11 Weather Snow, colder today; generally fair and cold tomorrow YI E 131k ig tan tit Editorial NLRB On The Pan.. Anti-Chamberlain Spirit Overestimated. I n ri iw rr r .w sr. . i rrirruw.r VOL. XLIX. No. 53 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1938 PRICE, FIVE CENTS Hull Demands German Reich Pay Austrian Deb ToT US. State Department Declares Substituted Sovereignty Assumes AllObligations ecal.s Tension Between Countries WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-(:)-A new note in which the United States is believed to have insisted that Ger- many is responsible for Austria's debts went forward to Berlin today. It was a quick reply to a communi- cation in which the Reich-is under- stood to have taken the position that she had nio legal obligation to assume the debts. Today's communication was sent from Washington without even awaiting the arrival of Ambassador Hugh Wilson, who is coming back from Berlin with a comprehensive re- port on the situation in Germany. Increasing Differences The action called renewed atten- tion to one of the many points of dif- ference between the two govern- ments, whose relations have suffered such a critical strain that both have called their.ambassadors home. The new American note was ap- proved by Secretary Cordell Hull in one of his last official acts before departing for New York on the way to the Pan-American Conference at Lima, Peru. It answers a German note of Nov. 17Grelative to American insistence that Germany assume Aus- trian indebtedness .outstanding in this country when Austria disap- peared into the German state last March. In its earlier communication, the American Government had insisted that "in case of absorption of a state the substituted sovereignty assumes the debts and obligations of the ab- sorbed state' and takes the' burdens with the benefits." Post-War Loans The debt includes $24,055,708.92 advanced to Austria to feed war vic- tims in 1920, about $20,000,000 bor- rowed by the Austrian Government here in 1930, and certain municipal and other bonds held privately here. Another development with some bearing on German-American rela- tions occurred today When President Roosevelt formally proclaimed new trade treaties with Great Britain and Canada. The President, as is usual, called attention to the fact that Ger- many is on the American trade black- list. "Because I find as a fact that the treatment of American commerce by Germany is discriminatory, I direct that such proclaimed duties (con- tained in the newtreaties) shall not be applied to products of Germany'" Mr. Roosevelt said. All other na- tions will share in the benefits of the °newtreaties under unconditional "most favored nation" treatment. Wilson Meets Hull After Dramatic Race A dramatic race by revenue cutter kandmotor car was climaxed at New York late today by a brief meeting aboard ship between Ambassador Wilson and Secretary Hull. The cutter'took Wilson off the liIer Manhattan, which had "poured on the coal" to make possible the con- ference, and landed him at the bat- tery, wheince he was motored to the Grace Lines pier. There Wilson went l aboard the liner Santa Clara on which Hull waited with the rest of the United States delegation. They talked for only a few minutes. At Paris, meanwhile, a Foreign Of- fice spokesman said that France and Great Britain had decided to ask-the United States to seek the coopera- tion of Latin-American nations in finding a solution for the problem of Jewish refugees from Germany. Berlin Pushes Trade Purges Against Jews BERLIN, Nov. 25.-(A)-The Nazi Government added two more regula- tions today to its campaign against Jewish business. One provided that Jews be dropped from the roster of registered handi- craftsmen. The other was that stocks of Jewish retail shops, to be liquidated before Jan. 1, are to be handed over to va- rious governmental trade depart- ments or public receivers in bank- ,. n-i nfrv Trade Pact Fails To Dent U.S. Tariff Walls, Economist Says Wynne Sees Agreements Gashing British Policy Of Close Knit Empire By JACK CANAVAN Although the Anglo - American trade pact gashed a serious inroad' into the British Empire's preferen- tial trade policy, it struck no serious blow at the protective tariff struc- ture of the United States, in the opinion' of Prof. William H. Wynne of the economics department. Because of the previous highness of the rates affected and the fact that the commodities dealt with are not particularly competitive, the treaty is only a step in the direction. of freer trade, he said. By and large the agreements tend to single out commodities where no keen competition exists between Brit- ish and American industries. Hence the criticism of many that the acts "don't go far enough." But in view of the blow dealt