eather Fair and"-today; ewhat colder tomorrow tY I lJIAirpiga Iaitg Editorial Should Palestine Be Partitioned? VOL. XLIX. No. 55 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 29, 1938 PRICE, FIVE GENTS Chamberlain, Lord Halifax, Are To Confer With 11 Duce Great Britain To Continue Drive For Appeasement Of European Neighbors Meeting In Rome Set For January LONDON, Nov. 28.-(P)-Britain's travelling Prime Minister is to talk over with Premier Mussolini in Rome the British policy of European ap- peasement which has been balked temporarily by Germany's drive on Jews, The Foreign Office announced to- night that Prime Minister Chamber- lain and Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax, both of whom were in Paris last week on an official visit, proposed journeying to Rome in the first half of January., Mussolini Suggests Trip The announcement said Mussolini had suggested the trip to Chamber- lain when they met Sept. 29 in Mu- nich and, in answer to the later Brit- ish proposal of making the meeting in the first half of January, had stat- ed "He would in principle welcome a visit from Prime Minister and For- eign Secretary at that time." Authoritative sources said Jan. 10 was a likely date for the statesmen to meet. It was expected that high on the agenda for their talks would. be three questions: 1. Improyement of Anglo-German relations, now clouded by Germany's anti-Semitic. policy. 2. Improvement of Italian-French relations, and 3. The Spanish civil war. The Prime Minister was described as confident that by personal contact with uI Duce he might set in motion negotiations which would lead to a broad accord anong Britain, Italy, Germlany nd Franrce. Suez To Be Diseussed GermanyIs anti-Sen tic drive, how- ever, forced postponement of further direct Anglo-German approaches and It Duce, as before the Munich con- ference which din'etnbered Czecho- slovakia, may be asked to use his good offices again - this time toward reaching an Anglo-German under- standing. The Prime Minister also was ex- pected to plead with Mussolini for an Italian-French understanding, which probably would bring into discussion control of the Suez Canal, a conces- sion of a French Company in which the British Government has a large holding; the French railroad between Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Djibouti, French Somaliland; Italy's claims in Tunis; the Spanish island of Mallor- ca; and belligerent rights for Spanish insurgents. n~ , Adult Education Leaders Convene At Union Flrday 500 Ohio And Michigan Heads Meet In Second Regional Meeting Here Nearly 500 leaders in adult educa- tion from Ohio nd Michigan will gather here Friday and Saturday for the second Great Lakes Regional Conference on Adult Education, held this year in conjunction with the 15th annual Michigan Conference on Adult Education. Points of view on adult education and the community school's relationship to adult educa- tion will be discussed at the confer- ence. Morse A. Cartwright, executive di- rector of the American Association for Adult Education, will speak onu "Propaganda and Adult Education" at a dinner Friday. "Adult Education and the Future of Our American Democracy" will be the subject of a talk by Dr. Eduard C. Lindeman, of the New York School of Social Work, at the final luncheon meeting on Saturday. The conference is sponsored by the Michigan Council on Adult Educa- tion, the Detroit Council of 'Adult Education, and the American Asso- ciation for Adult Education, assisted by the University Extension Service. Union Bridge Tournament Recall Of Ambassador Wilson Shows Vacillating Foreign Policy U.S. Seems Unwilling To Either Remain Completely Aloof From European Affairs Or Take Active Part; Withdrawal Confirmed Anti-Nazi Temper Here Labor Unions Defy Daladier To Stop Strike Archie Kodros Is Elected '39 GridCaptain FDR Meets-envoys; KL-.,, Wilson Here, '.,,Sends Back Phillips (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles, in which the writer' with the help of several members of the faculty who prefer to remain anonymous, will attempt to analyze the foreign policy of the United States in respect tothe swiftly-moving events in the rest of the world.) By ELLIOTT MARANISS President Roosevelt's dramatic re- call of Ambassador Wilson from Ber- lin for consultation and advice,has focused attention here on the entire problem of German-American rela- tions, throwing into sharp relief both the anti-Nazi temper of the American people and the basic inconsistency of American foreign policy: the unwill- iIigness to either remain completely aloof from European affairs or to take an active part in them. The research staff of the Foreign Policy Association, in a bulletin re- leased in July maintains that ever