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November 27, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-27

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Occasional snow, slightly colder;
generally fair tomorrow


Lw iga


The Next
Sudeten Crisis
Food For
Starving Spain





Daladier Calls'
Troops To Aid,
In Smashing
Strike Threat
Orders Military Seizure
Of All Railroad Lines
In Anti-Union Conflict
Labor Hits Decree
Ending 40-Hr. Week
PARIS, Nov. 26 -(P)- Premier
Edouard Daladier tonight decreed the
military requisition of all the princi-
pal railroad lines of France in his
fighting campaign to crush in ad-'
vance the one-day general strike
called by French labor for next Wed-
Daladier signed a decrep imposing
army control on the railroad work-
ers, who voted to join the general
strike. It will be effective with pub-
lication in the official journal tomor-
Smashes Early Strikes
Earlier in the day similar tactics
by the Premier smashed strikes among
miners, metalworkers, and local rail-
road hands in the north of France.


CHICAGO, Nov. 26.--(P)-The
Socialist National Executive
Committee, protesting against
the labor policies of the Daladier
Governmnt, proposed today that
the Statue of Liberty be returned
to France.
"France in this hour of internal
crisis needs tie Statue of Liberty
more than do we," said Roy E,
Burt, National Secretary of th
Fifty thousand workers had walked
out in the north.,
The French Confederation of Labor,
which ordered its 5,000,000 members
to strike Wednesday in protest
against Daladier's decree laws sus-
pending the 40-hour week, had or-
dered a stoppage in every phase of
work, excepting osly such necessuy
services as water, gas and electricity.
These services are to be manned by
skeleton staffs.
remier obilzes Strikers
Daladier wn the first round of his
battle with labor by using army meas-
ures in the north, mobilizing strik-
ing workers and ordering them to
work as part of the army. Courts
martial were established for those
refusing to work.
The unions quickly gave in by or-
dering strikers to resume work pend-
ing the general strike.
In the Paris region, where another
50,000 metal-workers went on strike,
all factories were cleared of sit-in
strikers, although work was not yet
ordered resumed by the managements.
In effect, a tense truce prevailed
between the government and labor
pending the scheduled nationwide
walk-out Wednesday.
Adult Education
Leaders CoCvnve
Hold Annual Conference
Here This Weekend
Adult education leaders from Ohio
and Michigan will meet here Friday
and Saturday in the second annual
Great Lakes Regional .Conference on
Adult Education.
Primar'y goals of the conference
which is combined this year with the
15th annual Michigan Conference or
AdultEducation, will be expansion
of the scope and effectiveness of adul
education in the Great Lakes area
Sponsors of the conference includ
the Michigan and Detroit Council
on Adult Education, the Americar
Association for Adult Education, anc
the University Extension Service.
Radio Station WMCA
Warns Fr._Coughlin
NEW YORK, Nov. 26-(1-Radio
station WMCA advised the Rev
Charles E. Coughlin tonight that hi
scheduled speech tomorrow would b
broadcast through its facilities onl:
if a copy was received four hours i
advance and its text did npt tend t
"create racial or religious hatred o
dissension in America."
The station, which objected to part
of the Detroit Priest's speech las

Knows Politics
Of Europe Well
Versed In Foreign Affairs,
Lecturer To Present
Sketch Series
A series of sketches forming a com-
prehensive "mosaic of facts"-tragic
and humorous, romantic and realistic
-is the novel form which the Ora-
torical Serices lecture to be delivered
here Tuesday by Col. W. Stewart-
Roddie, will take place.
Col. Stewart-Roddie has come to
America direct from those European
countries playing leading roles in the
dramatic political performances of
the continent, and his comments are
expected to be as deeply significant
as they will be entertaining.
In addition to his recent European
travels, Col. Stewart-Roddie has had
many previous opportunities to wit-
ness the spectacle of the continent.
From the end oJ, the World War un-
til 1926, Col. Stewart-Roddie was al-
most continuously in Germany on
special missions for the War Office,
the Minister of Munitions, the De-
partment of Overseas Trade, and in
particular as a member of the Inter-
Allied Commission of Control which
carried out the work of disarmament.
This experience has been supple-
mented by frequent visits to Germany
after the disarmament, during the
German revolution and many times
since Hitler came to power. Wide
travel in the rest of Europe gives to
Col. Stewart-Roddie as broad a
knowledge of the forces and events
which are moulding the fate of the
AFL May Foil
CIO Walkout
At Stockyards
Chicago Packing Plants
Are Offered All Workers
Needed By Rival Union
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-()--Negotia-
tions for a settlement of the CIO
strike in Chicago's sprawling stock-
yards were suspended today until to-
morrow, with the prospect that before
they were resumed a crew of rival
unionists would be at work.
Orvis T. Henkle, general manager
,of the Union Stock Yard and Transit
Co., stated today's initial peace par-
ley had not altered his determination
to have trading resumed in the yards
next week.
A stock handlers local affiliated
with the AFL has offered the com-
pany all the men needed to operate
the yards. Henkle said that between
150 and 200 of them would be put on
the payroll at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
Representatives of the Packing
House Workers Organization Com-
mittee, the 010 affiliate, declined t
disclose what measures, if any, they
would take to prevent their picket
lines from being broken. Their next
conference with the company wa
scheduled for 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Trading in the great meat animal
market has been suspended since last
Monday, when the CIO stock hand-
lers walked out.
Chevrolet Sit-Down Ends
DETROIT, Nov. 26.-(A)-A sit-
down strike at the Chevrolet Gea
& Axle division of the Genera Mo
tors Corp. here ended today when
200 employes who had held the plan
since Friday night left the factor