the British preferential system, the way is open to further agreements be- tween the United States and other British dominions, he said. A trade agreement with Australia may well be the next step. \ The treaty involved a series of mu- tual concessions, Professor Wynne pointed out. In these concessions Canada, although dealt with in a sep- arate pact, played a vital role. For many years certain elements in Eng- land had clamored for a closer knit economic structure within the Em- pire. But such a system was im- practical as long as England re- mained a free trade nation, for in that state, she could offer her do- minions no return for trade conce - sions. Thus when the crisis of 1931 pre- cipitated England into a protective tariff policy, the way was opened for the Ottawa Agreements with their preferential rates in the English mar- ket for dominion commodities. Ac- complished not so much by tariff re- ductions to dominion commerce as by increased rates to other nations, these preferential tariffs resulted in some diversion of British imports from the United States to Canada. The present pact, which abolishedR preferential rates of about sixI cents per bushel on Canadian wheat and reduced the preferential rates on o t h e r agricultural commodities, means that wheat from the United States and Canada may now enter England on equal terms, while in other commodities the United States, would now be in a stronger position in the British market than before. Tc compensate Canada; England reduced a number of preferential rates which she enjoyed in Canadian markets. Concessions made by the United States to Great Britain included, in addition to concessions in agricultural commodities, manufactures including textiles and metals which in the main are not directly competitive with those manufactured in the United States.x From the standpoint of the United States, the agreements with Great, Britain are designed chiefly to bene- fit agriculture, Professor Wynne de- clared, since the United Kingdom is the world's largest market for agri- cultural imports. With improved crops and an expected surplus in the offing, some anticipate tangible bene- fits, he said. Co-op Houses Get Approval Of Assembly Independent Women Plan Drive To Establish New Cooperative Residences Dean Of Women's Office Supports Plan Folloying the example of Con- gress which voted last week to cam- paign for more men's cooperative houses on campus, Assembly, inde- pendent women's organization, yes- terday announced the beginning of a drive for additional cooperative houses for women., At a meeting of the executive coun- cil held last week, Vivian Lerner,, '39, president of the Girls' Coopera- tive, explained how the house was run and the benefits it afforded to inde- pendent women. The council members supported the plan to establish simi- lar residences either next semester or in the fall. It was decided to hold a meeting for all girls interested in the movement at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Dec. 6. at the Michigan League. Gets Deans' Support The cooperative movement 'on campus was given the support of the Dean of Women's Office. "The coop- erative house, when well-organized, is a very interesting experience in group living," Dean Alice Lloyd stat- ed yesterday. "The Girls' Coopera- tive House organized in Sept., 1937, has been a very successful venture. If a real need for other such units can be demonstrated,. I should be more than glad to assist in establishing more houses where the girls may help themselves by cutting their expenses and working in a group project." Assembly. Head Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, president of Assembly, also declared herself to be in sympathy with the formation of new cooperatives. "In the past few years the cooperative movement has been growing steadily on the Michi- gan campus. Recognizing the success of the houses that have already been organized and real1afrig the desire and need for more cooperative units, the Assembly is pledging its support to- ward establishing more cooperatives on campus." Plans for the* cooperative were, spurred when it was realized that more than 50 applications for resi- dence were refused last year because of lack of room. The present Girls' Co- Op is able to accommodate only 18 undergraduate women. Inbthe house two weeks' room and board costs $11.50 and all the work, including meal planning, purchasing, cooking and accounting is done by the women living in the house. Bolivia Quells Revolt; Proclaims Martial Law LA PAZ, Nov. 25-(P)-The Bolivi- an Government proclaimed a nation- wide state of siege, a form of martial law, today after announcing the sup- pression of an abortive revolt attrib- uted to leftist agitators. , Police and army units rounded up 20 