Weather Moderate winds mostly north to northwest; cloudiness today. LYI fI&Iiriga ilattia f Editorial Giernman Refugees And Nazi Motives. __ ., OM PRICE, FIVE (EN' wm vtXVr Vn 7-323 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1938 i vmj I~GIN.D U ' ! ' 1 U.S. Seeking ToKeep Open Door In China Japan's Reply To Previous Charges Unacceptable To StateDepartment New Order In Asia Worries Diplomats WASHINGTO, Nov. 22--P)--In an effort to break a diplomatic dead- lock with Japan, the United States state department appeared to be pre- paring tonight to send a new note to Tokyo insisting that American rights in China be observed. Japan's reply to an earlier Ameri- can note, which demanded the main- tenance of the open door and com- plained that Japan was trying to monopolize Chinese trade, was char- acterized today by Secretary of State Hull as unsatisfactory. Japs Rejected Principles The Japanese reply had rejected all major contentions in the earlier American note and declared that "ideas and principles" of the past no longer applied to the Chinese situ- ation. Hull said today that the Japanese communication conflicted with the general position the United States has taken throughout its history. Officials acknowledged that it was the implications in Japan's remarks about past principles and about the creation of a "new order" in Eastern Asia. that troubled them most. Ob- servers have interpreted the remarks as an indication that Japan expects to dictate conditions under which foreigners shall live and foreign busi- ness be carried on in China. Promises Equality Although Japan promised equality of economic opportunity in China, officials here incline to believe she means that there should be equality among all foreign nations but that Japan in China is not a foreign na- tion. Informed students of governmental affairs expect the next American note to assert that the rights of the United States are. on- a par-with .those of Japan or any other nation. Gbrduates Elect Council Heads . For i 138-1939 Organization Started Last Year For The Integration Of Graduate Activities The newly-elected Graduate Stu- dent Council selected Henry Lyon, School of Education, as president for the coming year at their first meet- ing Monday night in the Rackham Building. Other officers chosen are John Os- born, physics, vice-president; Alfred Boerner, political science, treasurer; William Sullivan, chemistry, execu- tive secretary; and Margaret Hays, School of Education, recording secre- tary. The Council was innovated last year for the purpose of integrating all graduate activities and to spon- sor projects that might prove of value to the graduate student body., Among the projects to be considered by the group as soon as the various committees have been ,organized are, a cooperative book unit for graduates; a library for the Rackham Building; and, later possibly, a graduate dormi- tory. The Council will also present a more unified and interesting social program, including dances, intra- mural sports, informal teas, graduate luncheons, and coffee hours. Murphy Is Grateful To U.S. Democracy LANSING, Nov. 22-()---Governon Murphy called upon the people of Michigan in a Thanksgiving proclam- ation tonight to rejoice in a govern- ment that "is'the servant and nol the master of the people." "In other parts of the world," he said, "peoples are plagued by forms of discrimina- tion and conflict. "We may still be grateful that here men have freedom to express dis- agreement with the heads of the state; through theuse of the ballot to remove peacefully one administratio in favo+of another; and to determin thlirp~l rinn a nA,-l~iipm faiths by Berlin Defies Democracies By Sharpening Program Propaganda Minister Goebbels Announces Germany Will 'Stick To Guls' On Jewish Problem; Hitler And Chamberlain Relations Are Cool (By Associated Press) Germany pushed steadfastly ahead I with her Jewish suppression policy yesterday despite increasingly plain indications that the program was isolating her from the United States, Great Britain and France. German Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels inauguratd a series of 1,500 anti-S~emitic meetings to bel staged during the coming months by, telling 2,000 propaganda workers of Berlin that the Nazis will "stick to their guns" on the Jewish problem. He attacked foreign criticism. "If the English want to conclude a bind-1 ing friendship with the German' people," he said, "they should nott make this friendship dependent on inner political German circum- stances." Negotiations for improvement of' German-British and German-French relation were cooling, and Washing- ton showed further concern by send- ing. a note to Berlin asking for as- surances tht American citizens would not be affected by decrees ousting Jews from German business. With the British and French Prem- iers and foreign ministers scheduled to meet in Paris today, the British Cabinet approved an