____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ~ TI M I II NA IL MICHIGAN DAILY - -1 I1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwig'e credit'ed in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subncriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FR PATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pusbsbers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON' Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . Robert D. Mitchell. Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilnore Robert I Fitzhenry S. R. Kliman Robert Perlman Earl Gilman William Eli~n Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager Credit Manager . Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager Philip W. Buchxen Leonard P. Siegelinan . William It. Newnan Helen Jean Dean * Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON C. JAMPEL ,The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers orily. - Four Score And Seven. . SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Satur- day, the President of this country stood upon a great battlefield at Gettysburg and, facing an uncertain future, gave a brief mes- sage of hope and determination to a battered nation. Although he thought the world would little remember what he said there, his words had an immortal tinge. They embodied the heart of Lincoln the man, and all for which he had struggled. But they will live as long as free- dQm lives, mainly because they were words that belonged to no one man; they were words that were deeply etched into the consciousness of the common man. They were the heritage and the common bond that composed the American,.Way and the American Dream. He .spoke to a "nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." He called upon his countrymen toi highly resolve that "this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." Today we stand in another dark moment of human history when in large portions of the world the doctrine of human freedom lies crushed beneath the rolling caissons of military power and the totalitarian state. There the .doctrines of, liberty and equality and government by the people lie buried in the graves of those who were first to die when fascism marched to power. What protects us here from a similar fate? In answering this question it is important to recognize a distinction between the current in- terpretation of the economic tenets of laissez- faire and the fundamental human rights. These fundamental human rights are tied up with the basis of political democracy; they follow logically from the priciple that in addition to rule by the majority, full opportunity must be given to the minority to convert the. electorate to its point of view. They are the unchangeable and the eternal human rights of the people\ They include the right of criticism, the right of the peple to debate the problems of the day. They mean beside freedom of speech and of the press, the secret ballot, protection against unlawful searches and seizures and the right to peacefully assembl and to organize political parties. These are the rights that must be carefully safe- guarded. But laissez-faire is something else. The emer- gence of an industrial civilization built by the machine early demanded and slowly succeeded in bringing about the destruction of the medieval restrictions upon trade and production. A new and industrious middle class sought power. The freedom it claimed was the freedom of the indi- vidual to amass economic wealth. The equality it asked was an equality of privilege, the creation of adl aristocracy of wealth beside, and finally replacing the aristocracy of birth and landed heritage. But it could not appeal to the broad mass of people on these grounds. And as early as 1765 in American life there was an attempt on the part of those whose interests lay primarily with property to tie the concept of laissez-faire tosthe concept of human freedom that motivated the common man. They sought to instill into the days" of Coolidge and Hoover. And every new extension of government into the economic sphere, motivated by the desire to benefit the common welfare, arouses wide protest from the entrenched property interests. The cries of "dic- tatorship" grow deafening. A But the true daiger of dictatorship lies in an- other direction. The threat to human freedom arises not from the restriction of industrial free- dom, but from the failure of the government to regulate the economy in the interest of the gen- eral . well-being. Either the popularly elected government must end economic disorganization and return security, or it will be replaced by a dictatorship that is not afraid to venture into the economic seas. That is the lesson of Germany and Italy. We must never forget, then, the distinction between political freedom for the individual and the freedom of industry from governmental con- trol. We must not be fooled when freedom is used as a catchword to beat down reform. -S. R. Kleiman The Editor Gets Tod.,,v Persecution-Here And Abroad To the Editor: No incident in recent times has so stirred the emotions and fired the resentment of the Ameri- can people as has Adolf Hitler's treatment of the German Jews. America, through audible public opinion and through her newspapers, has ex- pressed her contempt for Hitler and his racial discrimination and persecution in the abusive language of an outraged nation. Yet-this para- dox which is America must realize that in the- same tirade of scorn which'she releases against Germany she condemns herself. For, flagrant