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November 26, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-26

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Su!cnriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising service Ine.
College Publishers Refiresentative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

Robert D. Mitchell.
* Albert P. Mayio
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
* William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
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Business Department
Business Manager , Philp W. Buchen
Credit Manager .Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan'
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Aadvantage Monday of the continuous
open hunting season on the Wagner Act and.
the National Labor Relations Board to compare
the Board with "Wrong-Way Corrigan" in its
handling of labor problems. The running fire
of attack and defense that has centered around
the principles of the Act and the procedure and
administration of the Board is an excellent
example of the democratic process in action. But
too often vituperation has taken the place of
constructive and intelligent debate on the real
issues involved.
The National Labor Relations Act, according
to its preamble, was passed "to diminish the
causes of labor disputes burdening or obstructing
interstate and foreign commerce." The core of the
Act, however, consists of a series of provisions
guaranteeing to employes right to form and join
labor organizations and to "bargain collectively
through representatives of their own choosing."
The worker's rights to join a labor union and
to bargain collectively are no longer matter for
serious debate. These rights have long been
recognized by the courts and were specifically
expressed in the Railway Labor Act of 1926 and
in Section 7A of the late National Industrial
Recovery Act.
But many critics, attacking the Wagner Act
as an unconstitutional invasion of states' rights
by the federal government, claim that the pre-
amble is merely the usual "interstate" rational-
ization for the regulation of activities that are
neither commerce, nor interstate.
The Supreme Court, however, in line with
its recently adopted and more realistic view
of legislation, has cut through legal red tape and
decided that large 'scale and militant efforts to
suppress the right to organize are within the
sphere of Congressional activity. The principal
case upon which the Court based its validation
of the Act was the National Labor Relations
Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation,
decided April 12, 1937. The facts presented to the
Court in this case strengthened the view that
corporations controlling sources of raw materials,
transportation facilities and manufacturing
plants in many states must be subjected to fed-
eral legislation on labor problems, if laws of
this type are to be effective.
Whatever the motives of the sponsors of the
Act, it is interesting to note in the report issued
by the NLRB for the first 32 months of its
existence, that the Board handled 1,676 strike
cases. 76 per cent of which were settled, and
that 580 strikes were averted by the Board's
action. These 580 cases involved 149,948 workers.
Recent criticism, which will be considered in
a future editorial, has been focused largely on
the methods, procedures and actual rulings of the
Board. But the basic principles underlying the
Wagner Act must be firmly established in the
public mind before technical questions of pro-
cedure can be settled.
Employers have said the act is one-sided.
Naturally, it was designed to protect labor's
right to organize. This isn't the first time the
government has had to subject industry to regu-
lation in order to protect a fundamental right of
another segment of the nation. The Act to Regu-

defeat the working newspapermen's right to
organize in the American Newspaper Guild.
Chief Justice Hughes, writing the majority
opinion in the Jones & Laughlin case, stated
with reference to a previous decision, "We
said that they were organized out of the necessi-
ties of the situation; that a single employee was
helpless in dealing with an employer; that he
was dependent ordinarily on his daily wage for
the maintenance of himself and his family; that
if the employer refused to pay him the wages
that he thought fair, he was nevertheless un-
able to leave the employ and resist arbitrary and
unfair treatment; that union was essential to
give laborers opportunity to deal on an equality
with their employer."
We must distinguish, then, in analyzing criti-
cisms of the Wagner Act and the NLRB between
arguments against collective bargaining and
those aimed merely at the specific practices of
the Board. For, as will be shown in a future
editorial, while there is room for much disagree-
ment on the latter, the right to join a union
and bargain collectively through representatives
of the employes' own choosing must be recognized
as basic in our modern industrial society.
--Robert Pernman
Spirit Overestim4ted ..
T IS OVER A WEEK now since the
last by-election took place in Eng-
land. British newspapers with their various an-
alyses of the results have reached the United
States. And from them, one gathers that the
set-backs recorded against the Chamberlain
cabinet may be of less significance than was
generally supposed here.
When Vernon Bartlett invaded the tradition-
ally "safe" Conservative district of Bridgewater
and came off with a 2,332 vote majority, Ameri-
cans generally thought it a sign that the English
electorate was opposed to the Munich Settlement.
Supporting that argument was the fact that in
the general election of 1935, Bridgewater gave
the. Conervatives a whopping 10,469 majority.
But many British commentators see the mat-
ter in a different light. Granting that Bartlett
fought the campaign squarely on the Munich
issue, they point out that he is one of the most
popular of British liberals. Through his
newspaper articles and radio broadcasts he has
developed a public appeal which might have
brought his election no matter what the issues
involved. They grant the significance of the fact
that Bartlett's opponent polled almost as many
votes this year as in 1935 while the journalist
drew 6,000 persons who did not vote in the last
election to his support. Also, they recognize that
in the five by-elections since Munich, the govern-
ment candidates have received only 124,000 votes
against 131,714 for the opposition. But, many
British commentators say, one must remember
that the Conservatives still hold 410 seats in
commons to 197 for the opposition. With good
party organization the pro-Munich faction has
little to worry about.
Looking at the situation as a whole, there seems
to be a fairly strong anti-Chamberlain current
in England. But it will take more than a fairly
strong current to over-come the overwhelming
Conservative voting of the last few years. And
Bartlett's success did not, as many American
commentators supposed, presage a reversal in the
British political scene. It wasmore in the nature
of a personal victory.
-Stan M. SWinton
The long-awaited Anglo-American treaty has
been drafted to the satisfaction of all parties. It
includes trade. agreements with Canada, the
United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and the
colonial empire.
It is the crowning achievement of Secretary
Hull's four-year struggle to unite the principal
commercial nations of the world in an economic
alliance. As such it is to be commended. For the
United Kingdom is our best customer. Moreovei\
the United States and the British Empire handle
more than two-fifths of the world's foreign trade.
On the other hand, one of the purposes of the