agenda of their talks which avoided the question of colonial concessions to Germany. The. German drive against Jews and Ger- many's indifference to the British . . Seyrig To Talk About Palmyra Noted Authority On Syria Will Give Speech Nov. 30 Henri Seyrig, director of the De- partment of Antiquities in French Syria, will give an illustrated Univer- sity lecture at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30, in the Amphitheatre of the Graduate School on "The Me ting of Greek and Irannia in the Civilization of Palmyra., M. Seyig's lecture here is one of several Norton Lectures for the Ar- chaeological Institute of America be- ing given at colleges and universities throughout the United States. As director of the Department of Antiquities and of the Damascus In- stitute of the University of Paris, he has published many articles on Pal- myrene civilization in "Syria," a mag- azine devoted entirely to archaelogi- cal study. M. Seyrig, who is especi- ally interested in American archaeol- ogy will visit Santa Fe during the Christmas holidays in order to study the exhibits there. Students May Pass Day In Library Thanksgiving The main reading room and peri- odical room of the general library will be open from 2 to 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving day. All departmental libraries will be closed. William W. Bishop, librarian, has announced that books from other parts of the building which are needed for use on that day will be made available in the main reading room if the request is made today to an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. appeasement program caused shelv- ing of the topic. Germany and France exchanged good-neighbor assurances as the new French ambassador, Robert Coulon- dre, presented his credentials to Chancellor Hitler at Berchtesgaden, but these assurances were merely oral-not written as had been ex- pected-as a ,result of French parli- amentary opposition to the Nazi anti- Semitic drive. There was speculation whether Hungary was falling into the Nazi sphere following resignation from the Hungarian Parliament of 61 mem- bers of Premier Bela Imredi's party of national unity. It was persistently reported Germany had made repre- sentations to Hungary flatly oppos- ing extension of Hungarian power over Eastern Czechoslovakia. As a re- sult the Premier's political status was shaken. Fall Elections Restore South To Old Power WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-(fP)-The changed party complexion of the new Congrepss due to Republican gains in Senate and House is not the only significant election result which will confront the Administration leader- ship when that Congress assembles. Democratic losses in the north and west returned the southern and bor- der state Democrats to the balance- of-power position in the party that they held before the Democratic con- gressional sweeps of 1934 and 1936. And the Democratic line-up from the south and the so-called border states like Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee and Oklahoma, is virtually unchanged from the old Congress. The election brought only a few new faces from that area. Already there is speculation as to just how this realignment of relative strength between the northern and western Democrats on the one hand and those from the "solid south" and border states on the other may affect party policy-making either in the next Congress or in the 1940 presi- dential race preliminaries. This situation has intensified the talk among Washington political ob- servers as to whether the southern Democrats will insist that the old "two thirds rule" be restored at the Democratic National Convention in 1940. This rule required a two-thirds vote for a presidential or vice-presi- dential nomination. For a century, it gave the solid south virtually a yetc power over candidates. It was dropped in 1936 only be- cause re-nomination of Franklin D Roosevelt was a certainty. An effori to revive it in 1940 by party forces hostile either to a Roosevelt third- term candidacy or to selection of a Roosevelt-dictated "New Deal" tickel appears certain. Whatever comes of such a move- ment, the fact is obvious that the Democratic losses in the 1938 elec- tion have served to entrench the sout more firmly than ever in the ke positions of the new Congress-an prospectively in some congresses t come. Stock Yards IWill Oppose CIOStrikers Plant Allows Temporaryj Truce To Expire; Henkle Shows Defiance In Crisis Police Stand Guard As Pickets Parade CHICAGO, Nov. 22.