suspects whom they accused of having a hand in the planned re- volt. Among them was Tristan Mar- off, described by authorities as a left- ist agitator, who entered the Repub- lic less than five months ago. Fights For Life Ready To Protest 1a. 5,000,000 Strikers Daladier Decrees Nazi Demands Seen Forcing Added Grants ' Nationwide Walkout Is Set But Premier Threatens To Take Over Industry AFL Will Defy CIU Strike, In Stockyards Mediators To Hold Parley In Chicago Today; Lewis Urges Quick Settlement CHICAGO, Nov. 25 -MA - AFL unionists decided today to go to work in the stock yards Monday in de- fiance of 'a strike conducted by the CIO. The strike, now in its fifth day and affecting approximately 600 live- stock handlers, has halted trade on the greatest meat animal market in the world. The militant move to resume oper- ations was started by Thomas Dev-. ero, business agent of the AFL stock handlers local. He led about 200 men from the union's hall to the yards., There a committee of 35 conferred with O. T. Henkle, general manager' of the yards. "They said they would bring back between 150 and 400 men," Henkle announced. "They're going back Mon- day." A force of 100 policemen was on duty in the yards when Devero and his followers arrived. A few pickets stationed by the handlers unit of the CIO Packing House Workers Or- ganizing Committee remained on duty. Devero told reporters he had asked that the officers be withdrawn when his men report at 6 a.m. Monday. Henkle said, however, the police de- partment would have to decide wheth- er it should maintain a guard. President John L. Lewis of the CIO sent the management a message dur- ing the day urging a quick confer- ence to settle the controversy. Henkle said he had pointed out in his acknowledgement that federal con- ciliators already had arranged a peace Interviewing, For J-Hop Jobs StartsMonday Men's Council Committee Meets With Men; League Committee Sees Women Interviewing for all men candidates for the J-Hop committee will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Mon- day in the student offices of the Union, Fred Luebke, '39E, president of the Men's Council, announced yes- terday. Women will be interviewed from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday in the League undergraduate offices. Committeemen will be selected at' a general class election, to be held Thursday. Voting will be by machine. Men will be interviewed by the Men's Council judiciary committee, composed of Luebke, Marvin Reider,, '39, Wallace Hook, '39, Wesley War- ren, '39E, and Joseph Bonavito, '39 BAd. Women candidates will be in- terviewed by the League Judiciary Council which is made up of Sybil Swartout, '39, chairman, Mary Alice MacKenzie, '39, Barbara Eppstein, '39, and Betty Slee, '40. Three to five candidates for each post will be recommended by these two bodies to the Men's Council at its meeting Wednesday, when it will make the final selections. The official list of candidates will be announced in Thursday's Daily. Students who have filed petitions should bring University certificates of eligibility with then3 to the inter- views, Luebke reminded. Injections Keep Pope PiuSAlve; DoctorHopeful His Mind Remains Active As Spells Recur; Strong Heart Cheers Vatican VATICAN CITY, Nov. 25--'P)- Pope Pius XI collapsed today from a heart attack which tonight caused attending physicians to summon a noted hert specialist, Dr. Domenico Cesa-Bianchi, following emergency treatment. Dr. Cesa-Bianchi went into the Holy Father's simply-furnished bed- room at 9 p.m. (3 p.m. EST) and re- mained until 11:20 p.m. When he de- parted he told persons waiting out- side the Papal apartment that the 81-year-old Pontiff's condition was not for the moment alarming.- Shortly before midnight a Vatican source said the Pope's condition was "encouraging." About the same time a Vatican news agency said there were no important developments. The Pope also was visited tonight by an intimate friend, the Jesuit Padre Agostino Gemelli, who was re- ported to have found the patient's condition "much easier." ' Previously physicians had indicat- ed that immediate danger to the Pope's life had passed but his chief physician, Dr. Aminta Milani re- mained at or near the side of the narrow brass bed on which the patient lay. Dr. Milani, who treated the Pope (Continued on Page 21 Strip Tease Artist Ready To Bare All To Dies Committee COLUMBUS, O. Nov. 25 -(- Gypsy Rose Lee, the strip tease dan- cer, said tonight she could not go to Cleveland to appear before members of the Dies Committee on Un-Ameri- canism, but promised with a jittery laugh, "I'll bare everything-if the committee Will come to Columbus." She said she was asked tj testify as to communistic activities In Holly- wood. "Maybe we did give parties