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November 29, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-29

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V T )A 729


"I,.I 1 L 11la1 1 . -

Edited and managed 43y students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
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Book Editor
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. . . Robert D. Mitchell.
. .Albert P. May1o
. . . Horace W. Gilmore,
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
* . . . S. R. Kliman
* .. Robert Perlman
. , . . . Eari Gilman
* . . . William Elvin
. . . Joseph reedman
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. . . . Dorothea Staebler
. . . . Bud Benjamin

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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Should Palestme
Be Paititioned?.
the Peel Royal Commission as the
long-sought solution to the Arab-Jewish conflict
in the Holy Land has been termed "impractic-
able" and last week was rejected by the Wood-
head Commission in a recent report to the British
Government. Recommendations of the Peel Com-
mission that Palestine -be divided into an Arab,
a Jewish and a British-mandated state were
nullified, and His Majesty's Government has pro-,
posed a series of roundtable conferences with
Jewish and Arab leaders in a desperate effort
finally to settle this problem and to forestall a
seemingly inevitable new wave of outbreaks and
bloodshed. With anti-Semitic atrocities sweeping,
over central Europe, and with the failure of other
lands to absorb German and Polish refugees,
these projected meetings assume considerable
significance in the international problem of re-
Government of Palestine has been a thorn in
the side of British statesmen ever since that ter-
ritory, ruled by the Ottoman Empire before 1914,
was turned over to England by the Treaty of
Versailles in 1919 as a mandated territory. Zion-
ist leaders encouraged mass immigration in this
new "Jewish Homeland," which was ,promised
them in the Balfour Declaration, and exiled Je vs
all over the world looked to Palestine as a haven
from the ravages of a growing anti-Semitism in
Germany and Roumania. Arab nationalists, to
whom Britain had promised territorial integrity,
too, charged that they have been betrayed, and
their resentment to a steady influx of Western
peoples grew constantly. During the past five
years its expression has changed from minor
street brawls to wholesale rioting, bombings and
Conditions came to a breaking point in
1936-37, when unprecedented violence swept the
country. A Royal Commission, headed by the,
late Earl Peel was established to survey conditions
in the attempt to put an end to strife in the Holy
Land. This group reported in July, 1937, that
Palestine should be partitioned into three autono-
mous states. The House of Commons refused
to endorse this partition plan on the ground
that "the pol ical, administrative and financial
difficulties involved in this proposal are so great
that the solution of the problem is imprac-
In December, 1937, the Secretary of State for
the Colonies announced his intention of further
investigating the situation, so that a more pre-
cise and detailed scheme might be devised. To
this end, a four-man Royal Commission, led by
Sir John Woodhead, was sent to Palestine. Wood-
head and his associates, Alison Russell, A. P.
Waterfield and Thomas Reid, traveled around
the country for several months, searching into
the economic and political life of the country.
They heard testimony from Jewish leaders, but
since any partition plan was abhorrent to the
Arabs, the latter boycotted the Commission's
The Woodhead Commission reported Nov. 9
that it had rejected the Peel recommendations
and that the two alternative plans under con-,
sideration had not yet been unanimously ap-

