THE MICITCAN DAILY i'irst Lecture I Is Announced I B y French Cub DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN , . r I . ceto ali members of th. k'nivers;ty. Copy received at the office of the Asvtstat to the Pre tdmrnt until 3:3u: 11 :00 a.m on Saturday Forest Fires Destroy Califorfi Shoreside Buildings Survey Finds Great Change In U.S. Policy (Continued from Page 4 'he League Monday at 4:00 p.m. Please be prompt. Paul Leyssac Is Scheduled will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in _esprm ToDramatic the Founders' Room of the Michigan The Book Shelf and Stage Section To Present ~~Union. All faculty members in- ~ h aut oe' lbwl Recital Next Tuesday terested in speaking German are cor-meat hcul ome of M s. Lu i" dially invited. Professor Hereward Keeler, 1135 Granger avenue. Tues- Paul Leyssac, noted actor, lecturer T. Price will give a brief informal day, November 29, at 2:45 p.m. Mrs. talk (with lantern slides) on "DiedaNvme2,at:4pm.Ms and aul tor, will open this year's series Backstcin-Goak Norddeutschlands." Thomas J. Mitchell is assisting hos- of Frer"h lectures sponsored by the _ _ess, Cercle Prancais when he will give a Physics Colloquium: Professor F. A. "Principles ofnterior Decoration" ramat recital in French Tuesday Firestone will speak on "Supersonics," will be discussed by Mrs. Ralph W. in Room 103 of the Romance Lan- and Mr. R. H. Nichols will speak on Hammett at the next meeting of the gua e 1_ ilding. "Auditory Fatigue, (with reference Interior Decoration section of the B cai .se M. Leyssac is to appear in to measurement of subjective har- Fa-culty Women's club to be held at the hour1 monics)" at the Physics Colloquium 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Dec. Chicago the same evening ton Monday, Nov. 28, at 4:15 in Room 1, at the Michigan League. This lee- of the x ogram is 4:05 p.m. instead of 1041 E. Physics Bldg. ture will furnish the background for the usual time of 4:15 p.m. uewunishetesbcn rnteror M Lyssac has been decorated by La Sociedad ispanica: There will subsequent lectures on interior de- en willcoration. Because of her studies and King C ristian X. of Denmark and be a meeting at the Michigan League practical experience in interior de- King L. opold I. of Belgium for his on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m. coratilon M'rs. Hammett is a recog- tran. latons and recitations of many Mr. Earl W. Thomas of the Depart-cozdators.yHantis ared. g of the zairy tales of Hans Christian ment of Romance Languages will pre- Anders a. He now has translated 28 sent a short talk, "Viaje por Mejico." Monday Evening Dramatic Club: of them in English and has already Games and song will complete the given r, any of these in broadcast iprogram. Members will please bring Faculty Women's Club, 7:30 p.m. and television programs. their song books. All those interested Monday, Michigan Union. As an actor, M. Leyssac has taken are invited to attend. promin! at parts on the stage in ;Paris, -- Labor Committee of the A.S.U. will London and New York. He appeared Association Book Group: Albert meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in in Ann Arbor for the first time in Schweitzer's "My Life and Thought" the Michigan Union. Anyone in- 1935 wlen he performed as the nar- will be reviewed by Mr. Kenneth Mor- terested in student working condi- rator in Henegger's "King David" in gan at the meeting of the Association tions is urged to attend. See Union the May Festival. Leyssac later re- Book Group, Lane Hall, 4:00 p.m. bulletin board for location. turned >'ere that fall to give a dra- Fencing Club-Women Students: matic recital. . Graduate Luncheon: Wednesday! Organization meeting in the correc- Aft er Tuesday's recital, the pro- November 30, twelve noon, Michigan tiveromomn groun fo o Barbour gram o' the Cercle Francais is as i League, Cafeteria Style. This meet- Gym , ground t oor o daur follows: Dec. 13, "Antoine et le The- ing will be held in the .Cafeteria Al- Gymnas interested and ligiMonda atre Libre" by James O'Neill; Jan. cove in place of the Russian Tea invited to attend this meeting. 12, "Ports de France" by Prof. Marc Room. Professor Leslie A. White, of Denking