since Hitler came to power in 1933 American public opinion has shown a striking hostility toward Germany, and with this observation most poli- tical scientists and newspaper com- mentators are in substantial agree- ment. The blows struck by National Socialism at the cherished American doctrine of individual liberty; at Jews and the Catholic church; its espousal of militaristic and racial theories have awakened active dislike and resent- ment in the American public at large. In the world-wide conflict of ideolo- gies, the belief that Germany threat- ens American democratic institutions has been revived. The work of the Nazi party, the radio propaganda from Berlin, and the German trade drive in Latin America have con- vinced many Americans that a rigor- ous campaign of defense against Ger- man fascism is necessary in their own hemisphere. In regard to the official policy ofj the United States toward German- American relations, most observers are of the opinion that the American policy toward the Third Reich has fol- lowed the main trends of its general policy-which have been described as the isolationist trend from 1934 through 1936 and opposition to ag- gression beginning in 1937. At the same time, as various State Depart- ment releases have emphasized, the Administration, like its predecessors, has not invoked American rights un- der the peace treaty with Germany which might involve this country in European political questions. This treaty, signed at Berlin on August 25, 1921, after a Joint Resolu- tion of Congress had terminated the war and had broadly reserved Ameri- can rights and privileges, secured to the United States the benefits speci-, fied in the joint resolution and "all rights and advantages stipulated for the benefit of the United States in the Treaty of Versailles." This coun- try, however, as is well known, as- sumed no obligations under the Cov- enant of the League of Nations, the clauses fixing Germany's boundaries. the political clauses for Europe, the clauses relating to German rights in other countries, or the labor clauses. The Roosevelt government, then, as has been frequently observed, was in no position to protest the successive steps by which Hitler freed himself from the Treaty of Versailles. The next change in American rela- tions with Germany did not come until 1937, and grew out of the in- creasing international tension. At this time it was thought that the Roose- velt Administration had formally re- pudiated the isolationist program and 0'tontiniupd on Pain e6) } Employes Of Government Disregard CAbinet Plea Not To Join Movement Premiier' Threatens, Aen With Dismissal PARIS, Nov. 28-(MP--Rising labor support toiight threatened to para- lyze France Wednesday by a nation- wide one-day general strike despite firm counter-measures of Premier Edouard Daladier. Unions of Government employees, including 520,000 railroad workers and totaling in all 950,000 public ser- vants, defied orders from their Cabi- net ministers to disregard the strike call. Strike To Be Wednesday The General Confederation of Labor has called its 5,000,000 mem- bers to strike Wednesday in protest against the Government's new decree laws, which suspend the forty-hour week and impose new taxes. The General Federation of Federal employees told its members flatly to join the strike in the face of a warn- ing from Daladier himself that they would be subject to dismissal if they halted work. In addition, the Government, al- ready empowered to requisition the nation's railway workers, late tonight announced that a special decree, which would allow requisitioning un- der military supervision of all public service employees,.would be published in the official journal tomorrow morning. Postal Workers Will Strike l Postal employees accepted the chal- lenge of the Minister o Posts & Tele- graph, Jules Allen, who said the Na- tion's postoffices would remain open. They declared bluntly, "We will De unanimously beside the working classes and in the front of the com- bat." Likewise the country's school teach- ers, in direct opposition to Minister of Education Jean Za, said they would demonstrate Wedesday. Paris subway and bus line em- ployees, following the lead of rail- road workers, voted to join the strike. The Government warned they would be requisitioned under military super- vision if they did. Students Interested In Cooperatives Urgred To Enroll Students interested in slashing liv- ing costs through cooperative housing were urged -by Doug Tracy, '40E, chairman of Congress's Student Wel- fare Committee, to see him at once if they wish to enlist in the campaign. Only a few more will be accepted, Tracy warned, due to lack of accom- modations. Those already enrolled will "have the jump" on late joiners when