to lhe rab f3 rce~ as' accepted by the British
Government with a report that it "will continue
responsibility for the government of the whole
of Palestine." It expressed the belief that "the
surest foundation for peace and progress in
Palestine would be an understanding between
Arabs and Jews." With this end in view, His
Majesty's Government proposed to invite repre-
sentatives of the Palestine Arabs and neighbor-
ing states on the one hand, and of the Jewish
agency on the other, to confer with it regarding
future policy, including the question of immi-
gration into Palestine.
These proposed conferences, which Colonial
Secretary Malcolm MacDonald announced would
be held soon after the New Year, have not been
well received by Jewish and Arab leaders. The
Jewish Agency, the body designated as the offi-
cial Jewish organ, has expressed concern over
the invitations to the "neighboring Arab states,"
believing that they have no valid status in the
Palestine. At the same time, many Arab leaders
advocate a boycott of the proposed meetings, be-
cause such Arab leaders as the exiled Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem have been excluded from tl
meetings, for revolutionary activities.
England must, of necessity, retain this strate-
gic country, of military and commercial signifi-
cance. It is evident that both Arabs and Jews
"have something" on the British, by reason of
the careless promises made to both. If peace is to
be established and if a true Holy Land is to be
maintained, representatives of the three parties
should know that they ae deciding a problem
of significance to the entire world, in dealing
with this mandated territory. They must be
willing to make concessions,becausein compro-
mise lies the only hope for a lastingsettlement.
Arabs and Jews, both Semitic people, have lived
side by side for centuries. They must continue
to do so-in peace. Immediate surrender of all
parties to this realization is particularly impera-
tive in the light of the European situation.
-Norman A. Schorr
The Editor
Gets Told
The Cause Of
The Spanish Cathiic
To the Editor:
In the Washington Post of Monday, Nov. 21,
there was a story that should be interesting to
Catholics and to all Americans.
The story cites the statement of Prof. Francis
M. Shea, Dean of the University of Buffalo
School, and a director of Catholic University at
Washington: "the last months have demonstrat-
ed that the only hope of religious freedom and
religious tolerance in the world lies in democ-
racy." Professor Shea pointed to Hitler's intol-
erance of any faith other than the myth of
Nordic supremacy, and urged that "loyalist
Spain should be .permitted freely to purchase
munitions and materials of war in this country"
since "it seems to me inevitable that a Fascist'
Spain will swing into the orbitof the man who
is calling the tune along the Fascist axis, and
that man is Hitler."
The occasion of this opinion was the meeting
in Washington of the Lawyers' Committee on
American Relations with Spain. Frank P. Walsh,
honorary president of the National Lawyers,
Guild, in opening a round table discussion at
the meeting, said: "I urge my 20,000,000 freedom-
loving fellow Catholics in this country to study
the true causes of the Spanish Catholic and to
form their own independent judgment."
Speaking in Spain in opposition to any attempt
to mediate the Spanish conflict, which claims
hundreds of lives, rand wrecks thousands of lives
each day, the Bishop of Madrid-Alcall declared
that "it is impossible to tolerate democratic liber-
alism" on the grounds that it "is the mask of
tyrannical Marxist aboslutism."
Certainly democratic liberalism is not a mask
for Fascism. It seems to me that Catholics, as

believers in the future of American democracy,
would do well to consider the words of Mr.
Walsh, and to consider the true cause of the
Spanish Catholic. That cause will never be the
support of Hitler's European policy.
--Daniel Robertson
'Willy Fiends' .
At Basketball Games
To the Editor:
With the football season successfully past, next
up is basketball.,
In the last two years I have witnessed all of
Michigan's home basketball games. Without fail
on Saturday or Monday night I joined the seven
p.m. rabble for a slide down State Streethill,
and a peek at the boys in their silk (or is it
sateen) panties. I say "peek," for that's about
all one can get.
Time was, and not so long ago, when we could
attend a Michigan basketball game and actually
see forty minutes of basketball, but those days
are no more. Now we are lucky if we-are able to
see the first ten minutes of play, for from then
on there is nothing but a haze. It closely re-
sembles one of London's better fogs; and it is
s all due to a group of callous, selfish individuals.
I refer, of course, to those weak-willed "willy-
fiends" who just can't exist without that "lift"
(?) for even so short a time as seventy minutes.
J believe that's the average time for a Big Ten
basketball game.
It rseems hardly necessary to point out the
effects a pool room atmosphere would have on
a game that requires utmost efficiency of heart
-- , - n1n .,1 , if +t fn1 ,o n fi