- (A) -The' management of the stock yards today announced operations would be con- tinued despite a strike of CIO union- ists. "We will continue to operate," stated O. T. Henkle, vice-president and general manager of the Union Stock Yards and Transit Co. "We have been in business 65 years. We are going to continue to do business." He issued this defy an hour before a trading truce expired at 5 p.m. but declined to outline his plans for mov- ing livestock through the nation's largest market without benefit of the striking handlers. Under an agreement with the Pack- ing House Workers Union, the 60,000 cattle, sheep and hogs -heided into the corrals since the walkout yester- day morning were sold. Pens Are 'dTeeming The squad mile f pens teemed with men and animals throughout the day. Clerks and cQmmission men guided the stock to the weighing chutes. Thence they were led to the slaughter houses. It was indicated the dispute would reach a crisis, tomorrow. Approxi- mately 10,000 head of stock were ex- pected to arrive from the country then. Charles R. Rice, president of the Chicago Livestock Exchange, made up of buying and selling agents, told reporters he had entered into a "gentlemen's agreement" with the Union. It will permit the commis- sion men to feed and water the in- coming animals. But farmers had been advised, he added, not to send any more stock to the yards. The accumulation of animals as- sured continued operation of the packing plants until the Thanksgiv- ing holiday at least. 'No Peace Parley i- Seek Inquiry Into Pitt "New Deal' Athletics. PITTSBURGH, Nov. 22 -P)- A long-smouldering controversy over football at Pitt broke wide open to- day. with Chancellor John G. Bow- man assailing interference "from un- official managers who want to sit in the press box." Bowman's outburst preceded by an hour a charge by Pitt's varsity letter club, comprising 900 former athletes, that he had rejected a proposal for an "impartial" investigation of ath- letic affairs. The Chancellor, in one of his in- frequent addresses to a student as- sembly, turned suddenly from gener- alities to a hot blast at critics of the Bowman "code" which put Pitt ath- letics on a "strictly amateur basis" a year ago. His speech apparently was pro- voked by the student newspaper's demand for an explanation of the athletic situation and ieports of a threatened strike of freshmen football7 players. The freshmen complained they were being "dunned" for pay- ment of tuition notes, which they claimed they signed as a formality. Angrily, Bowman denied that he was unsympathetic to football or un- friendly to Coach Jock Sutherland,; pledged continuance of the "code," and blamed athletic troubles on "un- official managers" inside and outside the university. He added: "Only half an hour ago I received a threat, and I have received numer- ous others, telling me that I must back down in my stand on Pitt's athletic policy or take the conse- quences." Dr. Norman C. Ochsenhirt, head of the Letter Club, declared Bow- man refused the suggestion for an investigation and declined action up- on a memorandum handed him by club representatives on Nov. 17. The memorandum charged Pitt's athletic affairs were in "a terrible muddle," laid the blame on inefficient management, and appealed to Bow- man to "take hold of this mess and clean it up. Set our athletic house in order." Pool Bo Ir 'Spoof unCup'-Award Menaces Engine Pro fs Engineering professors quivered in their boots yesterday when the American Society of Mechanical En- gineer's local chapter announced that it will hold its annual "Roast" ban- quet on Dec. 7 at the Union. The high-spot of the annual af- fair, will be the presentation of the venerable "Spoofuncup" to the pro- fessor who is adjudged the "most lo- quacious lubricator." According to Mark Stoddard, '39, publicity chair- man, the winner is "in reality the most popular faculty man in the En- gineering College." The bonquet also affords engineer- ing students their only opportunity of the year o""heckle" their instructors. Traditionally, "anything goes," Stod- dard said. Nominees for the "Spoofuncup" will be announced soon after tickets go on sale Tuesday. 150 Are Dead In West Indies MountainSlide Probe Of Football Control Seen; Students Called To Testify At Questioning Of Loeal Cigar Store Proprietor Losses Estimated To Reach $9,000 By NORMAN A. SCHORR A general investigation of football pools and other gambling devic'es in Ann Arbor, which have "taken" stu- dents and townspeople for about $9,000, was seen in the offing last night with the arrest and arraign- ment of John R. Pieters, of Kala- mazoo, charged with the operation of one of these pools. Several students will testify in Pieter's examination which was set by Justice of Peace Jay H. Payne for 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1. Among them is Earl Iolloway, Jr., '40BAd, of Flint, who lodged the formal c'om- plaint with Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp. Complainants Not Liable The possibility offered by Edward F. Conlin, counsel for Pieters that these students, who are prepared to offer incriminating evidence against the alleged bookmaker, will be liable for similar prosecution under the gambling law, was denied last night by Prosecutor Rapp, He termed this (just a "groundless scare." The charge against Pieters, is the operation