and agreed to return to work Monday

Nazis Attack
Reich Citizens
Who Aid Jews
'Master Of Hunt' Goering
Cancels Hunting Rights
Of Jews In New Move
Landlords Ousting
Jews From Houses
BERLIN, Nov. 26-(A)-Nazi anti-
Semitism was extended today by
sharp attacks on those who sympa-
thize with Jews.
"These creatures, these friends of
Jews, these servants of Jews deserve
no other tretment than that ac-
corded Jews themselves," the Nuern-
berg newspaper Fraenkische Tagesze-
itung declared.
The Westdeutscher Beobachter of
Cologne maintained that "our fellow
citizens must not commiserate where
commiseration is out of place; the
elimination of the Jew from our life
must be carried to the bitter end."
Some observers believed these at-
tacks were the beginning of a widcr
campaign against Germans who think
Nazi treatment of Jews unworthy of
German traditions.
Letters kept piling up in foreign
consulates, meanwhile, indicating
hundreds of landlords were ousting
Jews from their homes.
Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph
Goebbels' newspaper Der Angriff re-
ported approvingly how a Jewess
was evicted and her four-room apart-
ment made available to an Aryan
family of seven.
There were other restrictive meas-
Indigent Jews were forbidden under
an Interior Ministry decree to seek
aid from public welfare bureaus but
must turn to Jewish agencies.
All Jewish studentloans were can-
celled and repayment ordered within
two weeks. All hunting licenses held
by Jews were ordered cancelled by
Field Marshal Hermann Wilhelm
Goering, acting in his capacity as
National Master of the Hunt.
Nachtausgabe reported from New
York that United States Ambassa-
dor Hugh R. Wilson, recalled from
Berlin for "reports and consultation"
conferred only 14 minutes yesterday
with Secretary of State Hull before
the latter departed for Lima, Peru,
to attend the Pan-American Confer-
The newspaper inferred Wilson
could hardly have said anything very
bitter about the anti-Jewish violence
here Nov. 10 in the brief time between
his arrival in New York and Secre-
tary Hull's departure.
The paper also quoted Ambassa-
dor Wilson's secretary as saying Wil-
son's' return to Berlin was scheduled
Nazis Establish Pawnshop
To Buy Jewish Valuables
BERLIN, Nov. 26.-(P)-Nazi fi-
nancial officials established a special
t "pawn-brokerage" office today to buy,
at their own final evaluation, jewels
and other art objects from Jews.
Some Jews, short of ready cash,
need money for emigration. Others
need it to pay their share of the
$400,000,000 fine the Nazis levied
against Jews for the slaying of the
German diplomat Ernst Vom Rath
by a young Polish Jew in Paris.
Objects that will be offered for sale
r to the Government doubtlessly will
include priceless heirlooms that have
been in Jewish families for genera-

t tions-comparable to the precious ar-
y ticles Russian aristocrats sold after
. the Bolshevist Revolution.