trade treaty' is to increase the political ties,
through economic association, of the English-
speaking peoples of the world. That, too, is a
worthy objective. Nobody in the United States,1
for instance, would oppose a closer bond with
Canada. Nor would anybody wish to see anything
done to weaken our happy relations with our
northern neighbor.
Yet in the light of Munich one wonders wheth-
er too close an economic association with British"
bankers and merchants will return us grief or
It is no secret that the British bankers and
merchants rule England. It is no secret that they
have heayy investments in those sections of the
world which have been marked for conquest by
the twentieth century plunderers. It is no secret
that this group has truckled to the dictators to
protect their commiitments abroad andthus,
through sheer financial power, has been able to
maintain the status quo at home in defiance
of the rank and file Bi'iton.
This financial oligarchy is epitomized in Neville
Chamberlain, who was a typically aristocratic
British business man long before he entered the
service of His Majesty's government. And Cham-
berlain's actions in the past year have been none
too conducive to the welfare of democracies.
Whether this influence will extend to the
United States as a result of the trade pacts re-
mains to be seen. If it does, the gains brought
about by an increased foreign trade will have
been bought at a high price indeed.
-St. Louis Star-Times
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-(ACP) -War scares and
international crises have brought enrollments in
military and naval training courses to new hiphs

Heywood Broun
Humor is hardly the long suit of Nazi propa-
ganda. Indeed, it might add a touch of even
greater horror to the present situation. But just
the same it is surprising that no one in Ger-
many has been able to stop
the ponderousness of some
of the official and semi-offi-
cial handouts. For instance,
consider the latest shaft
aimed at this country by the
Volkischer Beobachter which
attacks the "American Girl
Cult," and proceeds to say,
"Many of these girls consid-
er it their privileged right to entice men to lead
them on in the most improbable way in order
finally, laughingly to reject them." At this point
it is necessary to say, "Tut, tut."
Deplorable conduct of this sort is hardly re-
stricted to the fair sex of the United States. In-
deed it is an old Germanic custom celebrated in
the mythology which is much in favor at the
moment among the Nazis. I am aware that re-
cently Heine's poem has been ruled out of order
as non-Aryan, but the Lorelei Rock still towers
some five hundred feet above the Rhine, and
Heine did not make up the legend of the young
lady who combed her distinctly Nordic tresses
with a comb of equally golden lustre.
Teutonic Siren
If ever a miss lured on the men only to reject
them with mocking laughter it was this same
Teutonic siren. And well do I remember her. The
first song I rendered in public was the Lorelei
when I was 5, and sang German just as fluently
as English. The scheme was that I could charm
my Great Aunt Gretchen who was coming over
from Hoboken for the family Christmas party
and might remember me in her will. They taught
me the chorus and two verses in the event of an
Aunt Gretchen was 87 years old, but retained
her teeth and all her faculties. She didn't ask
for the second verse, and so it was laid away in
my memory book. And I am sure I am not mis-
taken in the assertion that the alluring blonde
on the big rock lured sailors to shipwreck and
destruction. The place where my childish soprano
used to break was right at the end where I had
to point out that this, with her confounded sing-
ing, was what the Lorelei had done.
Again the Nazi editorial writer faces in our
direction when he insists that the "American
Girl Cult" includes a national worship of master-
ful misses. "To a real man," writes the Nazi
night club performer, "belongs a feminine wo-
man, and to a masculine woman an effeminate
man-and this truism gives one a lot to think
about American men."
How About Brunhilda.1
But for a second time the German journalist
betrays an ignorance of the culture of his native'
land. How about Brunhilda? According to the
story supplied to me in my formative years, here,
was a German heroine who could knock the
block off any man in the house. It is true that
Wotan put her to sle~ep, but he was compelled
to use magic rather than a right hook to the
jaw. Wagner orchestrated the dancing 'flames
which ringed around her. It may have been a
come-on rather than any species of revenge. A
girl in such a situation might quite possibly have
possessed more allure than one left to her own
devices. Siegfried in all probability would have
laughed at the soft and flabby blandishments of
the fat and undraped singing siren. But when
an approach or even an introduction seemed
dangerous and difficult he was the man quite
ready to face the perils.
"Beyond those dancing fires," he thought "there
must be something worth seeking." The flames
did not deter him. He came through and brought
Brunhilda out of her deep sleep and back to her
senses. Many have theorized as to the symbolic
meaning of the legend. It is just possible that it