--by David Lawrence-

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-World-wide signi-
ficance attaches to the forthcoming Pan-Ameri-
can Conference which Secretary of State Cordell
Hull, who has just left Washington, will attend
in Lima, Peru. Ordinarily, a Pan-American Con-
ference is of concern only to this hemisphere.
But there is reason to believe that the dictator-
ship governments in Europe have their eyes on
the gathering and would like to stir up behind
the scenes a break in Pan-American solidarity.
It has been the policy of the Washington Gov-
ernment for many years now to cultivate a better
understanding among Latin-American nations of
the policies and purposes of the United States.
Under Republican as well as Democratic adminis-
trations, a policy of good neighborliness and warm
friendship has been pursued. Thus, Charles Evans
Hughes, now Chief Justice but for many years
Secretary of State u.nder a Republican .regime,
carried forward the good neighbor policies of his
predecessors, as did Secretary of State Stimson
under the Hoover administration.
If, therefore, anybody abroad seeks to imply
that divisions on domestic questions are carried
to foreign policies as they affect Latin America,
the appointment of former Gov. Alfred M. Lan-
don of Kansas, Republican presidential nominee
in 1936, to be a member of the United States
delegation to the Lima Conference is in itself
a refutation of such a belief.
Republicans Back Hull
Mr. Hull to a remarkably significant extent.
possesses the backing of millions of Republicans
as well as Democrats. He is perhaps the most un-
partisan man in the present Administration.
Hence, he can truly be regarded at Lima as the
spokesman of all the people of the United States'
in their desire to maintain friendship and develop
new policies with the countries to the south of us.
As the 21 Republicans meet at Lima, new and
yet in a sense old questions with a new mean-
ing will confront the various delegates. Originally,
the Monroe Doctrine was enunciated by the
United States as a warning to Europe to keep
governments abroad from colonizing the western
hemisphere and extending their empires. Brazil,
more, than 100 years ago, proposed an offensive
and defensive alliance for all the Pan-American
countries. There have been, moreover, several
attempts to make the Monroe Doctrine a formula
for cooperation among the 21 republics in which
all would have proportionate obligations.
The Washington Government, for a long time,
has declined to consent to the making of the
Monroe Doctrine a multilateral affair and has
reserved the right to consider it a national.policy
But this action has been misunderstood in Latin
America as implying a desire for special privi-
leges and special rights.
What America has meant merely has been
that, irrespective of whether any other country
in this hemisphere is ready to protect the Ameri-
cas against threats of European invasion, the
United States would consider that to be a para-
mount duty.
Dictators Eye South America
But now, when European dictatorships feast
their eyes on Latin America as the last treasure-
house of the world, and opportunities for exploi-
tation seem to be opening up, the question of
what common policies of a commercial character
shall be pursued by the Pan-American countries
becomes something broader than the Monroe
Doctrine. The world has seen how commercial
penetration without extension of actual sover-
eignty can undermine a government and set up
a totalitarian state.
The United States Government may be ready
now to amplify the Monroe Doctrine so that the
other 20 republics will feel parties to a new
declaration of purpose and a new international
organization to preserve peace. First and fore-
most, of course, is the forthcoming armament
program. The United States plans to have a mili-
tary force big enough to protect the oceans and
the air against European attack on any country
in this hemisphere. This means close military
cooperation between Washington and the other
governments of this hemisphere. The foundation
for such a virtual combination of western hemis-
phere powers may be laid at Lima, but it will
materialize only after 21 republics have recog-
nized the importance of making a practical and
united front against European philosophies of
both the communistic and fascist variety. Clearly

the Lima Conference may bring the assurances
which the Munich conference failed to give to
the democracies of the world in their efforts to
guarantee themselves against the ravages of war.
Land Of Culture
The other day Emil Ludwig, the noted bio-
graher, returned to Paris from a trip to the
United States. He chided those Europeans and
hyphenated Americans who glibly dropped arro-
gant remarks about the lack of culture in this
As a land of culture the pendulum is swing-
ing in America's favor. Where once visiting lec-
turers came here to denounce all that we cher-
ished now they temper their criticism. Where
once tender-hearted American souls flocked to
Europe's shores because they could not tolerate
what they called our crude, homespun nature
and lack of culture, now they admit that America
is wholesomely refreshing. Though our culture
may not bear the marks of classical antiquity
our contemporary life, both economically and
culturally, is far superior to that of the Old
Here in the Midwest alone, have been produced