Public Opinion Toward State Matters Also Altered
As Average Citizen Shows Greater Interest,
Daily Survey Of Foreign Affairs Shows
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles in which the writer, with
the help of various members of the faculty, will attempt to analyze the foreign
policy of the United States in respect to the swiftly-moving events in the rest
of the world.)
Isolation is the traditional American foreign policy. Even more tradi-
tional is the apathy manifested by most Americans toward the problems of
tinternational relationships. Political and economic problems are discussed
with avidity and emotion here, but the mention of foreign policy conjures up
in the average citizen's mind strange and exotic notions of silk-hatted diplo-
mats, spies and statesmen, all moving in hazy and exalted spheres and
engaging in maneuvers quite beyond ">
the ken and comprehension of lay ficant grip on the minds of Ameri-
minds, cans.
The increasing gravity of the in- The purpose of these articles is to
ternational situation in the last two brino to readers of the Daily the opin-

felt more indignant over the actions
of another state. President Roose-
velt's official statement that "I my-
self could scarcely believe that such
things could occur inea twentieth-
century civilization," was picked up
and re-iterated, sometimes in stronger
language, by mass meetings and in
statements by public men throughout
the country. Prominent churchmen,
Catholic and Protestant, as well as
ex-President Hoover, Alfred Landon
and Alfred E. Smith, went on the air
to voice their sense of outrage.
In the light of these events, the
signing of the trade agreements with
Great Britain and Canada trans-
cends mere economic significanceand
takes on important political aspects.
It is being hailed in both countries
as evidence of the ties that bind free,
democratic nations and is being in-
terpreted as at further extension of
the principle of international coopera-
tion. The diplomatic importance of the
move cannot be estimated, until the
extent of unofficial collaboration be-
tween the United States and Great
Britain is fully elucidated by the
State Department. Its direct contra-
diction of the German trade policy of
autarchy, has been clearly perceived
by the American press, however, and
the approval it has been given even
by anti-Administration papers is
looked upon by the State Department
as evidencing popular support of the
entire policy of international coopera-
tion. Whether or not this means that
popular support will also be forth-
coming for international political
action, is also indeterminate, but that
W'ontinhPd on Pate 5'A

Traditional American Isolation Policy
Changing With International Crises

years, however, has had far-reaching
effects both on the official foreign
policy of the Department of State and
the attitude of American citizens to-
ward that policy. Especially in the
last two months, with President
Roosevelt's unprecedented denunci-
ation of the German terrorism against
the Jews, the signing of trade agree-
ments with England and. Canada, the
American protests against Japanese
violations of the Open Door in China,
the solution of the vexing land claims
dispute with Mexico, and the expect-
ed reiteration of the good neighbor
policy at the Pan-American Confer-
ence in Lima next month, have Amer-
ican foreign relations taken a signi-

ions of various members of the faculty
in respect to the historical and con-
temporary development and signifi-
cance of these trends, and to attempt
to evolve from them the exact nature
of the foreign policy of the Roosevelt
Most dramatic news event of the
month, and probably, the most im-
portant insofar as American foreign
policy is concerned, was the "psycho-'
logical" break in relations between
the United States and Germany. The
full extent to which the change in
attitude of the administration toward
the Nazi regime reflects the opinion
of the public, of course, is unknown,
but it must be evident to all observers
that ,not since 1917 have Americans

Reich Breach
Widens As U.S.
Orders Wilson
To Stay Home

State Department Protests
Austrian Debt Default
As An Act Of Partiality
Reich Blacklisted
In Tariff Accords
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-(P)-
Signs of strained relations with Ger-
many multiplied today when the State
Department assigned its Ambassa-
dor to Berlin to an indefinite tour of
of duty in Washington and published
new protest against Nazi treatment
of American creditors.
Sumner Welles, acting Secretary
of State, announced that Ambassador
Hugh Wilson, who returned here to-
day from Berlin on his way to confer
with President Roosevelt at Warm
Springs, Ga., had been assigned to
the Department as an advisor on re-
lations between the two countries.
Other officials said later that the
assignment, while for an indefinite
period, was a temporary one. -
Complain Against Discrimination
Thereafter the Department diis-
closed, that the United States Em-
bassy in Berlin had complained to
the German Government yesterday
against "acts or policies of foreign
governments w h i c h discriminate
against American creditors and give
foreign creditors more favorable
treatment tham Americans."
This referred to the tact that Ger-
many has not continued service on
Austrian debts outstanding in this
country when Austria became a part
of the Reich. An exchange of notes
published by the Department said
Germany already was making pay-
ments on Austrian obligations to
creditors in Great Britain, France and
some other nations.
Unfavorable Trade Relations
The German Government, in a note
of Nov. 17, said that while it had
been possible to recognize and pay
certain Austrian obligations in those
-ountries because of Germany's fav-
7rable trade balance with them, it had
been impossible to make any Ameri-
can arrangement because of unfavor-
able trade relations.
The Reich is on the United States'
economic "blacklist," being deprived
>f tariff concessions granted other
:ountries because she allegedly dis-
criminates against American goods.
Ambassador Wilson, who conferred
with officials here briefly before his
scheduled departure at midnight for
atlanta, en route to the "Little White
.ouse," told reporters he could make
:o statement as to the purpose of
us visit nor probable length of stay
.n the United States until after he
ad seen the President.