can be read as a hopeful sign that some day there
will come a leader who will not be dissuaded by
the fires of passion and Pmrejudice, and that he
will stride through the flames and save Germania
from the sorcery which has betrayed her.
His Best Friends
Father Coughlin offered a prayer last Sunday
for the harassed Jews of Germany. Some of
Father Coughlin's "best friends are Jews." But
during the past two months, Father Coughlin's
house organ, Social Justice, has been publishing
the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" in1
The Protocols purport to expose a Jewish plot,
allegedly drawn up by members of the first World1
Zionist Congress in 1897. to destroy Christian
civilization and dominate the earth. The Pro-
tocols have repeatedly been proved a fraud dur-
ing the 33 years which they have circulated
throughout the western world, most recently in
Switzerland four years ago, when members of
the Swiss Jewish community won a suit in a
Swiss court against two booksellers.
Father Coughlin has ample reason to doubt
the authenticity of his newest serial. A fellow
priest, Reverend Michael Joseph Ahern, broad-l
cast last week the often repeated findings in
regtrd to the Protocol. The head of his church,
Pope Pius XI, has denounced anti-Semitism as
"inadmissible," on the basis that "we are all
Semites spiritually."
The Protocols are viciously anti-Semitic in
ctif of - - - wa-.-rrrirll~ ccifirc s rnl 1.



The Houka's The Thing. .
ADVEMTISING has certainly come

a long way since the day when
some enterprising merchant first hit
upon the idea of having the town
crier put in a plug for his shop as he
strolled the streets ringing his bell
and 'disseminating the news. Adver-
tising has become possibly the out-
standing single characteristic of
American life. It permeates every
activity of our daily existence. In fact
so prevalent has advertising become
that the average man pays very little
heed to any of it. He has become cal-
lous to any but the most insistent of
the various devices calculated to con-
dition and influence the prospective
buyer in favor of one line of products
over another.
It is interesting to note then, that
Lucky Strike cigarettes, the weed
that twice as many yodeling auction-
eers prefer, has reached what I be-
lieve to be the ultimate in advertising
guts and enterprise. They have now
supplemented their bill boards, radio
broadcasts, and other ingenious de-
vices with a dining room heckler.
This individual invades the dining
rooms of fraternity houses, armed
with a portable victrola on which he
plays swing recordings,. each preced-
ed by the strains of "Happy Days
Are Here Again" and ended by a
heart to heart talk between the vocal-
ist and the announcer concerning
why he or she uses Luckies. This dub-
ious entertainment is larded by other
sales talks from the operator of the
phonograph. Then there is the bel-
lowing of "Speed" Riggs, the auction-
eer, which has to be listened to. In
return for having completely broken
up what otherwise might have been
a very pleasant meal, the Lucky Strke
man generously passes out three of
his fags to each and every diner.
Personally,. I have alwa-ys rather
liked Luckies, swing music and
"Speed" Riggs. Of the three, swing
music is the only one about which my
feelings have ever reached anything
amounting to enthusiasm. I can think
of several things I would rather listen
to than Speed Riggs, among them
the comparatively symphonic strains
of a riveting machine. Luckies I can
take or leave alone. From now on I
am leaving them alone. I will take up
smoking reefers before I will smoke'
a Lucky. If worst comes to worst,
I will smoke a houka which is a com-
ination of a calabash pipe, a fish
bowl and a vacuum sweeper. It is
in great favor among Turks and
Arabs. I will have a caddy carry my
houka around campus so I can snatch
a few puffs between classes. I imagine
it will, cause quite a stir on Angell
Hall steps. But I won't smoke a
Lucky. My motto is: "Reach for a
houka instead of a Lucky." Invading
the privacy of a man's dining room,
setting up a din of tobacco aution-
vers, scratchily played music and
half-baked sales talks may be The
American Tobacco Company's idea
of good advertising but .it is still,
damn poor taste. Boy! Fetch myA