One heavy black mark against the
Rpublicans in the midterm election
is their choice of dummy Senators
in Oregon and South Dakota-Sena-
tors who, it is safe to say, will not
take the oath of office, but will drawi
senatorial pay and allowances for two
One is Miss Gladys Pyle, who was
nominated and elected for the two-
month remainder of the term of the
late Senator Peter Norbeck, lately
held on appointment by Senator Her-
bert Hitchcock. The other is Alex
G. Barry of Oregon, chosen for the
remnant of the term of former Sen-
ator Frederick Steiwer, 1936 Republi-
can keynoter who resigned last Janu-
ary with a year of his term to run.
In California, where Senator Mc-
Adoo resigned the day afte: he gen-
eral election, Governor Merriam has
appointed Thomas M. Storke, Santa
Barbara newspaper publisher, as Sen-
ator for the two-month interim before
Sheridan Downey takes his seat. Since
Mr. Storke is a Democrat and a close+
friends of Mr. McAdoo and yet sup-
ported Governor Merriam for re-
election on the Republican ticket, the
thing savors strongly of a deal be-
tween the retiring Senator and the1
Governor to pay off their political+
debts at the Government's expense.
In New York, on the other hand,
no advantage is being taken of the
opportunity for political plunder.
Both Mead, Democrat, and Corsi, Re-I
publican, candidates to fill out the
unexpired term of the late Senator
Copeland, were elected only for the I
period beginning next Jan. 1. While
Attorney-General Bennett believes
the law requires the Governor to make
an appointment to fill the two-month
vacancy, there is no indication that
Mr. Lehman will do so.
These remnants of unexpired terms
are an unfortunate, if seemingly un-
avoidable, by-product of the abolition
of the lame-duck session of Con-
gress. Under the old system, the new-
ly elected Congress did not meet for
13 months unless a special session was
called, but the old Congress returned
in December after the election for a
session lasting until March 4. The
Norris amendment moved up Con-
gress' regular meeting time to Janu-
ary, at the same time eliminating the
session containing defeated members.
This leaves dangling a short term of
approximately two months when vot-I
ers are called on to fill an unexpired
There is a precedent for the poli-'
tically cheap course the Republicns
followed in Oregon and South Da-
kota by nominating dummy candi-
dates for the unexpired terms in their
states. But the criticism heaped on
that precedent should have been en-
ough to keep them from repeating
the mistake. Two years ago, one Guy9
V. Howard, a politically unknown
Minnesotan, filed for the remnant of
the late Senator Schall's term. TheI
term was overlooked by the regular
candidates and the salary-bent Mr.
Howard was automatically chosen.
What did he do? Well, the chief
thing was to draw a salary of $1666.661
-that and enjoy the other emolu- 1
ments of the office. He had a suite
of rooms if he wanted to use them
and he was entitled to the privileges
and immunities of a member of Con-
gress. His name went into the Senate
records, and yet, bedause no session
of Congress was called, he was not
sworn in and he answered to no roll
calls. He stepped out, if it can be said
that he was ever in, the very day his
work as Senator should have begun-
the day Congress met. The taxpayers
received absolutely nothing for their
The probability that a special ses-
sion of Congress will ever be called
between November and January is
remote. Such a session would re-es-

tablish the lame duck as a lawmak-
er. Unless a great emergency existed,
that course doubtless would bring
widespread disfavor on the President
who called it. In view of the practical-
Iity of the situation, it would be infin-
itely better to leave these remnant
terms unfilled for two months than
to set them up with dummies.
The political parties can prevent
the election of these stuff-shirt sal-
ary-drawers in the future if they have
a mind to. All they need to do is to
nominate for the remnant terms the
candidates they are putting up for
the succeeding terms. Then whoever
is elected will become Senator upon
his election and will be sworn in
when Congress meets in January.
Dummy members are beneath the
dignity of the Senate. The pair from
Oregon and South Dakota should be
the last to clutter up its roll.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Unusual Gift
A bequest of the sort all too fre-
quently neglected by benefactors of
educational institutions is that left
to Washington University by the will
of Mrs. Sarah L. Glasgow Wilson. The
university in time will receive around
a half-million dollars from the es-
tate. This amount, it is provided, is
to constitute an endowment fund "for
increase of salaries of the teaching
force, preferably professors, in the
College of Liberal Arts and School