Colobia Gets
Army And Navy
Aid From US.
Sixth Latin American State
To Ask For Missions
As Defense Advisers
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-()-The
United States Government announced
today that naval and military air
missions would go to the Republic of
Colombia soon to cooperate with that
country in improving its defensive
The step symbolized, to some stu-
dents of Pan-American affairs, grow-
ing bonds between the United States
and Latin America for the common
defense of the new world against any
foreign aggressor. Five such missions
already are on duty in other Latin
American countries.
"The Department of State is
pleased to announce," a formal state-
ment said, "that in response to the
request of the government of Colom-
bia, agreements were signed Nov. 23
providing for the furnishing by 'the
United States of a naval mission and
a military aviation mission to co-
operate with the Colombian Ministry
of War. The two missions will func-
tion in an advisory capacity to the
Colombian navy and military air
The action is of particular import-
ance to the United States because
of Colombia's proximity to the Pana-
ma Canal, a vital artery in the Ameri-
can defense system. The Panama
Canal Zone, now owned by the United
States, formerly was part of Colom-
Special Train Rates
Available For Holidays

J-Hop Interviews
Prospective candidates for the
J-Hop committee elections will be
interviewed by the Men's Council
judiciary committee and the
League Judiciary Council tomor-
row, Fred Luebke, '39E, president,
of the Men's Council, announced
yesterday. Hours for men are 3 to
5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Union
student offices, and for women
are 3 to 5 p.m. in the League un-
dergraduate offices.
Recommendations of the judi-
ciary groups will be submitted to
the Men's Council at its meeting
Wednesday, when it will make
final selections. The official list
of three to five candidates for
each position will be published in
Thursday's Daily.

Faculty Men's
Talks Feature
Local Services


Lectures On Jews
Their Problems
Church Programs

Pontiff Rallies
Af ter Attack,,
Doctors Say That Another
Stroke May Be Fatal
VATICAN CITY, Nov. 26.- (P)-
Pope Pius Xi quit his sick bed today
to carry on his duties after physi-
cians had warned him that his weak-
ened heart night not survive another
attack such as that which struck him
yesterday morning.
The supreme head of the Catholic
Church, 81 years old last May ? 1,
gave fresh proof of his extraordinary
fortitude by leaving his bedroom , -nd
discussing church affairs with Eu-
genio Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secre-
tary of State, in the library of the
He sat up for a while in an arm-
chair in the bedroom before he was
carried to the library on a lower
Galens Drive Dec. 1 And 2
Galens Society will conduct its an-
nual drive to aid underprivileged
I children on Dec. 1 and 2. This year's
I goal has been set at $2,000.

Local churches today offer a wide
variety of talks by faculty member;
in addition to the regular morning
worship services and musical pro-
grams, with three churches featuring
talks on the Jews and their problems.
The Westminster Guild of the First;
Presbyterian church starts its meet-
ing at 5 p.m. with an hour for interest
groups in research, leadership and
music followed by supper. Prof.
Mowat G. Fraser, School of Educa-
tion, will lead an informal discussion
on "The College of The Future."
"Christian Science: Its Discoverer
and Founder" is the title for a lecture
on Christian Science to be given by
Paul A. Harch of Toledo at the Ma-
sonic Temple this afternoon. The
Rogers Williams ,Guild will have as
its guest speaker Mrs. C. C. Chamber:
of the University of Shanghai who
will speak on "Twenty-Five Years in
The Wesleyan Guild for University
students at Stalker Hall will have
Rabbi Bernard Heller as its speaker
who will talk on "The Poisonou.
Kiss." The student class Iat 9:45 a.m.
will continue its discussions of the
religions of the world under the lead-
eiship of Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the
astronomy department.
Fifth and last in a series .of talk-
on "Building Personalities" presentec
by the Disciples Guild will be "Reli-
gion as a Resource for Building Per
sonalities" presented by Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
igious Association.
Rabbi Bernard Heller will addres
members of the Unitarian church or
"Nationalism, the Jew and Interna-
tionalism." Preceding RabbirHel-
ler's talk Edward Jurist will readG
poem on "My America" written by
Jewish immigrant. Dr. Margaret
(Continued on Page 3)-