. I.-

The University Bureau of Appoint
ments has received notice of the fol
lowing Michigan Civil Service Exanm
inations. Last date for filing ap
plications is given in each casm,
Juvenile Vocational Rehabilitatio
Supervisor. Salary: $250-310, Dec. 6
Game Research Ecologist. Salary
$130-150, Dec. 6.
, Game Research Mammalogist. Sal
ary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Game Research Ornithologist. Sal
sary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Fisheries Research Technician
Salary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Machine Bookkeeping Supervisor
Salary: $200-240, Dec. 5.
Tabulating Clerk. Salary: $95-110
Dec. 2.
The bureau has alsi received notic
of the following Detroit Civil Servic
Examinations: Last date for appli
cations to be filed is given in each
case. Residence rule is waived fo
1st and 3rd.
Housing Manager (Male) Salary
$4,200, Nov. 29.
Associate Architectural Engineer
Salary $4,200, Dec. 1.
Engineer of Public Housing, Salary
$5,750, Dec. 1.
Complete announcements of the
above examinations may be read in
the University Bureau of Appoint.
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Michigan Civil Service ex-
aminations. Last date for applica-
tion to be filed is given in each case
Child Welfare Psychologist. Salary
range: $200-240, Dec. 10.
Child Welfare Training Supervisor
Salary range: $250-310, Dec. 10..
Child Care and Placement, con-
sultant. Salary range: $200-240
Dec. 10.
Vocational Agriculture Teacher,
trainer. Salary range: $200-240, Dec
Vocational Agriculture Farm. Shop
Teacher Trainer. Salary range: $250-
310, Dec. 10.:
Complete announcements of these
examinations may be read at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-,



By Roy Heath-

SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 53

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



French Lecture: The first ,lecture
on the Cercle Francais program"will
take place Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 4:05
sharp, Room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Building. Mr. Paul Leyssac of
the Theatres Rpjane and de l'Oeuvre
in Paris and of The Civic Repertory
theatrein New York will give a Dra-
matic Recital in French.
Tickets for the 'Whole series of lec-
tures can be procured from the Sec-
retary of the Romance Language De-
partment (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Bldg.) or at the door at the
time of the lecture.

University Leture: , Henri eyrig,
Director of the Department of An-
tiquities in Syria, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of
Greek and Iranian in the Civilization
of Palmyra"rat 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Nov., 30, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the Mu-
seum of Classical Archaeology. The
public is cordially invited.
Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The
first in a series of lectures designed
to point out the many unsolved prob-
lems in the various branches of bi-
ology, will be given Monday evening,
Nov. 28, 1938, at 8:15 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Mld-
ing, by Dr. H. H. Bartlett. Dr. Bart!
lett will speak on "Botany's Unfin-
ished Business."
This lecture series is sponsored by
the Phi Sigma Society, The lecture
will prove of interest to all, and of
special interest to undergraduates
who are contemplating advanced
study in the Biological Sciences.
The public is invited.

Sackcloth And Ashes
Yesterday I was not only surprised,
but delighted to have a member of the
Gargoyle staff come crawling to me
and beg me to heap coals of fire on
her head for what she considered the
most heinous of the many bumbling
mistakes in the last issue of that low
publication. Very well then, here
goes ;
Carolyn Ross is a fool, a moron, a
Sec Terry, a mental midget, a miser-
able ingrate, a cretin, a Peking wo-
man, a Hitler, a spider, a candidate for
state hospital, the small end of a small
shaft, an exceedingly wretched wo-
man, a fallen woman, a woman with-
out honor, a woman of leaky tongue
and bad manners, a toy of the fates,
a Roosevelt, a Landon, a lotus eater,
a reefer addict, a keeper of bad com-
pany, whose reputation is irreparably
ruined, whose head will never be held
aloft again, if Slater's will not forgive
her for crediting Ulrich's with the
review books so kindly loaned Gar-
goyle for their book page by Slater's
Book Store, which is undoubtedly the
finest store on campus, in town, in
the world, in the universe; the kindest
of book vendors, selling only the best
in literature, printed on the best
paper, whose ink is finer than port
wine. Best prices for used text books.