Engineering Building. The Beginning Dancing Class will
A. H. Lovell, Assist. Dean. meet at 7 o'clock instead of 7:30 p.m.
Concerts 1 Soph Cabaret: There will be the
following meetings of various com-
Flagstad Concert Postponed. mittees of soph Cabaret:
Madame Flagstad has been obliged Rehearsal of the whole floor show,
to postpone her Ann Arbor concert J Tuesday at 8 p.m.

(Continued from Page 2)
nesday from 4 to 6 in Room 2116
Natural Science.
Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
gineers: Mid-semester reports for
grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West

on account of illness.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae-
co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods1
-from Seleucia on the Tigris and
from Roman Italy. In addition, a
special exhibit has been arranged of
a portion of a recent acquisition of
Roman antiquities presented by Esth-j
er Boise Van Deman.
University Lecture: Henri Feyrig,
Director of the Department of An-
tiquities in Syria, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of
Greek and Iranian in the Civilization
f Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Nov. 30, in the Rackhan Amphi- I
theatre under the auspices of the Mu-
seum of Classical Archaeology. The
public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: The first lecture
on the Cercle Francais program will
take place today at 4:05 p.m. sharp,
Room 103, Romance Language Bldg
Mr. Paul Leyssac of the Theatres
Rejane and de l'Oeuvre in Paris and
of The Civic Repertory Theatre in
New York will give a Dramatic Re-
cital in French.
Tickets for the whole series of lec-
tures can be procured from the Sec-t
retary of the Romance Language De-
partment (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guauge Bldg.) or at the door at thej
time of the lecture. -
Colonel W. Stewart-Roddie Lec-
ture: Tickets for this lecture aret
available at Wahr's Book Store until
5 o'clock this afternoon. The Hill
auditorium box-office will be open
from 5 o'clock until 8:15 p.m. 1
Events Today
Deutscher Verein: The first of five
illustrated talks sponsored by the
Verein will be given this evening
at 8:15 p.m. in the MichiganI
League. Professor Otto LaPorte will'
speak on "Uber Japanische Volk-t
skunst." t
Associate membership tickets for
the whole series or single lectures1
may be p'rocured at the door at theI
time of the lecture.
The Graduate Education Club will i
meet this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.,
in the. library of the University
Elementary School. Professors S. A.
Courtis and W. C. Olsen will present
their respective viewpoints on the
subject, "Remedial Instruction in thel
Light of Recent Growth Studies," af-
ter which the meing will be thrown
open for questions, contributions, andI
general discussion. Refreshments will
be served promptly at 4 o'clock. All
graduate students who are interested
in this topic are invited to be present.
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehearsal
tonight at eight o'clock.
La Sociedad Hispanica: There will
be a meeting at the Michigan League
this evening at 7:30 p.m. Mr.
Earl W. Thomas of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages will pre-
sent a short talk, "Viaje por Mejico."
Games and song will complete the
program. Members will please bring
their song books. All those interested
are invited to attend._
Association Book Group: Albert
Schweitzer's "My Life and Thought"
will be reviewed by Mr. Kenneth Mor-
gan at the meeting of the Association
Book Group, Lane Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.
Omega Upsilon: There will be an
important meeting tonight, 7:30 p.m.,
Morris Hall.

Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting this evening
at 6:15 in the Union. Professor Shir-
ley W. Allen of the Forestry School
will give a short talk.
League House Presidents will meet
in the League today at 4:30 p.m.
Hillel Photographers Club will meet
today at 8 p.m.

