j _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subs rlptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mall, $4.50. MEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Re resenative t 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor - Women's Editord Sport4 Editor' .7 Robert D. Mitchell. . Albert P. Meylo Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler * Bud BenJamin Business Department Business Manager Credit Manager . . . Advertising Manager. , Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman *William L. Newnan Helen Jean Dean . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDI TOR: JUNE HARRIS The editorials published in The Michigan paily are written by members of the Paly staff and represent the views of the writers only. GermanReuees And Nazi Myotiyes . . . I UMANITARIANS in democratic na- tions Who wish to aid the Jews perse- cuted and pauperized by the Nazi government find themselves faced possibly with a terrifying choice. If they extend help to the Jews, they may easily induce the Nazi government to continue the pogroms of murder, pillage and destruction in an effort to get rid of all the Jews in Greater Germany. At the present time, international facilities for taking care of the, refugees are so desperately inadequate, even for the present needs, that even so utterly depraved a set of barbarians like the Nazis do not dare evict the half million or so "pure" Jews, not to mention the "non-Aryans" and Catholics. If groups within the democratic nations do not extend aid, they leave the Jews at the complete mercy of the German government, which, already annoyed at the international protests which have been made against its policies, may feel a fresh need to satiate its sadistic urges. The matter is made all the worse because we are' not sure of the German government's mo- tivesin the continued persecutions of the Jews. On the one hand it inflicts terrible punish- ments on the Jewish people to force them, to flee the country, no matter at what risk of not being provided for by other nations, and on the other it refuses to allow Jewish emigration from Germany's borders. By holding the Jews as hostages for the good behavior of other Jews throughout the world, it backs them up against the walls of its torture chambers and closes every avenue of escape. But the problem is simple yet compared from another angle. Even if adequate arrangements are made by an international committee to take care of all Germany's destitute Jews, will the. German government allow these Jews to leave? As it is now, whenever the Nazis feel that the Germans (the pure Aryans) are worrying .too much about themselves and their problems, the simple expedient of drumming up anti-semitism and directing it to concrete objectives of de- struction provides a focus around which the unity of the German Reich is made again con- spicuous to the individual German and to other nations. The removal of this handy process mhight embarass the government to the extent that it does not contemplate allowing all its Jews to leave. Add to this complex the thought that the German government, entirely apart from its anti- semitism, might wish the wholesale emigration of its Jews provided they are not allowed to take any of their wealth along with them, for the sake of improving the economic conditions with- in the Reich. That is, the standard of living might be raised for the Germans as a whole by the simple process of robbing the Jews to enrich the Germans. This might easily prove a source of satisfaction to individual Germans who would profit from such a transfer and provide one means at least, of uniting them to support their government's policy. And so we grope for a solution, the finding of which is made all the more difficult by the cruel unreasonableness of savages bent on the ultimate destruction of the world. -Albert Mayio Why No Demonstration? To the Editor: I was indeed surprised and greatly disappoit- ed when I read the bulletin in the Detroit News that the deans of the University gave the really incredible reason for not allowing an hour's convocation for a demonstration protesting the unbelieveable, uncivilized Nazi persecutions, and the ridiculous levy of a million marks against the Jews of Germany. Under usual circumstances I might understand the excuse, but when the liberty of thousands are so openly and challengingly attacked and de- stroyed as is being done,, it is about time that we as citizens of the United States express our indig- nation. If the President of the United States can go through a most unusual procedure to let the Nazis know of our position on the matter; if special prayers for the martyrized Jews, Cath- olics, and other minorities are given, at the re- quest of the President, all over the United States -there is no reason conceivable as to why the usual procedure of the University cannot be withdrawn in favor of a matter of such para- mount importance to all of us. I am only sorry that I was not one of the many persons on the newly formed student com- mittee of Human Rights, and I hope that they have not given up their undertaking in vain. -Donald A. Simon We'relDoing It, Too To the Editor: When I read of the agitation for an Anti-Nazi