of a football pool based on chance, Mr. Rapp explained, and this charge is based on the statute which holds no one but the operator liable for criminal prosecution. Local authorities have been con- stantly after these bookmakers, the prosecutor declared, and, their efforts have been impeded at all times by their failure to secure persons who would testify. A general cleanup was not deemed impossible if adequate testimony could be secured in the criminal proceedings against these gamblers. b i i; u1 b Murphy BOOsts Pensions Plan Governor 'Sure' Fitzgerald Avalanche Buries Towns And Scores Of Rescuers After Continuous Rains CASTRIES, St. Lucia, Nov. 22--0) -One hundred and fifty persons wereI believed dead in landslides in the in- terior of. this British West Indies island tonight as rescue workers waded through mud and water seek- ing other, victims. A mountainslide eight miles long buried two hamlets and many of their inhabitants last night. Rescue workers laboring all night recovered 45 dead and 60 injured, but this morning a new avalanche buried all of the dead again in addi- tion to many injured and sevexal rescue workers. r Shortly after the first avalanche, 50 laborers were swept into a river when a house in vWhich they were sheltered slipped away with an acre of land. Of the few saved, six died in the night. Continuous rains the last three weeks apparently caused the disaster. There were reports, however, that the landslides might be of volcanic origin, since the meteorological sta- tion of neighboring Martinique issued a warning Saturday that disturb- ances could be expected Monday or Tuesday. No peace parley was arranged. Union members-estimated to num- ber 575 by officials of the organiza- 1 tion-left the yards after they ceased work. Pickets paraded at the Halsted St. entrance. A force of policemen remained on guard duty. Henkle said the strike would have no effect on the International Live- stock Show. Thousands of prize farm' animals were scheduled to arrive' before the exposition opens next Sat-' urday in the International Amphi- theatre in the stock yards. First to reach the grounds .were 45 carloads of prime beef steers from Schleswig, Ia. They were accom- panied by 40 farmers, who will care for them. The stock was moved to pens near the Amphitheatre. Britsh Colonel To Speak Here Stewart - Roddie Promises' Dramatic Presentation Col. W. Stewart-Roddie, of Lon- don, England, author of "Peace Pa- trol" will introduce a unique lecture form in his Oratorical Association ad- dress here Tuesday. Entitled "European Mosaic," Col. Stewart-Roddie's lecture will com- prise a series of sketches forming a comnprehensive "mosaic" of facts- tragic and humorous, romantic and realistic. More than a mere lectureir he is recognized as a supreme actor who recreates vividly and dramatic- ally the scenes and characters he is describing. The present ,"mosaic" which Col. Stewart-Roddie is creat- ing for American audiences consti- tutes an accurate account of existing conditions in the European countries contributing most vitally to the worli political situation. Medical Applicants To Be Tested Dec. 2 All students expecting to apply for admission to the Medical School of the University in September, 1939, must take the Medical Aptitude Tes1 . of the Association of American Medi. cal Colleges which will be given fron I vr uiiier fIuu*es I LANSING, Nov. 22--)-Governor Murphy said today he was "very sure" the succeeding Republican State Ad- ministration will continue the de- velopment of a retirement plan for state employes already begun by a special pension study commission. Murphy said the study group he appointed was considering a com- pulsory retirement clause in legisla- tion which it is. preparing to submit! to Gov.-Elect Frank D. Fitzgerald' within 90 days. A retroactive provision will correct injustices resulting from the dismis- sal of veteran state employes who failed to qualify for their positions under the new, civil service system, he said. Murphy also expressed the hope that the commission would "leave the way open for cities and counties to participate in the plan." Commission Meets Here Monday Gov. Murphy's pension plan study commission will meet here Monday to begin work on the preliminary re- port for its proposed pension plan for state civil service employees. Whatever plan is recommended will be on nothing short of actuarial basis, according to Prof.