though the rape of the Jews in the Reich be, it could hardly be more flagrant than the treat- ment which Negroes get in America. Inhuman though the Hitler methods be, a parallel can certainly be drawn in the riots and the lynch- ings which are tolerated under our American brand of democracy. There is no difference in kind but a difference in advertised degree. Of course, Americans are not so much given to the sensational display which has characterized the German conduct. One finds records of lynchings and similar atrocities stuck away in the corners of even the most lurid scandal sheets. Americans are more subtle, preferring the more unobtrusive forms of discrimination. What has been done in Germany that has not been dupli- cated in America,? Schools, public hotels, public vehicles are segregated here, albeit not univers- ally. Intermarriage is frowned on in the effort to keep the white blood pure. Imposing economic fines have been levied by limitation of economic opportunity and segregation of jobs. And there has been the suggestion that Negroes be deported from America. It is a strange conscience indeed which will allow America to criticize Germany. Negroes, perhaps better than any other people, can understand the real tragedy in the situation of the Jew. For Negroes know the meaning of hopes blasted by the ignorance of discrimination, of dreams frustrated by the distorted sense of values which places a premium on the color of the skin. Negroes know all too well what it means to be carried by self-recognition of potential ability to the very heights of inspiration and ambition only to be abruptly dropped in the reality of life in a black circle described by the misapprehensions of jealousy. Negroes have ex- perienced that feeling of utter helplessness which comes only to those for whom Fate has decreed a life of kicking against the pricks. And yet we are proud. For we have taken those very pricks and have shaped them into piercing barbs of eloquent expression in the music and the literature of the land. We have fashioned from the black circle a cathedral of achievement. We have taken our circumscribed sphere and girded the loins of American culture. In return, our human rights have been denied, our very lives placed in the crude whimsies of depraved and color-struck morons. We have paid our tribute in benefits forgot. Our sympathy for the Jew can ring true with the sincerity of understanding. Why must this situation exist? Why can't we turn the mirror'of truth upon ourselves and let it show us what we know must be a hideous sight? If we feel obligated to rectify the situation, in Germany, how much more bound we should feel to rectify the situation in America. There will be those who will condemn the sentiments expressed here as an effort to take advantage of a tragic situation by an ungrateful opportunist. If we owe gratitude, it is only to a God who has given us the courage and fortitude to hold on to life and the patience to wain for America to rouse herself. There will be those who will attempt to dismiss disturbing thoughts by carelessly noting that we are lucky to be Negroes in America instead of Jews in Germany. Think how much luckier some people tare to be neither. There will be. those, I hope, who will recognize the injustice in American democracy, who will begin to think of equality and free- dom of opportunity in terms of all those possess- ing these rights. For surely it must be odd for the Jew to note that the sentiment against racial oppression in America originates in the segregated privacy of white democracy. -John S. Lash, Grad. Union Management Hit To the Editor; For incompetence and for utter disregard of the rights of members, the management of tIe Michigan Union has few equals in this country. First of all, the Union is a non-profit organiza- TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- WASHINGTON, Nov. 23-American business and industry, which used to think that Congress makes the laws, have been treated lately to a new form of legislative power exercised by a de- partment of the government in a manner that makes the old NRA seem a tame affair.1 For now the Department of Justice has under- taken to regulate American business, its market- ing practices and its competitive endeavors, in a scheme which far surpasses in its drastic char-i acter the NRA, which the Supreme Court of the United States, in the words- of the late Justic Cardozo, denounced as "delegation run riot" By use of a devise called the "consent decree," Thurman Arnold, Assistant Attorney General, has thrown a scare into American business which he, himself, insists is unjustified, but there's no denying he has got hold of a phase of govern-1 mental power which can affect American busi- ness stability very profoundly. In some respects, the old NRA was much bet- ter. Under its procedure, business men met with the administrator and discussed and agreed on a code. All interested parties participated in the hearings, there was n discrimination as against competitors, and the codes at least had the virtue of being arrived at without any form of duress, actual or implied. Criminal Indictments Now, under the scheme ievised by Mr. Arnold -and he is conscientious and sincere in his be- lief he has developed something constructive- the Department of Justice files criminal indict- ments and then waits for the defendants to come hat in hand to the Department begging for mercy. As a matter of fact, the Assistant Attorney Gen- eral says quite naively that he cannot tell them what to do and that he isn't