Rally on the campus, I can not but raise the question: Why are we so stirred by the persecu- tion and atrocities in Germany, while we not only acquiesce but actually take part in the destruction of a great people in another part of the world? Is it possible that the faculty and students of the University of Michigan are not yet aware of what is going on in China? Do they not know that the military machine of Japan has thrust itself into the heart of a peace loving nation which was striving heroically to mold it- self into a democracy, that it has not only forced war on the soldiers of that nation, but has also continued to rape and burn and destroy civilian populations in the conquered territories in violation of all the sacred traditions of an ancient and great civilization? The July Reader's Digest gave extracts of "The Rape Of Nanking" from Ken, and when some people wrote him that it was impossible such things could be, that, it was.only propaganda like we got in the World War, the editor investigated and gave his find- ings in the October number. It did happen! The people who gave out that 'propaganda' were American missionaries, business people and con- sular officials, who in the name of humanity and for the sake of a people they believe in, have dared to tell the plain truth. Nanking is no isolated case. All over the coun- try the same things are happening. A doctor in Shansi, leaving his hospital because the Japanese made it impossible for him longer to serve the suffering thousands of Chinese and would have kept him to 'treat Japanese soldiers, most of them afflicted with venereal disease,' came home to the United States to tell the truth as he had seen it in six months of the Japanese occupation. He has an even more horrible story of the 'prac- ticed purpose' of the military machine to debauch a nation: homes razed for no other reason than that the owner wanted to close the door against danger, women violated, children torn from their parents, opium forced upon them, schools closed, thousands of people without food or shelter-at least seventy million people in China without sufficient food and clothing now. Japan's Advantage Perhaps American people do know that before the war began Japan secured the greater part. of her munitions from the United States; but surely they cannot realize that Japan is still being supplied by our own countrymen with materials to continue her atrocities. United States Senator James P. Pope reported that the United States furnishes 60.5 per cent of the oil, 41 per cent of the pig iron, 59.7 per cent of all other iron pur- chased by Japan, 92.9 per cent of the copper, 20 per cent of the zinc; and that 91.2 per cent of all the trucks, automobiles and parts and 48.5 per cent of all other machinery used by the Japanese in their 'war in China are furnished by the United States. It is the motorized units that have given Japan the military advantage over China. One writer says that at the present time we furnish everything but the 'man power' for the bombing planes. Hence my question: if we can so calmly assent to assistance going from our country in such a terrible aggression as that of Japan in China, why should we be so distressed at what is going on within the borders of another totalitarian state? Of course we should protest against Ger- many's acts, but we ought also then join togeth- er as a body, if possible, certainly as individuals, to stop our own part in what seems ever more terrible and without excuse. We can do this by urging our government to declare an embargo on all material to Japan, either primary or secondary war materials; and by continuing to boycott all Japanese goods. 1-eywood Broun Of all American holidays Thanksgiving seems to me the one most worthy of celebration, since it came originally from such an unexpected quarter. It would be an overstatement to call it the fanatics' feast day, be- cause the noses of our New England ancestors were nev- er quite as blue as they have been painted. But, at the very least, it is an annivers- ary wrung as a concession from the austere. There are people, particularly to the south of us, who go in for fiestas much more readily than was the custom among early Americans. In some of the Latin lands a holiday is proclaimed whenever two or three of like mind are gathered together. But the Pilgrims of Plymouth not only landed on a rock but proceeded to live on it. It was a real triumph of suppressed desires which induced them to depart from their flinty fashions long enough to say, "Let's knock off work for just one day and throw a party." Governor Bradford of Massachusetts was the man and 1623 the famous year. And in his, humble way Bradford did more to add to Ameri- can party gaiety than any Good-Time Charlie. A merrymaker who could gain a couple of yards around such a stern and rockbound end was really going places. * * * Something Less Than High ,inks Of course, the Pilgrims did sneak up on their resolve to let their hair down. As far as the origi- nal announcement went, it was something less than an official call to high jinks. The day was set apart for religious observance, and yet, even at the beginning, there must have been some hint that after a three-hour sermon it would be