-Emeritus James W. Glover of the mathematics de- partment, the chairman. The plan will have sound reserves as sound as those of any insurance department, he said, with the indication that con- tribution to the fund may be on a 50-50 basis between employees and the state. University Seeking To Buy Half -Block A J i Students Not Paid Action by the student was instigat- ed when Pieters, graduate of the University in 1922 and owner of the City Cigar Store at 106 E. Huron St.. did not pay off students and townspeople an estimated $3600 in winnings. Holloway "won" $80 and other students reported unpaid win- nings ranging from $1.75 to $00. The bookmaker's offer to pay $2 for every $1 bet, was rejected by a crowd of 100 students Monday at the downtown cigar store. Piete;s said that his backers' had "skipped" on him, and he too had been victimized. Students were also involved in three other pools which operated from De- troit and Chicago, and whose opera- tors also left town this past weekend, without meeting obligations estimat- ed to reach more than $9,000, it was learned last night. One of these, re- putedly controlled by Harry Gordor and Larry Rodman, with headquart- ers at the Richtin Recreation Hall or Dexter Boulevard in Detroit, main- tained representatives throughout the football season in many of the fra- ternity houses. This firm, although "hit hard' earlier in the season, had been paying off consistently, and aroused sus picion Monday afternoon whenit dcs not come to Ann Arbor for the cus- (Continued on Page 2) Adult, Education Group To Meet Great Lakes Conference Convenes Here Dec. 2 Adult education leaders from Ohio and Michigan will meet here Dec. 2 and 3 in the second annual Great Lakes Regional Conference on Adult Education. Primary goals of the conference, which is combined this year with the 15th annual Michigan Conference on Adult Education, will be expansion of the scope and effectiveness of adult education in the Great Lakes area. Sponsors of the conference include the Michigan and Detroit Councils on Adult Education, the American Association for Adult Education, and the University Extension Service. Points of view in adult education, the co-ordination of agencies for an adult education program, and the community school program will be principal topics to be dealt with in the general sessions of the confer- ence. Michigan Child Guidance Institute Attacks Delinquenic y Sci'ntifically (Editor's Note: This is the eighth in 1 a series of articles explaining the work of various sociological research, ser- vice, and training groups at the Uni- versity.) By MORTON JAMPEL In a program designed to aid Michi-I gan communities in establishing ade- I quate facilities for coping with social problems, the seven-month-old Mich- igan Child Guidance Institute has set up a unique and elaborate system for handling juvenile delinquency. Its first and most important source of cases is Clinton, Oakland, and Monroe counties. The Institute uses what is termed by Dr. Lowell Carr, director, as the "full-study plan." Under this sytem the Institute, which can reach only 1 per cent of the de- linquent children in the state, man- ages to secure an equalized distri- bution of the cases in these coun- travel a circuit of the three counties. Before the unit is scheduled to ap- pear the County Committee selects the cases to be handled, collects soci- ological data, and has the children examined by a doctor, general pre- paring for the work of the Institute's experts. The two social workers arrive first, while the psychiatrist is concluding his work in the last county, and they take over the cases, study the data collected by the County Committee, and then verify it and amplify it through a series of interviews. After a week the psychiatrist comes in and the social workers move on to the next area. The psychologist stays for ap- proximately two weeks and during that time each child has several ex- aminations, and interviews with him After a circuit has been completed { i 1 s 1 a Loyalists Repulse Insurgent Attacks HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), 'Nov. 22-(P)---Spanisl Government advices from the Segn river front said tonight that the In surgents, after several days of coun terattacks, had failed to crack th Government line. The battle died down yesterday, th Government reported, with the In surgents abandoning at least tem porarily their campaign to push th Barcelona troops back to the eas bank of the Segre. The line on the West Bank, estab lished Nov. 7, linked the towns c Sebros, Aytona and Soses, south of a important highway between Frag and Lerida, an Insurgent-held ap proach into Catalonia. Japs Prepare To Take Changsha And Nanchan rea For Dormsl University officials are attempting to facilitate negotiations for the pur- chase of the half-block area opposite the University Elementary School so' that construction of the new $1,- 150,000 men's dormitory can be hast- ened, it was announced yesterday. Other groundwork of the Univer- sity-PWA building program will be laid today at a special meeting of Local Churches Join For Thanksgiving A community Thanksgiving service will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in the Graduate School at which ministers representing the various local churches will participate. Those taking part in the services are Rev. W. P. Lemon, First Pres- byterian church; Rev. Henry Lewis, SHANGHAI, Nov. 22-4)-Jap ese forces in central China have c