insisting that they do anything, but, when they do come to his de- partment, they are given mimeographed copies of all previous press releases and departmental policies and they can, if they like, formulate a proposal putting an end to the practices com- plained of and also suggesting other self-rt -straints which will be in the public interest. Mr. Arnold declares that the presence of the criminal indictments has nothing to do with the negotiations for a consent decree, that he isn't agreeing in;advance to forgive past offenses, but that, if a good code is worked out, he will ask the court to let the defendants off and will tell the court that the reason he is doing this is because an agreement has been reached to re- frain from doing other things not covered by the indictments or the law itself. But here is a power exercised by one man which is greater than the power which Gen. Hugh Johnson ever exercised. Business men may have found fault with the General's "cracking down,"' and yet, as btween the Arnold method of threat- ening jail sentences and the treatment they got from NRA, they would a thousand times rather have the latter. Arnold Makes The La For one thing, the Assistant Attorney General is a law unto himself. He decides what is good or bad marketing practice because lfe approves or rejects proposals for consent *derees. He alone decides that mere agreement to stop doing something complained of isn't enough, but that as a penalty something additional must be agreed to which, admittedly, the Sherman Anti-trust. Laws do not cover. Everybody will concede that criminal as well as civil penalties should be imposed on law- breakers in the field of monopoly, but it also will be noted that the filing of criminal indict- ments on a technicality for a complicated ques- tion of economics is an abuse of governmental power. The unsatisfactory situation created by the lack of specific rules has been so widely recog- nized that the President asked Congress to ap- point a committee to study the matter. The so- called Anti-Monopoly Committee has arranged to survey the whole subject, but meanwhile Mr. Arnold has "scooped" the committee, the Con- gress and the President. He has put into-effect all by himself a new scheme to handle the problem of competition, and, when Congress gets back here in January, it will find that no legislation at all is needed-the Arnold Plan is so simple All that is required is for the Department of Justice to find a technicality of some kind on which to file a criminal indictment-and Mr. Arnold will do the rest. three years for liability insurance, but this does not protect the members in case of acci- dent. Anyone can be injured, crippled for life, or even killed there through no fault of his own, and all he (or his estate) can collect is three dollars anda half towards his emergency care if that is all the insurance company wishes to pay. The Union is a nnn-profit organization and therefore not subject to suit. It certainly seems strange that with all the legal talent available some equitable arrangement could not be made to remedy such a situation. I have been assured that the present system of liability insurance will not be changed, in spite of the fact that it should cost only about a hundred dollars instead of what the Union pays. Why should any insurance company be able to get away with the practice of insuring the Union for imaginary risks and charging them for real ones? The Union is a tax-exempt organization. The basis of its financing is the fee of five dollars a semester charged to every full time student for exclusive use of the Union. Being thus not de- pendent upon the good will of its users, it can waste its money on useless insurance, it can erg rv- - You of M By Sec Terry fore Heath PIONEERS of any age have had to stand the abuse of uninformed, rabble-rousers. Consequently, we will not deign to answer the calumny of a certain repudiated sports writer whose efforts, multiplied or magni- fied, still total zero-with the ring knocked off. Unfortunately, this de- luded hearst of the high swing has cowered behind the skirts of petite June Harris, a discerning young lady who, pitying his misdirected effusions, graciously offered her really excellent verse to bolster the wobbly supports of his perch. Sans soul, he can't un- derstand a devotee of the Muse; he is inextricably enmeshed in a maze of bagatelles and wan maunderings, and we shouldn't want to dignify the issue by mentioning it further. e* * IT WAS LATE Tuesday night when a young State Street socialite sneaked unobtrusively into the alley between the Helen Newberry House and archaeological museum, clam-, bered aloft the latter's fire escape and bommunicated with his estranged lady friend who awaited at the win- dow across the way. There had been a spat, and anxious to conciliate mat- ters, the dauntless romeo risked being pinched and thrown into the bastille as a peeping tom. He presented his case with matchless oratory but little effect. as the girl friend nodded him down. Finally, after many minutes of heated wrangling, an apparently amicable agreement was reached, and to seal it, the dangling casanova- his temper and tone heightened by the ordeal-shouted: "Now that's all settled!" And the motion was carried by acclamation as Newberry windows flew open and the concerted applause of twenty-odd Newberry nancies rang crisply through the still alley. Be- sieged by embarrassment, the young lothario retreated hastily down the fire escape and scurried into the night, wondering if love's spell was really all