less than sinful to relax momentarily. We owe much to the Pilgrims, but we should also pick a bone with them, since they are primarily responsible for making turkey prac- tically obligatory as the center dish for the cele- bration. They hit upon the turkey, because it was the best the New England forests could afford. Or, at any rate, the bird got the nomination be- cause he was a clumsy flier and much easier to knock over than deer or duck or patrtridge. I'm for the preservation of old customs, and turkey is not so bad if minced or hashed. But, in spite of his clumsiness, he is too much the athlete to make him the finest of eating com- panions. Even when tamed he runs to muscle and sinew, and the man who has tackled a turkey dinner, light or dark meat, knows he has been in a battle before the pumpkin pie rolls 'round. The Pilgrims were probably wise, according to their lights. In consenting to a celebration they kept in mind that for both material and spiritual reason they could not go in for any Babylonian orgies. . . * , * The Advantage Of Turkey Back in 1623 the Indians were as thick in New England as magazine editors are today. I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that the Pequots were . thicker. And so there was always a chance that just after the soup and olives the host might be compelled to say, "I guess we boys had better put down our knives and forks and get. out behind the house to repel the varmints." That was the great advantage with having turkey as the en- tree. The dinner guest who gets the drumstick is always a little more ready for a fight than a frolic. And, on the whole, the situation back in old New England may have had its advantages. ..U..i1 By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Jose Iturbi Last night was piano night for the fiery young Spaniard who alternates between keyboard and baton, and a very good night it was: Mr. Iturbi had planned his program both wisely and well; wisely from the standpoint of his own particular temperament and capabilities, and well as far as musical interest and delight were concerned. Except for the Brahms Paganini Variations and a pair of Chopin encores, the evening was divided between the classic and early romantic and the modern-between which there is a more than curious affinity that Mr. Iturbi's peculiar virtues bring to light. Of classic, there was 'a D major Sonata of Haydn; of the budding romantic, Schubert's A major Sonata, Op. 120. Then came the Brahms and the intermission, and thereafter a succession of rhythmically and harmonically colorful French and Spanish pieces of the pres- ent century. By the "peculiar virtues" of Mr. Iturbi. we refer to his clear, glistening tone, usually per- cussive rather than opulent and roundly sonor- ous, and to his direct, transparent style, based on highly intelligent artistry and conveyed by a ravenous and forceful, if not mechanically perfect, technique. The opening Haydn was perhaps best of all suited to this objective yet completely expressive approach, and was delight- fully and soundly ingratiating without losing its classic sense of decorum. The Schubert Sonata, in contrast so liesurely and songful, was equally charming and equally amenable to the pianist's scarcely mellower tone and limpid style. The more lyric nature of its Allegro and Andante gave room for a little warm- er feeling than in the Haydn. In the finale Schu- The, FLYING TRAPEZE - By Roy Heath I I - 11 Harris Vs. Sec Terry As I have often suspected, Sec Terry will stop at nothing. As every-c one knows, Terry considers himselfI something of a poet. Given an oppor-4 tunity, he will either recite or set down in type his crumby doggerel, accompanied by sighs of resignationI from the fair and muttered curses from the brave. Sec's proud motherS never had to urge him to get up on a chair and "speak a piece" for the' company. Sec was standing on the chair when the visitors arrived andX nothing but the glassy look which used to come into the neighbors' eyes after the third poem, indicating that there would be work for a homicidec detail soon, could drive the young1 Terry from his perch.I Sec has a desire to display his. poetic ability which borders on the fanatical and it was not until I per- sonally bested him with my classic "Meditations While Riding On A Surfboard" that he showed any signs of letting up on the abomniable stuff which he calls poetry. Then The Trapeze was eclipsed by the shadow of the Dean's office. During thatl period Terry visited New York where, true to type, he went to a picture show in which Ronald Colman por- trayed the exploits of the fabulous Francois Villon. Besides being a versi- fier, Villon was also a handy boy with a sword. Terry saw light. It gave him pluck to think of himself swashbuckling about the campus with bull fighter's cape and a long sword. He saw himself as a second Villon,. ready to fight at the drop of a profes- sor's upper plate, ready to whip outf a toad-sticker and kipper anyone who had the nerve to offer a half- hearted murmur against his pusillan- imous poesy (how do you like that word Terry?). Terry, who doesn'tt know an epee from a toupe, tangledt and tripped in his own verbiage, now threatens violence to the only per- son who can protect Daily readers from his assault on their sadly used patience. Pull a knife on me, would you See Terry? Well, if you are that kind. I have no scruples about match- ing your black-hearted deed with one just as cowardly. I will hide behindc a woman's skirts. From now on I willk let June Harris, the same girl who t laughed off Orson Welles' Hallowe'en! Hoax for The Trapeze handle you.