ',Ned to °begin negotiaions for a trade.
when Hitler camne to power, Ger- agreement, bit the Adwmlriistration
nan-American trade has suffered a gas beenl unwiilling.to do so, dec ar-
sharp decline. The figures contained ng in a n~ote to the Hitler Govern-
n recent releases from the Bureau rnent its "readiness to. negat'e with
of Foreign and Domnestic Comnmerce fly country provided thlat is commer-
underline the great; extent to which ;ial policies do not in fact impose dis-
phis, trade has dropped. Although the ..riminatory oar inequitable conidtions
Ujnited;, States ,was the chief source -pon American commerce, and do not
)f Germany's imports from the late ,rbitrarllIy divert its trade- from this.
ninetecnth' century through 1934, the ountry to ,ptler ceountries.".'
At~merican share of the Reich's foreign The future of G"ermnan-Aniericai
purchases dropped from 11.5.per cent ,elations 'cann'ot be predicted accur-
n 1933 to 5 per cent in 1937. The main ztely, of core but }certain', con-
factors in this decline, it is generally .jusiolis are iaesc4;pable. 'The mutual
agreed,: have been Germany's autar- l~iscrimrinations practiced under, the
-hical foreign trade policy and the ,onflietinig trade policies of Germany,
subsequent counter-measures adopted and the United states have,. erected
by the United States, . m economic impasse, that seems like..
'After the annexation of Austria,. ly to continue indefinitely: Purthier-
C a sl e a r FOR RENT (leiphia. Deposits will be taken
________ --_ afternoons at Follett's Book Store
F~OR RENT--Suite with private. bathf today and tomorrow.

more the Third Reich's expansionist
drive, together with its 3economic
penetration of Latin-America has
driven the. American government into
an increasingly strong Stand against
attempts to achieve expansion
through war. or threat of war. Thus
far this new policy has taken the
fojrm of moral exhortations, a vigor-
'ou's defense of every Anierican right
which might be, threatened, "paral-
lel action" with like-minded govern-
meats, and warnings that "the Unit-
(ed States might' not remain neutral
in case of war."

Announce Deadline
For Artists' Market
Preparations -are now in progress
for the Ann Arbor Artists' Mart to be
held in Alumni Memorial Hall Dec. 1
to 15. Local artists who wish to dis t
play their work must submit it to
the committee of judges before 10
p.m. Wednesday. Material to be ex-
hibited should be delivered to the
second floor of Alumni Memorial
,Hall, south gallery.

$1 .00


5S14 East Ciberity

Greene Building


at AWtdaw Y$dS YEFMWO*S'
5~,bae 6L.~ T#/NPOS

S PECIAL Christmnas Roundtrip. Ex-
cursion to Newr York City, $22.50.
Details,/call 5491 (after 7). 218
LJAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned,
Car~eful work at low prices, 9
WASHED SAND and gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 1112. 17
PAPERHANGER---.Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper. work. Dial 7209. 181
WANTED TO RKNT -Large rooming
house near c anipus. Write box No. 1.
f 215
or, research work. full of part time,
by experienced M.A. Excellent ref-
erences. Typist. Phone 8471. 217


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