out there to raise money for poor kids and women in China and Spain," she said. "Is that Un-American? I thought' it was the American creed to help the downtrodden." Value Of Colonies To Reich Is Almost Negligible, Henemnan Says The demand for the return of Ger- many's pre-war colonies, voiced re- cently in high Nazi circles, may be de- signed as a threat to force Europe's democracies to concessions on other fronts, in addition to furthering the territorial expansion of the Reich be- ,yond the seas, in the opinion of Prof. Harlow I{eneman of the political science department. "The economic value of the Afri- can colonies to Germany would be very slight," Professor Heneman stat- ed, "particularly in view of the fact that they produce only a negligible amount of the raw materials needed by the economic and military ma- chine of the Reich. The greater value of regaining the colonies would be from the standpoint of the gain in prestige, both internal and external," he added. Stand Against Colonization Concerning the recent announce- ments from spokesmen in France and England that supposedly demonstrat- ed the firm stand that these coun- tries would take toward any German plan of recolonization, Professor Heneman said: "Despite the firm tone of these announcements, no flat re- jection of Germany's demands has as yet been announced officially. It seems almost certain that the Euro- pean democracies plan a conference with Germany in the near future to discuss the colonial question. The recent announcements seem more for the purpose of placating the elements in those countries who protested the recent concession at Munich," he stated. Expansion Indefinite "The place of the demand for the return of colonies in the sequence of Nazi territorial expansion is not a definite one," Professor Heneman added. "The Germans are certain to expand territorially in some direction in the near future, but where, it is not known. Perhaps it will be into the Balkans, or the Polish Corridor, Mem- el, or even the colonies themselves. At any rate, the expansion of the National Socialist economic sphere seems inevitable, he said. All Socialists Unite, Ask Him To Resign PARIS, Nov. 25.-(IP)-Premier Ed- ouard Daladier tonight countered' , rapidly growing strike movement di- rected against him by preparing the government to take over affected in- dustries "in case of need." The Premier acted swiftly and de- finately at the end of a critical day in which 'the strong Socialist Party de- manded his immediate resignation and the General Confederation of Labor called a 24-hour nationwide general strike of its 5,000,000 mem- bers for next Wednesday. Both moves were in protest against Daladier's decree laws which, among other things, suspended the 40-hour week. With a'fmed iobile guards and po- lice maintaining order among the country's more than 100,000 strikers) the Premier issued a decree author- izing the Minister of Public Works to requisition strike-paralyzed mines and industries in the north of France "in case of need,:" Confers With Governor Moving hurriedly after issuance of the strike call, Daladier, conferred with the Military Governor of Paris, General Victor Bourret, the Paris Prefect of Police, Roger Langeron, and with General Jules DeCamp, di- rector of his military staff in the Ministry of. National Defense and War. The National Federation of Rail- road Workers already had announced its workers would join the general strike. Daladier's conference, how- ever, indicated he plans to mobilize all railroad workers and send them -to work as soldiers instead of as :paid employes in order to keep the rail- roads running. As soldiers, they would be liable to long prison terms if found guilty of insubordination., 'Daladier To Galows' Cries of "Daladier to the gallows!" rang out in a demonstration of sev- eral thousands workers in the capi- tal's North Station this evening short- ly after the Socialist Deputies of the Chamber-the largest single group of the lower house-called for the Pre- mier's immediate resigratiotn. This action and the general strike call constituted two blows which, if Daladier should decide to try to re- main in power, will force him to de- pend upon Rightists for the life of his government. The Socialist Deputies unanimous- 'ly 'adopted this resolutio4: "The Socialist group asks the im- mediate resignation of the govern- ment, which is not supported by any majority,, either in the Chamber or in the country, and whose policy of systematic provocation against labor has become a danger forthe nation and for the Republic." SRA Holds Second, Of 'Work Holadays The second in, a series of "Work Holidays" being sponsored by the Stu- dent Religious Association, will be held from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. today