the magic it was cracked up to be. Luigi In The Huddle PERMIT us to dispose now of a couple of lingering grid stories before the season completely expires. The first concerns Luigi Levine, one of Michigan's quarterbacks who had his big inning against Ohio State last Saturday. Luigi was directing the Wolverine attack when Fred Trosko pranced across the goal line for the third touchdown of the afternoon, and when the team huddled, he' waddled out to look the situation over before calling the extra point play. He returned in a few seconds, leaned over and allegedly said: "Men of Michigan . . . I have just finished surveying the oppos- ing defense. This is one of the last few plays we will be able to perform for dear old alma mater, so . . ." Whereupon, he paused, closed his eyes and snapped, ". . . eenie, meenie, miny, mo. You kick the ball." His finger pointed to Norm Purucker, who hadn't tried a placement all year. It was probably just as well. The hero of our second yarn is Howard "Jeep" Mehaffey, the smil- ing fullback. Prior to the game, Me- haffey was promised an A by a sociol- ogy prof if he scored a touchdown against the bold Buckeyes. Well, when the big sophomore did enter the fray, he ripped off a sizeable gain on the first play and but for a final tackler he might have scored. Some time later, he came out of the game and the Soc prof was sitting on the bench. Smiling jeepishly as he passed, Me- haffey said, "Well, I oughtta get a B for almost scoring." i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at theC omfie of the Assistant to the President until 3:30: 11:00 n.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1938 should have their elections approved VOL. XLIX. No. 52 by the adviser in their proposed de- partment or field of concentration. Notices Arthur Van Duren, Chairman Academic Counselors. Smoking in University Buildings: Attention is called to the geneial rule Exibitions versity buildings except in private of- Exhibition, College of Architecture: fices and assigned smoking rooms Drawings submitted by students at where precautions can be taken and Minnesota. Cornell, Rensselaer Poly- control exercised. This is neither a technic, Massachusetts Institute of mere arbitrary regulation nor an at- Technology, and Michigan for an tempt to meddle with anyone's per- inter-school problem "A Science sonal habits. It is established and Group for a Small College." Open enforced solely with the purpose of 9 to 5, through Friday, Nov. 25. Third preventing fires. In the last five years, floor Exhibition Room. The public is 15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or invited. 30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes or lighted matches. To be effective, Exhibition, College of Architecture: the rule must necessarily apply to An exhibition of hand-made Christ- bringing lighted tobacco into or mas cards from the collections of through University buildings and to Professors J. P. Slusser and M. B. the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, and Chapin is now being shown in the pipes within buildings-including corridor cases, ground floor, Archi- such lighting just previous to going ecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, outdoors. Within the last few years except Sunday, through Nov. 26. The a serious fire was started at the exit public is invited. from the Pharmacology building by the throwing of a still lighted match Exhibit of designs, paintings, and into refuse waiting removal at the drawings by members of Alpha Alpha doorway. If the rule is to be enforced Gma ainlHnrr rli at all its enforcement must begin at Gamma, National Ionorary Archi- the uilingentanc. Frthr . tectpiral Sorority. Horace H. Rack- she ebuildingtentrance.Further,itham Building exhibition room, mez. is impossible that the rule should be znn loNv 6t 6 enforced with one class of persons if zanine floor, Nov. 16 to 26. another class of persons disregards it. The Wilson Ornithological Club It is a disagreeable and thankless and the Ann Arbor Art Association ts rulenste" ustacco1present an exhibition of bird prints, !This rule against the use of tobacco drawings, and paintings in the gal- within buildings is perhaps the most leries of the-Rackham Buildinga thankless and difficult of all, unless Friday to Saturday, 9-12; 2-5. it has the winning support of every- Monday (Nov. 28) to Saturday one concerned. An appeal is made to (Dec. 3) 2-5. adl persons using the University build- ings-staff members, students and others-to contribute individual co- Lectures operation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. University Lecwre: 1(2i"i Feyrig, This statement is inserted at the tiiret or of yr wellarimet of An- request of the Conference of Deans. trated lecture on "The Meeting of Greek and Iranian in the Civilization The University Bureau of Appoint- of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes- ments has received notice of the fol- day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi- lowing Michigan Civil Service Exam- theatre under the auspices of the Mu- inations. Last date for filing ap- seum of Classical Archaeology. The plications is given in each case. public is cordially invited. Juvenile Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor. Salary: $250-310, Dec. 6. French Lecture: The first lecture Game Research Ecologist. Salary: on the Cercle Francais program will $130-150, Dec. 6. take place Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 4:15 Game Research Mammalogist. Sal- p.m., Room 103, Romance Language