Military Agreement Provides
For Anglo-FrenchCooperation

Without actually forming an al-a
liance, France and Great Britain haveo
recently concluded an important mili-a
tary agreement which contemplates
their cooperation in the event of aa
future war, according to Prof. How-
ard M. Ehrmann of the history de-
This agreement accomplishes twoc
ends, he said, namely the integrationt
of their building programs for air-t
craft and the establishment of a
basis for their cooperation should1
they decide to support each othert
when and if that war eventuates.
There is a decided difference be-x
tween an alliance and a militaryC
agreement such as that effected two

additional airships including bombers
and pursuit planes. France's share
of 5,000 planes in the form of light
and heavy bombers is to be ready by
1940, while the British consignment
of 5,000 pursuit scouts is to be avail-
able at the same date. The agree-
ment further provides for the estab-
lishment by the British of an expedi-
tionary force of 250,000 men capable
of being rushed to the continent to
take position in the Maginot line of
Through the agreement, Professor
Ehrmann noted, the two nations hope
to realize a superiority over Germany
and Italy in the air. The mliitary
plan not only is meant to make co-
operation in a possible war a matter
of greater facility, he asserted, but

Students expecting to take a train
home for the Christmas holidays will
be able to get special round-trip rates,
it was announced yesterday by Mau-
rice Simon, '39, student agent for the
Michigan Central Railroad.
Excursions are being planned to
all cities having a large representa-
tion on campus, Simon said. Group
rates may be obtained for 25 or more.
The tickets will be valid for groups
leaving Dec. 15 and 16 and are good
for a return trip until Jan. 10. Last
minute changes, such as occurred
last year, have been guarded against
by waiting until final approval had
been secured from the New York Cen-
Thonmas Asks Probe
Of Dies Group Funds
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-(IP)-Nor-
man Thomas, Socialist party chair-
man, wrote today to Sen. Robert M.
LaFollette to ask his Senate Corp-


U.S.A. Foreign Relations
On Presidential Docket
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 26.-
'P)-The whole range of America's
:elations with Germany and Italy,
with particular reference to the treat-
ment of Jews in those countries, is
expected to be reviewed by President
Roosevelt at a conference tomorrow
might with Ambassadors Hugh R.
Wilson and William Phillips.
The temporary White House an-
nounced today Wilson, summoned
honme frm Berlin for "consultation
and report," and Phillips, on leave
from Rome, would arrive here around
6 p.m. (CST) tomorrow and go ini-
mediately to the Roosevelt retreat on
Pine Mountain.
Pending their arrival, officials had
no comment on news .from Wash-
ington that Wilson would remain
there indefinitey, after his trip here,
as a State Department consultant
on German affairs.
Although the ambassadors are not
expected to have anything to say
here for publication, there is a pos-
sibility an announcement of a gen-
eral nature may be made before their
While waiting for the ambassadors
to arrive, the President today con-
tinued his conferences, begun last
night, with Chairman Marriner S.
Eccles of the Federal Reserve Board
on what was officially described as
the general economic situation.

Local Barbers Say Their Piece
For Daily On New Deal Policies


Barbers, widely known to be the
apotheoses of garrulity, are generally
accepted not as mere barometers, but
as dictators of the nation's opinion,
be the question economic, social, or
Barbers always have views on both
current and past problems. They do
not hesitate to express them. In fact,
the average man's barber is his
greatest source of information.

THE PLACE: State Stret barber
THE ANSWERS: L. T. Hathaway,
Grpomwell Shop: "I am convinced
that government spending is not an
instrument of furnishing employ-
ment. Instead, it is being used simply
to buy votes. The recent elections,
both in Michigan and throughout the
nation, showed that the vote-buying
didn't work.
"I was opposed to most of the Nev
Deal's measures for recovery, especial-
ly the NRA. It is no business of the


Ann Arbor Artists' Mart
To Show Chicago Prints
Forty prints from the Chicago Ar-
tists Group will be exhibited in Al-
umni Memorial Hall at the same time

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