Bowling: Women student interest-
ed in bowling instruction are asked
to sign up at the Women's Athletic
Building. Classes will meet from
3:15 to 4 p.m. on those days when
sufficient registration is 'attained.
Academic Noties
Sophomores, College of L.S. and A.:
Second semester elections must be
approved during the periodfrom Nov.
28 to Jan. 28. Each sophomore ex-
cept those expecting to qualify for
concentration in February, 1939, will
be sent a postcard giving specific in-
formation concerning the proper pro-
cedure. It is the responsibility of each
individual to follow directions care-
fully. Cooperation in making and
keeping appointments will give each
student adequate opportunity to dis-
cuss his elections with his counselor
and will prevent confusion and delay
at the end of the semester.
Sophomores who expect to qualify
for concentration in February, 1939,
should have theif elections approved
by the adviser in their proposed de-
partment or field of concentration.
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman
Academic Counselors.
Pre-Medical Students: All qualify-
ing students wishing to take the
Medical Aptitude Test must purchase
their tickets immediately. Students
whose pre-medical requirements will
be completed so that they can enter
in the fall of 1939 a medical school
where this examination is a require-
inent for entrance must take the test
-at this time since it is given but once
a year. Students expecting to apply
for admission to the University' of
Michigan Medical School must take
this test.
More complete information may be
obtained in Room 4, University Hall.
Watch this column for further an-
Hygiene Exemption Test: All up-
perclass women students who have
not completed the hygiene lectures
or their equivalent must satisfy this
requirement either by taking the hy-
giene examination test offered at 5
p.m. Monday, Nov. 28, in Natural
Science Auditorium or by enrolling in
one of the two lecture series to be
given at 4 p.m. Monday starting Feb.
20 and at 3 p.m. Friday starting Feb.
24. All freshmen who wish to take
the hygiene exemption test, if they
have not already done so, may take

-A' Events Toda
International Center Tour: .The
educational tour planned by the In-
ternational Council for this week will
be made t6 the Ann Arbor Sewage
Treatment Plant. The tour will start
from .the Center today (Saturday) at
1:30 sharp. Through the courtesy
of the International Service Commit-
tee of the Rotary Club, free transpor-
tation will be provided.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at the Rackham Building today
at 7:30 p.m. From there they Will go
to the Intramural Building for swim-
ming or any other sports the group
desires. Later refreshments willebe
served at the club room.
JGP Central Committee will meet
at 4 p.m. today in the Undergradate
Offices of the League.
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, Nov. 28, 1938, 7-9 p.m., Room
319 West Medical Building.
"The Metabolism of Carbohydrates
Other Than Glucose. I. Lactose and
Galactose" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders', Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. Professor Hereward
T. Price will give a brief informal
talk (with lantern slides) on "Die
Backstein-Gotik Norddeutschlands."
P.hysics, Colloquium: Professor F. A.
Firestone will speak on "Supersonics,"
and Mr. R. H. Nichols will speak on
"Auditory Fatigue, (with reference
to measurement of subjective har-
monies)" at the Physics Colloquium
on Monday, Nov. 28, at 4:15 in Room
1041 E. Physics Bldg.
La Sociedad Hispanica: There will
be a meeting at the Michigan League
on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 7:30- p.m.
Mr. Earl W. Thomas of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages will pre-
t sent a short talk, "Viaje por Mejico."
Games and -song will complete the
program. Members will please bring
their song books. All those interested
are invited to attend.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 4x15
p.m., in the library of the University
Elementary School. Professors S. A.
Courtis and W. C. Olsen will present
their respective viewpoints on the
subject, "Remedial Instruction in the
Light of Recent Growth Studies," af-
ter which the meeting will be thrown
open fai questions, contributions, and
general discussion. Refreshments will
be served promptly at 4 o'clock. All
graduate students who are interested
in this topic are invited to be present.
Soph Cabaret: All eligibility cards
for Soph Cabaret must be signed by
Monday, Nov. 28, or you will not be
Seligible for participation in the Cab-
Soph Cabaret Ticket Committee-
There will be a meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Monday at the League.
Sonh Canrbar et Nod r.




r. Simon Was right
the Editor:

. C c

With Mr. Simon, I was deeply
grieved that there was no rally in Hill
Auditorium. Was it absolutely neces-
sary that the University adopt a non-
partisan, straddle-the-fence attitude
when the whole nation is incensed
against persecution of minorities and
acts of aggression throughout the
world? What kind of bloodless regime
is it' thatm will n mam ~-', -f

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