- She can spot you two iambic penta-t meters and a blank verse and stillt beat you. Here's her latest effort: t Thanksgiving DirgeI Thanksgiving is a merry time And students should be gay, But Michigan's received a blow That dims the joyful day.t Petitioning's been futile, We canot please the masses, We shall not have the week-end off,' We still have Friday classes. Oh the U. of M. is a sorrowful sight A virtual valley of tears But naught can be done, for the Council of Deans Has planned for the next ten years.' Seek you not a remedy,1 It cannot be arranged, For the Deans have planned a cal- endarc And plans can not be changed. Sing not a mournful melody, 1 Forget your -tale of woe,1 We must obey the powers that bec And bless the status quo. tb What matter if death and destruc- tion reign If society disappears,; Like the Rock of Gilbraltar, the Michigan plans' Will stand for the next ten years. -June Harris piquant little music-box waltz. With the Brahms Variations on a theme by the nineteenth century wizardof the violin, Mr. Iturbi came to some- I thing arbitrarily either more simple or more complex. Our artist chose the simple, putting the accent on Pagani- ni rather than on Brahms, with a whirlwind and showman-like perfor- mance that featured the keyboard, his own flashing control over the same, and all points of possible hum- or. If it was not the substantial Brahms that some might provide, it was nevertheless acceptable for its stunning sounds and the splendid dash with which it was played. The remainder of the program comprised a dissonantly percussive funeral march by Lazar, three short "perpetual motions" by Poulenc, the Ondine of Ravel, a "Plaintes, ou La Maja et le Rossignol of Granados, and the savage Ritual Fire Dance of de Falla, plus a total of one Debussy, two 'Chopins and two modern Spanish dances as encores. In all of these, de-' pending mostly either on clever rhythms, exotic harmonies, or sheer pianistic color, the natural bent of both the artist's tonal and technical powers and his native temperament stood him in brilliant stead, and one felt that for oncetthelong and vig- orous applause natural to HillAudi- torium was not unintelligent. It WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1938 f VOL. XLIX. No. 51i Notices A meeting of the Senate Committeer on University Affairs is called forE Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 23, at { 4:10 p.m. C. W. Edmunds. Chairman.Ic The Automobile Regulation will beE lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday 1 period from 12 noon op Wednesday, Nov. 23, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov.. 25. It is to be emphasized that carsc brought into Ann Arbor during this period must be taken out before 8t a.m. on Friday, Nov. 25.-t Social Directors, Sorority Chaper- ons, Househeads and Undergrauate Women: The closing hour for Wed-! nesday, Nov. 23, is 1:30 a.m.: for! Thursday, Nov. 24, 11 p.m.t Panhellenic Ball: Closing hour for women on Friday, Nov. 25. is 1:30 a.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is given in each case. 1. Principal Chemist, $5,600, Dec. 27.t 2. Principal Chemical Engineer, $5,-1 600, Dec. 27. 3. Chief Engineering Draftsman, $2,600, Dec. 19. Optional Branches:t 1. Aeronautical. 2. Architectural. 3. Civil., 4. Electrical. 5. Mechanical. 6. Structural.1 4. Airways Facility Specialist, $3,-t 800. Dec. 19., 5. Mechanic (Pneumatic Mail Tube' System), $1,680, Dec. 19.t Complete announcements of the above examinations may be read in the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments< and Occupational Information. 1 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12, and 2-4. On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, the Main Reading Room and the Periodi- cal Room of the General Library willt be open from 2-9 p.m. The Depart-4 mental Libraries will be closed. Books from other parts of the' building which are needed for use on that day will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request is made on Wednesday to an Assis- tant in the Reading Room where the books are usually shelved. Academic Notices Economics 153: The class will meets today..-__ _Tabulating Practice 103: (here will be no meeting of sections 1, 2 and 3 of this course on Wednesday, No, 23. Alan D. Meacham. Zoology °31 (Organic Evolution): The second examination will be held' Tuesday, Nov. 29. I will be in my office Monday, 2-4 p.m., Room 40971 N.S. A. F. Shull. Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar,° Room 4. University Hall. Sophomores, College of L.S. and A.: Second semester elections must be approved during the period from Nov. 28 to Jan. 28. Each sophomore ex- cept those expecting to qualify for concentration in February, 1939, will be sent a postcard giving specific in- formation concerning the proper pro- cedure. It is the responsibility of each individual to follow directions care- fully. Cooperation in making and keeping appointments will give each1 student adequate opportunity to dis- I cuss his elections with his counselorl and will prevent confusion and delay at the end of the semester. Sophomores who expect to qualify for concentration in February, 1939, should have their elections approved by the adviser in their proposed de- partment or field of concentration. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman Academic Counselors. Pre-Medical Students: All qualify- ing students wishing to take the Medical Aptitude Test must purchase their tickets immediately. Students whose pre-medical requirements will be completed so that they can enter in the fall of 1938 a medical school where thisnexamination is a require- ment for entrance must take the test at this time since it is given but once a year. Students expecting to apply for admission to the University of Michigan Medical School must take this test. More complete information may be obtained in Room 4. University Hall. Watch this column for further an- nouncements. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. floor Exhibition Room. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of hani-made Christ- mas cards from the collections of Professors J. P. Slusser and M. B. Chapin is now being shown in the corridor cases, ground floor, Archi- ecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Nov. 26. The public is invited. Exhibit of designs, paintings, and drawings by members of Alpha Alpha Gamma, National Honorary Archi- tectural Sorority, Horace H. Rack- ham Building exhibition room, mez. zanine floor. Nov. 16 to 26. Lectures University Lecture: Henri FAyrig Director of the Department of An- tiquities in. Syria, will give an il- lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of Greek and Iranian in the Civilization of Palmyra"-at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes- day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the Mu- seum of Classical Archaeology. Th public is cordially, invited. French Lecture: The first lecture on the Cercle Francais program will take place Tuesda, Nov. 29, at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Language wilding. Mr. Paul Leyssac of the theatres Rejane, and de l'Oeuvre in Paris and of the Civic Repertory Theatre in New York will give a dra- matic. recital in French. Tickets for the whole series of lec- tures can be procured from the Secre- tary of the Romance Language De- partment (Rgom 112, Romance Lan- guage Bidg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The first in a series of lectures designed to point out the many unsolved prob- lems in the various branches of bi- ology, -will be given Monday evening, Nov. 28, 1938, at 8:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, by Dr. H. H. Bartlett. Dr. Bart- lett will speak on "Botany's Unfin- ished Business." This lecture series is sponsored by the Phi Sigma Society. The lecture will prove of interest to all, and of special interest to undergraduates who are contemplating advanced study in the Biological Sciences. The public is invited. Events Today The Psychological Journal Club will meet today, 4 p.m., in the small amphitheatre of the Graduate School. Dr. M. H. Erickson, director of re- search at Eloise Hospital, will discuss "Experimental Analysis of Obsessive, Compulsive, Symbolical Drawing in the Case of Acute Reactive Depres- sion." Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will hold its regular monthly business meeting at 7:30 p.m. this eve- ning, in the west conference room on the third floor of the Horace H. Rackham Building. The speaker for the evening will be Preston E. James, Professor of Geography. Please note the change in date. It is hoped that ever member will make a spcial effort to be present. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar. Mr. G. W. Mulder will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "Effect of Viscosity on Boil- ing Film Heat Transfer Coefficients." Freshman Girls' Glee Club: There will be no regular rehearsal tonight; the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 30. Freshmen Glee Club: There will be "a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi- gan Union. Phi Delta Kappa. The second of the pre-initiation membership meetings will be held in the East Council room of the Rackham Building tonight at 7:30 p.m. The Intermediate Dancing Class will not meet tonight because 'of Ihanksgiving -vacation: t Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica will not meet this week. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, Dec. 30.eAn opportune announcement to the effect will appear in the D.O.B International Center: Wednesday, Nov. 23. Six-thirty. International Dinner. Ballroom of the Union. Guests should arrive promptly at 6 p.m. in order to get their dinner tick- ets and their table numbers. Come directly to the lobby on the second floor of the Union where you will be received by members of the Interna- tional Council. Thursday, Nov. 24. The Director's office will be closed, but the rest' of the Center will be open as usual. The usual tea and the Speech Clinic will 11 I4