the group is weeded out, he said. Selection of new members will be- gin soon with the election of a "selec- tion committee" at a meeting sched- tiled for 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, in Room 306 of the Union. This commit- tee will interview applicants, select- ing the most promising on the basis of need and cooperative spirit. I i1 Stewart-Roddie Speaks Today On World War' Lecturer Has Been Army Officer, Special Envoy,, Foreign Commentator Col. W. Stewart-Roddie, third speaker of the Oratorical lecture series, will present his "European mosaic" of scenes and characters de- signed to form a comprehensive pic- ture of the World War and its after- math in Europe at 8:15 p.m. today, inI the Hill Auditorium. As a result of his extensive travels in Europe, Col. Stewart'-Roddie is well-qualified for the role of commen- tator on the European scene. His work on special missions for Greatt Britain was recognized by the late King George V. who made him a Com- inander of the Royal Victorian Order. Entering the War in 1914, Col. Stewart-Roddie saw active service until in 1918 a "rather close proxim- ity to a German high explosive shell" caused his return to England, where he served his convalescence period as an aide in His Majesty's Treasury de- partment. In 1919 he was with the intelligence department of the war office. Subse- quently, he carried, out, special mis- sions to Germany for the war office, the Minister of Munitions and the Department of Overseas Trade. Leyssae GIves RecitalToday Noted Actor, Author Opens Cercle Francais Series Paul Leyssac, noted actor, author and lecturer, will give a dramatic re- cital in French at 4:05 p.m. today in Room 103 Romance Language build- ing, opening the lecture series of the Cercle Francais. M. Leyssac last ap- peared in Ann Arbor in 1935 when he took part in the May Festival and re- turned that fall to give a dramatic recital. M. Leyssac has played on the stage in Paris. London and New York. After acting in Paris for several years, he came to America where he became a prominent meipber of the Civic Rep- ertory Theatre, appearing in a'va- riety of parts including Sorin in, "The Seagull," Tesman in "Hedda Gabler." and Leonid in "The Cherry Orchard." Seyrig To Give Ill'tistrated Talk About Palmyra Syrian Official Will Speak Tomorrow Afternoon In Graduate School Lecture Henri Seyrig, director of the De- partment of Antiquities in French Syria, will lecture at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow, (Wednesday, Nov. 30) in the Amphitheatre of the Graduate School on Palmyrene civilization. His il- lustrated lecture is entitled "The Meeting of Greek and Iranian in he Civilization of Palmyra."+ M. Seyrig is delivering the lecture, one of the Norton lectures for the Ar- chaeological Institute of America, given at colleges and universities throughout the United States, under the auspices of the Museum of Clas- sical Archaeology. As director of the Department of Antiquities for the past 16 years and as director of the Damascus Insti- tute of the University of Paris, M. Seyrig has had several articles pub- lished in the magazine "Syria," a pub- lication devoted to archaeological study. He will discuss in his lecture tomorrow the rise of Palmyrene civ- ilization and the combined influences' of the eastern and western world up- on it, Heikkinen Again Named Most Valuable Player On Football Team New honors were bestowed on Archie Kodros", star junior center from Alton, Ill., when he was elected captain of the 1939 Michigan football team, at a, meeting of -he 28 letter- men yesterday afternoon. Kodros suc- ceeds Fred Janke who led Michigan to its most successful season in five years. At the same time, Ralph Heikkinen, All-American guard was chosen the team's most valuable player for the second consecutive year. Played Guard Enrolling here in 1936, Rodeos played a guard position on the fresh- man team but was shifted to center in his sophomore year due to, the dearth of experienced pivot, mere. Kodros showed continual improve- ment and by the time of the opening game had- displaced the team cap- tain from the starting line-up, and he never relinquished the spot all sea- son. With the coming of spring prac- tice, Kodros continued to 's'how Im- provement in his passing a Ctd. " his' blocking and at the , close of . the spring session, he was awarded. the Chicago Alumni , Trophy, given an- nually to the player making the best showing . in spring practice. This marked the first time this honor had beetr given to a letterman. improved Steadily This fall inspired by the presence of first class competition in the per- son of sophomore Forest Evashevski, Archie improved continually. By the time of the opener Evashevski had been shifted