Rehearsal of the chorus of floor
show every day at 5 p.m.
Meeting of the publicity committee
at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Mass meeting of all hostesses Wed-
nesday at 5 p.m.
Coming Events
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 7'30
in Room 408, Romance Languages
Building.. If you cannot come, please
call Adelita Oritz at 2-3791.
Association Fierside: Professor J.
H. Muyskens 'will discuss "Speech
Difficulties and Social Adjustment"
at the Association Fireside, Lane Hall,
Wednesday, 8 p.m.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Bldg.
at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 30.
Dr. L. 0. Case will speak on "Inter-
metallic Compounds: Some relations
between physical properties and
Ethics Seminar: The Ethics Sem-
inar which is conducted by the Stu-
dent Religious Association will meet
hereafter at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday,
Lane Hall,instead of Friday.
International Center, Tuesday, Nov.
29. Seven o'clock. Speech Clinic.
Class in English Pronunciation.
Wednesday, Nov. 30. Three o'clock.
Trip to the Ann Arbor Daily News.
Mr. Arthur Stace, the Managing Edi-
tor, will himself take the group
through the beautiful new press
building and explain the operation of
the presses and composing rooms.
Four o'clock. Tea for the Foreign
Women of the University. This tea
is given by Mrs. Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Thursday, Dec. 1. Seven o'clock.
Speech Clinic. Class in English
Four o'clock. The usual tea.
Friday, Dec. 2. Recreation Night.
Sunday, Dec. 4. Six o'clock. Sup-
Seven o'clock. Program given by
the Japanese students, sponsored by
the International Council.
Eight o'clock. Mr. Frederick Wiest
Drum Major of the Michigan Band.
has consented to conduct a half-hour
sing every Sunday night. He plans.
to teach us the Michigan songs and
other popular songs.
Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday eve-
ning, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. in the West
Lecture Room of the Rackham Bldg.
Milton B. Trautman will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Studying Birds
in Yucatan."
Attention is called to the change in
time of the meeting to permit atten-
dance at the Choral Union Concert.
Dues are payable. Refreshments
will be served.
A.S.C.E. The Student Chapter of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers will meet Wednesday, Nov.
30, 1938 at 7:30 in the Michigan
Union. Professor Horace W. King will
give an illustrated lecture on his
travels through Syria, Palestine, and
Iraq. Field trip on Friday, Dec. 2.
Mechanical Engineers: There will
be a meeting of the A.S.M.E. at the
Union, Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 7:30
p.m. Prof. R. S. Hawley of the M.E.
Dept. will speak on some phases of
the coal industry. There will also
'be a film, distributed by the Diamond
Power Specialty Corp. of Detroit, en-
titled "Coal is King."
Sigma Xi. The next chapter meet-
ing will be held Monday, Dec. 5 at 8
p.m. in Room 1042, East Engineering
Bldg. Prof. Stalker will address us
on "Recent Research and Progress
in Aviation Development." This will
be followed by inspection of the lab-
oratory equipment including the
Wind Tunnel.

Graduate Luncheon: Wednesday,
November 30, twelve noon, Michigan
League, Cafeteria Style. This meet-
ing will be held in the Cafeteria Al-
cove in place of the Russian Tea
Room. Professor Leslie A. White, of
the department of Astropology, will
speak informally on "The Science of
The Hiawatha Club will hold an im-

given by Bernard Weissman and Sel-
ma Chibnick at 8 p.m. All welcome.
The Book Shelf and Stage Section
of the Facplty Women's Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Louis W.
Keeler, 1135 Granger Ave., today at
2:45 p.m. Mrs. Thomas J. Mitchell
is assisting hostess.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


---- portant business meeting in the
Hillel Book Club meeting today Union on Wednesday at 7:30. Please
with discussions on Sholem-Asch. Re- note the change in time; it will enable
c ixw rf v o hc An s mml P a n - _- I, fII .. T i - .-

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