at Lane Hall. "Work Holidays" are based on the principle that a group of people do- ing physical labor on some useful project benefit the community by doing a job which would not be un- dertaken except by volunteers, and benefit themselves by becoming bet- ter acquainted with their fellow work- ers. Troday the group will work on im- provements in Lane Hall. At a previ- ois "holiday" work was done at the Youth Hostel on the Kemnitz Farm. Damage Nears $5,000,000 As Fires In West Force Evacuation Of_ Village Homes Of Scree parley here tomorrow. ix Threatened As Break Out Of n Stars Flames Control International Group Postpones Meeting Sunday's meeting - of the Interna- tional Relations Club has been post- poned for a week, Prof. Howard Calderwood of the political science department, faculty adviser, an-. nounced yesterday. When it is held, the meeting, which was set back because so many of the' members went home for Thanksgiv- ing, will deal with the possibility of the new German Reich seizing the whole of Europe. Ann Vicary, '40, will tell of the advantages of such an arrangement while Robert Mercer, '40, will criticize the proposal adverse- ly. (By Associated Press) Evacuation of women and children from the village of Crestline in the San Bernardino mountains was or- dered last night as fires in California, already having caused possibly $5,000,000 damage, broke out of con- trol in many sections. The fire in the Santa Monica- Brentwood region was out of control last night and threatened to eat its way toward half a hundred expensive homes in lower Mandeville Canyon, adjoining Brentwood, where live many Hollywood Screen players, in- cluding Joan Crawford, Shirley Temple, James Stewart and Pat O'Brien, The threat to the Mandeville dis- up and down the east wall of Sulli- van canyon. Thrge truck loads of additional fire fighters were sent to the scene. On ne front, the flames were halted at the edge of the estate of Lindsay Gillis, insurance man. Firemen in the San Bernardino Mountains concentrated their efforts toward preventing the flames from reaching panorama point on the rim of the world highway, where the west end of Crestline would be en- dangered. It was burning up toward the point through thick brush. The San Bernardino fire, reported to be entirely out of control, places in jeopardy the highly-developed Crest forest district and its 4,000 cabins, residences, stores and hotels. Fanned by a high wind, the flames jumped fire lines established along a highway. Charles M. Plummer, chief dis- I patcher for the U.S. forest service at Relief Spending9 May Stay Hiok Roosevelt Sees Jobs Open And BusinessImproved WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 25-('P) -Presideit Roosevelt pointed with gratification today to improved busi- ness and employment conditions, but warned relief rolls might. continue high for some time. Asked about Labor Department re- ports of increased private employ- ment and payrolls, the President toll a roadside press conference there was no question that business and job- giving had picked up. But he added this did not necessar- ily mean relief rolls would show a corresponding drop immediately, be- cause of several factors. He explained that last Spring there were no jobs for a great many per- sons out of work because, at the low point, relief spending did not take care of anything like the number of people requiring help. Reports on which he was asked to make some observations showed 248,000 had been given employment in mills and factories in October and 900,000 had been re-employed in pri- vate industries since June. Mr. Roosevelt said production in most industries had jumped much faster than the re-employment of labor and this was a problem the Administration had had to contend with all along. Professor Allen, Forestry Head Of Blaze,_Cites Former In Area Dangers By ROBERT BOGLE Forest fires like the one which is now raging through three million dol- lars worth of California's terrain are the most dangerous and destructive encountered in the United States, ac- cording to Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the forestry school, who at one time served as forest supervisor in that region. Fed by tinder, dry and greasy cha- parral and feathery Jeffery pine of the mountain slopes and whipped by winds roaring up tunnel like can- yons, the San Bernadino fire repre- sents the most vicious type that the forester must combat, a fact made evident by the damage done in the 40 square miles burned so far. Threats Fail To Faze Reporter Sonneborn Harry L. Sonneborn, '40, Dail reporter whose complaint helpe bring about the arrest Wednesday c Louis Wenger, alleged dice game o erator, disclosed yesterday that h- had been threatened by friends c W n srr I Two Jackson Inmates sI