to the backfield and the center postwas left in the 'cap- able, hands of Kodros. Playing prac- tically a full 60 ' minutes in seven of the eight Wolverine games, Kodros rated along with John Haman of Northwestern and Jack. Murray of Wisconsin as one of the top confer- enep centers. Encountered immediately after his election Kodros stated; "I don't know ;whether I'm more surprised or hap- py. All I can say is that if I can do half as well as Fred did this year we'll be mighty hard to beat," Quiet; and reserved off the grid- (Continued otr rage 3) Pension Group Plans Report Commission Will Submit Outline Dec. 31 Still uncertain as to its fate when the new state administration comes into power, Governor Murphy's pen- sion plan study commission decided at a meeting held here yesterday to submit a preliminary report before Dec. 31. The tentative report will attempt to indicate what the commission con- siders to be the general nature of the problem and will include everything accomplished prior to the actual de- tailed work, according to Prof.-Xner- itus James A. Glover of the mathe- matics department, chairman. In its effort to develop an actuari ally sound and at the same time com- pletely up-to-date system, the com- m sion yesterday conferred with Gorge B. Buck, consulting actuary for New York City. I LaPorte, Thomas Celebrate Discovery Of Radium This Week Special celebrations this week in honor of the 40th anniversary of the discovery of radium by Pierre and Marie Curie are being held through- out the state under the auspices of the women's field army of the Ameri- can Society for the Control of Can- cer, Dr. Fred J. Hodges, chairman of the department of Roentgenology in the University Hospital, said yester- day. A French Society for the Preven- tion of Cancer has issued a new medal bearing the portraits of the Curies, Dr. Hodges revealed, to be awarded to those giving distinguished service in the war against cancer. .QaRe cia la stall Is Cancellec. Kirsten Flagstad, noted Wagnerian soprano, scheduled to appear tomor- row in Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the University' Choral Union, has called off her concert be- cause of a severe cold, Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music, announced late last night. Born In Norway, Madame Flag- stad, reputed to be the world's great- est Wagnerian soprano, care to this country five years ago. She has made a number of appearances in .Pain Arbor. It was not known last night just when Madame Flagstad would be able to fulfill her appearance here. Des(,ljbed as "the greatest living singer~ by many critics, and _ given paens . of praise by the press and radio, Madame Flagstad is rieverthe- less noted for her simplicity of mari- ner and lack of ostentation. This fact has made the cancellation of= her ap- pearance tomorrow a great surprise. Filipino Plan' For Freedom 1 German Jews Pin :Hopes On Roosevelt To Open South American. Raven Relations its Duce Will Be 81aintained WARM SPRINGS,_ Ga., Nov. 28.- (P).The United. States will continue normal diplomatic relations with Italy, but her course with respect to Germany still was uncertain tonight after another conference between President Roosevelt and the envoys to t'iose nations on oppressed minorities abroad. Talking with reporters, just before starting back to Washington, William Phillips, ambassador to. Italy, said he would sail Dec.' 10 or 14 to -return to his post in Rome. He has been n this country 10 days, conferring xith the State Department. Hugh R. Wilson, ambassador to Berlin, who was summoned home at the peak of rioting against Jews in Germany, would not say how long he would remain in 'Washington, by c balked at using the word "indefinite- ly" in describing his stay. "What is the proper word?" be was asked. "I, don't know," he replied; smiling. I'm going to work in Washington for sometime. I don't know how "long I've got certain jobs there to do." Otherwise, the. two diplomats were silent on their, talks VV 111 the Presi- dent in the "Little White House." Any public announcement would have to come from him,, they said, as they left by automobile for :Atlanta to take a v 1 ght 'train ngrth, . Xsked whether the, exchange of views had touched on mistreatment of CLttholic and Portestant as well as Jewish minorities, as had been in- dicated in official quarters, Phillips said, "you will have to ask the Presi- dent." Jews, Look To President To Furnish Western Owlet IP res. +Quezon's Proposal For 1938 Independence c 'Is Rejected By Roosevelt WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-0'7- c President Roosevelt today approved t the report of a Filipino-Ameri- can committee which decided after 19 months' study that full and final independence should be