ary: $130-150. Dec. 6. Building. Mr. Paul Leyssac of the fthpntrP R~inn d~ rip l'OAr in I Game Research Ornithologist. Sal- ary: $130-150, Dec. 6. Fisheries Research Technician, Salary: $130-150, Dec. 6. Machine BookkeepingSupervisor. Salary: $200-240, Dec. 5. Tabulating Clerk. Salary: $95-110, Dec. 2. The bureau has alsi received notice of the following Detroit Civil Service, Examinations: Last date for appli- cations to be filed is given in each case. Residence rule is waived for 1st and 3rd. Housing Manager (Male) Salary $4,200, Nov. 29.. Associate Architectural Engineer, Salary $4,200, Dec. 1. Engineer of Public Housing, Salary $5,750, Dec. 1. Complete announcements of the' above examinations may be read in the University Bureau of Appoint-' ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Otlice hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments, and Occupational Information. Academic Notices Zoology 31 (Organic Evolutionx): The second examination will be held Tuesday, Nov. 29. I will be in my office Monday, 2-4 p.m., Room 4097 N.S. A. F. Shull. Pre-Medical Students: All qualify- ing students wishing to take the Medical Aptitude Test must purchase their tickets immediately. Students e? !-e ejulineany I uv eAV4 II Paris and of the Civic Reperlory Theatre in New York will give a dra- matic recital in French. Tickets-for the whole series of lec- tures can be procured from the Secre- tary of the Romance Language De- partment (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The first in a series of lectures designed to point out the many unsolved prob- [ems in the various branches of bi- ology, will be given Monday evening; Nov. 28, 1938, at 8:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, by Dr. H. H. Bartlett. Dr. -Bart- lett will speak on "Botany's Unfin- ished Business." This lecture series is sponsored by the Phi Sigma Society. The lecture will prove of interest to all, and of special. inter'est to undergraduates who are contemplating advanced study in the Biological Sciences. The public is invited. Events Today Thanksgiving Day: An informal evening has been planned for Pres- byterlan students and their friends from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Student Center, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. A program of musical numbers and readings will be given. Services at the Hillel Foundation: 5:30 p.m., Orthodox services. 8 p.m., Reform services, sermon by Dr. Rabinowitz. 9 p.m. Social hour. Mrs. Jacob Sachs, hostess. C4oming Events Alpha Kappa Delta meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Room 172, Rackham Building. All members are invited. Dr. Stewart Lottier will be the speak- er. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the Rackham Building Sat- urday, Nov. 26 at 7:30 p.m. From there they will go to the Intramural Building for swimming or any other sports the group desires. Later re- freshments will be served at the club room. The Suomi Club will hold a meet- ing at 8" o'clock Friday, Nov. 25 in the upper room Lane Hall. All Finnish students are cordially invited. Cooperative Housing: Second meet- ing of men working on forming a new cooperative house for next semester Sunday, Nov. 27 at 3 p.m. in Room 306, Union. All interested are in- vited. AfAr n-irn+;r-Nri I I 1 1 q .1 I AI I I1 whose pre-medical requirement will be completed so that they can enter Belgian admiration for Mr. Cham- in the fall of 1939 a medical school belain has led that land to pay him where this 'examination is a require- a charmingcompliment; for, one ment foi entrance must take the test hears, it is now the fashion. for every at this time since it is giveik but once Belgian gentleman to imitate the a year. Students expecting to apply custom of Britain's Prime Minister, for admission to the University of and to carry an umbrella; which is Michigan Medical School must take no longer known as "un parapluie," this test. but as "un Chamberlain." More complete information may be The umbrella must be reckoned obtained in Room 4, University Hall. fortunate. It is now in a far different Watch this column for further an- case from its ally, the mackintosh, nouncements. which preserves only the name of an ----- individual signifying nothing to the Sophomores, College oW L.S. and A.: geneiral populace, and which with Second semester elections must be obsolescence is likely, thei efore, to apof uigte e-o rmNv enconterals oblvio Fortheapproved during the period from Nov. encounter also oblivion. For the 28 to Jan. 28. E-ach sophomore ex- "Chamberlain" must be placed in the cept those expechting to qualify for same category as the Gladstone col- concentration in February, 1939, will lar, and the Gainsborough hat, and be sent a postcard giving specific in- should it ever become extinct, the formation concerning the proper pro- recollection of it would be safely pre- cedure. It is the responsibility of each served by reason of the name attached individual to follow directions care- to i fully. Cooperation in making and One wonders if, at such a period in keeping appointments will give each the dim future, the recollection might stdndqaeopotnt ods not be entwined with many legends student adequate opporthi ctos celebrating this association of the cuss his elections with his consela man and the umbrella-if, for ex- and will prevent confusionand delay ample, Pitt's exclamation after Aus- Sophomores who expect to qualify terlitz, "Roll up the map of Europe!" for concentration in February, 1939, might not have then a companion t i t t 1 t.