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November 22, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-22

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American Youth Hostels Enable
Cyclists To See America First'
The price-tag on travel no longer need force American young people with
a wanderlust to stay at home. The American Youth Hostels, with 177 lodgings
arranged along scenic "trails" in nearly every section of the country, offer.
youths an opportunity to travel at an average cost of a dollar per day.
Brought here from Europe in 1934. the idea of youth hostels has-fostered
an organization of 25,000 members. Hostelers are constantly at work on new
lodgings, narrowing the gaps in the trails crisscrossing the nation. Michi-
gan's 38 hostels permit young people -_
to plan trips to almost any part of
the state. Rural Areas To Get
The hostels, placed at convenient* New Fire Prwection
intervals along the trail, offer super-, N wFr Pr ec__
vised lodgings and cooking facili-
ties at 25 cents a night, plus a fuel
charge of 5 cents in summer and 10 within a seven mile radius of Ann
cents in winter. The usual distance Arbor will be offered soon or a com-
between hostels in America is 50 mercial basis.
miles--one day's biking distance. Charges for the services will be
Each country has its characteristic computed on the insured value of
type of hostel. In America they are property, with a 10-dollar fee as the
most often in old farm houses, with
the farmer and his wife as house par- lowest one possible for property in-
ents. Representative of this American sured up to $5,000, and an increase
type is the Ann Arbor Hostel, a re- of $1.50 for each additional $1,000
modelled farm house on the Ply- of valuation.
mouth Road fari of Mr. and Mrs. Two fire trucks will be provided,
W. H. Kemnitz, the house parents. with 400 gallon tanks as part of their
One of the country's finest hostels equipment in case water is not avail-
is on the Saline Valley Cooperative able. The fighters also plan to use
farms near here. It has facilities for cisterns, wells, and, other sources of
horse-back riding, an artificial lake water if necessary, 'although as Ken-
for swimming and excellent furnish- nethWill, a partnerginethe venture,
ings.. pointed out, the average amount of
The Ann Arbor and Saline Hostels water used by the Ann Arbor fire de-
are links in a newly developed trail partment in extinguishing a roof fire
extending to Benton Harbor, thence is only 60 gallons.
to Chicago and on around Lake
Michigan to Wisconsin. Similar trails
lead through New England, the East, Mail On Thanksgiving
the Great Smoky Mountains of the 'Special'
South and the Rocky Mountains of Can Be Sent pectaen
the West. The local Post Office department
National organization of the hos- reminds students that mail to be
tels centers in Northfield, Mass., delivered Thanksgiving Day, or any
where the first American hostel was hioliday, should be sent special de-
founded in 1934 by Isabel and Monroe livery. Many students were disap-
Smith, now national directors. The pointed Arristice Day because they
country is divided into eight regions, received no regular mail. This could
with fieldworkers supervising local have been avoided, the postmen
hostels. Each localunit is sponsored pointed out, by the use of the special
by a committee of citizens of the delivery service.
community. The local post office has a person-
The aim of American Youth Hos- net of 10 men who make 11 special
tels is to enable youth to "see Ameri- delivery runs on week days and four
ca first." runs on Sundays and holidays.


To Elect Officers

Nominations for: president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer and
social secretary of the Public Health
Journal Club will be made at the
sanitation lecture today. Officers will
be elected at a meeting tomorrow.

Botany Club Meets Today
The Botanical Journal Club, com-
posed of botany majors and the de-
partment's faculty, will meet at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 1139 of the Nat-
ural Science Building.

. lassified Direetory

FOR RENT-Nicely furnished and
heated apartment, reasonable. Cor-
ner Baker and G. Street, Dexter.
Auto for sale-fine condition. 208
FOR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower for three. Also newly
decorated double, steam heat, con-
tinuous hot water. Garage available.
Phone 8544, 422 East Washing-
ton. 204,
FOR RENT-602 Monroe. Now avail-
able, 2 and 3 room newly furnished
apartments. Fireplace. Bachelor
apartment, electrically equipped
kitchens. Baths with showers. 210
FOR RENT - Furnished six room
house. Sun porch. Attractive
grounds. Available Dec. 1. Phone
9806. 211
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935.
or 2-1416. 79
LOST-Writing part of Sheaffer
fountain pen between East Physics

and League. Reward. Phone 2-4514
Betty Spangler. 213
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
SPECIAL! Regular $5.00 Eugene
Permanents $3.25. Shampoos and
finger waves 50c afl week. College
Beauty Shop. Phone 2-2813, open
evenings. 212
Thanksgiving. Room for 2 passen-
gers. Call 7235 after 8 p.m. Mon-
day. 209
buys 25 acres on Main road, 8
miles out. Old fashioned barn
on property. $600 buys 10 acres.
$1500 down and $100 per year, 4
plus interest buys a $7,500 farm
of 115 acres, good soil. Well-
fenced, excellent buildings and
frontage on good fishing lake.
928 Forest Phone 2-2839

Seyrig Speaks Wednesday Hazelrigg Will Visit Here
Henri Seyrig, director of the De- To Stud Youth Problem
partment of Antiquities in Syria, will
give an illustrated University lecture Mr. Hal W. Hazelrigg of the Ameri-
Wednesday, Nov. 30, in the amphi- can Youth Commission will visit
theatre of the Rackham Building on Michigan in the near future and talk
"The Meeting of Greek and Iranian with Dean James B. Edmonson of
in the Civilization of Palmyra." the School of Education, Dr. Ed-
monson was informed in a letter re-
NAVY PICKS FLEDGLINGS ceived recently.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-(P) - The American Youth Commission,
The Navy today assigned 44 aviation formed in 1935 by the American
cadets for flight training at the Council on Education, is investigat-
Pensacola, Fla., naval air station in ing the youth problem in various typi-
the class beginning Nov. 28. cal states throughout the country.
I' All in December's

*~~1 efaed5 M% I.f61Z%.NST
64* V74 949S 1Y/SYEE" A W


It may be "all Greek" to some people, but to the
instructors at the U. of M. it ought to be simple
Loans of any amount up to $300 can be obtained
here-without co-signers or endorsers-without any
publicity--without the kind of security usually
required elsewhere--by any one having the ability to
repay in small regular amounts, except students.
376 offices in 28 States
round Floor Wolverine Building
Phone 4006
10th year in Ann Arbor i<?_ _
221-203 S. Fourth Avenue FINANCE COMPANY
N. W. Horn, Manager

You'll find the latest in attractive ARROW SHIRTS at


Pick up a few of these
good lookers today, at
your nearest Arrow

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