granted the Philippines on. July 4, 1946, as now scheduled, but that mutually beneficial economic arrangements should be continued for 15 years thereafter. The suggestion of President Manuel L. Quezon of the Philippine Common- ; wealth that the date of independence , " might be advanced to 1938 or 1929" appeared abandoned inasmuch as Quezon likewise endorsed the joint ' report, made public here 'today. President Roosevelt- said in a formal statement that the report had his ap- proval "as a basis of congressional consideration for the purpose of cor- recting the imperfections and in- equalities of the Independence act of March 24, 1934 and for the purpose of making more certain and definite the future commercial relationships between the United States and the Philippines after Philippine inde- pendence is attained." BERLIN, Nov. 28.-(N')-Fervent lopes are expressed by leaders of Ger- rian 'Jewry that President Roosevelt grill. be able to persuade the forth- coming Pan-American Conference at Liwa, Peru, to tale immediate gener- ous action in behalf of, German Jews, The leaders insist that unless aid comes quickly the tragedy of the Jews will be unspeakable. They envisage not only misery, 'btt the possibility of disease, mass suicides, and even a criminality born of desperation. Jewish quarters heard - oYn various parts of Germany today that arrests of Jews were continuing. Many who stayed hidden away from their homes during the arrest wave of Nov. 10 now= are being rounded up quietly, reports said. Word came from the Nazi- dominated Free City of Danzig of arge-kale anti-Jewish raids. Five thousand bewildered Polish Jews stranded at the Polish "birder station of Zbazyn today started the second month of a strange, comfort- ]- ss existence at Poland's front gate and Germany's back door unable to move in either direction. They were rounded up in Germany for depor- tation 'a month ago, but have been held at the border by Poland. J-Hop Elections To Be Thursday i 1 l l f x i 1 i i , i History Shows Jews Always Oppressed, Prof. Long States The present persecution of Jews in them from his realm, Professor Long Nazi Germany is but the latest in the declared. They were permitted to re- long series of governmental oppres- turn a short while later, on the con- sions of Jews that are recorded by dition that they pay a heavy tax, but European history, Prof. Dwight C. in ,1306, Philip IV expelled them Long of the history department said again, and along with them, forced yesterday. the Knight Templars from the coun- From early medieval times they try. have been driven from one nation to Expulsidn from the Low Countries another, he said, in tracing the his- followed this in 1370, Professor Long tory of their expulsions. They were explained, while in Spain, tolerance most numerous in Spain and Italy was granted by the Moors in return in the early centuries of our era, for financial aid. However, as the Professor Long said, but under the Moors, were slowly pushed back into Visigoths in Spain severe persecu- southern Spain and finally, in 1492. tions were suffered and it is thought their political power came to an end that they were of aid to the Moors with the fall of Grenada, and an in the conquest of Spain. In Italy, edict of expulsion for both Moors and Lothair I-drove them from his king- Jews was issued by Queen Isabella, dom in 855, with most of them going he said. The alternative of becoming to France, he continued. baptised as Christian was offered, but to Frnce n uewsedprotecte it is recorded that over 20,000 were In England, Jews were protected killed and about 150,000 were driven and held as chattels of the crown out, many going to Portugal, Profes- until their exem on fom the la sor Long stated. But treatment there plus economic jealous roused so was so severe that many voluntarily Railroad deities Notice Naming Student 'Agent' No student has been authorized as "agent" of the New York Central railroad, to arrange vacation excur- ion, J. Ralph Carter, passenger rep- resentative of the line announced yesterday, correcting a statement that appeared in Sunday's Daily that Maurice Simon, '39, has been so named. The railroad official said that this correction should in no way be taken Four Polls To. e Open From 2 To 5, P.M. Election of J-Hap committee mem- bers will be held from 2 to 5 pan. Thursday, Fred Luebke, '39E, presi- dent of Men's Council, . announced yesterday, Voting for candidates in the literary, and engineering schools will be by machine, and will take place in Room: 231 Angell Hall, and in Room 348 West Engineering building. The use of machines has been adopted in order to insure accuracy and to avoid confusion, Luebke said. Lettermen Meet Tonight To Organize New Clubk To Lecture Tonight I I